Index Abercrombie, Ralph Gen, p.84, p.116, Bombay (India), p.52 p.121, p.163 Bombay Native Infantry, p.137 Abu (battle), p.57 Bonaparte – see Napoleon Abyssinian Expedition, p.31 Bonnie Prince Charlie, p.48, p.107, Acram, Lord, p.114 p.114, p.126, p.133 Afghanistan, p.45, p.73, p.80, p.98, Bothwell Bridge (battle), p.60 p.104, p.112, p.144, p.152, p.201 Bowles, Phineas Brig, p.121 Albergaria Nova (battle), p.150 Bowles, Richard Maj, p.133 Albert helmet, p.24, p.25, p.56 Boyes, Shapland Col, p.128 Albert, Prince, p.117 Brandywine Creek (skirmish), p.148 Albuhera (battle), p.78 British Army of the Rhine (BAOR) Alexander, W. Col, p.63 p.140 Alexandria (battle), p.115, p.175, p.197 Brihuega (battle), p.97 Aliwal (battle), p.73, p.152 Brocklehurst, Gen, p.173 Alma (battle), p.98, p.129 Brown, Edward Maj VC, p.137 Almanza (battle), p.72, p.77 Brummel, George ‘Beau’, p.108 Almeida (battle), p.150 Buckley, Felix Lt Col, p.17 American War of Independence, p.148, Buller, Gen, p.87, p.173 p.154, p.197 Bunker Hill (battle), p.154 Anglo-Egyptian War, p.17 Burgoyne, John Col, p.147, p.148 Anson, George Col, p.150 Burgoyne, John Col, p.168 Arabian horses, p.159 Burmese War, p.200, p.202 Arabi Pasha, p.14 busby (hat), p.80, p.117, p.129, p.163, Arab Revolt, p.86 p.175 Armstrong, Thomas, p.20 Byam, Edward Col, p.166 Aroyo de Malino (battle), p.103 Assaye (battle), p.97, p.169 Cadiz (expedition), p.72 Atherton, Walter Maj, p.40 Cadogan’s Regiment of Horse, p.38 Auchmuty, Samuel Brig, p.102, p.155 Camel Corps, p.86, p.117, p.172, p.180 Aughrim (battle), p.27, p.84 Campbell, Colin Col, p.103 Campen (battle), p.107 Badajoz (siege), p.78, p.103, p.116, Canada, p.24, p.129, p.170 p.128, p.135, p.150 Canadian Revolt, p.95, p.169, p.200 Baden-Powell, Robert Lt, p.129 Cannon, Alexander Col, p.71 Balaclava (battle), p.56, p.63, p.80, Cardross, Richard Col, p.90 p.98, p.117, p.157 Cardwell, Lord, p.203 Bangalore Mutiny, p.128 Cathcart, Lord Gen, p.116 Banks, William VC, p.95 Catherine of Braganza, p.52 Beevor, John Capt, p.102 Cavendish, William, p.47 Benevente (battle), p.163 carabin, p.43 Bentink, Arthur Col, p.50 Charge of the Light Brigade, p.80, p.98, Berkeley, John, p.76 p.117, p.129, p.144, p.157, p.158, Blenheim (battle), p.30, p.38, p.43, p.48, p.204 p.84 Charles I, p.10, p.30 Bligh, Gen, p.92 Charles II, p.10, p.11, p.17, p.20, p.23, Bloemfontain (battle), p.45, p.152 p.27, p.30, p.37, p.42, p.52, p.60, Boer Wars, p.14, p.24, p.28, p.31, p.40, p.71, p.101 p.45, p.49, p.57, p.63, p.68, p.87, Charles Stuart – see ‘Bonnie Prince p.95, p.98, p.112, p.118, p.123, Charlie’ p.130, p.137, p.144, p.152, p.161, Chatterton, James Gen, p.85 p.173, p.185 Childers, Walbanck Col, p.115 China, p.24, p.115 Duke of Albermarle, p.10 Churchill, Charles Col, p.106 Duke of Brunswick, p.48 Churchill, Winston, p.80, p.181 