I LLJINO I S UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN PRODUCTION NOTE University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign Library Brittle Books Project, 2011. COPYRIGHT NOTIFICATION In Public Domain. Published prior to 1923. This digital copy was made from the printed version held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. It was made in compliance with copyright law. Prepared for the Brittle Books Project, Main Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign by Northern Micrographics Brookhaven Bindery La Crosse, Wisconsin 2011 MT222 .N3851 1906 NAT I0NAL GRAD E -COURSE IN SEVEN GRADES 41 Ait ql .4 - 7'~o COPYRIGHT, MC)[VI, BY IIATCH MUSIC COMPANY. tl. Rihthad Pronouncing Dictionary of usical Ters. A LIST OF SUCH TECHNICAL WORDS AND PHRASES AS THE PIANO PUPIL WILL MOST FREQUENTLY NEED. Abbandono (It. i-bin-di'-na), Con. A rdito (It. r-d'-tfl). Ardor; Diminuendo (It. dim-in-oo-en'-do). Mezzo (It. mit'-so). Half; medium. Slorzando (It. sfirt-sin'-do). With With abandon. warmth. Diminishing in power. Moll (Ger. mol). Soft; minor. force. Abbreviations, Aria (r'-ia). Italian for air or mel- Dolce (It. dol-tchay). Sweetly. Molto (It. nol'-to). Inch; very Signature. Sharps or flats placed at ody. Arietta. A little air. Dolcissimo (It. di-tche'.om tmt.) much. the beginning of a piece to indicate Accel.,accelerando f. D., mano des- the key. Ad lib., ad libitum tra; main droite. Arpeggio (It. ar-pAdg'-j6). A broken Very sweetly. Morceau (Fr. mir'-s)., Short musi- Afet., affettuoso. Mez., mezzo. chord. The tones of a chord per- Doloroso (it. do-1-r1'-zo Sadly. cal piece. Simili (It. eee'-nee-lee). In the formed in succession instead of Dominant. Tle fifth of the scale Morendo (It. m6-ran'-da). Dying samie manner. Allo., allegro. P, piano. the chord on that note. Ped., pedale. simultaneously. away; indicates dimninuendo and Sinistra (It. sin'-Is-trl). The leti Algtto., allegretto. combined. Andno., atdantino P. F., piu forte. to). Dis- Doppel Flote (Ger. dep-pel flinti ). rallentando hand. Articolato (It. ar-tic-o-lar' At -organ stop composed of wooden Mosso (It. n'-s-). Motion; as, mteuo Andte., andante. P. P., pianissimo; tinctly. Slur. A curved line connecting tio Coll' 8va, coll' ot- piu piano. stopped pipes with two mouths.. 11tos, less motion. or more notes, to show that they are tava. R. H, right hand As (Ger. ds). A-flat (Ak). Doppio (It.). Double; as, doppi Moto (Itm. Moement. to be played legato. Cal., calando. fall., rallentando. allegro veiento, doubly is 1tst or twice as Natural. A character ised to cancel S m o r z a n d o (It. snart-sbun'-do) Assai (It. es-se'-e). Very; the effect of a previous iat o sharp. Ores., crescendo. f, ffs., rinfor- assai, very fast. tast ; dppio pedale, ith dotble Gradually fainter and softer; dying D. C., da capo. Zando. (It. i-tCm'-p). In tine; pedals. Nocturne (Fr.). A night-piece or away. A Tempo Dot. f" Adopck point placed after a note or seuenale. D. S., dal seguo. Rit, ritardando. a return to the original time after a :a(Itii~t-~k'-fa Non Troppo. Not too uch. Sonata (It. s-ni'-th). A composition, Decres., decrescen- ite., ritentto. been made. four cliane has restvhictsvalute, a second adds dotdone-ttslf adds hialfto heas Ocave. Eight degrees or tones from usually consisting of three or do. Scterz.,sciterzasdo (It. -tk'-k). Attack;as, movenmentis. Attacca mtch any given tone, either above or Dim., diminuendo. Sfz., sforando. (ttacca stbito, attack the next quick- as the first. below. Soprano (It. s6-prl'-n6). The highest Dl., dolce. Stssocz.,smsrzandt ly. Double Bar. A broad bar drawiin iesmaie voice. across the staff to isdicate the ent Octet. For eight voices or instrtm- Espre., espressivo. Sost, sostenuto. Bar. A line drawn through the staff ments. Sostenuto (It. sos-tn-oo'-to). Sus. F., forte. Slic., staccato. to denote the division of the time in of astrainor of the co mpositi . Ossia (It. s'-see-ar). Or else; oth- taising the toile.. F. F., fortissimo. Stig., stringendo of music. Double Flat. Two fiats before a Spiritoso (It. spr-r6-t'-z). In a a piece a tone two talf- erwise. F. P. forte-piano. Ten., tesuto. Bass clef. The sign of the bass staff. note, isdicatisng that spirited manner. Fe., Fe., forzando; Tr., trillo. middle C on the first, added step below is to be used. Pause. To hold. A sign (s) denot- Staccato (It. sth-kK'-ti). Detached; It fixes as, main ing an indefinite stop. sforzando. Tret., tremoland line above. Droite (Fr. drstlet). Right; distinct; separated. droite (mang drwlt), right hand. Pedal. A lever operattd by the foot. L. H., left hand. nis., unison. Staccatissimod tt. sit.