19760 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 14 December 14, 2010 Mrs. SCHMIDT. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong Chair’s prior announcement, further ed the first branch of the NAACP in support of H. Res. 1743. I was honored to join proceedings on this motion will be Brevard County, Florida, in 1934. They with Congressman MITCHELL to introduce this postponed. also helped the Florida State Con- Resolution which congratulates Gerda The point of no quorum is considered ference of the NAACP in 1941, and Weissmann Klein on being selected to receive withdrawn. Harry Moore took an unpaid position the Presidential Medal of Freedom. f as its secretary. The Moores led a successful effort to Mrs. Weissmann Klein was born in 1924 in HARRY T. AND HARRIETTE MOORE advance civil rights. In 1937, Harry Bielsko, Poland. She is a Holocaust survivor POST OFFICE and an amazing person with a truly inspira- Moore filed the first lawsuit in the tional story. Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I move to sus- Deep South to equalize salaries of When Germany invaded Poland in 1939, pend the rules and pass the bill (H.R. black teachers with white teachers in her family was forced to live in a ghetto. She 5446) to designate the facility of the public schools. This effort failed at was separated from her family and spent 3 United States Postal Service located at first, but it laid the foundation for years in slave-labor and concentration camps. 600 Florida Avenue in Cocoa, Florida, other lawsuits that succeeded. In 1945, she was forced to walk a 350-mile as the ‘‘Harry T. and Harriette Moore In 1943, Moore began reviewing every death march that ended in Volary, Czecho- Post Office’’. incident of lynching involving black slovakia. Out of 2,000 women, less than 120 The Clerk read the title of the bill. people in the State of Florida, taking survived. The text of the bill is as follows: affidavits from victims’ families and A true love story, she met her future hus- H.R. 5446 launching investigations. He pursued band, German-born U.S. Army Lieutenant Kurt Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- this effort for the rest of his life. Klein, amongst the liberators in Volary. They resentatives of the United States of America in In 1944, the Supreme Court ruled in Congress assembled, married, moved to the United States, and Smith v. Allwright that all-white pri- SECTION 1. HARRY T. AND HARRIETTE MOORE maries in Texas and other States were started a family. POST OFFICE. Mrs. Weissmann Klein has led a dignified (a) DESIGNATION.—The facility of the unconstitutional, a major victory for life in the United States. She is dedicated to United States Postal Service located at 600 the NAACP. Moore then organized a her family and to educating others about many Florida Avenue in Cocoa, Florida, shall be group called the Progressive Voters things, including the Holocaust and the impor- known and designated as the ‘‘Harry T. and League and spent 6 years registering tance of citizenship. Harriette Moore Post Office’’. over 116,000 black voters in the Florida She is the author of five books. Among (b) REFERENCES.—Any reference in a law, Democratic Party. This activism led map, regulation, document, paper, or other the Florida public school system to fire them is one the best biographies I have ever record of the United States to the facility re- read, All But My Lift, which recounts her expe- ferred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to and blacklist the Moores in 1946, after riences before and after the Holocaust. The be a reference to the ‘‘Harry T. and Harriette which Harry Moore became a full-time award winning documentary, One Survivor Re- Moore Post Office’’. paid activist for the Florida NAACP. members, is based upon All But My Life and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- In July 1949, he got involved in a po- won an Emmy Award and the Academy Award ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from lice brutality case in Groveland, Flor- for documentary short subject. California (Ms. CHU) and the gentleman ida, where he uncovered evidence that The glass is always half full with Mrs. from Utah (Mr. CHAFFETZ) each will four black men accused of rape had Weissmann Klein. She has personally wit- control 20 minutes. been beaten. Moore leveled brutality nessed the very worst of humanity, yet she The Chair recognizes the gentle- charges against Lake County Sheriff rises above it to promote courage, compas- woman from California. Willis McCall. Three of the defendants sion, forgiveness, and the meaning of free- GENERAL LEAVE were convicted in 1949, but two of the dom. Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I ask unani- convictions were overturned by the I was fortunate to meet Mrs. Weissmann mous consent that all Members may U.S. Supreme Court. Lake County pre- Klein when she was in Ohio to speak with a have 5 legislative days in which to re- pared to put the two on trial again, and school group. She has spoken with many stu- vise and extend their remarks. on November 6, 1951, while Sheriff dents throughout the country, including those The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there McCall drove them back to Lake Coun- in my own Congressional District in Southwest objection to the request of the gentle- ty for a pretrial hearing, he shot the Ohio. woman from California? two handcuffed men, killing one and Mrs. Weissmann Klein will receive the Presi- There was no objection. critically wounding the second. Moore dential Medal of Freedom in early 2011. I Ms. CHU. I yield myself such time as immediately called for Sheriff McCall hope that all our colleagues in the House will I may consume. to be suspended and indicted for mur- join us in congratulating her on this well-de- Mr. Speaker, I rise in support of H.R. der. served honor. 5446, a bill to designate the facility of Six weeks later, on Christmas Day, Mr. CHAFFETZ. I yield back the bal- the United States Postal Service lo- 1951, Harry Moore was killed when a ance of my time. cated at 600 Florida Avenue in Cocoa, bomb exploded beneath the floor joists Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I again urge Florida, as the Harry T. and Harriette under his bed. Harriette died of her in- my colleagues to join me in supporting Moore Post Office. juries 9 days later. Harry Moore was this measure, and I yield back the bal- H.R. 5446 was introduced by our col- the first NAACP official murdered in ance of my time. league, the gentleman from Florida, the civil rights struggle, and Harry and The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Representative BILL POSEY, on May 27, Harriette Moore remain the only mar- question is on the motion offered by 2010. ried couple to be murdered for their ac- the gentlewoman from California (Ms. Mr. Speaker, Harry Tyson Moore was tivism in the era. The FBI was unable CHU) that the House suspend the rules born in Houston, Florida, on November to file charges due to a lack of evi- and agree to the resolution, H. Res. 18, 1905. He excelled in his schooling dence, but it was suspected to be the 1743, as amended. and graduated from Bethune-Cookman work of central Florida members of the The question was taken. College in 1936. He soon after accepted Ku Klux Klan. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the a teaching position in a segregated Harry Moore has been called the first opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being school in Cocoa, Florida, and later be- martyr of the 1950s civil rights move- in the affirmative, the ayes have it. came principal of the Titusville Col- ment. The Moores’ murder sent a shock Ms. CHU. Mr. Speaker, I object to the ored School in Brevard County. There, around the country and around the vote on the ground that a quorum is he met Harriette Simms. The two mar- world, drawing attention to the move- not present and make the point of ried on Christmas Day, 1926, and had ment. order that a quorum is not present. two daughters, Annie and Juanita. Mr. Speaker, the extensive efforts of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- After the birth of their two daugh- the Moores during the civil rights ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the ters, Harry and Harriette Moore found- movement is worthy of our greatest VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:52 Sep 24, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H14DE0.000 H14DE0 ehiers on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD December 14, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 14 19761 praise. Let us now pay tribute to the nating their homesite a Florida Historical Herit- SEC. 2. AUTHORITY AND DUTIES OF DIRECTOR life and work of Harry T. and Harriette AND DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE age Landmark, creating the Harry T. and Har- CENSUS. Moore by designating the postal facil- riette Moore Memorial Park and Interpretive (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 21 of the title 13, ity on Florida Avenue in Cocoa, Flor- Center, and naming its Justice Center after United States Code, is amended to read as ida, in their honor. I urge my col- the trailblazing couple. Additionally, the follows: leagues to vote in favor of H.R. 5446. NAACP posthumously awarded Mr. Moore the ‘‘§ 21. Director of the Census; Deputy Director I reserve the balance of my time. Spingarn Medal for outstanding achievement of the Census; authority and duties Mr.
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