Federal Communications Commission § 90.1333 if sufficient evidence is presented, e.g., (2) Base and fixed stations may be lo- due to shading of the array or coher- cated within 150 km of a grandfathered ence loss in the beam-forming. satellite earth station provided that (3) If a transmitter employs an an- the licensee of the satellite earth sta- tenna that operates simultaneously on tion and the 3650–3700 MHz licensee mu- multiple directional beams using the tually agree on such operation. same or different frequency channels (3) Any negotiations to enable base and if transmitted beams overlap, the or fixed station operations closer than power shall be reduced to ensure that 150 km to grandfathered satellite earth the aggregate power from the overlap- stations must be conducted in good ping beams does not exceed the limit faith by all parties. specified in paragraph (b)(2) of this sec- (b)(1) Except as specified in para- tion. In addition, the aggregate power graph (b)(2) of this section, base and transmitted simultaneously on all fixed stations may not be located with- beams shall not exceed the limit speci- in 80 km of the following Federal Gov- fied in paragraph (b)(2) of this section ernment radiolocation facilities: by more than 8 dB. (4) Transmitters that emit a single St. Inigoes, MD—38° 10′ N., 76°, 23′ W directional beam shall operate under Pensacola, FL—30° 21′ 28″ N., 87°, 16′ 26″ W the provisions of paragraph (b)(2) of Pascagoula, MS—30° 22′ N, 88° 29′ this section. NOTE TO PARAGRAPH (b)(1): Licensees in- (c) Mobile and portable stations are stalling equipment in the 3650–3700 MHz band limited to 1 watt/25 MHz EIRP. In any should determine if there are any nearby event, the peak EIRP density shall not Federal Government radar systems that exceed 40 milliwatts in any one-mega- could affect their operations. Information re- hertz slice of spectrum. garding the location and operational charac- teristics of the radar systems operating adja- § 90.1323 Emission limits. cent to this band are provided in NTIA TR– 99–361. (a) The power of any emission outside a licensee’s frequency band(s) of oper- (2) Requests for base or fixed station ation shall be attenuated below the locations closer than 80 km to the Fed- transmitter power (P) within the li- eral Government radiolocation facili- censed band(s) of operation, measured ties listed in paragraph (b)(1) of this in watts, by at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB. section will only be approved upon suc- Compliance with this provision is based cessful coordination by the Commis- on the use of measurement instrumen- sion with NTIA through the Frequency tation employing a resolution band- Assignment Subcommittee of the width of 1 MHz or less, but at least one Interdepartmental Radio Advisory percent of the emission bandwidth of Committee. the fundamental emission of the trans- mitter, provided the measured energy [70 FR 24726, May 11, 2005, as amended at 77 is integrated over a 1 MHz bandwidth. FR 76248, Dec. 27, 2012; 80 FR 36222, June 23, 2015] (b) When an emission outside of the authorized bandwidth causes harmful § 90.1333 Restrictions on the operation interference, the Commission may, at of mobile and portable stations. its discretion, require greater attenu- ation than specified in this section. (a) Mobile and portable stations may operate only if they can positively re- § 90.1331 Restrictions on the operation ceive and decode an enabling signal of base and fixed stations. transmitted by a base station. (a)(1) Except as provided in para- (b) Any mobile/portable stations may graph (a)(2) of this section, base and communicate with any other mobile/ fixed stations may not be located with- portable stations so long as each mo- in 150 km of any grandfathered sat- bile/portable can positively receive and ellite earth station operating in the decode an enabling signal transmitted 3650–3700 MHz band. The coordinates of by a base station. these stations are available at http:// (c) Airborne operations by mobile/ www.fcc.gov/ib/sd/3650/. portable stations is prohibited. 525 VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:55 Jun 04, 2021 Jkt 250218 PO 00000 Frm 00535 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB § 90.1335 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–20 Edition) § 90.1335 RF safety. above the power limit defined in Licensees in the 3650–3700 MHz band § 90.1333, only if they can positively re- are subject to the exposure require- ceive and decode an enabling signal ments found in § 1.1307(b), 2.1091 and from a base station. Such units will be 2.1093 of our Rules. afforded protection within the licens- ee’s Grandfathered Wireless Protection § 90.1337 Operation near Canadian Zone (as defined in §§ 96.3 and 96.21 of and Mexican borders. this chapter) until April 17, 2020 or (a) Fixed devices generally must be until the end of their license term, located at least 8 kilometers from the whichever is later (with one exception U.S./Canada or U.S./Mexico border if that mobile and portable stations asso- the antenna of that device looks within ciated with licenses issued after Janu- the 160° sector away from the border. ary 8, 2013 will only be afforded protec- Fixed devices must be located at least tion until April 17, 2020). 