rocky butte Volume 2, summer 2015 timeslocal history and community happenings Executve Editor, James M. Helms; Managing Editor, Christna Carnoy; Publishing Director, Airenne Bufum t [email protected] Are you a Friend of Rocky Bute? their environmental restoraton work chases, open space and environmental by Kristn Kibler and preservaton of wildlife corridors. designatons, repair of historic struc- Neighbors always say they love Rocky Thanks to Gateway Green for planning tures, funding of period lightng, and Bute. We’ve been notcing that many recreaton opportunites nearby on for the designaton of Rocky Bute are taking their love of Rocky Bute the east side of I-205. Thanks to Port- Scenic Drive Historic District as a natonal to the next level, and we want to say land Parks and Recreaton staf for new historic site. We host an annual fall THANKS! Thanks to the neighbor we plants, fxing the beacon, and contnu- clean-up in Joseph Wood Hill Park ofen see with liter bag and pick-up ously addressing vandalism. Thanks (at the top) and are exploring other stck in hand. Thanks to Maywood Park to the cyclists and runners who make ways to make a diference. We hope neighbors, SOLV, and to The Groto for getng to the top look easy. Thanks to to plan a picnic get-together later this removing bags and bags of garbage all of you who visit and keep an eye on summer and would love to send you from the north side last fall. Thanks to this hidden Portland gem. an invite or hear your ideas and stories Sumner neighbors who are taking on If you’re interested in the stewardship about Rocky Bute. regular garbage pick-up in the natural and enjoyment of Rocky Bute, help us You can fnd us on the web at www. area near I-205. Thanks to The Mazamas revive the Rocky Bute Preservaton rockybuteps.wordpress.com, email us for working with Portland Parks and Society. Throughout the 1980s and at [email protected] or contact Recreaton to explore improvements 1990s, the Rocky Bute Preservaton Madison South neighbor Kristen Kibler for climbing. Thanks to Dharma Rain for Society advocated for public land pur- at 503-493-9892. April’s Dream: May All Be Fed by James M. Helms One of April’s favorite past-tmes is At the heart of any good neighborhood playing as a member of a musical quar- are great neighbors that dedicate their tet. Of her experiences playing mu- tme to making a diference where they sic she says “I play in a quartet, we all live. I want to introduce you to one such know our part because we know how great neighbor, April Adams, a garden to listen. We know where we ft in by volunteer and leader with a vision to what others are doing”. A community see that all people are fed. April mar- is a very complex organism with many ried PC in December 2001, and afer- moving parts. Of this beautful com- wards moved to the Rocky Bute area. plexity April says that “sometmes the She was raised in the Humboldt neigh- best soluton is silence”. If you see April borhood in North Portland, and atend- in the community be sure to say hello. ed area public schools. By listening to the words that April has submited, we hope that you join with Afer high school she held a variety of us in the neighborhood and listen for hospitality oriented jobs and eventually your part to play too. graduated from Mt. Hood Community On a regular basis you might see April College and became a lab tech. She has cartng tools back and forth from her since worked for various health care house as she gardens at the Beech Have an Idea for a Story? providers around Portland. She would Street Community Garden. Her consis- Submit your feedback, ideas for stories, tell you that college didn’t come with- tent presence and strength is driven by draf artcle submissions, and events for out a fght, but also she is just too stub- a hope and dream to see, “may all be inclusion in our calendar by emailing born to quit. She also describes herself fed” become a reality. Dreams like this [email protected]. We are as one who thinks that complexity can take efort and April is more than will- interested in telling stories about our be beautful, but also loves simplicity, ing to do her part. That each person place, the people, plants and the pets mult-functonal uses of objects, and needs to play their part is an idea that that are a part of our home here. making do with less than new objects. April knows all too well. 1 Mekong Family society, politcal system, and economy by Adele Kubein, Phd. they become immigrants. Imagine a furry of dancers in mult- Saroen Khut, the woman that people colored silk and