ECHININIOPSIS Dysprosorthis Rong 1984, /N Nanjing Institute Of

ECHININIOPSIS Dysprosorthis Rong 1984, /N Nanjing Institute Of

ECHININIOPSIS 195 Dysprosorthis Rong 1984, /n Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology. Symposium on the Cambrian-Ordovician and Ordovician-Silurian boundaries (J 983: Nanjing}. Su-atigraphy and palaeontology of systemic boundaries in China. Ordovician Silurian boundary (I}. Anhui Science and Technology Publishing House, Nanjing: 133. -Brach. Dystylosaurus Jensen 1985, Great Basin Nat. 45 ( 4): 707. - t Repc.(Dinosauria} Dytoscotes Smetana & Campbell 1980, Canadian Ent 112 (10): 1061. -Ins.(Col.) Dytoscytina Lin Qibin 1986, Palaeontologia sin. (N.S. B) No. 21: 100. - t Ins.(Hem.) Ozarogneta Kuliev 1978, Doklady Akad. Nauk azerb. SSR 34 (5): 74. - Aracbn.(Acari} Dzeregia Ponomarenko 1985, Tntdy paleont. Inst. 211: 77. - lns.(Col.} Dzhagdycyathus Beljaeva in Belyaeva, Luchinina, Nazarov, Repina & Sobolev 1975, Trudy Inst. Geol. Geofiz. sib. Otd. 226: 102. - t Arch.(lrregulares) Dzhajloutshella Goroch 1994, Zoosystematica Rossica 3(1}: 53. -Ins.(Saltatoria} Dzhanganoceras Zhuravleva 1989, Paleontol Zh 1989 (I}: 36. - Moll.(Cephalopoda} Dzba.nok.menia Kostyukov 1977, Entomologicheskoe Oooz.r. 56 (t}: 189. -Ins.(Hym.) (As Tetrastichus (Dihanokmenia}} Dzhebaglina Misyus 1986, [Brachiopods of Lhc Ordovician of northern Kirgizia.) Ilim, Frun1.e: 169. - Brach. Dzhinsetoceras Zhuravleva 1978, Paleontologicheskii Zh. 1978 (4): 69. - Moll.(Cephalopoda) Dzhungarodorcadion Danilevs 1993, Russian Entomological Journal 2(1), February: 47. - lns.(Col.) (As Dorcadion (Dzhungarodorcadion}} E Eadya Huddleston & Short 1978, Journal Aust. ent. Soc. 17 (4): 317. - Ins.(Hym.} Ealata Quinlan 1986, Bulletin Br. Mus. oat. Hist. (Ent.} 52 (4): 257. - Tns.(Hym.) EarendiJ van Valen 1978, Evolutionary Theory 4 (2): 63. - t Mrunm.(Condylarthra} Earlandammina Bronnimann & Whittaker 1988, The Trochamminacea of the Discovery reports. A review of the Trocbamminacea (Protozoa: Foraminiferida} described from S Atlantic & Antarctic waters by Heron- Allen & Earland (1932) & Earland (1933; 1934; 1936) British Museum (Natural History), London: 126.. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Earllheeia McCulloch 1977, Qualitative observations on recent forarniniferal tests with emphasis on the eastern Pacific. University of Southern California, Los Angefes, Calilornia: 302. -Prot.(Sarcodina} Eastmanalepes Bannikov 1984, Paleontologicheskii Zh. 1984 (3): 134. -Pisces(Teleostomi) Eastonastraea Stevens & Rycerski 1989. J Palcontol 63 (2): 178. - t Coelenterata(Rugosa) Eastonerins Empson-Morin 1981, Micropaleontology 27 (3): 266. -Prot.(Sarcodina) Eatonicysta Stover & Evitt 1978. Stanford Univ. Pubis geol. Sci.15: 41. - Prot.(Mastigophora) Ebalites Muller 1978, Fold1ani Kozl. 108 (3): 279. -Crust.(Malacostraca) Ebenaqua Campbell & Le Duy Pbuoc 1983, Palaeontology 26 (I}: 35. - t Pisces(Teleostomi} Ebisus Tsuneki 1983, Special Pubis Jap. Hymenopt. Ass. No. 27: 2. -Ins.(Hym.} (As Podagritus (Ebisus}} Ebito Noy & Wool! l 994, Journal of Natural History 28(6}, November-December: 1368. -Ins.(Hym.) Ebmeria Pesenko 1986, Tr Zool lnsL Akad Nauk SSSR 159: 136. -lns.