3BER 15, 19^ CENTS ORTS—FOREIQH NT M MORE Oeeaai Trawej."*" XLXLtiK J s^P THE WORLD'S GREATEST NEWSPAPER - • . VOLUME LXXX.—NO. 42. [COPYRIGHT: 1821: ^T fnited BT THE CHICAGO TBIBUNB.l OCTOBER 16, 1921. H^RADI^ totes A * SEVEN CENTS 8 i TEN CENTS ELSEWHERE. Lines TORI^TO EUROPB md_J. Hoboktn) «xrtSJ rM-CHER3- i: ••"S*» Hew. !—?»••. WASHINGTON TH-BOULOCNE—LONDOlt -i u in r •<>«•—ComforteMe. I STATE: On. to— NaT. —» fc, „ OLD AND TtoUNG X STATE: Na«r. «- jg^ * JUDGE UPHOLDS OF IRELAND SEEK HOW TO INSPIRE RESPECT FOR THE LAW IR EM EN-DANZIG FOUR CONVICTIONS WOULD DO IT. POLICE BATTLE WHAT CALL FfiR •tATOIEA: Oct. SS—Dae., AMERICAN HAVEN 2 MILLION MEN >-•«. i*-»••. at- TRIBUNE PLEA [Copyright: 1921: By The Chicago Tribune.! BIGGEST RAIL D STATES LINES, Troubles Are Many SAFEBLOWERS; TO DESERT JILL Broadway, N. Y. IcCORMACK COMPANY t*C ' Before They Sail. STRIKE MEANS STEAMSHIP COMPANY Wc The following article is one oi a AMERICAN LINES. INC. FOR FREE PRESS Strike order issued by five brother­ series by Miss Genevieve Forbes, a KILL 2, JAIL 1 HH</ Off rotors for the hood chiefs, cajlinp oat 500,000 men ROADS BY NOV. 2 member of The Tribune staff, who States Shipping Board Oct. 30. Complete tieup of the coun­ *t*s just returned to America, pass- try's 200,000 miles of trackage expected IJAT through Ellis island as an I risk by Nov. 2, lesving 2,000,000 workers Rules Against City immigrant girl. Miss Forbes had Yeggs Shoot It Out jobless. some remarkable experiences in Ire­ Trains Will Move, Is in Libel Suit. land and in the steerage before she One road, International and Great ran the gantlet of all the terrors of When Cornered. Northern, a Texas line, will be hit next Siaturday. Official's Reply. this great American gateway to the BY PARKE BROWN. Gnited States. She is disclosing In a desperate revolver battle staged President Harding confers with pub-1 jxnOge Harry M. Fisher of the Cir- what she and her fellow immigrants within a block of the Cottage Grove | lie members of rail labor board and A railway wage strike intended intasstate commerce commission. He •tit court yesterday sustained the de- j endured to enter this country. Miss Present attitude avenue police station two notorious tonie up the transportation of tht •oner of THE TRIBINS in the $10,000,- Forbes' experiences bear out fully issues statement on forbidding induv safe blowers were killed by Sergt. Mich- trial outlook in view of transportation • country hX ^T°v- 2 has been called. tM libel suit brought againsfit by Cor- the charges made against Ellis aael Grady ami Patrolman Erffest'Da- crisis prsUon Counsel Ettelson using the j island. The fourth article of the 01 - . The first general walkout will In- JAMES W. BULLION .flHBWBLO* lidge of the detective bureau yester­ taste of the city of Chicago. series follows: day. A third man surrendered when More than 73,000 miles of trackage in Oct. 30, on sixteen roads operat- As court held that there was no •JAILED! the firing began. forty-two states t* be affected first day | jng jn forty-two States and having of action in the articles pub-! BY GENEVIEVE FORBES. MULTIMILLIONAIRE The dead are: » •abed by TH« TRIBUNE criticising the t [Copyright: 1821. By The Chicago Tribune. LAW BREAKER SENT 'WSISTENTOFfamf. , i a trackage of 73,471 miles. Work- James Ballard, a Canadian safe- ! All rights reaexved; reproduction forbidden.1 TO PRISON Five Chicago trunk lines threatened jCTS o n other Hnes wiU be ordere(: Thompson admlnlstratien's manage-, New YorR> ^ 15._[SpeciaU—By blower, -murderer, and confidence rrfan (• Haaagtal ARRESTED FOR SEPEATEO •ftaaP in first days walkout: Pennsylvania,! . , lo Hoag Kong ment of the financial affairs of the city | the Ume our mu% grQUp reaches Dub-. for whom a reward of $2,500 " dead or '• Maall* ANO F1A6RANT VIOLATIONS *• » r.JU|t,f „ Chicago Great Western, Chicago & °Ut ,n three &rOUPS' 0ne &rol!i' and charging that the administration . OF THE LIQUOR LAW. alive " is offered by the authorities at Palatial LSSB. 11 n we have en­ a Dfer Liners Boniface, Man. Northwestern, Chicago, Milwaukee & C <-'il succeeding day\ had brought the city to the point ol larged it to in­ fflj. 21 000 tooa. That the Government StdjPaul, and the Chicago, Rock Island In nVashingtor? President- Har- 1 • t» knots bankruptcy. Bullard's identification was made c clude several is in earnest in suppress net, O wj » r» ' mg lawlessness, V*n in complete last night through an ex­ aci r •*t»r»e *tata" "This action is not in harmony with more bound for ted * ding started a series of confer- the vary rich, wa> dem- c^ it of r******** change of telegrams between Chicago •Wr d the genius, spirit, and objects of our America. There is cm*traied yesterday »A* Probably sixteen unions will act in .ences j h members of the public rr Stale" •^{a-w^*"^ and Canadian police. He "was wanted w t Ja.mes W. Bullion was t&Kai accord in giving support to the strike. Npr VIS Institutions.