Contact: Kristyn Souder Communications Director Email: [email protected] Phone: (267)536-9566 PRESS RELEASE Zenkaikon Convention Returns to Lancaster in April Over 3000 fans of anime and science fiction expected to attend. Hatboro, PA – November 17, 2013: On April 25-27, 2014, Zenkaikon will hold its eighth annual convention at the Lancaster County Convention Center in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This will be the convention’s second time in the Center after an extremely successful 2013 event which brought over three thousand fans of Japanese animation (anime), comics (manga), gaming, and science fiction to downtown Lancaster. Zenkaikon expects to welcome a similar attendance for its 2014 convention. Many convention attendees don costumes of their favorite characters to attend the annual convention. Planned convention events include a variety of educational panels and workshops hosted by volunteers and guests; anime and live action screenings; a costume and skit competition (the "Masquerade"); a hall costume contest; performances by musical guests; a live action role play ("LARP") event; video game tournaments and tabletop gaming; a formal ball and informal dances; and an exhibit hall of anime-themed merchandise and handmade creations from artists. A number of Guests of Honor have already been announced for Zenkaikon 2014. Prolific voice actress Brina Palencia, known for her many roles in anime and video games including Summer Wars (Natsuki), Black Butler (Ciel Phantomhive), Hetalia (Chibitalia), and Borderlands (Mad Moxxi); and Doug Walker, best known as The Nostalgia Critic who reviews movies and TV shows from childhood, will be hosting panels and meeting attendees. LA-based Japanese rock band Lolita Dark, and steampunk band The Extraordinary Contraptions will each be performing two concerts and participating in programming. The full list of currently-announced guests is available at the convention's website. Zenkaikon memberships are $45 through December 16, 2013, $50 through March 24, 2014, and $60 at the door. Memberships include entrance to the convention on all three days. More information regarding registration, guests, programming, and events is available at www.zenkaikon.com. ABOUT ZENKAIKON ENTERTAINMENT, INC: Zenkaikon (www.zenkaikon.com) is run by Zenkaikon Entertainment Inc. Zenkaikon Entertainment Inc. is a 501(c)3 non- profit organization dedicated to promoting knowledge and enjoyment of Japanese art, animation, and culture as well as science fiction and fantasy literature and films of all origins. The organization is run completely by volunteers, and the Zenkaikon convention is the organization's primary annual event. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ZENKAIKON BACKGROUND Mission To promote knowledge and enjoyment of Japanese art, animation, and culture as well as science fiction and fantasy literature and films of all origins. Background Zenkaikon was created in 2006 through the merging of two Philadelphia-area events -- Kosaikon, an anime convention held at Villanova University, and Zentrancon, an anime and science fiction convention held on the University of Pennsylvania campus. In 2006, Zenkaikon held its first event at the Valley Forge Scanticon Hotel and Conference Center in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania. Approximately 450 fans attended to attend educational panels, watch anime and science fiction screenings, meet celebrity guests, and participate in video gaming. By 2008, membership had nearly tripled. Having outgrown their previous venue, the staff decided to expand into the Radisson Hotel Valley Forge, where they welcomed nearly 2000 members in 2009. In 2011, the convention grew again, using the combined spaces of both the Valley Forge Convention Center and Scanticon Hotel and Conference Center. Over 3000 members came to the convention's first year as a three-day event. In 2012, due to construction at the Valley Forge Convention Center Complex, Zenkaikon held its annual convention at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center complex. At the conclusion of the 2012 convention, Zenkaikon announced it would move to the Lancaster County Convention Center for its 2013 convention. In 2011, Zenkaikon Entertainment, Inc. became a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. From it's founding, the convention and the organization have always been run "by fans, for fans" with an all-volunteer staff. Convention Timeline Dates Location Unique Guests Memberships October Valley Forge 450 Peter Fernandez, Corinne Orr, 28, 2006 Scanticon Hotel Prism, and Alex Strang and Conference Center King of Prussia, Pennsylvania October Valley Forge 570 D-Chan, Hsu-nami, and Uncle 13, 2007 Scanticon Hotel Yo and Conference Center King of Prussia, Pennsylvania October Valley Forge 1,352 Charles Batschelet, Jessi 