(Hym.) (As Lasioglossum (Ebmeria)} Ebmeriana (n.n. pro Pasires (Micropasites) Warncke 19S3} Pagliano & Scaramozzino 1989. Mem Soc Emomol ltal 68: 5. -lns.(Hym.} (As Pasites (Ebmeriana)} Eholowaia Dajoz 1978, Bulletin Mus. natn. Hist. oat. Paris (Zoo!.} No. 352: 185. -Ins.(Col.} Ebolowanius Dechambre 1980, bull. lnst. fond. Afr. noire (Ser.A) 41: 155. -lns.(Col.} Eboo (n.n. pro Odontimwpa. Erichson 1842} Reid 1993, Colcopl Bull 47 (I): 62. -Ins.(Col.} Ehora Conrad 1871. (SeeEubora KadolsJ..-y 1980) Ehoriella Elsen 1981. Revue Zoo!. afr. 95 (3): 594. -Arachn.(Acari} Eborilaira Eskov 1989, Zool Zh 68 (9): 69. - Arachn.(Araneae} Eburana Dubois 1992, Bull Mens Soc Linn Lyon 61 (10): 328. - Amph.(Lissamphibia} (As Rana (Eburana}} Eburgemellus Schoorl 1990, Zoo! Verb (Leiden} No. 263: 109. - Ins.(Lepid.} Eburnella Jocque & Bosmans 1983. (See Neoebumel/a Kocak 1986} Eburnella Jocque 1983, Zoologische Meded., Leiden 57 (1): 12. - Arachn.(Araneae} Eburoceras Zou & Chen in Chen, Zou, Chen & Qi 1979, Acta palaeont sin. 18 (2): I 12. -Moll.(Ccphalopoda} Ecalibur Argaman 1990, Acta Zoo! Hung 36 (3-4): 260. -lns.(Hym.} Ecapeloplerum Chan & Yang 1994, lssidaeof Taiwan: (Homoptcra: Fulgoroidea). National Chung Hsing University, Department of Entomology, Taichung, Taiwan: 74. -Ins.(Hem.) Ecbathyrion Humes 1987, Bull Mar Sci 41 (3): 770. -Cmst.(Copepoda) Ecchosi.s Selden & Shear in Selden, Shear & Bonamo 199 1. Palaeontology (Oxf} 34 (2): 273. - Arach.n. Ecclesirnus Korth 1989, Nat Hist Mus Los Angel Cty Sci Ser No. 33: 36. - t Manun.(Rodentia) Ecclitodes Roig- Alsina 1989, Univ Kans Sci Bull 54 (I}: 9. -Tns.(Hym.} Eccoptarthrus Arnoldi 1977, Trudy paleont. lnsc. 161: 169. - t Ins.(Col.} Eccoptothorax Arnoldi 1977, Trudy paleont. Inst. 161: 1:58. - 'f Ins.(Col.} Ecdelphax Yang 1989, NSC (Natl Sci Couoc} Spee Pub! No. 6: 137. - lns.(Hem.} Echidnin a Bengtson I 986, Alcheringa 10 (3): 202. -Pori f.(Hexactinellida} Ecbidnocephalodes (o.n. pro Echidnocepluilus Lamb 1914} Sabrosky 1980, /n Crosskey [Ed.] Catalogue of the Diptera of the afrotropical region. Publications Br. Mus. oat. Hist. London, No. 821: 650. - lns.(Dipt.} Echldnocephalus Lamb 1914. (See Echidnocephalodes Sabcosky 1980} Echidnotaen.ia Beveridge 1980, Journal Helminth. 54 (2): 129. - Platy.(Cestoda} Echinichona Jankowski 1973, Zoologichesldi Zh. 52 (I}: 19. -Prot.(Ciliophora} Echlniniopsis Reid 1989, Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci 324 No. 1220: 95. -Moll.(Gastropoda) (As Tectarius (Echlniniopsis}} 196 ECHINIYESICA Echinivesica Sheng 1991, Organisms and communi1ies of Pem1ian Reef ofXiangbo, China: Calcisponges, H>•drozoans, Bryozoans, Algae, Microproblematica. hllemational Academic Publishers, Beijing, Chi na: 130. - t Foss. Misc. Ecbinoaesalus Zelenka 1993, Koleoptcrologiscbc Rundscbau 63. Juli: 235. - Ins.(Col.) Ecbinobaetls Mol 1989, Zoo! Meded (Leiden) 63 (1 - 10): 6 1. - Ins.(Ephemeroptcra) Ecbinobeyrichia Cot>eland 1989, Geol Surv Can Bull No. 341: 25. -t Crus1.(0 s1racoda) Echinobre>•iceca Oran, Ble & McEachr 1994, Journal of Parasi1ology 80(2), April: 309. -Pla1y.(Digenea) Echinochaetus Ferr.ira & Scbmalfuss 1983, Stuttgarter Beitr. Naturk. (A) No. 360: 14. -Crus1.(Malacos1raca) Echinocbimaera Lund 1977, Annals Carneg. Mus. 46 (13): 198. - t Pisces(Elasmohranchiomorphi) Echinocletodes Pallares 1982, Contribuciones cient. Cent. Invest Biol. mar. B. Aires No. 186: 26. -Crust.