^ read the written opinion Bill, the hand­ ta prison far haqrant T.ra Mat*" for the murder of Alex McCurdy, whom which group of the United States rail- banded down. notations »r the*!*^ -52SaJtfS^22 v f iich is directed by the five big •r- I .. some New York "»»'"'*-raina IK*, he shot Nov. 11, 1920, in a Boniface "*•*•! brootnerh o ods. ; road labor board and the inter- "It fits In rather with the genius. policeman who in"* "* i-fj hotel. « a/- iwoii /tiM. \r af the rulers who conceived law not i. has been home Patrick (" Paddy ") Joyce, known to Strike headquarters established in ; state commerce commission in an •» f. t. Sceft. The cure for. it. 6«a. Alt.. the parity of love for Justice but In for a visit in Lim the police as a safeblower with a long Consumers building, Chicago, from effoi"t to avert the tieup. 142 t. Clark ««.. Cat* the lustful passion for undisturbed record. erick. And Mary- whence all activities will be directed- First Walkout Oct. 22. McGinn, with gor­ The captured man *j Allen Hillman, r- "It wUl. therefore, be unnecessary geous red hair alias Addison, cabled " king of safe There w$l be one walkout next to consider the other questions iri' and " a hairy" blowers." iV. Y. WILL GO ON Saturday morning, according to toirad.- coat. Mr. McKee Led to Place by Tip. The ba,ttle took place in front of the present plans. This will be of the Cawcland Seeks to Amend. hastens to tell us RATl6\S IF BIG GENEVIEVE Davis laundry. 2341 Cottage Grove ave­ trainmen oi] thfc International and AHhoagh the* devlalon was of, this FORBES he has been work- MffiALLINE nue. Sergt, Grady had received infor­ STRIKE IS CALLED •weeplflf eharacter. Chester E. Cleve- ' \ng eight years in a Detroit automobile , (ireat Northern, a Texas road. mation that liillman had brought an iaad. special counsel for the adminis- j factory. Of course, he is authority on s N>w York, Oct. 15—[Special.]—A acetylene torch* into the Guarantee The Chicago, Xfilwaukee and I AMERICA Nation In several matters, made a tech- everything complete tieup of the railroads would UGUAV-BRGCNTINE Welding company, next door to the seriously menace the health of New! St. Paul, with a trackage of 10,661 saw motion for leave to amend his majority^of the emigrants whom Tne laundry, to be repaired. I Yorkers in a week's time. Dr. Royal S.'miles. will be in the first group. IfjRion. The court reminded him the ork to Rio de we meet are ycuug boys and girls With Patrolmen Gibbons and 'Da- CopelanA, health commissioner, said _,. , (.( , ,. c idmg was that there was " no cause going over for the first *tsM Next in lidge Grady went to the place to in-!' tonight. Three roads entering here. l he other nttee" to be hit the hrst daetton at aJl," and that therefore he o, Montevideo number com*, the older yuung people tne no right to amend. Bet the at- • vestigate l>'msyivania, Erie, and unaware dav of the progressive strike are: who are returning to their former Job Late in the afterncon Hillman re-^H^n, are affected by the fast ^ p . Buenos Aires R•y insisted that he wanted to offer and Nor(hwestern) emi in the states. They are usually uc turned. He asked for the torch. Then ^triKe call. <•> . RICAN LEGION made new as changes in order to get them into > Ymrk to Rio da Janeiro, at companied by a younger brother or tis- I Grady stepped out from behind a coun- \ H* intimated he would call a meet- svlvama. MlSSOUn Pacific, Sotltli­ u •a record for an appeat. " Alao hold* record Rio Attitude after taking cure.* lng f v 12 days. 12 hour*. •I am satisfied that no matter what ter, whom they protect wit'i a tough ter. ° ™« agencies in a few day* er„ |'acjfic Atlantic and Pacific to plan for the emergency. Ev«.ry I .. L. !^ ••••• - Oct. U NaT amendments are. if it is the same tenderness that is s'gTiifleant. The " Hello. Al," he said. ••• OW. 27 «e»e of action you cannot amend." third group consists of middle agea Without a word Hillman turnel und effort would be made, he said, from hues]. Southern railway, Lotus- laal the court. " Bat in order to obvi­ walked out. Grady fo lowed. Hill­ now until the date the first group goes ville and Nashville, Chicago Great (a) lit and M cU»i.
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