MINUTES OF A MEETING OF HOLYWELL-CUM-NEEDINGWORTH PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON TUESDAY 5th MARCH 2019 AT 7.30PM IN MILLFIELDS PAVILION PRESENT: Cllr M Williamson (Chairman) Cllr R Fountain Cllr A Holloway Cllr L Macrae Cllr S Martin Cllr S Mortlock Cllr J Neish Cllr G Norman Cllr C Norman Cllr C O’Reilly Cllr C Pearce Cllr A Whyte Miss J Bowd (Parish Clerk) Mrs A Jackson (Assistant to the Clerk) IN ATTENDANCE: There were 4 members of the public present. 161.Apologies. To receive and accept Apologies for Absence. Cllr E Macpherson - Personal 162.Declarations of Interest. To receive Declarations of Disclosable and/or Non-Disclosable Pecuniary Interests as set out in Chapter 7 of the Localism Act 2011 and the nature of those interests relating to any Agenda item Item 171.1 (i) Cllr J Neish – Non Pecuniary – Ward Cllr Pre determination 163. Minutes To approve the minutes of 5th February 2019 The Chairman clarified the responsibility of the Parish Council in respect to the closed Churchyard. Resolved: That the Minutes of the Meeting held on 5th February 2019 be signed by the Chairman as being a true and correct record with the following amendment: item 155.1 (ii) Cllr J Neish abstained from the vote therefore the vote is 12 in favour, 1 abstention. (Prop Cllr J Neish, 2nd Cllr A Holloway) All in favour. 164.To receive a presentation from Needingworth tennis club in support of item 172.4 (time allowed 5 Minutes) A representative from the Tennis Club summarised the reasons for their proposal: • To have a clubhouse to serve dinner/ teas when hosting matches • To hold Tennis Club Committee meetings • To provide an area for parents to sit and watch their children out of the elements He further summarised their proposal: • To construct a log cabin building with kitchen and seating area • To site the construction behind the tractor shed • The Tennis Club currently lease the toilet at the back of the Village Hall and propose to tap into the water and sewage supply • To take electricity from their existing clubhouse • The Tennis Club have spoken to neighbouring properties in Park View, The Maltings and Arnold Close and have had no obvious objections Summary of requests for the Parish Council to consider: • Permission from the Parish Council to build on their land and tap into the water and sewage supply • To move the entrance gate from the tennis court to where the tractor shed is so access is to the new clubhouse • To request help from the Parish Council with the Planning permission • To review their lease which is due for renewal September 2022. Currently their lease only covers the tennis courts, the Tennis Club propose to increase the lease to include the surrounding area. • The Chairman brought forward Item 171.4 The Chairman thanked the Tennis Club for their presentation and commented that the Parish Council are pleased with the success of the Tennis Club and would want to support local organisations. There are several areas that need to be considered, along with considerations from the CIL discussions for this area. Also, other interested organisations will need to be consulted. Therefore, there will not be a definite decision made now. Councillors asked for clarity on a few areas and the Tennis Club responded: • Hope to fund project with 50% grant and 50% from the Club • Hope to keep existing clubhouse for storage, however if there are objections it could be removed • There are 75% of members that reside within the Parish The Parish Council agreed to meet with the Tennis Club for further discussion. A copy of a complaint to the proposal was given to the Tennis Club. 165. Public forum To allow any member of the public to address the council. Time Allowed 10 minutes A resident addressed the Council with regard to his letter to PKF Littlejohn LLP. The Chairman brought forward Item. 174 (v) Members challenged the meaning and content of the resident’s letter of complaint to PKF Littlejohn LLP. The External Auditors has asked the resident to take up his complaints directly with the Council before considering the matter. The resident was now asking to discuss his issues with the Chairman and Clerk. It was felt that this was not appropriate as the complaints were apparently against the whole Council. It was proposed by Cllr S Mortlock and seconded by Cllr G Norman that a formal letter should be sent to the resident in response to his complaints and assertions and that the correspondence would be shared with PKL Littlejohn LLP. This was Carried unanimously. Before this response could be prepared the resident would be asked to provide detailed justification for his accusations. 