, , ' .... All the News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning rosse Pointe ews Complete News Coverage of All the Pointes Home of the NeW!; Entered as Second Class Matter at $5.00Per Year 40 Pages-Two Sections-Section One VOL. 29 - No, 7 the Post Office at Detroit. Mleh1a:an GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, FEBRUARY IS, 1968 tOe Per Copy IIEADLINES New Lure Designed to Snare Best Teachers Effort Continues rBo~rd~Hears oj the IObJectlon to \\'Et:K To Inform Voters IKing's Visit As Compiled by the Grosse Pointe News Ian School Issues Tr~t:~:~~dl~~uctsl~~~S. o Tbursday, February 8 tat ion T Negro tr~~~!Je~~~l;;'\'i~ ~~~ Possible Questions O-n-P-ro-p-o-s-it'-io-n-2Answered In Quiz Leader 4(){)demonstrllting South Korean i Prepared By Trustees Of Board of Education By Pepper Whitelaw college students. The South Kor. ! --.------ The trustees of the Grosse ean national police reported that In an effort to inform the community fully on the Pointe Board of Education 24 students were injured by bul. background to the special school election scheduled for met for a regular meeting lets or rifle butts, GIs from the February 26. the trustees of the Grosse Pointe Board of Monday, February 12, in the 2nd U,S, Infantry fired an esli. Education are conducting an informal campaign designed gymnasium of Maire Ele. mated 2(l rounds of warning I' answer all questions that citizens may have concerning mentary School. Mrs. Paul shots during the two.hour melee the issues. Proposition No, 1 was covered in last week's G. Hykes, president, chaired on Freedom Bridge a mile be.! 1'ss Ue o.f th e NEWS .' (i'~-------'-'--- the meetl'ng \"h:l ....Dr. Theos Icordingow the todemilitarizedpolice reports.zone' ac. Proposition .#2 seeks to levy IHI' A k d I.Anderson, Superintendent,y ut:: .. .. .. one mill for building and site' e p s e of Schools, presented his F Id purposes over ,~ 10.year period ray, February 9 to finance auditions to elemen. T ld -/ monthly report. NORTH VIETNAMESE troops tary buildings as needed. to 0 entt Y A half.hour audio.visual pre. made a heavy artillery and modernize portions of Grosse sentation on the building needs ground attack on the United P' s' B - - D of the Grosse Poi n t e Public States Marine combat base at tooll~teLmproveouth mlddte~Igh School,school andfa. IIwtWJlgII og Library was conducted by Wil. ~e Sanh Thursday after tak. cilities. liam Y. Gard. president of the mg the Lang Ve' S . I F Friends of the Library. and I pecla orces WIlY ARE THE TAXPAY. R b t U 0 d' t f P b camp nearby in the northwest Two Boys Must Take Painful 0 er .n. rr, Irec or 0 u. corner of the country. AP cor. I ERS BEING ASKED TO PRO. lic Libraries. respondent John T. Wheeler reo i VIDE FUNDS FOR BUILDING Pasteur Treatment Unless In his report on the fun~tion. ported from Khe Sanh that the; I ADDITIONS AND REMODEL. Animal Is Found By ing of the school system, Dr. Red gunners fired n.::re than ING? S t d Anderson provided additional in. 300 artillery, rocket and mortar A ne.w set of, teacher recruiting materials has nel. Comm. ittee mem~~l'ssh~~vn' examining the materi- I In spite of the fact that Grosse a ur ay sights upon a number of items rounds into. Marine positions been put mto use by The Grosse Pointe Public School 1 Pointe is an "old" suburb, we in his written report. For ex. there, and North VI'etnamese S . a s are (left to right) JOHN KUBISTA, GEORGE ED. Icontinue to grow at tl'e rate of ur d l' 1 k' ample he said that within two ystem as on,e means of attracting teachers to fill DINGTON, chairman; BILL KASTAN, TED WILNER, . • ,,00 s po Ice are 00 mg' . ~~;rofdr~;ee ~~~t~a~~~~o~~o~ futUre vacanCIes. A folder of materials described as DAVID FAIRLESS, and LAWRENCEF. KENNEDY, ~~~~~x~~:t;~:r ~O{) to 400 stu. for a ~arge, shaggy dog that ~~rth:e~~~eBO:~d ~:c~~~:~~:' mile from the perl'meter of the "a blend .of't'line drawings 1 and h photogr~phs based on Assistant. ..Superintendent ~ Professional Personnel. Trombly, Defer and masonu Ipupilshad bIttenon Tuesdavtwo FerryFebruarySchool tion concerning the complete. Khe Sanh base. The Marines sc h 00 1 ac t IVl Jes, warm co ors t at smack of 1968," has Seated are DR. THEOS 1. ANDERSON, Supelintendent elementary schools and Grosse i .. ." . future progr~m. for the high counter. attacked with