56 kilometers from each border if the [80 FR 36222, June 23, 2015] antenna looks within the 200° sector to- wards the border. PART 94 [RESERVED] (b) Fixed devices may be located nearer to the U.S./Canada or U.S./Mex- ico border than specified in paragraph PART 95—PERSONAL RADIO (a) of this section only if the Commis- SERVICES sion is able to coordinate such use with Canada or Mexico, as appropriate. Subpart A—General Rules for the Personal (c) Licensees must comply with the Radio Services requirements of current and future Sec. agreements with Canada and Mexico 95.100 Basis and purpose. regarding operation in U.S./Canada and 95.101–95.299 [Reserved] U.S./Mexico border areas. 95.301 Scope. 95.303 Definitions. § 90.1338 Grandfathered operation and 95.305 Authorization to operate Personal transition to Citizens Broadband Radio Services stations. Radio Service. 95.307 Authorized station locations. 95.309 Coordination procedures and other re- (a) Fixed and base station registra- strictions for operation in certain loca- tions filed in ULS on or before April 17, tions. 2015 that are constructed, in service, 95.311 Correspondence and notices from the and fully compliant with the rules in FCC. part 90, subpart Z as of April 17, 2016 95.313 Penalties for violations of the Com- will be afforded protection from harm- munications Act or FCC rules. ful interference caused by Citizens 95.315 [Reserved] Broadband Radio Service users until 95.317 Registration of antenna structures that may constitute a menace to air the end of their license term (with one navigation. exception that fixed and base stations 95.319 Malfunctioning transmitting equip- registered under licenses issued after ment. January 8, 2013 will only be afforded 95.321 [Reserved] protection until April 17, 2020), con- 95.323 FCC inspection of station. sistent with § 90.1307. Protection cri- 95.325 Interference. teria for such registered base stations 95.327 Restricted operation. 95.329 How to contact the FCC. are described in § 96.21of this chapter. 95.331 Permissible uses. Registrations originally filed after 95.333 Prohibited uses. April 17, 2015 will only be afforded pro- 95.335 Operation of non-certified transmit- tection from harmful interference ters prohibited. under this section within the licensee’s 95.337 Operation of impermissibly modified Grandfathered Wireless Protection equipment prohibited. Zone, as defined in §§ 96.3 and 96.21 of 95.339 Operation of transmitter with exter- this chapter. nal device causing rule violation prohib- ited. (b) Existing licensees as of April 17, 95.341 [Reserved] 2015 may add new mobile or portable 95.343 Station operator responsibility and stations (as defined in § 90.1333) and/or requirements. add new subscriber units that operate 95.345 Remote control. 526 VerDate Sep<11>2014 16:55 Jun 04, 2021 Jkt 250218 PO 00000 Frm 00536 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V5.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Federal Communications Commission Pt. 95 95.347 Automatic control. 95.747–95.755 [Reserved] 95.349 Network connection. 95.757 Duration of RCRS Communications. 95.351 Station identification. 95.759 [Reserved] 95.353 False distress signals. 95.761 RCRS transmitter certification. 95.355 [Reserved] 95.763 RCRS channel frequencies. 95.357 Duration of transmissions. 95.765 RCRS frequency accuracy. 95.359 Sharing of channels. 95.767 RCRS transmitter power. 95.361 Transmitter Certification. 95.769 [Reserved] 95.363 Channels available for use. 95.771 RCRS emission types. 95.365 [Reserved] 95.773 RCRS authorized bandwidth. 95.367 Transmitting power. 95.775–95.777 [Reserved] 95.369 [Reserved] 95.779 RCRS unwanted emissions. 95.371 Emission types. 95.781–95.785 [Reserved] 95.377 Tones and signals. 95.787 RCRS additional requirements. 95.381 Voice obscuring features. 95.789–95.899 [Reserved] 95.385 RF exposure evaluation. 95.391 Manufacturing, importation, and Subpart D—CB Radio Service sales of non-certified equipment prohib- ited. 95.901 Scope. 95.393 Instructions and warnings. 95.903 Definitions, CBRS. 95.395–95.499 [Reserved] 95.905 Authority to operate CBRS stations voided by violation of operating rules. Subpart B—Family Radio Service 95.907–95.917 [Reserved] 95.919 CBRS replacement parts.
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