lace, dark-haired tod- call “Mama Khut” is a tny woman. It is dlers racing around adult revelers, the hard to believe that her four-foot, ten- sound of familiar music with unknown inch, ninety-pound body was capable of words, and the mouthwatering smell carrying three small children and some of unfamiliar food. You might be on va- meager possession to safety as she fed caton in Thailand, or Cambodia. Cer- the murderous rule of the Khmer Rouge tainly this cannot be a Portland, Oregon in late 1970s Cambodia. With all of her pocket neighborhood? Take heart! Ex- children in tow she was a widow, her otc sights, sounds and smells are to be husband killed by the genocidal regime. found in the Rocky Bute area. Saroen had to hike through jungle and across rivers to reach safety on the bor- You do not have to travel abroad for der. Now they were refugees from their these experiences; Portland has over 33 home country, headed to the mysteri- ethnic groups with their own business- ous new world of the Pacifc Northwest. es, and they are waitng to share their cultures with you. My name is Adele The family had to pull together, so they Kubein, and I am an anthropologist who all got jobs and contributed to the edu- studies urban life. I would like to intro- caton of their young. Mother Khut’s el- duce you to the Khut family, who arrived dest son, Saron went to college and got Saron and Jai Khut at their Cambodian wedding. to Portland from Cambodia in 1981, the a good job at Intel. But in the recession Khuts own Mekong Bistro restaurant on the rest of his family members lost their make to the City. It sure would be bor- 82nd and Siskiyou Streets, home to tasty jobs, so Saron took a buyout from his ing here in P-Town if we did not have food, authentc culture, and genuine employer and opened a restaurant so the kaleidoscope of foods, cultures, Cambodian hospitality. that his family would all be employed. and languages that make ours a truly For the good of the family Saron gave global city. I fnd the joys of exploraton Behind many of the small, ethnic busi- up his status as a highly placed supervi- are afordable if I only need to travel to nesses of the east Portland neighbor- sor, and he learned a new profession: the corner instead of buying that tcket hoods are tales of terror and triumph, how to cook, under the tutelage of his to Bangkok for my next exotc meal. I resilience and determinaton. Former mother. His sister Syna, wife Jai, and hope to see you there. AK refugees run many of these businesses mother Saroen, along with occasional and they bring culture such as food, appearances by all members of the ex- Adele Kubein is an anthropologist from dress and language to share with us. tended family, are the lifeblood of the Oregon State University, located in Cor- Portland is a gateway city for refugees restaurant. vallis, Oregon. With her partner, Rich- feeing persecuton, and this means ard G. Mitchell Jr., a sociologist, also that people from various countries I urge you to discover Cambodian hos- from Oregon State, Dr. Kubein studies must fnd a way to make a living once pitality and food right here in your refugee communites and businesses in they arrive in our fair city. Ofen peo- neighborhood. I have discovered that east Portland. The study has been on- ple open restaurants as they strive to the shelter Portland gives to refugees going for the last four years. Stay tuned achieve the American Dream, and once and immigrants is more than repaid for further artcles. refugees become part of American by the contributons that these groups Street Paintngs Refreshed by James M. Helms Neighbors from NE 85th, Beech & Mil- ton Streets repainted two intersectons late this spring. The efort was led by a each intersecton. The cost of the paint core team of nearby neighbors in part- and supplies for the intersecton repairs nership with The City Repair Project and other community initatves were and was a part of the Portland-wide Vil- raised by neighbors who engaged in lage Building Convergence. The Beech grass roots fund-raising eforts with the and Milton site engaged 80+ people help of community partners. Thanks from around NE Portland during the goes out to The Lumberyard Indoor Bike two-day event. Over 200 meals were Park & Sprockets Pizza located at 2700 served, hundreds of Italian Sodas were NE 82nd Ave in additon to a whole host made and over twenty cans of paint of other businesses that donated items were used to complete the paintngs at in order to raise funds for the projects.
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