VOLUME I ISSUE 5 SEPTEMBER 2008 K OLKATA P OLICE We care for you. NEWS IN THIS ISSUE Unit of the Month G News G Events G Achievements G Community Policing G Crime News G Important Helplines and Website From the Desk of the Editor IN THE MONTH OF AUGUST, 2008, TWO VERY SIGNIFICANT initiatives were launched by Kolkata Police. ‘Kiran’, a project on computer literacy for the under-privileged section of society was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of West Bengal. The 12-week training programme is a pilot project in computer applications. The second initiative was the inauguration of the ‘Green Police’ – a joint programme of Kolkata Police and Kolkata Municipal The ‘Green’ initiative and Kiran Corporation – by the Hon’ble Chief Minister of West Bengal. THE HON’BLE CHIEF MINISTER OF WEST BENGAL, SHRI BUD- This voluntary force will assist the municipality and the police DHADEB BHATTACHARJEE, INAUGURATED TWO PROJECTS in day-to-day civic and policing/traffic duties. OF KOLKATA POLICE –‘KIRAN’ AND THE CIVIC POLICING Prabaho completed 10 years. A special blood donation VOLUNTEER PROGRAMME KNOWN AS THE ‘GREEN POLICE’ programme was inaugurated by the Hon’ble Health Minister of AT ITS BENIAPUKUR WORKSHOP ON 2 AUGUST. West Bengal at the Town Hall to celebrate the occasion. 375 In the photograph from left are also MIC, Information Technology police personnel and civilians donated blood on that day. Dr Debes Das, , the Mayor of Kolkata, Kolkata Municipal Corpora- To increase the security consciousness of the citizens of the tion Commisioner, Addl. Chief Secretary and Home Secretary, Shri city, several steps were taken by us. Meetings were held with Ashok Mohan Chakrabarti, and Commissioner of Police. Many the public and other stakeholders, leaflets were distributed other dignitaries and officers of the force were present. and awareness campaigns were organised. Kolkata Police is Kiran is a free computer literacy programme for the underprivi- setting up a Special Task Force to fight terrorism. leged section of society, specially women. Twenty boys and 20 We have got favourable responses on the newsletter from girls are undergoing 12 weeks of training in computer applica- various quarters. Those who are closely involved in the making tions. They will be awarded certificates from Brainware and of the newsletter have to take time out from a gruelling Kolkata Police. Brainware will also provide its faculty. Rotary schedule to piece together the various parts that make up the Club of Calcutta donated computers and accessories for the publication. Some readers have suggested a quarterly instead project. The Beniapukur programme is a pilot project which will of a monthly issue. It makes sense because a quarterly could gradually be expanded to cover all police divisions. grow into a meatier publication. Your suggestions are invited. Continued on page 3 EDITORIAL BOARD Chairman: K Hari Rajan: Additional Commissioner of Police (IV), Kolkata Editor: Sudhir Misra, Spl. Addl. Commissioner of Police and Jt Commissioner of Police (O) Member: Javed Shamim: Deputy Commissioner of Police (1), Detective Department Member: Manab Bandyopadhyay, Public Relations Officer, Kolkata Police K OLKATA N The importance of being Central The house of Swami Vivekananda on Bidhan Sarani Division BEING THE MOST IMPORTANT PART OF UNIT OF THE MONTH: Central Division the city, many landmark institutions and buildings of immense historical impor- THE CENTRAL DIVISION WAS THE and bounded by Ram Dulal Sarkar Street, tance are located within the Central Divi- ORIGINAL SEAT OF KOLKATA POLICE. Ramesh Dutta Street and KK Tagore sion. Among them are the house of IT WAS SUBSEQUENTLY EXTENDED Street in the North, part of Bidhan Sarani, Rabindra Nath Tagore that now houses AND NEW DIVISIONS WERE FORMED. College Street, APC Road and AJC Bose Rabinbdra Bharati University, pioneer ed- IN A STATUTE PASSED IN 1778 THE Road in the East, Strand Road, Strand ucational institutions like Presidency Col- STRENGTH OF CALCUTTA POLICE WAS Bank Road, and part of J L Nehru Road in lege and Calcutta University, the RAISED TO 700 PAIKS, HEADED BY 31 the West and Alimuddin Street, Kyd legendary Nakhoda Mosque founded by THANEDARS AND 34 NAIBS UNDER Street, Marquis Street in the South. the Gujarati fishermen community, the ONE SUPERINTENDENT. BY 1794, CAL- The division has a population of approxi- Tipu Sultan Mosque founded by Tipu Sul- CUTTA HAD 25 POLICE STATIONS, mately 3.5 million. About a million travel tan, the Marble Palace of Raja Subodh WITH MOST LOCATED WITHIN THE to the division through Howrah and Seal- Mullick, Medical College Hospital, the PRESENT AREA OF CENTRAL DIVISION. dah Railway Stations in search of work. house of Swami Vivekananda, Mahajati By 1856 the whole city of Calcutta was Central Division policemen face the chal- Sadan, West Bengal