''The Confidential Weekly Of The Coin Machines Industry'' I. 7, No. 19 WEEK OF JANUARY 21, 1946 7^ WurlTIzer’s INCLUDES WALL BOXES Take a look at Wurlitzer*s new Model 3020 five, ten, twenty-five cent 3 wire or wireless Wall Box. Then inspect another Wurlitzer eye- stopper, the 30 wire, five cent Model 3031. They are smaller, easier to clean, easier to service. Their mechanism is bug and dust- proof. They are housed in new streamlined, highly polished metal cases that pick up and reflect surrounding colors with striking eye- appeal. These extra coin collectors are leaders in looks, in serviceability, in sure-fire showman- ship that means profits. See them all at your Wurlitzer Distributor^ The Rudolph Wurlitzer* Company, North Tonawanda, New York. *The Name That Means Music To Millions ODEL 3020 (above). This 5, 10, 25 cent 3 Wire all Box has a removable mechanism and can be lickly converted from a 3 wire system to a 2 wire stem by addition of a line cord, or to a wireless stem by addition of a Model 215 plug-in wireless snsmitter and line cord. Wireless system requires stallation of a Model 216 plug-in radio impulse ceiver in the phonograph. ODEL 3031 (right). New style horizontal dial pe selector adds to appeal of this 30 wire Wall [>x. A special Model 218, 30 wire terminal box required in phonographs for 30 wire systems. WuRUTzER EXTEND ITS www.americanradiohistory.com knit, more “A.M.I. quality and A.M.L sovereignty have will be happier, more closely the needs of the already produced a family spirit between faithful to one another and to similar organization factory, distributor and operator that bespeaks public at large than any musical marvels and unparalleled benefits in the history of our industry.” ( Eaton, Automatic Instrument Co to come. I sincerely believe that this family DeWitt Doc) www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com PUBLICATION CHICAGO 1, ILL 32 W. Randolph St. OFFICES Room 1608 Tel. DEarborn 0045 381 Fourth Ave. Helen Palmer, Mgr. New York 16, N. Y. LOS ANGELES. 15 “THE CONFIDEiNTlAL WEEKLY OF THE COIN JMACHIiNES CALIF. All Phones: INDUSTRY” 422 W. nth ct. MUrray Hill Tel. PRospect 2687 ISSUED EVERY WEEK BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY REPRODUCTION IN WHOLE OR IN PART FORBIDDEN Marshall Micon 4-7797-7798-7799 Mgr. WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. COMPLETE CONTENTS COPYRIGHTED Vol. 7, No. 19 Serial Number 227 Week of January 21, 1946 *^The Coin Machines Merry-Go-Round’^ WHAT ABOUT TAXES? By Bill Gersh the Federal government is being asked to tremen- FOREWORD — The clamour from our readers for dously lower its taxes and that certain communities concerted action to assist in solving the many thruout the country have suddenly come to the de- tax problems now facing them brings up the cision that this is the time to again soak the coin necessity for a "National Tax Council”. At the machine industry, is too involved and much too request of many coinmen, we reproduce an complicated to answer. editorial which appeared in a previous issue. Suffice it to state at this time that the Federal reported In the issue of January 14, The Cash Box government will be receiving less taxable revenue. in ever increasing that letters are being received In addition, there is expected to be a severe period numbers from many coinmen who have been in- of unemployment thruout the nation. Regardless increase formed that their city is planning to greatly of how many jobs reconverted factories can offer, license fees to obtain as much income as possible they can never completely take care of the millions from industry. of men and women who are returning from the armed forces, plus the millions of workers who are At this time Omaha is fighting a tremendously waiting to return to their former jobs. increased license fee ordinance on both its pin games and phonos. Chicago has a $50.00 per year phono Therefore, each and every community in the na- Philadelphia is also facing an increase tax ordinance. tion seeks larger public works projects. That is also as a pin in its phono license fee to $25.00 as well why there is a great drive afoot now to ‘get teen age license increase. Angeles faces the prospect game Los youngsters back into schools and colleges. That is also of a $25.00 per year phono license, as well as an why returned service men are being asked to finish additional $1.00 for each wall box. their schooling. And why women are also being urged to return to homes, instead of to their former Other cities thruout the nation are reporting jobs. similar licensing problems. It all adds up to the fact that the Federal govern- It is well known that from the beginning of his- ment, because there is such a demand in almost each tory, the one important question that has confronted and every bill that is being pushed thru Congress, all peoples and all rulers, has been taxes. Taxes build must lower personal taxation as well as business taxes governments and destroy them. Low taxes mean to help bring this country to a freer economy. Some- freedom. Likwise, high taxes can mean slavery and where down the line the states, cities and villages even bankruptcy. will have to raise the differential, so that the service- men and women, who will return to these com- : It is noteworthy to state here and now that al- munities, will be assured the employment which was, has and is, promised them. i most from its very first issue. The Cash Box fought (and will continue to fight) for a "National Tax Council”. It is sorrowful to state that those What is easier for a politician to attack j than this held in the vise of coinmen who have never been coin operated machines industry? Flere there is no i sudden and severe taxation measures have little feel- I "National Tax Council” composed of learned and ing for the coinman, many miles distant, who is expert men who can forestall higher taxation. In I raising tax wave. 1 suddenly caught in a revenue fact, is there any sort of group that can come to the fore and plead the cause of this business before Whether there is any link between the fact that the tax bugs who are trying to further drain the www.americanradiohistory.com The Cash Box Week of January 21, 194& ^^The Coin Machines Merry-Go-Round^’ profits of those who operate the equipment of this own powerful lobbies behind them and great organ- industry? izations to protect them fight lower taxes—someone must make up this lost differential. And what in- dustry is better suited for such increase than the There is not even as yet in existence a library, or coin machine business? a central office, where coinmen can go to obtain in- formation regarding all the coin machines taxes thruout the country. There is no one place that Here is an industry that sprawls over the entire contains tax information necessary to the good and nation. It has met with great approval from the welfare of the man in this business who may suddenly general public. The words "pin games”, "juke and desperately require it. There is no one spot boxes”, "cigarette machines”, "candy venders”, where he can obtain tax records, precedents of "scales”, and all other equipment have become as former tax cases, tax ordinances, or other data which familiar to the young as they have to the old. might prove of help to him in allaying greater tax- ation. This industry, because it is sprawled here and there over the nation, because it isn’t joined together in a The Cash Box has offered itself and its files as a common cause to protect itself and to nurture and central location so that all men in this industry can foster its greater growth, has become the easy prey have the use of these when the time for such need of those politicos who seek the limelight of the front arises. As yet only a few have answered this appeal. page and who wish to appease the thinking people. It is the hope of The Cash Box that all will come These "thinking people” realize that the treasury in to the fore and will help create a tax information their state or city must have money to keep public center. All coinmen have at their fingertips at this works projects in action for the benefit of those time the tax data relative to their own communities. men and women who will return from the armed By sending this information to The Cash Box all in forces, as well as for the benefit of all others who this industry will have one centralized location will be unemployed. where they can obtain whatever tax data they want and need in times of stress. This industry has as yet devised no method for its self protection in such instances. That very first A "National Tax Council” is so desperately needed essential of man, self preservation, is actually ne- that to continue to repeat more and still more rea- glected by the members of an industry which has sons for this great and urgent necessity actually grown so great it has captured international atten- seems infantile. Here is something that is so vital, tion. There is no one who can point to any organiz- that the men in this industry can no longer do ation in this field which could step to the fore for without it.
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