17–18, Scanticon Hotel Bavolack, Michael Gans, CJ 2008 and Conference Henderson, Ikuzo! Studios, Center Michele Knotz, Matt Pascal, King of Prussia, Raqs Attaq!, Laura Robinson, Pennsylvania Wil Robinson, Bill Rogers, The Slants, Rose Thompson, Ultraball, and Uncle Yo November Valley Forge 1,988 Robert Axelrod, Johnny Yong 7–8, 2009 Radisson Hotel Bosch, Stephanie Celeste, C. J. King of Prussia, Collins, Eden Star, Eyeshine, Pennsylvania Geek Comedy Tour, Gerry Giovinco, CJ Henderson, Hi5, Chris Kalnick, Mike Leeke, Kevin McKeever, Reni Mimura, Trina Nishimura, Jessi Pascal, Matt Pascal, Rich Rankin, Laura Robinson, Wil Robinson, Bill Spangler, Uncle Yo, Neil Vokes, Tommy Yune, and [geist] March 18– Valley Forge 3,168 paid Kevin Bolk, Gelatine, Todd 20, 2011 Convention memberships Haberkorn, James Harknell, Center and (3,422 warm Onezumi Hartstein, CJ Scanticon Hotel bodies) Henderson, DJ Luminal, Sarah and Conference Martinez, Vic Mignogna, Rose Center Noire, Uncle Yo, and Greg King of Prussia, Wicker Pennsylvania May 11– Greater 2,736 The Asterplace, Daniel Coglan, 12, 2012 Philadelphia Jillian Coglan, CJ Henderson, Expo Center at Hi5, Michele Knotz, DJ Kurono, Oaks KyoDaiko, Pennsylvania Jedi, Oaks, Platform One, Sonny Strait, Pennsylvania Uncle Yo, and Japan America Society of Greater Philadelphia March 22– Lancaster 3061 paid T. Campbell, John de Lancie, 24, 2013 County memberships Eien Strife, Hi5, Richard Epcar, Convention (3,376 warm CJ Henderson, Cosplay Center bodies) Burlesque, Phil Kahn, Kuniko Lancaster, Kanawa, DJ Midget, Saber Guild Pennsylvania - Keystone Temple, The Slants, Ellyn Stern, Uncle Yo, and Greg Wicker Other Events In addition to its annual convention, Zenkaikon also participates in several other events throughout the southeastern Pennsylvania region. In 2008-2009, Zenkaikon provided anime and Asian content to America's Video Game Expo (VGEXPO) at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. Zenkaikon also continues to run an educational booth and Cosplay Fashion Show at Philadelphia's Sakura Sunday (part of the Subaru Cherry Blossom Festival of Greater Philadelphia). From 2011-onwards, Zenkaikon has provided sponsorship of the anime programming room at Philcon, the nation's oldest science fiction convention in Cherry Hill, NJ. In addition, Zenkaikon has presented educational presentations at local libraries and bookstores to educate the public about anime, manga, cosplay, and Japanese culture. ZENKAIKON(2014(ANNOUNCED(GUESTS! Jim$Cummings$[Actor]$ ! !“Tell!the!kid!he’s!got!it,”!said!the!legendary! Mel!Blanc!with!a!smile,!after!listening!to!a! young!man’s!first!demo!tape!of!cartoon! character!voices.!!The!year!was!1984,!“the! kid,”!was!Jim!Cummings.!!Since!then,!the! kid!has!gone!on!to!give!life!and!voice!to! some!of!America’s!most!beloved!animal! characters,!even!a!few!of!the!late!Mel! Blanc’s,!and!he!was!even!nominated!for!an! Emmy!Award!for!his!work!as!the!lovable! Tigger!on!Disney!Channel’s!My#Friends# Tigger#and#Pooh,!in!which!he!also!voices! everyone’s!favorite!bear,!Winnie!the!Pooh.! ! Born!and!raised!in!Youngstown!Ohio,! Cummings!spent!Saturday!mornings! riveted!to!the!TV!screen!as!he!mimicked! the!characters!in!his!favorite!cartoons,!all! the!while!dreaming!that!one!day!he!would! voice!them!himself.!!At!age!19,!he!moved!to! New!Orleans,!where!he!performed!as!a! drummer,!a!singer,!a!deck!hand!on! riverboats,!and!even!designed!and!created!Mardi!Gras!floats,!all!the!while!absorbing! the!rich!characters!and!accents!that!would!someday!find!expression!in!animation.! ! Years!later,!Cummings!relocated!to!Southern!California!and!managed!a!video!store! as!he!pursued!his!childhood!dream.!!He!gave!his!first!demo!to!a!customer!who!was! also!a!movie!producer,!and!the!rest,!as!they!say,!is!history.!!In!1984,!Cummings! landed!his!first!role!as!Lionel!the!Lion!in!Disney!Channel’s!Dumbo#Circus.!During!his! illustrious!career,!he!has!worked!extensively!for!the!Walt!Disney!Studios!voicing! classic!characters!such!as!Winnie!the!Pooh,!Tigger,!King!Louis,!Kaa!the!Snake,!Pete! (formerly!PegWLegged!Pete),!and!more.!!His!many!other!credits!include!Darkwing! Duck,!Bonkers,!Fat!Cat!and!Monterey!Jack!on!Chip#‘n#Dale:#Rescue#Rangers,!Don! Kamage!on!Tailspin,!Dingo!on!Gargoyles,#and!too!many!others!to!mention!here.! ! Cummings!has!done!scores!of!voices!for!Warner!Bros,!as!well,!including!TaZ!the! TaZmanian!Devil!himself,!Steven!Spielberg’s!Animaniacs,#Tiny#Toon#Adventures,# Batman,#Pinky#and#the#Brain,#Tazmania,#Duck#Dodgers,!and!more.!!Other!credits! include#The#Powerpuff#Girls#(FuZZy!Lumpkins),#Sonic#the#Hedgehog#(Dr.!Robotnik),! King#of#the#Hill,#Bump#in#the#Night,#Adventures#of#Jimmy#Neutron:#Boy#Genius,#The# Replacements,#The#Addams#Family,#Teenage#Mutant#Ninja#Turtles,#Star#Wars#Clone# Wars,#The#Simpsons,#Barnyard,!and!Catdog.!
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