heavy ar- been prepared by the schools' Public Relations of Schools"M:RS. PAUL G. HYKES, president of the Pointe High School were opened \6. .It IS Important that thiS schools. He mdlcated that an tillery and air support and Advisory Committee, Lomposed of residents who are Board of Education, and MRS. JOAN KU6IST A. in the 192(\'s. And, although all a~l1ma~ ~e lo~ated, or the intensive. ca~paign of high drove the North Vietname'se professionals in the field of communications art and Absent from the picture are committee members of them have been kept in excel. b~te VIctIms w~nhave to be school OrientatIOn has be,pn.con. down the hill. ~dvertising, in cooperation with the office of the S~per. William Ludwig and Gary Souter: lent condition over the years given the pamful Pasteur ductcd recently by the prmclpals .. « « mtendent and the Department of Professional Person- there comes a time when addi: treatment for rabies. and stall among 8th and 9th Saturday, February 10 ------------4> - ---- <!:------------ tal.tion~Forand example,major repairsmorearethanvi. \ The- ,cooperahon. of cl~lzens. gradersHopesthroup'houtfor lmprovementthe system. THE UNIVERSITY OF l\1ichi. Blo d D ~ onated Talent A SI-st1"g E S· $100000 f th . d who mLght know the uog IS ur- Drfderson also said that gan's campUS newllpaper, the 0 rf,Ve D . S ~., . reet I.gns by 'the ;ropos~d m~~~Jin~al.:~d gently .requested, s.ince the in. be b' s to improve the scb?O\ Michig~ Dally, in a copyrighted ,~ CI his- T h B I 't 1 'II b d' th formation must be m the hands system' process for evaluatmg story in its''Ftida"y edition, aI-IIBe:ng n-e-ld ~C 00 ill oug att e T D" .. SLe ev}' WI e use . L~ e of the authorities by Saturday, curren.' and proposed programs leged that University of Michi. ., 0 eSl.gnate Irepl~cement of the 0 rig I n a I February 17, when. the treat- of inst~Qtion. gan athletes have been receiving T Ob - Go d T h heatmg p~an.t at T rom b 1y ment of the pupils, hoth boys, is RepOrting on progress in the d.iscou~ts, fr~e pass.es and part. ! Here Today 0 tam 0 eae ers B:ke Route S(,hOOI,bUIlt In 1927. scheduled to begin. constnlction of North. High time Jobs m bU~lDelises and i' II 1lliY DOES THE BOARD OF 0 th F b 6 d t th School Dr. Joe Spagno1J, As. movie theaters, in probable vio.' . __ _ i Advertising Expert-s-A-n-d--Art-j-s-ts-H-elp In Creation Of __ EDUCATION WISH TO SPEND boy~, R~be:t ~:~~ewig a ;' so: sis~nt' Sup~rjnte~de~t.Adminis- lation of Big Ten rules. When De"! Cros Mob" U 't' ' . •W d T M'/ B h FUNDS ON THE DEVELOP. f iii d M R b t R' dd tratlve Services IDdlcated that asked about the discount policy, "jC~! I.'~" Ie.m !" '1- ••• N~w..KitToReplaeeOut-DatedBooklets' ;.00 S.IO al roc ureslMENT OF VOCAL AND IN. 0.. r.an rs. oer 0 e'thepossibility;fstrikesinthe Wolverine basketball Co a chomp etmg Tw.o.-P!i'y '. ~ ~ . '. '. Used To AttraetMentors .! ' To R.es/dents Before. Of- STRUMENTAL MUSIC FACILI. ~~~e~: :~leRO:Jyns~~8~f ~~~ various building trades iJas Dave Strack said: "I didn't rea. CC?lJeetion At Memo- . ficial Opening Sehed- TIES AT SOU T H II I G II Jerry Doyles ~f 15ill Blairmoor caused serious concern in meet. ,tize that they were such a com. rial Church. Donor.s" As plans for recrultmg teachers for The Grosse led fo A'I SCHOOL WHEN NORTH HIGH while on the way to school' ing the building's May 1 comple. mon practice, hut I knew, of A N 'd d' ~ointe Public. School Syste~ ~or the 1968.69 ~ear. be~in.u __ '_ pri . SC~OOL HAS SUCH A COM. were bitten by a playful dog tion deadline. Compl~tion is now course, that they weren't an un. ,e ee, e. ., t 10 earnest thiS month,adm~mstrators report Increasmg M ' . d "d t P LET E AUD1TORIU~. IN. that eluded attempts to cap. sla~e~ on four porllon.s of the common practice. I've. never: -- . i competition for the calibre of professional personnel any. Noo s reSJ en s STRUCTI~NAL CENTER, ture and identification. bUlldmg between A~r~ ~ and thought about their legality and i. .A Red CrosS' bl2odmobllel needed to maintain the community's traditional standard Ih~ve notIced. the number. of The mUSICclassrooms at South h . .. May 1. Dr. Spagnoh IDdlca~ede I am frankly surprised that they; is in The Pointe today, I of qualit edu atio ~. bIke route SIgn!' .app~armg High School have been inadr.
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