-cah-tee'-se- Leg., legato. Var., variazione. Basso (It. bass'-so). Bass. Dur (Gers.dr). Literally hard. Ger- Pensoso (It. pen-so'-z6). Pensively. man name for major mode. Perdendosi (It. pehr-den-do'-see). mo). Very deached; extremey Marc., marcato. V. S., volti subito. major. Dying away. staccato. (For the definitions and prnutcia- B Dur (Ger. bay dour). B Dynamics. That departmentof BenBene (it. ban, b-n). Well, msusical science whichs relates to, or Stretto t(It. stra-to'). Contracted; tions of the foregoing wors, see uner Pesante (it.a-zn'-t). Ponderous, of afugue inwih good. musical sounds. close. Thtpat the words thbemselves througiout lh treats of, theforce of heatvy. the subject and its answer are Bis (It. bse). Twice. E. Ed (It. eh, ehd). And. Phrase. A short tone-chain which Dictionary.) note. A Capella (It. Brev2. A double whole makes sense, bust ns 1complete sense brought closely together. Brilante (Fr. bril-ye-t). Bril ELDur c.). Tlekey usi h' jor. r;apqos' Stringendo (It. strn-jn'-do). To church style-i. e., tie voices with- Ed Moll (Ger.). Te key of E inot. Piacere (It.e p -le-tcha'-re).n~ Pleast e, out accomptniment. S)liantly. anergico (It. en-er-ge'-co). Ester- puiascecfancey.or press; hastening the tinme. Brio (It. br-). Spirit, vir, force. getic. A Caprico (It.-capre'tchd). At Piano (Tt. n -i-n). Soft gente (It.0rSubito ho-t1). Quickly. Cadenza It. ka-den'-ts1). A flourish (eq-wiil-mti'-ta). Suite (Fr. sweet). A ftrm cossting caprise; at pleasure. form, introduced imme- I u aImente of several umovemuentts. Time pre- Accelerando (It. l-chel-ilru'-do). of indefinite Equal; evenly. in).cededs by,Very the softly. subdoinat diately preceding the close of an As). E-flat. Es moll, E-flat as, pi umsso, cursor of the onnata. Accelerating tie time. important section of use conposition. Es tGer. Piu (It. pe-oo. More; Accentuato (It. -tchen-too-l-t). minmor.I more movement. prosper to a chordd tuhile retaising Accented. Calando (It. kal-lan-do). With de- Es p re ss i v o (It. ess-press-see'-vo). (It. pl-tct'-do). Placid; forceand spee Placido Suspension.tones of the precedingThe solding chsorti, of tonesthus at-tchack-a-too'- creasing .With expression. Acciaccatura (It. pleasant. producing a discord. rib). A short appoggiaturawitichis Caimato (It.). Calmly. Etude (Fr. a-tood nA study, in con- Plagal Cadence. A cadence in Cantabile (It. kan-t'-b-). In a which tle final tosic chord is pre- Symphony. A sonata for full or- crushed against tis principal note. tradistinction to an exercise. chestra. The msost important of all Accompagnamento (It. A-km-pau- rsingingstyle. Facile (Fr. fa-seel'). Easy. ceded by te sub-slomistant. ya-man'-tn). Acconpaniment. A fantasy. Poco (It. pl-(. pLittle; as,pVoc instrumental forms. CCantando (It. kan-tan'-d)tc ti Fantasia (It. fan-t-zt). Syncopation. The displacemett of Acoustics. The sciencehich treats asingir n ntoie. i r 1 w Finale (It. fe-na'-le). The end. not, a little faster. hr cf the nature and laws of sound. a r d Fine (It. fee'ne.). I Polacca (It. po-l'-kl). A Polish rhythm by driving the accent to Loud. dance is 3-4 measure. that part of the bar not usually Adagio (It. il-dii'-jo). Slow; a slow Capo (It. ka'-po). Head or begin. Forte (It. fori-te). accented. movemenit. ning. Fortissimo (It. fdr-tees'-O-mo). As Polk. A Polish dance n 24 meas- loud as tossible. Tacet (Lat. t-set). Silent; a direc- Adagiss imo (It. e-dl-jees'-s-mo). Capric ure, the third 8th-note being ac- Very slow. Capriccio (It. k-prm'-tcho). P orzando (t. frt-snil'd). Suddea S (cented.p i tion for a vocal or instrumental part or fan y. A composition irregular tn%'A). Aovement to he silent. Ad Libitum (Lat. ad lsb'-i-tum). At Chromaticin formn. Scale. A scl i hih force. Polonaise (p -- Tarantella It. td r-bn -til'l 4 ). A pleasure. of three quarter-e tprktch-zeo-n). otes it a measure, rapid Neapolitan dance i 6-8meas- Capricciosoallcpathee toe (It. cuka-pre(-tchlle-o'-zo). n ucsie Fuguetrapuntal (fIg).A style, compositionits which a subject,in co- A Dur (G. X dr). Key of A major. Capriciously. witrecision the rhyetmical csura unthe use; stained after the spider called Affettuoso (It. i-fet-oo-'-zo). Afec- iast; also a dancse adapted to such tratu , ose bite is popularly Celere (Fr.). Quick, swift. answered by other voices accordiig -music. tionately, tenderly. Con Affetu- Choral ter.k'-rat). slowrA sacre sup~pose'd to be cussed by tmussic. oso. With feelig. to certain rules. Portamentno (It. portA-mm-tdo). A Tempo. Tinse; movement. tune. FuocO (It. Ion a' ko).
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