september 2006 Published by the American Recorder Society, Vol. XLVII, No. 4 XLVII, Vol. American Recorder Society, by the Published Edition Moeck 2825 Celle · Germany Tel. +49-5141-8853-0 www.moeck.com The Smart Choice! Two-Piece Three-Piece Soprano Recorder Soprano Recorder • Ivory color $ 00• Detachable thumb rest $ 25 • Detachable thumb rest 5 • Includes C# and D# holes 5 • Single holes for low C & D • Accessories: cloth carrying bag, provide ease of playing in lower register fingering chart, and cleaning rod • Accessories: cloth carrying bag, A303AI Ivory Color Baroque Fingering fingering chart, and cleaning rod A303ADB Dark Brown Baroque Fingering A203A Baroque Fingering A302A Ivory Color German Fingering A202A German Fingering Classic One-Piece Soprano Recorder • Dark brown with Ivory-colored trim • Accessories: vinyl carrying bag • Built-in thumb rest places right hand in and fingering chart correct, relaxed position A103N Baroque Fingering • Curved windway • Single holes for low C and D provide A102N German Fingering ease of playing in lower register $650 Sweet Pipes Recorder Method Books Recorder Time, Book 1 by Gerald and Sonya Burakoff A completely sequenced step-by-step soprano method book for young beginners (3rd & 4th grade) with musical and technical suggestions for teacher and student. Note sequence: B A G C’ D’ F# E D. Includes 37 appealing tunes, lyrics, dexterity exercises, fingering diagrams, and fin- gering chart. For group or individual instruction. 32 pages. CD accom- paniment available. SP2308 Recorder Time, Book 1 . .$3.50 SP2308CD Recorder Time CD . .$12.95 Hands On Recorder by Gerald and Sonya Burakoff A completely sequenced beginning soprano method book for the 3rd and 4th grade instructional level, with musical and technical suggestions for the student and teacher. Has a pentatonic note sequence: B A G E D C’ D’ F#, music representing many cultures and styles, traditional and orig- inal lyrics, 46 delightful selections, fingering diagrams, and fingering chart. For group or individual instruction. 32 pages. CD accompaniment available. SP2358 Hands On Recorder Book . .$3.50 SP2358CD Hands On Recorder CD . .$12.95 A203A A303AI A303ADB A103N Big Savings on Aulos & Sweet Pipes Packages RBA103 Package . .$7.15 RBA101 Package . .$7.40 RBA102 Package . .$9.00 Includes Aulos® A203A Two-piece Soprano Includes Aulos® A303A Three-piece Soprano Recorder Includes Aulos® A103N One-piece Soprano Recorder and SP2308 Recorder Time and SP2308 Recorder Time Book by Gerald and Recorder and SP2308 Recorder Time Book Book by Gerald and Sonya Burakoff. Sonya Burakoff. by Gerald and Sonya Burakoff. (Specify Ivory or Dark Brown Color Recorder) RBA103H Package . .$7.15 RBA101H Package . .$7.40 RBA102H Package . .