''-s K ' An All Student 40 Years Newspaper Pep Rally Pep Rally At vNoon At Noon % » Today* Today Volume Forty-Four—•Number 4 HOUSTON, TEXAS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1956 Student Council HUTCHESON AND HART TO Today Is Filing Garbage Cans DEBATE AT RICE FORUM Deadline For Play Role In The Forum Committee has announced that two of Next Election the outstanding- candidates Today at 1 p.m. is the dead- Lounge Probe for Price Daniel's Senate line for petitions for candidates BY ERLENE HUBLY seat, Thad Hutcheson and in the first election of the year. The council, sparked on by the James P. Hart, will debate The assistant editors of the desire to have a short meeting so issues of the campaign at Thresher and the Campanile and a few could hear Sir John . 8:00 Wednesday evening, the Homecoming Queen will be elected by the student body Oc- did. George Grimes (Sr.), Bob October 24 in the Fondren Murray (Jr.), and Nancy Head tober 15. Library lecture lounge. (Jr.) were absent. The second election of the year In the way of communications Thad Hutcheson, the Republi- will be October 22, when the as- the council received a letter from can nominee for the post, was a sistant business managers of the SMU stating that they were member of the G. O. P. platform Thresher a n d Campanile, the bringing their card section down and resolutions committee at the Sophomore Honor Council repre- for our game on the 20th, and 2) 1956 nominating convention and sentative, and Class B Graduate Shivers (the one in Austin) sent served as keynote speaker to the vice president will be selected. us a letter enumerating why he state Republican convention in Petitions for the October 22 was going to support Ike this 1954 and 1956. A lawyer, Mr. election are due at 1 p.m., Octo- Hutcheson graduated from the year. ber 12, must be delivered to a University of Texas Law School Dixie Sick then, told the coun- THAD HUTCHESON JAMES P. HART member of the Student Council after four years at Princeton cil that the weekly telegram of At Rice Forum To Debate Opponent. elections committee, and must University. good cheer that our student body contain 10 names for class of- sends 'ffut to other Southwest Former Justice fices and 25 names for all-school Conference teams prior to a foot- Report Directory James P. Hart, one of several offices. ball game . wishing them Democratic hopefuls, is the for- 'Doctor Faustus' Each candidate must also sign good luck and cheer . had been mer chancellor of the University Ready in 2 Weeks a statement that he has read sent. Steve Shapiro, who seems of Texas and has served on the Set October 14 and understands the constitution to be the "thrift-minded" mem- The 1956-57 Owl Directory will Texas Supreme Court. He has Sunday, October 14, is the of the student association. ber of said council, questioned be out in about two weeks, ac- been active in Texas politics for day of the opening performance An election committee member our sending of these telegrams, cording to editor Linda Davis. many years. of the 1956-a7 Rice Playeis. Un- will be in the student association stating that he thought our send- Published by the members of the Dr. Earl Fornell will introduce der the direction of Dr. John (Continued on Page 8) ing of them once a week was Owen Wister Literary Society, George Fuermann, Houston Post Parish and the assistant direc- too often. Dixie retorted that we the directory contains "the home Columnist, who will introduce tion of Ait Mouser a leading of usually send out just one per and Houston addresses and tele- Mi\ Hart and Mr. Hutcheson. Christopher Marlow e's "Dr. school. phone numbers of all Rice stu- Forum Questions Faustus" will be held in the Fon- The most interesting discussion ents and professors, as well as The Forum Committee has dren Library Lecture Lounge at No Grabs Shown of the evening, complete with lists of Rice's many organiza- asked the two speakers five 8:15 p.m. Hank Coors wheeling in his gar- tions and their officers. questions "which they will answer The plot concerns a medieval On TV Program bage cans (he's our new lounge Those who ordered a directory in the first forty minutes of the scholar who dables in black mag- BY FRANK DENT janitor, you know) . was the are asked to bring their receipt October 24 debate. ic. Ho bargains with the devil to The new word in pro-Rice prop- question of the "filthy conditions with them to obtain their ^copy. The remainder of the program exchange his soul for certain fa- aganda is a monthly T.V. series. in the lounge." The council has Others may buy one for 40 cents. will