I - M W fCHggTER HERALD. Rrldav, Oct. 17. H Truck crash sets off propane Masts SPORTS U f f KF M) PI l S WOODRUFF, Utah (AP) - which were killed. and were not injured, he said. it’ s burning' itself out. W e have Ctwrtar change M Ht iackwar Firefightere watched thousands of One hundred emergency The exploding tank threw debris firefighters at the scene, hot W Ilin kfdi oak gallons of propane burn today alter workers, some from Idaho and 3,000 feet, but no dam age was there’s no danger of an exidoeion a cattle truck crashed into a Wyoming, were sent to the scene reported outside the facility, because the pressure is out — it's prog and eons to toumajr berfli tfM hard ones 2S,00S-gallon tank o f the fuel, after the explosion Thursday even­ Ralph’s V-l Propane Service, down past theboilingpoint line, but settingoff explosions that killed the ing. The initial Mast was followed which is Just north of Woodruff, 02 it’s still burning.’’ t m t l 1 1 driver and i^ ited a second, larger 20 minutes later by the explosion of miles northeast of Ogden near the tank. a propane truck in the Rant’s, Wyoming border. The firefighters were staying a Officials evacuated 20 to 25 garage, the sheriff said. Officials considered exploding half-mile from the f i r e , which waS families in this northern Utah town Two mechanics inside the gar­ the 30,000.gallon propane tank, the expected to take six to 24 hours to of about 250 people after the age fled after the first explosion sheriff said, "but we didn’t have to. bom out, Mattson said. explosion, which was visible from more than 20 miles away, said Rich County Sheriff Thad Mattson. There was concern the second. 30,000-gailon tank would explode, but the danger passed and the fire was being allowed to bum itself out 6 A R D C M S early today, Mattson said. y i ^ o o d t a n d ) V* ^ ■ Tp ;- - i The truck driver had not been 'W iHaudirfitrr Hrralft w 109 Woodland a _ w identified, and it was not known whether he was alone in the tm ck, WE CARE to soli you Iho ftnsst Quality at Mattson said. AP photo Fair Pricas. “ We have absolutely no idea who WHO WE CAREww'.m.sw. toa w 0• •lva w w youj w w thoa r r v basta # w v i aarvfcoW r v l W Sofurdiy, Oct. IS. 19SS was in the truck because it has A O O kiHMsIadga, 30 Cents Burning propane lights the sky in Woodruff. Utah, melted completely to the ground, Thursday night after a cattle truck crashed into a but anyone in the truck is certainly J x • WE CARE togivayouth#largaatvartaty dead." he said. 22.000-gallon tank, setting off two explosions and WE CARE to maka your shopping aaay Penny, Irish causing a 30,000-gallon tank to catch fire. The truck, a tractor-trailer rig, Center Pond was loaded with cattle, most of llBMSplMli-VIlMi- MUMS lace off on RMH-HraoMMM fe M p M i id g fe y I f * M « M 9 » f Shamir named prime minister Fippiri • Bmpr • let fer * M MrMiNNiilK ligpllie i9|MlM - iriiM Trsaz fire destroys 1" Ike im -fiem llkr." iRm n i U ig i t fewB iB lig i consolidation JERUSALEM (AP) -President itary involvement in Lebanon. “There are some very worri­ tlM ii * Oiaim Herzog today designated Peres remains as caretaker until some signs." said Shamir, in an T k iH siiii Mihosoo kreM Wire, fene TWrgm. Eli. Yitzhak Shamir as prime minister, Shamir, a taciturn former anti­ apparent reference to a terrorist C Bv John F. Kirch commencing an unprecedented colonial guerrilla fighter and spy, grenade attack in Jerusalem on r p f n n M p e M $ town creche 0 0 8 0 Harold Raporfar transfer of power from the left­ is sworn in. Wednesday and the next day’s NOLUND BULBS leaning Labor Party to the right- Before that can take place. retaliatory air raid on suspected Stephen T. Penny and Wallaee J. Iriah Jr., wing Likud bloc. Shamir, who was prime minister Tgflgt, Asit--------10/2" 9 7 guerrilla bases in south Lebanon. two opposing forces in the battle between the Likud leader Shamir, 71, is for 10 months in 1983-84, must By Alex GfrefM open when he arrived. “We must remain alert and Oiffitfili----------- 10/2" 12 town and the Eighth Utilities District, want scheduled to take over from present his Cabinet for a vote of Adseclete EdHor Years ago the two-story lodge ready to repel e y e ry attack, both HrNtothi---------- 10/0" faca-to-face Friday night to debate a tpiastlon socialist Shimon Peres under the confidence In Parliament. was used as a skating shelter when inside Israel and beyond its