Merry Christmas University Dons and a Santa's Togs Happy New Year See 'Below Vol. 77 fhe University of Delaware, Newark, Del., Dec. 16, 1955 0. 13 University Theatr rro Give 'The B·oar' University To Present For Lab Showing Books For Christmas Two one-act plays, "The Boor" by Anton Chekhov, and "The Lady of Larkspur Lotion" by .JPennessee Williams, will com· To Campus Groups prise the second laboratory pro· The University of Delaware duction of the E-52 UniversJty of pocket books to begin or sup. announces a Chri~;'tmas gift of plemenr living group circulating Theatre ~n January 12. $200 to the living units includ­ libraries. In "The Boor," two freshmen, ing fraternities and to the com· ·President John A. Perkins Ginger Bruce and Charles Ogle, muters' lounge fo~ the purchase pointed out that the high quali· will assume the roles of Helena ty of books now available and Smirnon, res p e c 't l v e 1 v. through the paper-bound pocket George Boyd, a veteran of E-52 An Open Letter edj~ions affords an excellent op. producti~l'\s will play the role of poriunity for. dormitories and Tonka. The play will be directed To the Students, fraternities to have at reason· by Bill Brown, president of the Last Saturday .Ught you wit· able cost a sizable collection of E-52 ,University Theater. nessed a strange phenomena on books, both fiction and non-fic­ haracters in "The Ladv of the the University of Delaware tion, of the ·type tha't should be Larkspur Lotion" will be Gret· campus - a dance for which read by ~ very college student. chen Berguldo, freshman, in the over 450 tickets were bought. President Perkins expressed part of Mrs. Hard·Wicke-Moore EGER PLAYERS This fact gave rise to an even the hope that the gift will De ClJn d Mona Lawson. sonhomore, more unique state of affairs, F that of a dance with a budget used 'to purchase interestiflg in the role of Mrs. Wire. The amed Eger G T A books which will be read to the Writer i·s played by Charles Ag· roup 0 ppear of close to Sl3CO coming out in po'int of being worn out rather new. George Cavey will direct the black - a dream never be· than mere ti ties ' to rest on a 6 fore realized by ~ . SGA Social the presentation. For Concert Here January Chairman. dusty bookshelf. The production crew for 'these I am sure that the group who Selection of 'titles to be ·in two plays consists of Bart Rine- ·~ made this dance the grecrt suc­ eluded Ln the gift .is to be made ·hart, lighting; Joy c~ Gottshall, . Incredible . golden . throat-, ,by Mozart. · presente~ by Josep.h cess that it was expect to re­ by a joint student-faculty com· propert ies; Fred Moore, s'tage ,ed . weal~h of dramatic pow- ~ger and Grace Harrmgton. Thts ceive nothing for thelr services mittee to be appointed by Dean crew; Virg~nia Redding. sound; er ·,;. most.fmished in the c~un. 1s one of four concertos written other than their , own personal John E. Hocutt. Eddi~ Haugh construction . .try, In tht.s ~anner the Los lby Mozart for the French horn. satisfaction of seeing the fruita It is intended that the books Louise Czaj kow~ki , scene r ~ 'An~les Datly News" referred to :he ~ext number, "Deux Choros" of their labor turn into a job will be distributed early in the paintin~ and Joan Hover and the French horn performances of by Vtlla-·Lobos, features Gideon well done. I am not of this opin­ second semester. The .number of Joan Jacks~n costumes: !Joseph Eger. l~ader of the Eger IGeau and Aaron .S hapl!lsky. Cho. ion. It is my belief that the stu­ books to be allotted 'to each Jiv. ' Players, who wtll appear on cam. ·ros, a word whtch Vtlla Lobos dents should know who was re­ ing unit will be on a population pus January 6. 'coined, applies to Brazilian folk sponsible for making the Christ· basis. Board Exam Results In the concert of Eger P lay. music. mas Dance the unique success er~. Joseph Eger will be. h.