THE INFLUENCE A 10-WEEK ZULU STICK FIGHTING INTERVENTION PROGRAMME HAS ON MOTOR PROFICIENCY AND HEALTH-RELATED PHYSICAL FITNESS OF PREPUBESCENT ZULU MALES SABELO ABED-NEGO NXUMALO THE INFLUENCE A 10-WEEK ZULU STICK FIGHTING INTERVENTION PROGRAMME HAS ON MOTOR PROFICIENCY AND HEALTH-RELATED PHYSICAL FITNESS OF PREPUBESCENT ZULU MALES By SABELO ABED-NEGO NXUMALO Submitted in the fulfilment of the academic requirements for the degree MASTER OF SCIENCE (HUMAN MOVEMENT SCIENCE) In the FACULTY OF SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE (Department of Biokinetics and Sport Science) University of Zululand December 2010 SUPERVISOR: PROF MF COETSEE PROF SJ SEMPLE CO-SUPERVISOR: DR GK LONGHURST ii DECLARATION I hereby declare that this study represents the original work by the author and has not been submitted in any form at another University. Where use is made of the work of others, it has been duly acknowledged in the text and included in the list of references cited. ……………………………. S. A. Nxumalo 31 December 2010 iii DEDICATION This dissertation is dedicated to my parents: PHILEMON MLINDO NXUMALO (1936 - 1978) Missed terribly THEMBEKILE BHEKENI NXUMALO For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that fully well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be (Psalm 139:13-16). iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study would not have been possible without the co-operation and assistance from other people and institutions. The author humbly wishes to express sincere gratitude towards the persons and institutions whose names appear below: My supervisor, the late Professor MF Coetsee , for the valuable time he spent on this piece of work. Prof Coetsee might not be here to see the fruits of his hard work, I would like to thank him for his wonderful experience, patience, competence and constructive comments. Dr Glynis Longhurst and Prof Stuart Semple for having stepped in as supervisors to oversee the progress of this work till completion when Prof Coetsee passed away. I understand how difficult this might have been, I bow before you. Dr Ranel Venter of the University of Stellenbosch, Sport Science Department, for having shared ideas on the research design that could work for this study. Prof Faans Steyn of the North West University Statistical Services, Potchefstroom Campus, for offering his statistical expertise, thus making analysis of data for this study possible. All the children that agreed to avail themselves as participants of this study. Ms Siphiwe Ntuli , for her assistance and patience in typing this piece of work. Mrs Mandi Semple , for proofreading every chapter of this work and making constructive inputs. The University of Zululand Research Committee , for having afforded me funding to conduct this study and the research administration staff members, Mrs D Viljoen and Ms N Shoba, for the swift manner in which all my queries were resolved. The Medical Research Council , for having afforded me funding to present the findings of this study in an international conference. Mesdames Zama Mntambo , Sinenhlanhla Xulu and Kanalelo Ramone , for spending their precious time as my research assistants. v Mr R. M. Yaka of Ofasimba Primary School and Mrs E. D. Mthembu of Mngampondo Combined Primary School and their respective staff members, for having given me permission to use their schools to conduct my research. All my colleagues in the Biokinetics and Sport Science Department, University of Zululand, for words of encouragement. Former lecturers in the Biokinetics and Sport Science Department, University of Zululand, Prof Steve Olivier and wife, Amanda Olivier (University of Arbetray, Scotland), Prof Simeon Davies (Cape Peninsula University of Technology) and Prof Johan van Heerden (University of KwaZulu-Natal), for their inspiration, support and wishes to see me become better qualified. My colleagues in the Faculty of Education especially Professor DR Nzima, Drs HB Khuzwayo and ET Dlamini, Messrs NH Ngwenya and EXS Zwane and Mesdames NC Luthuli and AB Mhlongo, for words of encouragement. My ‘brother from another mother’ Professor David Phathabantu Ngidi, the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, Central University of Technology. You are an inspiration! Thank you for the support and your interest in me. My dearest mother, Thembekile Bhekeni Nxumalo , for having played the role of both parents for a number of years and for having afforded me the opportunity to be what I am today. You have been a wonderful mother, God bless you. Mpangazitha! The woman in me, Ntandokazi, two souls with but a single thought, two hearts that beat as one. Above all, the credit of this piece of work goes to God