Duke of Cambridge, p.160 ‘claret for breakfast’, p.98 Duke of Cumberland, p.106, p.141 Clifford, Richard Gen, p.53 Duke of Devonshire, p.47 Clifton, Col, p.56 Duke of Marlborough, p.27, p.38, p.43, Cobham, Viscount, p.106 p.48, p.53, p.61, p.71, p.77, p.84 Coke, John Col, p.47 Duke of Monmouth, p.11, p.33, p.53, Cope, Sir James Gen. p.126 p.76, p.101 Cornbury, Viscount Col, p.53 Duke of Ormond, p.12, p.84 Corn Laws, p.94, p.110, p.150, p.165 Duke of Richmond, p.184 Corruna (siege), p.94, p.108, p.110, Duke of Schomberg, p.47, p.83 p.142, p.164 Duke of Somerset, p.71 Cotton, Willoughby Gen, p.152 Duke of Wellington, p.13, p.55, p.78, Coy, John Col, p.38 p.97, p.121, p.134, p.150, p.163, Crawley, Col, p.68 p.165, p.169, p.196 Crimean War, p.14, p.23, p.35, p.40, Duke of York, p.10, p.11, p.30, p.54, p.93, p.56, p.63, p.66, p.68, p.80, p.98, p.103, p.115, p.140, p.148 p.117, p.123, p.129, p.185, p.203 Dugdale, Frederick Lt VC, p.87 Cromwell, Oliver, p.10, p.17, p.20, p.65, p.71, p.83 Earl of Annandale, p.90 Conyngham, Henry Col, p.97 Earl of Arran, p.33, p.38 Crofts, Brig, p.101 Earl of Cardigan – see Lord Cardigan Culloden (battle), p.106, p.114, p.126 Earl of Chatham – see Pitt, John Gen Cumming, Henry Col, p.116 Earl of Devonshire, p.47 Cunningham, Richard Col, p.90 Earl of Essex, p.77 Cunningham (sometimes Conyngham), Earl of Mackelsfield, p.10 Sir Albert, p.65, p.66, p.84, p.97 Earl of Mar, p.91 czapska (hat), p.151, p.160, p.181 Earl of Newborough - see Livingston Earl of Oxford, p.20 Dalbiac, Charles Gen, p.78, p.155 Earl of Pembroke, p.139 Dalrymple, Leighton Col, p.143 Earl of Peterborough, p.27, p.52 Dalzell (0r Dalyell), Thomas, p.60 Earl of Plymouth, p.30 Davies, Christian, p.61 Earl of Scarborough, p.42 de Ainsley, Charles Gen, p.53 Earl of Shrewsbury, p.37 d’Arcy, John Col, p.37 Earl of Tyrconnel, p.83 ‘death’s head’ badge, p.154 East India Company, p.28, p.78, p.80, de Schomberg, Count, p.47 p.97, p.117, p.168, p.170, p.180, Dettingen (battle), p.12, p.48, p.91 p.195, p.205 de Vere, Aubrey – see Earl of Oxford Edward VII, p.111 d’Otignies (battle), p.47 Egypt, p.14, p.17, p.28, p.35, p.116, Dettingen (battle), p.66, p.77 p.121, p,175 Dickson, Brig, p.98 Egyptian Expedition, p.86, p.95, p.175, Dormer, James Brig, p.133 p.179 Douglas, John Col, p.179 Egyptian Revolution, p.49 Drogheda (battle), p.84 18th Hussars, p.163 8th Hussars, p.86, p.97, p.121, p.151 Elands River (battle), p.161 Elenslaagte (battle), p.40, p.87 11th Hussars, p.114, p.147 George I, p.12, p.23, p.27, p.72, p.91, Eliot,George Col, p.91, p.92, p.139 p.97, p.106, p.114, p.121, p.126, El Teb (battle), p.112, p.172 p.133 Emsdorf (battle), p.139 George II, p.12, p.23, p.48, p.54, p.66, English Civil Wars, p.10, p.17, p.20, p.77, p.91, p.107, p.139, p.147, p.27, p.30, p.52, p.60, p.65, p.71 