$9.00 Includes Aulos® A203A Two-piece Soprano Includes Aulos® A303A Three-piece Soprano Includes Aulos® A103N One-piece Soprano Recorder and SP2358 Hands-On Recorder Recorder and SP2358 Hands-On Recorder Recorder and SP2358 Hands-On Recorder Book by Gerald and Sonya Burakoff. Book by Gerald and Sonya Burakoff. Book by Gerald and Sonya Burakoff. (Specify Ivory or Dark Brown Color Recorder) P.O. Box 126, Fort Worth, TX 76101 Call or write for a complete color catalog listing all our fine Aulos recorders and other musical products. Aulos has them all - Sopranos, ORDER: Toll Free Ph. 800-424-4724 • Fax 800-784-9401 • 24 Hours Altos, Tenors, Bass, Sopranino, Garklein, Panflute, Baroque Flutes E-mail [email protected] • www.rhythmband.com 1(::('',1*086,&)520:,//$<721 0XVLFIRU0\/DG\ V:HGGLQJ $GHOLJKWIXOFROOHFWLRQRIWXQHVIRUZHGGLQJVWKDW:LOO$\WRQKDV SOD\HGRYHUWKH\HDUV 9ROXPHLQFOXGHV 3DYDQIURP&DPSLRQ V6TXLUHV 0DVTXH &RPH $VKRUHIURP3KDOHVH V/RZHQHU7DQ]EXFK 'HHUHVW$OO)DLUH² /DZHV 'DQFHV6XLWHIURP$WWDLQJDQW V'DQFH3ULQWV 0DQ :DV)RU:RPDQ0DGH3OD\IRUG 7R7KH2OG/RQJ/LIHDQG7UHDVXUH² IURP-RKQVRQ V*\SVLH0HWDPRUSKRVH 9ROXPHLQFOXGHV 3DYDQ*DWKHULQJ3HDVFRGV3OD\IRUGWXQH ([FXVH0H² 3OD\IRUGWXQH 6KRZVDQG1LJKWO\5HYHOV/XSRWXQH 'DQFH6XLWH *HUYDLVH 7KH:HGGLQJ1LJKW3OD\IRUGWXQH %REELQJ-RH3OD\IRUGWXQH6FRUHGIRUVRSUDQRUHFRUGHURUWUHEOH YLRODOWRUHFRUGHURUWHQRUYLRODQGEDVVYLROZLWKRSWLRQDONH\ERDUGDQGDOWHUQDWHEDVVUHFRUGHU AWP0004 Volume 1 $24.95 AWP0005 Volume 2 $25.95 1(:)520/21'21352086,&$ /30(0&RSUDULR(LJKW3DUW&RQVRUWV²6F3²16$7% -RKQ&RRSHU F DOVRNQRZQDV*LRYDQQL&RSUDULRRU&RSHUDULRZDVDQ(QJOLVKFRPSRVHUYLRO SOD\HUDQGOXWHQLVW+HZDVDJLIWHGFRPSRVHUFDSDEOHDWWLPHVRIEHLQJLQYHQWLYHLQTXLWHDUDGLFDOZD\ /30,07URLOR&DQ]RQL²6F3²66$7% /LWWOHLVNQRZQDERXW$QWRQLR7URLOREH\RQGWKHIDFWWKDWKHFDPHIURP9HURQDDQGZRUNHGDWQHDUE\ 9LFHQ]D7URLOR V,O3ULPR/LEURGHOOH&DQ]RQLLVXQXVXDOLQLQFOXGLQJILYHSDUWSLHFHVZKLFKDUHUDUHLQWKHFDQ]RQ GDVRQDUUHSHUWRLUH,QFOXGHVVHSDUDWHSDUWVIRUZLQGDQGVWULQJLQVWUXPHQWV 1(:%$&.726&+22/086,& 63+DQGV2Q5HFRUGHU0HWKRG%RRN²6 636HHGVRI'LVFRYHU\,QWURGXFLQJDOWRUHFRUGHUWRUHFRUGHUDQG2UIIHQVHPEOHV² 6$2UII,QWKLVFROOHFWLRQDOWRSDUWVDUHZULWWHQZLWKDOLPLWHGSLWFKVHWDOORZLQJEHJLQQLQJDOWR SOD\HUVWREHVXFFHVVIXOLQWKHLUILUVWUHFRUGHUFRQVRUWH[SHULHQFHV,QFRQWUDVWWKHVRSUDQRSDUWLVPRUH FKDOOHQJLQJDQGDUHIRUPRUHH[SHULHQFHGVWXGHQWV 1(:$'9$1&('5(&25'(50(7+2'6 67$'9$1&('5(&25'(57(&+1,48( 7KH$UWRI3OD\LQJWKH5HFRUGHU9ROXPH)LQJHUDQG 7RQJXH7HFKQLTXH7KLVWHFKQLFDOYROXPHLVDGGUHVVHGWRDGYDQFHGDOWRUHFRUGHUSOD\HUVORRNLQJIRUUHSHUWRLUH WKDWLVVXLWHGIRUFRQVLVWHQWZRUNRQWKHIRXQGDWLRQVRIWKHLULQVWUXPHQWDODQGPXVLFDODELOLWLHV 67$'9$1&('5(&25'(57(&+1,48(7KH$UWRI3OD\LQJWKH5HFRUGHU9ROXPH%UHDWKLQJDQG 6RXQG,VVXHVFRYHUHGSK\VLFDODZDUHQHVVFRQVFLRXVEUHDWKLQJWKHGLDSKUDJPEUHDWKLQJH[HUFLVHVEUHDWK VXSSRUWVRXQGSURGXFWLRQYLEUDWRSKUDVLQJQRWHVKDSLQJ)RUWKHDOWRUHFRUGHU Magnamusic Distributors, Inc. 32%R[6KDURQ&7867ROO)UHH (PDLOPDJQDPXVLF#PDJQDPXVLFFRP ZZZPDJQDPXVLFFRP EDITOR’S ______NOTE ______ ______ ______ ______ Volume XLVII, Number 4 September 2006 adies and gentlemen: the story you FEATURES L are about to hear is true.” Living La Vida Musica . 19 I couldn’t resist recalling those open- An expanded Opening Measures by Frances Blaker ing words to each episode of the TV show introduces life lessons gained while learning the recorder Dragnet, which predates today’s “reality” shows by nearly 40 years—except that, in the stories printed in this issue, no names 6 DEPARTMENTS have been changed to protect the innocent (as the show’s opening went on). These Advertiser Index . 48 stories (page 19) reflect real experiences. Book Reviews . 32 Perhaps you’ll see some of yourself in their writings; and perhaps you’ll realize, as Chapters & Consorts . 