be devoted to questions from vors. Satan grants his favors, hut. The program included pan often pondered this problem, but All professors are urged to the floor and general discussion. when the time comes for Dr. shots of the various buildings only Wednesday night did they turn in their addresses and tel- Mr. Fuermann will moderate Faustus to fulfill his end of the on the campus in the order of reach a decision. Caddes sug- phone numbers to the Student the debate. transaction, the action begins. Association office by Saturday, their construction while a liquid- gested that we secure some large -0- Graham Campbell portrays voiced announcer gave a brief oil drums, paint them red, and October 6. Students who have Faustus, and Bob Fridays Me- history of, first, the whole insti- place them in the lounge, so changes of address or telephone phistophilis, Satan's Lieutenant. Junior Sock Hop tute, then of each building. that when people throw trash, numbers should turn in correc- •Tim Bernhard has been assigned etc. at the cans, "They'll have tions at the same place. It will the role of Lucifer. At one point there were flash- es of the lounge where students a better chance of hitting them, be appreciated if such informa- Saturday ~ Night Other members of the cast in- "were indulging in a friendly as the drums are bigger than our tion is turned is as soon as pos- Patch those socks! Because no clude: Harrison Wagner, Chorus; game of CHESS. Then, tho Stu- sible as it will speed the pub- one with a dirty toenail protrud- .Tarn Edrwinn, Good Angel; Joan (Continued on Page 3) dent Association office where 'icption of the book. ing.- through an ancient sock will Feild, Evil Angel; Don Bane, three Council members were be allowed on the dance floor Old Man; Dave Watkins, Valdes; shown hard at work!!! After this Saturday night. (Exposed heels Mike Horwitz, Wagner; Phil remarkable piece of propaganda LSU IS FORMIDABLE which have been thoroughly Martin, Cornelius; Ray Lucas came an even bigger one . a shot scrubbed will be okayed.) and Frank Dent, Scholars; and of life in the dorms. Here the act- In case the above qualifica- Watkins, Horwitz, Herb Simons, OPPONENT FOR OWLS ors were DRESSED and seen tions cannot be met by certain Lucas, Joe Brown, Martin, and BY BOB MALINAK lead the running department. SHAKING HANDS . and not people '(namely, Sophomores), as Dent, Seven Deadly Sins. If the L. S. U.—Texas A & M Coach Paul Dietzel's crew will one grab in sight!!! game is any indication of the be in top shape for the game, a last resort (which the Juniors -0- Later President Houston, Dr. strength of the'Tigers, the Rice having reported no injuries from hope everyone will depend on) McCann, Dr. Tsanoff and Dr. Owls will have a busy time in- the Aggie game. socks will be sold at a reasonable Bray were • interviewed "live." deed at Rice Stadium Saturday On the home front Coach Jess price at the dance. This has been Arnold J. Toynbee Afterwards the star of the reg- night. The Bengals considered Neely has been putting the Owls designed also to accommodate istration film, a typical slime, their strength to be their de- through stiff drills in prepara- the young ladies who don't wish To Lecture Here was introduced. The spontaneity fensive line and strong passing tion for the Tiger invasion. Hav- to ruin their nylons. Arnold J. Toynbee, one of the of these on-the-spot, unre- attack, hut they found out too ing had a week's layoff since In case anyone is still in the world's foremost historians, will hearsed interviews was most late against the Aggies that their their 20-13 win over Alabama, dark, the Junior Class is spon- lecture at Rice during the year intriguing. running game was their most the Owls should be at full soring a Sock Hop which will be | 1957-58. Altogether the entire program potent weapon. strength. Sophomore halfbacks held this Saturday night imme- The English scholar of Graeco- was very entertaining and many L.S.U.'s veteran line, said to Dsn Shuford and G. F. Alsbrook, diately after the L.S.U. game Roman history is the author of (including Rice students) must be as strong as any in the South- who were injured in the Alabama in the Rice Gymnasium. Tickets the 10-volume "A Study of His- have been introduced to facets of eastern Conference, is anchored game, have been working out on will be sold at the door only. | tory." Rice life which they never knew by tackle Earl Leggett, a 2G5- pads all week ar.d should be ready Prices are $'1.00 per couple anT • The Thresher was told Thurs- existed.
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