FEATURES PICTURES ARTICLES VOLUME 26 .NUMBER 15 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13, 1957 PRICE SIX CENTS Tells Nixon His Country Ref uses Aid From Russia BY WILLIAM THEIS MONROVIA, Liberia - (INS) - President William Tubman, reaffirmed Liberia's friendship for t.hi > United States Saturday In a final meeting with visiting Vice President Richard M. Nixon, CHICAGO, Ill,—"Miembers ot the Nixon, who. Is battling his second cost mor than $400,000. , '.æ- National Medical Association ' are attack of the flu In the past week, ; Nixon's visit, the cigar-puffing helping the March of Dimes to was scheduled to depart by air force President said, has "strengthened finish the lob of defeating polio" plane for Entebbe. Uganda, at about tremendously" relations between ths stated Dr. T. R. M. Howard, pre­ sident of the National Medical As­ 6 p. rii. (I p- ni, EST). A.new en­ U. S. and Liberia. CANDIDATE — "Miss Jubilect" will be formally Odom—Barrett' Chapel and Miss Ward—Bar­ sociation.-“At the mid-winter meet­ gine was flown Ip. to replace one that Tubman was chilly to an Idea ad­ presented at the Show, "KING COTTON JUMPS rett's Chapel. ing of the NMA's executive commit­ had tailed following the Vice Presl- vanced by Nixon’s previous host, SHARE" at Ellis Auditorium, Friday night, March Other candidates not included in the picture tee of the-Board of Trustees, the , dent's arrival in Liberia! Prime Minister Kwame Nkumah of Tubman told Nixon and the re­ 22, from a group of over 25 lovely candidates. are: Miss Mildred Hampton, Miss Ernize Taylor, physicians expressed their willing­ the new,state of Ghana. -à.;-;?! porters accompanying him On his Some of the candidates are: (left lo right)— Miss Helen Taylor, Miss Juanita Stokes, /^iss ness to participate In a national pro­ gram to vaccinate the 58 million goodwill,tour of Africa that Liberia He described Nkrumah's, idea Of Miss Doris Cowans, Miss Lois Hampton, Miss Billie Jones, Miss NaLue Bowden, Miss Earline people, uhder forty years of age has turned down Communist ,, .Po­ an African federation.as, ‘;Xt least JoAnn Mayo, Miss Barbara Griffin, Miss Juliece White, Miss Gerthena Hobbs, Miss Marie Wilder, who have not yet received any vac­ land’s offer..vto.,,send an"1-%eo»s8filc as . remote as the probability of a Odom and Miss Katie Ward. Miss Cowans— Miss Doris Tolbert, Miss Esther Hill, Miss Bonnie cine protection." team to Liberia to help develop .^yropëan” federation," and 'the Let­ herrcsources. ter? he said, is “most remote.” L“ B. T. W.; Miss Hampton—Hamilton; Miss Mayo West, Miss Lavetla Glover, Miss Bettye Johnson, Tile program Is part of an effort Tubman told reporters that Li­ —St, Augsustine; Miss Griffin—B. T. W.; Miss I and Miss Barbara Waters. by medical and health authorities, The President added that It Is beria Is behind Ghana in develop­ and the National Foundation Tor "most unlikely" he will accept a ment because Liberia had tri start Infantl!? Paralysis, to encourage Kremlin Invitation to visit" Moscow "from scratch", and “pull herself widespread vaccination before t h e this year. He said Russia has not up by her own bootstraps " , < 1357 polio season. followed up Its 1955 general offer Tubman also defended his ad­ Twin City Ministers Alliance of aid but recently re-extended the "The 6AOO members pf the Na­ ministration, which some of his tional—Medical Association"—Dt_ lpvltatlon to Moscow. critics have said Is. a seml-dlctator- Howard said, “are urging all people . The Liberian Legislature, Tub-' ship. He said the 105s elections were Holds Leadership Conference to get their Salk polio vaccine In man said, probably would not ap- free and .the opposition party, the the offices of their physicians. Some . prove another presidential visit td lndcpendent'ti'ue whlgs, had a free The Twin City Minister's Alliance Church, Helena; Mrs. B. B. Hollis, Europe this.year because last year’s hand. ■ pianist, New Hope, Helena; Mrs. 51.000,000 adults and children al­ sponsored a Baptist Leadership ready have started the recommend­ Conference here February 27 ----- Eva Brandon, pianist King Solomon March 1, for Ministers, Deacons, Helena; Mrs. B. O. Walker, pianist. To Mr. and Mrs. John G. Public: ed three shot scries." ; . Women, Sunday School ¡Workers, Mt. Tabor, Helena; Rev. W. M. Wil­ The Mallroy. Knights Welfare Or­ Mass inoculation of unprotected I Policeman, Local Atty Training Union Workers, ' Young liams, Little Rock; Miss Gwendo­ ganization have been trying, with­ groups, on a voluntary basis, is People vmd Laymen. The confer­ line Luster, Little Rock:.Rév. H. S. out success, to obtain aid for a wi­ being organized by local citizens ence was held at First Baptist, Coleman. Missionary Arkansas, Val- dow, Mrs. Maggie Wilkerson and groups in. many areas. Various or­ Church. 