~ard, The third portion of the pro· that it was. Must Now Be Sl:xnvn Wtth Gtdeo.n Gra,u, .vt?hnist; gram with Aaron Shapinsky and As is the tradition the Fresh­ English Department Aaron Shapmsky, cell~st, and Grace Harrington. consists of two men and Sophomores are re· Grace Harrington. _plamst. ·numbers. The first is "Malagu. aponsible for the work done on A nnouru:es Deadline By Out-Of-Staters .. The pro~ram wtl! open wtt~ ena" by Albeniz, a sensuous this dance. The presidents of Concerto m D. MaJOr. K. 386B Spanish dance. The second se­ Out-of-state applicants for ad· these classes, Dick Meier of the For Annual Contest mission 'to the university next : t ectio~n ~.s :'Allegro Spiritoso" by Sophs and Bob Kupelian of the fall will be :required to submit Christmas Caper ~ean ·Ba.pttste Senaille. Gideon Frosh did a fine job in setting The deadUne for the eleventh the res ults of the collegiate a pt­ 'Grau on the violin a·nd Grace up the organization of commit­ annual Creative Writing Contest itude section of t he College Colossal Success 'Harrington on the oiano are fea­ tees to bandle the work that had sponsored by the Department of Board examinations. as a result tured in the fourth part of the to be done. The work of two of English will be March 10, 1956. these committees was outstand· of action take.n by the univers­ 'Twas the night after the 'program. They will olav six "Ru. According to Mr. Richard mty's trustees at their last meet· Christmas F o r m a 1 a.nd all 'manian Dances" writte'n by Bela ing due mainly to the compe­ 'Bartok in 1915. · tence of their chairmen. Francisco and Mr. Edward A. in g. through the campus, not a crea- Hungerford of the English De­ (Continued to Page 4~ ture was stirring-they were all Next on the program Is Grace partmen't who are in charge of This plan will be on a trial so. content. Harrington with Chopin's "Scher- ba istonly according to the Com· the contest, students may sub­ According to Jack Mealey, SGA zo Opus 20, No. 1 in B minor." mit as many entries of poetry or mittee on Admissions, who pro· Social Chairman, the annual 'Following the Scherzo are two Second Term Bills posed 'rhe policy, which is al· pr4ilse as they desire, but they Christmas Dance was a most ;"Children's Piece " played by must be submi'tted separatelv. ready i,n use at many American successful affair, both aesthetic· ~oseph Eger and Grace Harring­ To Be Sent Home college and universities. ally a.nd fi nancially. ton. These selections are from The contest is open to all re· gularly enrolled undergraduates Up until now, out-of-state a o· The fieldhouse was decorated 'a collection of 85 pieces from a Second semester student bills with snowy Christmas trees, 'book by Bela Bartok entitled will be mailed to the homes of of the university, The wLnners plicants for a dmission to the will receive the Penwomen's and unive~ity were not all required Santa with his reindeer and a "'For Children." "Overture on He­ the students on or about De· f 1 il' f 'brew Themes, Opus 34" by Pro­ cember 28, according to a.n an· Ida Conklin Sedgewick awards to 'take college bollrd exams but a se ce mg 0 star-spangled 'kofev, is next on the' pro.gram. for excellence in writing, their high cbool records were blue. Pictures could be t aken in nouncement made early this carefully scanned and the uni· a corner of North Pole decor. It is played by the entire com. week by Earnesr L. Overby, con· SLnce the winning entries will versity required that they be The Commanders supplied lis· panv. This number was written troller for the university. appear in the spring issue of out tanding in their academic tening and dancing mu·sic which 'hy Prokfiev in 1919. while he Students are requested to re· Venture, all material must be aptitudes and quaU'ties of lead· blended well with the Christmas lived in the United States. view and talk about the bills previously unpublished. The ership. spirit. !he final selection. a "Horn with their parent's and to return author's name and postal ad· One of the best and most Trto, Opus 40 in E flat Major" them to the university as soon dress must be submitted on a. It was reported that the value heartening features to the offi· 'by Brahms, is t~ be played · by as possible j,n accordance with separate attached sheet with the of the e test results is tha't they cers in charge of the dance was !Joseph Eger, Gtdeon Grau and the instructions accomoanying entry to Box T. University Post tend to overcome the inequali. the size of the crowd which Grace Harrington. Dr. •Elizabeth the bill. Office. tie of hJgh school grading 'Dver pr fess f h · standards and establish uniform turned out for it. Over 450 tick· , · . • o or o c emtstrv and ets were ·sold which means that cha t r~an of the Artists Series entrance requiremen'ts. approximately 900 people at· ,ICom mtt ~~e. referred to thjs num. Beginning in February, all tended the dance ber as one of the most beau- Under-Privileged Youngsters out-of-state applicants will have The profits fro~ t he dance are tiful ,~f all compositions for the to take these exams for en- to be used in securi.ng a name horn.
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