1 vkfJo?eNo/N y'i ns/ w?vheb f;Zfynk gzikp, n?;a ;ha Ta BzL 87, ;?eNo 4040----;h,;h, uzvhrV. fJzNoftT[ ;fvT[b vkfJo?eN'o/N nXhB ;z;EktK fty/ j/m fbyhnK g?ok w?vheb dhnK nk;kwhnK fBoXkos sBykj s/ m/ek nkXko s / 364 fdBK bJh GoB bJh :'r T[whdtkoK gk;'A wjhBk d;pzo 2011 ns/ wjhBk i[bkJh 2012 d"okB fpB?-gZso wzr/ rJ/ ;BL- nk;kwhnK dk BK L (1) NhHphH j?bE ftiNo (2) vkJh;?e;B jkb nN/v?AN (3) foco?eNofB;N (4) gpfbe j?bE Bo; (5);ghu E?okfg;N (6) nkfvT[ fti{nb N?eBh;hnB (7) w?vheb ;';b toeo (8) ;';b toeo (9) ;kfJeNfoe ;';b toeo (10) vkoe o{w ;jkfJe (11) vokfJto (12) ;Nkc Bo; (13) bpkNoh nN?v?AN . fJjBK nk;kwhnK bJh ngbkJh eoB tkb/ fpB?ekoK bJh fJzNoftT[ fwsh 13H10H2012 s'A fwsh 15H10H2012 ;oekoh w?vheb ekbi, gfNnkbk fty/ oyh rJh j?. fJzNoftT[ jo/e nk;kwh bJh j/mK do;kJ/ nB[;ko tyoh-2 fwshnK Bz{ oyh rJh j?. fijVhnK nk;kwhnK okythAA e?NkfrohnK Bkb ;zpXs jB T[jBK bJh okyth e?Nkfroh Bkb ;zpXs T[whdtkoK Bz{ fJzBNoftT[ d"okB p[bkfJnk frnk j?. T[es nk;kwhnK bJh gqkgs noihnK dh ftGkrh ew/Nh s'A gVskb eotkJh rJh j? ns/ fJjBK noihnK ftu i' xkNK gkJhnK rJhnK jB T[j j/mK nk;kwh nB[;ko jo/e fpB?eko d/ ;kjwD/ do;kfJnK rJhnK jB. fJzNoftT[ bJh nkT[D tkb/ ;ko/ fpB?eko nkgD/ Bkb nk;kwh bJh :'rsk ;zpXh n;b d;skt/i b? e/ jkio j'D. fJzNoftT[ d"okB jo/e fpB?eko Bz{ n;b d;skt/i ftykT[D/ bkiwh j'Dr/ ns/ n;b d;skt/i Bk j'D dh ;[os ftu fpB?eko dh noih oZd eo fdsh ikt/rh ns/ fJ; pko/ fpB?eko Bz{ pkd ftu e'Jh w"ek Bjh fdsk ikt/rkLF 1) w?fNqe dh fvN/b wkoe; ekov ns/ foibN ekov. 2) gzikp Bof;i ofi;No/;B e';b dh ofi;No/;B ( ;Nkc Bo; ns/ gpfbe j?bE Bo; dh nk;kwh bJh). 3) :'rsk ;zpXh fvgb'wk$ fvroh dh n;b ekgh . 4) fvroh$ fvgb'w/ d/ jo ;kb$ ;?w/;No d/ n;b ;oNhfce/N. 5) i/eo okythA iksh Bkb ;zpX oyd/ j' sK okytKeoB ;zpXh n;b ;oNhfce/N. 6) ;kpek c?ih e?Nkfroh Bkb ;zpXs fpB?eko n?bHvhH;hH ;oNhfce/N . 7) gzikp fojkfJ;h ;oNhfce/N ( v'wh;kfJb ;oNhfce/N ) fszB ;kb s'A g[okDK Bk j't/. 8) si[opk ;oNhfce/N ( ftGkr dh wzr nB[;ko j't/ ) . C:\Users\sa\Desktop\Interview Schedule for Ancillary staff posts on 13-15_Oct 2012.docx 2 9) ftfdne :'rsk$ si[op/ nkfd i/eo j'o d{i/ ;oNhfce/N. 10) iBw fwsh dk ;p{s 11) d;thA gZXo se gzikph gk; eoB dk ;p{s. jo/e fpB?eko Bz{ fJzNoftT[ bJh jkio j'Dk bkiwh j? ns/ i/eo e'Jh fpB?eko fwEh fwsh Bz{ fJzNoftT[ bJh jkio BjhA j{zdk sK T[;dh noih fpBK fe;/ B'fN; s'A oZd wzBh ikt/rh ns/ fJzNoftT[ bJh j'o w"ek BjhA fdZsk ikt/rk. fijBK fpB?ekoK B/ nkgDh noih ftu nk;kwh dk BK BjhA Gohnk j? iK fe;/ ekoB eoe/ nX{ohnK gkJhnK rJhnK jB, nfijh xkNK Bz{ j/mk fpB?ekoK d/ BKtK ;kjwD/ do;kfJnk frnk j?. nfij/ fpB?eko nkgDh noih d/ ;zpX ftu ftGkr tb'A do;kJh so[NhnK d[o eoB bJh fpB?gZso fwsh 11H10H2012 Bz{ ;kw 5H00 ti/ se fe;/ th ezw tkb/ fdZB dcsoh ;w/A d"okB g/; eo ;ed/ jB. fJ; s'A pkd xkNK Bk g{ohnK eoB tkbhnk noihnK Bz{ nZX{ok wzBd/ j'J/ oZd eo fdZsk ikt/rk. fpB?ekoK dh :'rsk noihnK gqkgs eoB dh nfszw fwsh B{z jh fwZEh ikt/rh. B'NL (1) fijVh nk;kwhnK okyth e?NkfrohnK Bkb ;zpXs j? T[[jBK bJh e/tb okythA e?Nkfroh Bkb ;zpXs fpB?ekoK Bz{ jh fJzNoftT[ bJh p[bkfJnk frnk j?. (2) fJzNoftT{ bJh e'Jh tZyok ;Zdk gZso Bjh G/ihnk frnk j? ns/ BK jh fJzNoftT{ bJh nkT[D-ikD dk youk fdZsk ikt/rk. (3) fJzNoftT[ ;oekoh w/vheb ekbi, gfNnkbk fty/ fwsh 13H10H2012 s'A fwsh 15H10H2012 se o'ikBk 10H00 ti/ Ù{o[ j't/rh . fJzNoftT[ d/ ;fvT[b ftu fe;/ th nuBu/s pdbkt Bz{ ftGkr dh t?p ;kfJN s/ do;kfJnk ikt/rk. vkfJo?eNo, y'i ns/ w?vheb f;fynk, gzikp C:\Users\sa\Desktop\Interview Schedule for Ancillary staff posts on 13-15_Oct 2012.docx 3 DATES OF INTERVIEW Sr. No. Name of the Post Date of Interview 1. Public Health Nurse 13.10.2012 2. TB Health Visitor 13.10.2012 3. Dissection Hall Attandent 13.10.2012 4. Refrectionist 13.10.2012 5. Speech Therapist 13.10.2012 6. Audio Visual Technician 13.10.2012 7. Medical Social Worker 13.10.2012 8. Social Worker 13.10.2012 9. Psychatirc Social Worker 13.10.2012 10. Dark Room Assistant 13.10.2012 11. Driver 13.10.2012 12. Laboratory Attendant 13.10.2012 13. Staff Nurse 14.10.2012- Sr No. 300 to 500 14. Staff Nurse 15.10.2012- Sr No. 501 to 697 C:\Users\sa\Desktop\Interview Schedule for Ancillary staff posts on 13-15_Oct 2012.docx 4 Name of the Post : DARK ROOM ASSISTANT 1. Parmjit Kaur D/o Chowk Mirshah Shiv Mandir Wali Gali Swaran Singh Majitha Road, ASR 2. Buta Singh S/o Labh H.No.113, Sanjay Colony, Block No.1 Over age. Not Eligible. Singh Nr. Mohindra College, Patiala. 3. Lakhwinder Singh S/o Nr. Sabji Mandi VPO Majitha Dist. Diyal Singh ASR 4. Amritpal Singh S/o H.494,Block No.3 Nr. CMS High 10+2, 10 th certificate not attached. Charanjit Singh School VPO Majitha Dist. ASR 5. Onkar singh S/o Vil. Sarafkot Po. Samraya Teh Dera Rajwant Singh Baba Nanak, Dist. Gurdaspur. 6. Gurpreet Singh S/o Gurdwara Baba Natha Singh , 10th mark sheet not attched Angrej Singh Rajindera Hospital PTA (Punjabi Proof) 7. Rakesh Kumar S/o Warraichan Road Samana Dist. PTA 10th mark sheet not attched Dev Raj (Punjabi Proof) Domicile certificate old. 8. Vijay John S/o Dalbir # 104, Prem Nagar Shiv Puri Road, Domicile certificate not attched Singh ASR 10 th certificate not attached. 9. Gurpreet Kaur D/o # 239/3, Joginder Nagar Patiala. 10 th certificate not attached. Tershem Singh 10. Yogesh S/o Rajesh # H2 TB Hospital Patiala. Domicile certificate old. Kumar 10 th certificate not attached. 11. Sikander Singh S/o # 66 KV Grid Bagrian road Dhuri. Middle certificate not attched . Saroop Singh Domicile certificate old. 10 th certificate not attached. 