without whom this work would not have been possible. My God is an awesome God; He reigns from above with love, wisdom and power. vi SUMMARY The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of a 10-week stick fighting intervention programme on anthropometrical measures, motor proficiency and health- related physical fitness parameters such as body composition, cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, muscular endurance and muscular strength. Twenty two prepubescent Zulu males (mean age = 9.80 ± 0.64 years, range 8.60-11.10) formed the experimental group and twenty three other Zulu males (mean age = 10.09 ± 0.73, range 8.43-11.70) formed the control group. The experimental group underwent a 10 week stick fighting intervention programme facilitated by two professional stick fighters whilst for the same period, the control group did not receive any intervention programme rather continued with their daily activities. For motor proficiency, data was collected at three intervals: pre, post and post-post intervention. The Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) was used to assess motor proficiency: fine and gross motor skills. For anthropometrical measures and health-related physical fitness, data was collected at two intervals: pre- and post- intervention. The five health-related components of physical fitness were measured by the following: body composition, flexibility, muscular endurance, muscular strength and cardiovascular fitness. The experimental group showed significant improvements (p < 0.05) in the post- intervention motor proficiency composite mean scores for balance and upper limb dexterity subtests whereas the control group did not exhibit significant improvements in any of their post-intervention composite mean scores. The experimental group also experienced an 11.62% significant improvement (p < 0.05) in their motor proficiency mean scores relative to the control group when the pre-intervention and the post-post intervention scores were compared. The low internal consistency and inter-item correlation of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency suggests that there are challenges with the reliability of the results. Thus, the results should be interpreted with vii caution. The experimental group also recorded significant improvements (p < 0.05) in the body composition, cardiovascular fitness and flexibility after a 10-week Zulu stick fighting intervention programme when post-intervention mean scores are compared adjusted for pre-intervention mean scores whereas no significant improvement in the post-intervention mean scores was recorded for the control group. It appears that the levels of motor proficiency and health-related physical fitness can be positively influenced through participating in traditional Zulu games such as Zulu stick fighting. It would seem the benefits derived from engaging in Zulu stick fighting may be the same as the one derived from doing any king of physical activity. It must be said though that the results of the motor proficiency in the current study can not be declared as useful data. viii OPSOMMING Die doelwit vir hierdie studie was om die effek te ondersoek wat ‘n 10-weke stok geveg intervensie program sal hê op antropometriese meetings, motoriese vaardigheid, en gesondheids georiënteerde fisiese fiksheid parameters, soos liggaams komposisie, kardiovaskulêre fiksheid, soepelheid, spier uithouvermoë en spierkrag. Twee en twintig voor-puberteitsperiode Zulu jong mans (gemene ouderdom = 9.80 ± 0.64 jare, omvang 8.60 – 11.10) het die eksperimentele groep gevorm en drie en twintig ander Zulu jong mans (gemene ouderdoem = 10.09 ± 0.73, omvang 8.43 – 11.70) het die kontrole groep gevorm. Vir motoriese vaardigheid, is data gekollekteer by drie intervalle: pre-, post- en post-post- intervensies. Die Bruininks-Oseretsky Toets vir Motoriese Vaardigheid (BOTMP) was gebruik om motor vaardigheid te toets. Vir antropometriese meetings en gesondheids georiënteerde fisiese fiksheid, was data gekollekteer by twee intervalle: pre- en post- intervensie. Die gesondgheids georiënteerde kompomente van fisiese fiksheid was deur die volgende metodes gemeet: liggaams komposisie; soepelheid, spieruithouvermoë, spierkrag en kardiovaskulêre fiksheid. Die eksperimentele groep het opvallende verbeterings getoon (p < 0.05) in die post-intervensie motor vaardigheid gemene resultate vir balans en boonste ledemaat ratsheid subtoetse terwyl die kontrole groep nie merkwaardige verbeterings getoon het nie. Die eksperimentele groep het ook opvallende berbeterings van 11.62% aangedui (p < 0.05) in hulle motor vaardigheids gemene resultate,
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