609 Rightor Street, where' ley Association: Rev. Wllson. Deese, her five children, who are very ganizations , industry, commerce, IIArgue Traffic the Rev. Sherman Jones is pastor.1 Pastor First Baptist, Westj.Helena; much in need for anything one can school officials and goverimicntal Special attendance banners werc (Rev. Rel Gray, Dr. L. .,B, lpoIdcn! give them; food, clothing, fuel, em­ units—federal, state county- arid ATTY. JAMES F. ESTES "L. told him sou could get Leo" given to the churches with the larg- Dr. B.= L.T Bridges,««*». Executive Sec.. ■ ployment for the mother. etc. These city—have joined in the Spring pro­ CHARGES LOCAL OFF-DUTY a ticket for pulling a stunt like est percentage of workers attend- Baptist State Convention; umiliti0 gram to urge uso of the Salk vaq- FOLICEMAN WITH BEING that,” Houpt further stated. Ho -kp Children . especially are , suffering UNDER THE INFLUENCE; W- ' Rock and Dr. Clyde Hart, Director for.the needs mentioned above be­ cine. .. said, “Who in the hell are you?“?vv Some of the program, personalities I of Negro Work Department pt^ilS' TENNESSEE'S NEW CITIZEN — Dr. Anna Arnold Hedgeman, assist­ traffic violation sworn I told him I was a police effl» n cause the; mother cannot supply AGAINST ESTES; JUDGE •wereere Rev. J. S. Smith,Smith. Moderator of sions ¡Little Rock, Arkansas. these needs. ant to Mayor Robert Wagner of. New York.City, shows her certifi­ cer. He said, “Well, I itm » , a Greater P. Lt M. and D. .District The Phillips County Annual' Spell­ Chamber of Commerce cate of {'Honorary Citizenship" and gold key to. the city of Nash- DISMISSES CA8E lawyer and we’ll just see about ;?' BY ALYSON E. WISE that!’’.... - < ■ . ’he Association; Rev. Wm. O. Lindsey, ing Bee will be held at North End Ip. Sponsor; Sales jClihiCj ...-Y-I e ,o- - 'a Stette University .student, while. twa others School,. Tuesday,SMarph 1, BAO-B, . Wbergupon - .ho ’ wept over taey Í,S!^a^u$Ífl$’^kgro'S'áiata^K®H.®W'^'ií^^¿wta«TÍ’w5já'módo':.hori0ráry-cítízérei0"í'1Re’-VbKÍri' ■l.<-îh'omlnentT’»cal,'-Attorriy;'. /âmes' Union • Andr-'atarted'-' trying1, to flag a 1 leer State bj^Govefnor Frank G. Clement and Nash'villels".MayorJ F: Estes, charged with .violation of .down-,cars. "1-,went and called- po- ’0' -Helena,-Arkmisasf>‘Rey*'itJ:*D’BelI; •South' Sider-West • Side,- Elaine, from the'generosity of the public Commerce ?wlll sponsor, its* second . a traffic ordinance by an off-duty Moderator . of Bethlehem District Southland, North End, Labe. View, ■heart will go Into this fund for the annual Sales Clinic beginning Ben West corwerred upon her Nashville citizenship -while the dy- II police officer, was freed of charges lice headquarters.” , u Association; Rev. T. R. Redmond, Oneida, Rhondo, and Holly Grove. family’s .support. As of this writ- Thursday, March 28 at 7:30 P, M. namic speaker wqs'-TgljgiOUy—emphasis, week leader for three durtag a hearing Friday morning Offlcers' B. G. Hinson. .G R. and to continue'for a total of five -Moole and Lt J B Cheitnault Gallllee Church. Helena, Arkansas; The winner and sponsor will re­ lng. 'theffamily is. two months .tn Nashville schools jointly — Tennessee State, .Fisk, and Meharry before Acting Judge Freeman Marr. Mrs. Wilma C. Campbell, pianist, ceive an all expense paid trip to weeks. answered Hinson and Moole said a r r e a r on their rent and ¡Medical College. — (Clanton III Photo) R. F. Houpt off-duty member ot. -that Estes "showed an Impertinent New Light Church, Helena; Mrs. visit Fort Smith, Arkansas with a there Is hardly any food In their the Memphis: police force-was the Loretta Jackson, Director of Music. stop over in Hot Springs, Arkansas. According to a statement from C. arid damlitaUg attitude about their, pantry- We have exhausted all . ef­ J. Gaston, executive secretary of complatatant hi the case which First Church. Helena, Arkansas; Mrs. C. T. Cobb of Forrest City according to testimony occurred investigation and Insisted that Houpt Mrç. Carrie Jones, Pianist Gallee will serve as the caller. forts to try for welfare aid for them, the Chamber classes will be held was drunk. ...... but the Welfare Department cannot each Thursday night for a period of Thursday afternoon at approxi­ .grant them aid until after two years, five weeks and will be taught by mately 3:25 p. m. CHARGED WITH after which they will become , eli­ members.of the Memphis Sales Ex­ Houpt, the prosecuting witness, DISORDERLY CONDUCT ■■ gible. Iii (lie meantime this family ecutives Club. ; ; said that "he was p'roceedlng“north- Estes was charged with disorderly will have to survive somehow. And Reenstatement Case Here bound on Lauderdale when the conduct and blocking conduct.. •. ■ the only way to survive is an ap­ This club Is composed of the top traffic light at Beale changed to.
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