12. Vijay Kumar S/o # 402/4, Darshan Singh Nagar, Middle certificate not attched . Mathura Parsad Patiala. Domicile certificate not attched 10 th certificate not attached. 13. Paramjit Singh S/o VPO Lodhimajra, Distt Ropar. 10 th certificate not attached. Gurdaman Singh 14. Pankaj Sharma S/o B48/6 Tara Chand street Near Hindu 10th mark sheet not attched Om Parkash Sharma Sewa Samati School Patiala. (Punjabi Proof) 15. Naresh Kumar S/o Mohalla Sarab Singh Colony, Near Over age. 10th mark sheet not Ran Nath Park Bagh, Nabha Patiala. attched (Punjabi Proof) Domicile certificate old. 16. Narinderpal Singh S/o PO Malekotla, Distt Sangrur. Domicile certificate not attched Sukhminder Singh 17. Vinod Kumar late # F 13/2491, Nehru colony, Mazitha Domicile certificate not attched Dharam Chand road, Amritsar. 18. Heera Lal S/o Thakur # F 19/248, Gali Mata De Mandir 10 th certificate not attached. Dass Wali, Tung Bala Majitra Raod Asr. 19. Dharaminder Kumar VPO Mehlawala, Teh. Ajnala, Distt. Domicile certificate not attached S/o Karam Chand Asr. 20. Sunny Mathur S/o # B-7/271, Gali NO. 3, Gandhi Nagar, Domicile certificate old. 10 th Mohan Lal Lahori Gate, Patiala certificate not attached. 21. Suman D/o Joginder # 2104, Gopal Naga, Majitha Road, Domicile certificate old. 10 th Singh Asr. certificate not attached. 22. Neeraj S/o Raj Kumar # 1, Gali NO. 5, Hakam Road, Asr. 10 th certificate not attached. C:\Users\sa\Desktop\Interview Schedule for Ancillary staff posts on 13-15_Oct 2012.docx 5 23. Maninder Singh S/o Vill. Laadpur, Teh. Mukaria, Distt. Domicile certificate not attched Santok Singh Hoshiarpur 9888179050 10 th certificate not attached. 24. Vikrant S/o Sh. # 329/7, Islambad Mohala, Gurdaspur 10th mark sheet not attched Ramesh Sharma Punjabi Proof) 25. Malkit Kaur D/o VPO Mukareian, Teh. & Distt. Fazilka Domicile certificate not attched. Khanda Singh 26. Gurpal Singh S/o # 897, Near Gurudwara Kalgidhar, 10 th certificate not attached. Jagdish Singh Ajnala, Distt. Asr. 27. Pardeep Singh S/o VPO Javowal, Teh Baba Bakala, Domicile certificate old. Swaran Singh Amritsar 28. Hardip Singh S/o Vill. Jabowal, Teh. Baba Bakala, Swaran Singh Amritsar. 29. Charanjit Singh S/o # 132/4, Philkhana Road, Patiala. Matric certificate not attached Sukhwinder Singh 30. Kulwant Singh S/o Vill. Koti Saru Khan Teh Khadur Domicile and Matric certificate not Inder Singh Sahib Distt. Tarn Taran. attached 31. Gagan Thaman S/o # 1992/7, Mahalla Imlywala, Banoor, Matric certificate not attached Vinod Kumar Distt. Mohali. 32. Sunny Gulati S/o H.No.2, Gali No. 5, Kot Maugal Ashok Gulati Singh, G.T Road, Amritsar 33. Amandeep Kaur D/o Gali Mangal Shahid wali Nurdi Adda Matric certificate not attached Bhupinder Singh TarnTaran.
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