Manchester voters will answer in November. terms of a tenuous coalition The vote, guaranteed to be CriCM. Ant_____ I0/I" A late Friday afternoon fire at Center Springs Pond was the most borders,” Shamir told reporters The 45-minute debate, which was sponsored agreement worked out two years favorable because of the coalition’s RWlBji - - 9 r m popular skating area in Manches­ outside the president’s residence. the Center Springa Pond lodge by the Manchester Herald and the Journal T ago. He assumes the post at a time strength in Parliament, was ex­ ■ n d W k - tm m tn m - i n - ter. In recent years, the building “ There must be no wavering, no deatroyed the nativity scene* that Inquirer, will be broadcast on Cox ^b fe of escalating terrorism and mil- pected Monday. has been used chiefly for storage. neglect." EraMkw - Mi ami have been displayed each year for Channel 13 at a date to be amtounced. the paat IS yeara in the center of While the lodge has been a Arguments centered on a referendum question Manchester and at Robertaon fre<iuent target of vandals. Rivosa that will appear on the ballot Nov. 4. Canada vows Park. The fire atoo did extenaive could not recall a previous fire A handful of people watched aa a reporter dam age to the lodge. there. Neither could William from the Herahaid and one from the J1 asked tlw pair questions at the Cox Cable studio on Parker Town of Manchester Fire Chief Wagner, a park department em­ to fight duty Street. The debate was moderated by the John Rtveaa said arson would be ployee who said it bad probably League of Women Voters. considered ae a possible cause. An been a couple of weeks since any By Tom Roum The tone of the debate reamalned polite but authorized person entered the The Associated Press Investigation Is underway, he said. Intense as the two faced off on a question which building. Mayor Barbara Weinberg vi­ has divided Manchester. W ASHINGTON - Canada is sited the scene on Friday, and said The nativity scene was first vowing to fight a Reagan adminis­ lake a Look she’ll encourage a coirimunttywlde displayed at Center Park south of W A T BALLOT QUESTION asks residents tration decision to slap a 15 percent fund drive to replace the nativity Mary Cheney Library In 1999. It whether to remove two provisions In the Town duty on Canadian softwood lumber scenes, which were originally was purchase from public dona- Charter that currently allow district voters to Imports, but American producers fend off consolidation. A "yes” vote would bought through public fund drives. tiona at a cost of 93.799.77. The and Pacific Northwest lawmakers remove those provisions and pave the way for stable was built by students at say the U.S. move will boost an “ I was very sad.” Weinberg said consolidation of the town and the district, Howell Cheney Regional Voca­ ailing industry. , after viewing the scene "It really something district voters are strongly opposed In Ottawa, Canadian Trade J H H a i T H H I H tional Technical School with to. was a beautiful thing” lumber donated by the W.G Minister Pat Carney condemned At present, for consolidation to take place, the U.S. action as a surrender to All the nativity scene figures, as Olenney Lumber Co. district voters would have to approve the move. N "harassm ent by U.S. Interest well as the large candles and the If the provisions in the Town Charter are In recent years, however, the ■ I groups against com petitive and sleigh used to decorate the Munici­ scene has been put up on the lawn of removed, the method of consolidation would fairly traded Canadian exports.” pal Building In the Christmas Center Congregational Church at follow rules set up in the state Home Rule Act, 8 “We will pursue all avenues season, were burned beyond the Center. which would callIfoi for only one townwide vote on available to us to argue against this HE OBVEirsiaT. repair. the matter. Since oiit-of-dlstrict votera out- determination," including press­ The Manchester natlvtty scene nuinbar "a tric t voters by about three-to-one. ing Canada’s case before the "They were all pretty much was moved after complaints had uiinghg thetiH Home" Rule Act la aeen aa an eaalar Geneva-based General Agreement melted.” said Deputy Fire Chief been made elsewhere In Connecti­ way for the town to merge with the district, on Tariffs and Trade (G A T T ), <r t James McKay.
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