p.154, p.163, p.168, p.179 Erskine, James Col, p.141 George III, p.12. p.14, p.30, p.77, p.78, Erskine,William Capt, p.102, p.139 p.134, p.140, p.147, p.148, p.163, Essex Dragoons, p.90 p.189 Ethiopia, p.31 George IV, p.14, p.30, p.63, p.78, p.103, Ewart, Charles Sgt, p.63 p.108, p.111, p.190 Gerard, Charles, p.10 Falkirk Moor (battle), p.106, p.133 Gibralta, p.139 Fenwick, John, p.30 Gillespie, Robert Col, p.169 Ferozepore (battle), p.73 Glorious Revolution, p.11, p.47, p.101 Ferrier, Lt Col, p.13, p.14 Godfrey, Col Charles, p.33 15th Hussars, p.139, p.166 Gordon, Charles Gen, p.40, p.172 5th Dragoon Guards, p.37 Gordon Relief Expedition, p.118 5th Lancers, p.83, p.98 Gordon Riots, p.12, p.72, p.78, p.115 5th Regiment of Horse, p.33 Gordon, William Capt, p.158 First Afghan War, p.80, p.152, p.201 Gore, Humphrey Brig, p.106 1st Cavalry Brigade, p.63, p.103, p.137 Gough, Hugh Gen, p.103 1st Dragoon Guards, p.23 Graham, Sir Thomas Gen, p.142 1st Dragoons, p.52, p.91, p.106 Grant, Colquhon Col, p.164 1st Irish Regiment of Horse, p.33 Grant, Hope Gen, p.170 1st Life Guards, p.10, p.13, p.17, p.94 Grey, Charles Gen, p.115 1st Regiment of Carabiniers, p.43 Griffith, Darby Col, p.63 Floyd, John Col, p.168 ‘guidons’, p.140 Forbes, William Col, p.90 Gwalior (battle), p.98, p.103, p.201 14th Hussars, p.133 4th Cavalry Brigade, p.49, p.98 Hale, John Col, p.154 4th Dragoon Guards, p.33 Hamilton, Archibald Lt, p.62, p.133 4th Hussars, p.76 Hamilton, Gilbert Col, p.137 4th Irish Horse, p.48 Hamilton, Gustavus, p.65, p.83 4th Troop of Horse Guards, p.11 Hamilton, James Col, p.63 Fontenoy (battle), p.12, p.48, p.91 Hamilton, William Col, p.37 Franco-Spanish War, p.10 Hanley, William Corp, p.135 Fraser, Charles Maj VC, p.95 Harcourt, William Col, p.148 French, John Gen, p.21, p.45, p.49, Harvey, Edward Col, p.66 p.68, p.137 Hawley, Francis Col, p.76, p.106 French Revolutionary Wars, p.30, p.44, Hawley, Henley Gen, p.133 p.54, p.61, p.66, p.92, p.97, Head, Michael Col, p.128 p.115, p.134, p.184, p.194 Heneage, Capt, p.98 Fuentes d’Onoro, p.135, p.150, p.184 Henry II, p.65 Henry VIII, p.65 Gardner, William Col, p.115 Hervey, Sir Felton Col, p.135 Gardiner, James Col, p.126 Hesilrig, Arthur, p.20 Hill, Rowland Gen, p.103 Hislop, Thomas Gen, p.156 Ladysmith (relief of), p.57, p.87, p.118, HM Own Troop of Horse Guards, p.11 p.130, p.137, p.166, p.173 Hodgson, Gen, p.48 ‘lance’, p.103 Hon East India Company – see East ‘lancers’, p.123, p.151, p.181 India Company Langzeekoegat (battle), p.130 Honeywood, Phillip Brig, p.114 Lannoy (battle), p.92 Horse Grenadier Guards, p.17 Laschelles, Edward Capt, p.154 Horse Guards Parade, p.17 Lauffeld (battle), p.77 Howard Russell, William, p.98 Lawrence, Col, p.72 Hull, William Gen (US), p.170 Lawrence, T.
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