(Copepoda) Echinococcidium Porchet 1978, Pro1istologica 14 (I): 69. - Prot.(Apicomplexa) Echinoconcbella Lazarev 1985, Paleon1ologichesk.ii Zh. 1985 (1): 70. - Brach. Ecbinocoris Livingstone & Ravichandran 1992, Hexapoda (lnsecta lndica) 4(2): 167. - lns.(Hem.) Echlnocotyloides Komjushin 1983, Parazitologiya 17 (4): 269. -Platy.(Cestoda) (As &binocotylc (Echioocotyloides)) Echinocydidium Yankovskij in Small & Lynn 1985, In Lee & Bovee [Eds]. An illus1rated guide 10 the Protozoa. Socie.ty of Protozoologists, Kansas: 54 L - Prol.(Ciliophora) Echlnocyclidium Yankovskij 1980, Trudy zoo!. Inst. Leningr. 94: 119. -Pro1.(Ciliopbora) Echinocypris Jiang & Li in 1978. [Fossils of central southern China. Volume 4. Microfossils.] Earth Sciences Pu blishing House, Peking: 177. -Crusl.(Ostracoda) Echinodes Zimmermaru1 in LeConte 1869. (See Mroczkowskiella Mazur 1984) Echinodesmodora Blome 1982, Mikrofauna Meeresbodens No. 86: 114. - Nema1. Echinodinella Keupp 1980, Facies 2: 133. - Pro1.(Mas1igophora) Echinofemur Atyeo & Perez 1984, Acarologia 25 (3): 287. - Arachn.(Acari) Echlnogurges Quinn 1979, Malacologia 19 (I): 20. -Moll.(Gastropoda) Echinoideshelea Wir 1994, Ioscc1a Mundi 8(3-4), September- December: 231. - Ins.(Dipt.) (As Echinohelea (&hinoideshelea)) Echinolatiaxis Kosuge 1979, Bulletin Inst Malac. Tokyo 1 (1): 3. - Moll.(Gastropoda) (As Latiaxis (Echinolatiaxis)) Ecbinomeron Yartkovskij 1980, Trudy zoo!. lost. Leningr. 94: 119. - Pro1.(Ciliophora) Echinonodosaria Xia Guoying & Zhang Zhicun 1984, ltr Tianjin Dizhi Kuangchan Yanjiusuo [Tianj in Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources.] Huabei diqu gu shengwu t.uce. 3. Weiti gu shengwu fence [Palaeontological atlas of north China. 3. Micropali1eontological volume.] Geological Publishing House, Peking: 56. - Prot(Sarcodina) Echinoocysta (n.n. pro Ech;nospora Amoji & Devdhar 1979) Levine 1984, Transactions Am. microsc. Soc. 103 (2): 198. - Prot.(Apicomplexa) Echinopelta Mclean 1989, Zool Ser 18 (1): 58. - Moll.(Gamopoda) Echinopcltis Jeekel 1979. Bijdragen Dierk. 49 (2): 170. - Myriapoda(Diplopoda) Echinophacops Zhou 1983, Acta palaeonL sin. 22 (6): 648. - t Trilob. Echinophallus Coiffait 1956. (See EchiiwphittS Coiffait 1983) Ecbinophius (n.n. pro Ecl1i11oplrallus Coiffait 1956) Coiffait 1983, Nouvelle Revue Ent. 13 (3): 345. -lns.(Col.) Ecbinopsolus Gutt 1990, Zoo! Ser 19 (1): 112. - Echin.(Holothurioidea) Echlnor bis Waterhouse 1987, Palaeontogr Abt A Palaeozool-Stratigr 198 (4-6): 160. -Moll.(Bivalvia) Echinorbyncboides Gupta & Naqvi 1984, Indian J. Helminlh. 34 (1): 73. -Acaolhocephala Echinoshipleya Tolkacheva 1979, Trudy gel' mini. Lab. 29: 153. - Platy.(Ces1oda) Echinosociclla Berger in The ciliated Protozoa. Characterization, calssificatiofn and guide to the literature. Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York etc.: 266. -Prot.(Ciliophora)(n.n.] EchinosocieUa Berger in Small & Lyon 1985, Ill Lee & Bovee [Eds]. An illustrated guide to the Protozoa. Society of Protozoologis1s, Kansas: 539. - Prot.(Ciliophora) Echinosorella Fain 1980, international J. Acarol. 6 (3): 186. - Arachn.(Acari) Ecb.inospirifer Lyashenko 1973, Tr Yses Nauchno-lssled Geol Neft Inst 134: 109.

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