Assembly House, modelled along the London Metropoli- lenge of supervising the entry and exit of Writers’ Building, GPO, Lalbazar Police this large flow of people every day. The tan Police structure – three sections, Headquarters, Raj Bhawan and the Indian other big challenge is the protection of namely, Northern Section, Middle Sec- Museum. Their protection has been one almost all the major government estab- tion and Southern Section. Each section of most important duties of the police in lishments of the State. consisted of six thanas. In the 20th Cen- Central Division. Besides, the police re- tury, Calcutta Police was further reorgan- The largest wholesale markets of eastern main busy every day trying to regulate ized and divisions were created and India lie in the Central Division area. processions, public meetings and demon- strations, most of which take place on police stations relocated. Some are more than 200 years old. The vicinity of Mirbahar Ghat which was fa- Rani Rashmoni Avenue or on J L Nehru The present day Central Division com- mous for its cotton and cotton yarn trade Road opposite Metro Cinema Hall. The of- prises nine police stations – Burrabazar, during the East India Company days is ficers and men of Central Division know Posta, Jorasanko, Girish Park, Hare Street, still a vibrant market. Daily transactions that they oversee law and order in the Bowbazar, Muchipara, Taltalla and New run into several crores of rupees. There- most congested and politically volatile Market. fore dacoity and robbery are the other part of the city, so their committment to The area of Central Division is abutted big challenges for the Central Division. the job can never flag. On 12 Sep 2008, two 10-year-old boys, Sanjoy Halder and Raja Mullick, were found crying near the Vivekananda Road-C R Avenue crossing. All they could tell policemen from Girish Park Police Station was that they were students of St. Paul’s School. The police finally found that they were students of 33/1 Raja Ram Mohan Sarani branch. The boys, after a good meal, were taken to the school. P OLICE NEWS Raj Bhawan, the residence of the Governor of West Bengal NEWS: Fighting Crime, News and Achievements Sometime during the night of 15 Febru- The Anti-Dacoity and Robbery Squad of DD The ‘green’ initiative ary 2007, Ravinder Kaur Luthra (51) of arrested four persons – Mongal Mallick, Tripura Enclaves, 59, Ballygunge Circular Durga Roy alias Lambu, Ram Swarup Mallick and Amar Mallick – and found the looted and Kiran Road, was strangled with a dog belt by her wrist watch and the Walkman from them. All From front page full-time domestic servant Nikku Yadav. He of them were charge-sheeted. After the trial, then broke open Luthra’s bedroom almirah Ld. 4th ADJ, Alipore, sentenced all four to and robbed cash worth about Rs350,000, rigorous imprisonment for 5 ½ years. diamonds, jewellery set with rubies, costly wrist watches, etc., worth about Rs800,000 On 25 July 2008, around 1-20 p.m., some and 400 US dollars. Early that morning, he criminals armed with firearms and bhojalis left a bag containing the money and jew- broke into the ground floor office of a jew- ellery with one of his friends in Alipore with- ellery manufacturing unit at 52/A, Bidhan out telling him what it contained. Yadav Sarani and took away three mobile phones, then enacted a cleverly thought-out drama some credit cards and a wrist watch. They to cover his tracks: at about 7-35 a.m., he then walked up to the first floor and tried to The Hon’ble Chief Minister at the Kiran centre was found on the road complaining that he loot gold ornaments. When the owner of the unit and his employees raised the alarm, The Green Police programme is a venture had been hit by a bicycle at Jadu Babur the robbers fled. The Anti-Dacoity and Rob- of Kolkata Police and Kolkata Municipal Bazar near Bhawanipur. He was taken to SNP bery Squad of DD arrested nine people in Corporation. Under this programme, a Hospital. August and recovered two of the looted voluntary force has been raised from The Homicide Squad of DD investigated the mobile phones, five improvised revolvers among members and players of clubs case and finally arrested Nikku Yadav of and 23 live cartridges. It was discovered that participating in the Friendship Cup (Para) Banka district, Bihar. The entire loot was re- the gang was also involved in three other re- covered from his friend’s place. The dog belt Football tournament and weaker sections cent robbery cases in Entally, Burrabazar that was used to kill Luthra was also seized. of society. After basic training, they are and Amherst Street police station areas. now on the road helping Kolkata Police The Homicide Squad submitted charge- Late into the night of 7 February 2008, and Kolkata Municipal Corporation in sheet against Yadav.
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