34 they have, that learning the recorder may Classified . 48 teach us more than we thought it would. Compact Disc Reviews . 46 In an expanded Opening Measures 11 column, Frances Blaker prefaces the Music Reviews. 40 stories with her advice on how to get On the Cutting Edge. 39 the most out of your recorder playing. President’s Message . 3 Other stories in this issue describe how the recorder is being used in social Q&A . 30 activism (page 6), to bring positive expe- Tidings . 4 riences to children affected by HIV/AIDS. Thiemo Wind’s “promotion”; Recorder Music Center update; A completely different type of story 19 documents the end of the years of work recorder activism; the Recorder at the 2006 Berkeley Festival; required to achieve an advanced degree Play-the-Recorder Month activities; competition news in music—congratulations to Thiemo ON THE COVER: Wind (page 8). Musical Bubbles A greeting similar to Dragnet’s opening Oil pastel by words has long been associated with the artist/illustrator circus—“Ladies and gentlemen, boys and Bonnie Diane girls, and children of all ages!” Those Gummow ©2006 words still invite us to watch feats of amazement—but this time the amazing feats happened during this summer’s Berkeley Festival (page 11), as described GAIL NICKLESS, Editor by a dedicated team of volunteer writers. Contributing Editors Two special individuals received ARS FRANCES BLAKER, Beginners; JOHN H. BURKHALTER III, Book Reviews awards during the Berkeley Festival— THOMAS CIRTIN, Compact Disc Reviews; JODY L. MILLER, Education Constance Primus, the Presidential CONSTANCE M. PRIMUS, Music Reviews; CAROLYN PESKIN, Q & A Special Honor Award recipient, gives her TIMOTHY BROEGE, 20th-Century Performance LISA SCHMIDT, Design Consultant time to this publication as its Music Reviews editor, keeping a steady stream of Advisory Board information flowing to members about Martha Bixler • Valerie Horst • David Lasocki music available for purchase (page 40). Bob Marvin • Thomas Prescott • Catherine Turocy Distinguished Achievement Awardee Kenneth Wollitz Marion Verbruggen’s activities often Copyright © 2006 American Recorder Society, Inc. make the news in these pages—and, Visit AR On-Line at <www.recorderonline.org> in fact, her advice appears as part of American Recorder (ISSN: 0003-0724), 1129 Ruth Dr., St. Louis, MO 63122-1019, is published bimonthly (January, March, May, September, and November) for its members by the American Recorder Society, Inc. $20 of the annual $40 U.S. membership dues in the American Recorder Society is for a subscription to American Recorder. Articles, reviews and letters to the editor reflect the viewpoint of their individual authors. Their appearance in this magazine Carolyn Peskin’s Q&A examination of the does not imply official endorsement by the ARS. Submission of articles and photographs is welcomed. Articles may be typed or submitted on PC discs (Word for Windows 95, or RTF preferred), or as an attachment to or text in an e-mail message. They should be for the exclusive consideration of AR, unless otherwise pros and cons of thumbrests (page 30). noted. Photos may
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