166. District and County Councillor Reports To receive verbal reports from district and county councillors. District Councillor J Neish advised the Parish Council that Huntingdon District Council have formed the St Ives to A141 steering group to review the traffic issues around St Ives and Huntingdon including the A141 and A1123. The Chairman brought forward item 173.1(ii) 167. Policing 167.1 Neighbourhood Policing Team – Any Issues and Concerns. A report detailing an arrest was received today. 168. Clerk’s Report To receive written report. Meeting Dates: – 2nd April 2019 – Full council. 19th March 2019- Environment: Consultation: Planning & Finance Items to report. • Local highways improvements (LHI) BID being considered at Cambridgeshire County Council H&CI Committee meeting on 12th March 2019. • Noted on Monday 18th February 2019 that the cricket club score hut had been broken into by way of removal of some planks. Nothing taken. • Play area: new cargo net and crotch straps fitted to rainbow unit and child’s swing respectively, Monday 11th February 2019. • Excessive litter being placed in bins around village hall. This is causing problems with weekly collection, trailer not large enough. Also cost of disposal. • Community litter pick Friday 29th March 2019 meet at village hall 9.00am. Refreshments after the event supplied by Morrisons. • Invoice 1896- Tree works £150 less that accepted quote due to the work required being less than expected. Total invoice £1250. Councillors commented on the honesty of B Mutter for reduction of invoice and noted that this should be applauded. 169.To note minutes of the following committees: (i) Planning & Finance 25th February 2019. Noted 170.Finance and Risk. 170.1 To approve accounts for payment as at 5th March 2019 Resolved: That the accounts for payment totalling £6088.62 be approved. (Prop Cllr M Williamson, 2nd Cllr A Holloway) All in favour. 170.2 To approve the following payments made within the Clerks delegated powers: (i) Terry’s heel bar £8.00 keys to Millfields for waste collection. Resolved: That the payments totalling £8 made within the Clerk’s delegated powers be approved. (Prop Cllr A Holloway, 2nd Cllr G Norman) All in favour. 170.3. To note the budget report as at 26th February 2019. Noted 170.4 To note the bank reconciliation as at 8th February 2019 Noted 170.5 To consider the street lighting correspondence and implications Resolved: To contact CCC to request options for streetlights. To request an annual maintenance contract from Balfour Beatty. To report back findings to Full Council. (Prop Cllr M Williamson, 2nd Cllr J Neish) All in favour. 170.6 To receive a report on the water bill for cemetery and garden plots for period 1st August 2016- 17th January 2019. For future water bills ensure the meter is read if the bill is an estimate. To check Millfields water bill and read meter is required. Review Garden Plot terms and allocate true costs – refer to Environment Committee. 170.7 To consider grant application from Holywell-cum-Needingworth Bowls Club Councillors discussed the application including comments that the Bowls Club haven’t applied to CCC, HDC – Community Chest or Sport England. The budget is tight this year. This would set a precedence. Resolved: To refuse a grant and advise the Bowls Club of other grant streams available. (Prop Cllr A Holloway, Cllr R Fountain) All in favour. 171.Planning Chairman confirmed he attended a public open meeting regarding the Mill Way development on 11th February 2019. Cllr G Norman left the meeting 8.42pm 171.1 To consider the following applications that have been received: (i) Application Ref: 17/01706/FUL: Erection of food store (use class A1) with associated parking, landscaping, access and associated works. Land At Junction Of Stocks Bridge Way And Needingworth Road St Ives Received further information: 1 Additional Traffic Survey Information Submitted: - Technical Note 03 – Additional Traffic Surveys, Flow Comparison (received 22.02.2019) - Additional Information – Arcady Files (received 22.02.2019) - Automatic Traffic Count – Site 1 (received 06.02.2019) - Queues 1-9 from 15th, 16th and 17th November 2018 (received 06.02.2019) - MMC Sites 1-9 from 15th, 16th and 17th November 2018 (received 06.02.2019) Cllr G Norman returned 8.44pm Resolved: That the application be rejected (Prop Cllr S Mortlock, 2nd Cllr A Holloway) 11 in favour, 1 abstention. 171.2 To note the following applications that have been approved: (i) Application ref: 19/00042/AGDET Erection of new general purpose farm machinery and hay store. Priory Farm Lowndes Drove Needingworth Details Not Required Date of decision: 1st February 2019. Noted (ii) Application ref: 17/01687/OUT Outline planning application for the demolition of the bungalow, six poultry sheds and other outbuildings and the erection of up to 120 dwellings with public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS) and a vehicular access point from Bluntisham Road. All matters reserved except for means of access.
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