May 4, 2015 | All Editions | www.hpj.com | JOURNAL CLASSIFIEDS 1C 20. Alternate Energy 30. Announcements 70. Auctioneers GENERATORS: 15KW-2,500 KW, LIMESTONE NAME ROCKS, been (DIESEL, propane, natural gas and in business 20 years, have own quar- PTO), low hour, take-outs. PH-701- ry. PH-785-398-2545. 797-4766. www.bazinelimestone.com www.abrahamindustrial.com CLASSSIFIEDIEDS OIL/GAS PAYING Top$ for produc- COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE ing interests. Paul Thomas, PH-325- SPECIALIZING IN 30. Announcements 695-1329. FARM MACHINERY 1500 E. Wyatt Earp, PP..O.O. Box 760, Dodge City, KS 67801 TRAVELING? Find places to go PH-507-765-2131 1I t 'BY t XXXIQKDPN NOTICE and things to do along the way. PRESTON, MINNESOTA Visit: JournalGetAways.com Denny Brusse Ron Gehling CLASSIFIED DEADLINE – WEDNESDDAAAYY 12:00 NOON CST www.gehlingauction.com If you purchased a 50. Antiques - Farm Equip. DEL PETERSON & ASSOCIATES PHONE NUMBERS FFAAX NUMBERS National Auctioneers & Appraisers t t piece of equipment 1954 SPARTAN 8x40 TRAILER, Specializing in Appraisals, Fertilizer, &."*-BET!IQKDPN 8&#4*5&XXXIQKDPN $4,000. PH-580-327-7165. & Construction Equipment and that you feel was Farm Implement Auctions Include yyour ad on wwww..HPPJJJ.com..co Openp rate and/or wor d ads $2/week. misrepresented in 1959 ORIGINAL MASSEY Hi-Crop, 419 W Judy Dr., Fremont, NE 68025 dual loader, with refurbished E-mail [email protected] an advertisement hydraulic cylinders. PH-316-283- CLASSIFIED WORD AD RAATTES CLASSIFIED BORDERS 2636. .JOJNVN XPSET BSFOPU BWBJMBCMF GPS 8PSE "ET appearing in High 2-ANTIQUE LOWBOY International &."*- BET!IQKDPN WORD AD ENHANCEMENTS Plains Journal, Call tractors complete, 1955-1956 Models, XFFL ............ XFFLXPSE 1FS FOIBODFNFOU 1-800-452-7171 running condition, shedded. PH-505- XFFLT .......... XFFLXPSE Bold, italicize, VOEFSMJOF or 471-8056. PXFFLT ...... XFFLXPSE TUSJLFUISPVHI text. ext. 1854 LOOKING FOR good 1-Row corn XFFLT .... XFFLXPSE "OZ8PSE T PS FOUJSF BE picker. Cell-620-870-0157. BLIND BOX SERVICE AMERICAN WALNUT buying stand- NEED PLOW for your antique trac- FREE Service ing walnut timber, 25 or more trees. tor? Have JD, Case, IH, MM, and 0OFUJNFDIBSHF PG JT BEEFE UP UIF DPTU PG ZPVS BE PH-816-232-6781, Saint Joseph, Mis- almost any plow share to plow 50 See Announcements Class 30 years old. PH-620-672-2490. *ODMVEFZPVS BE POMJOF GPS 3FQMJFT BSF NBJMFE EBJMZ souri. or WANTED: SCOURKLEEN and For Details Call CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED DISPLAAYY ENHANCEMENTS ATTENTION !!! pickup head for SP combine, will DISPLAAYY RAATTES Bold, italicize, VOEFSMJOF or All adapt 7300 White. PH-518-775-3283. 1-888-227-7171 .JOJNVN JODI strike UISPVHI text BOECPSEFS BSPVOE UIF BE Advertisers GENE FRANCIS & Multi-column borders: 70. Auctioneers ASSOCIATES /P DIBSHF Real Estate Brokers & Auctioneers 0QFO3BUFy QFS JODIXL yMJOFXFFLFBDI Jon Briel, Great Bend, KS If you have emailed FARM & RANCH 620-793-5750 XL DPOUSBDUy QFS JODIXL yMJOFXFFLFBDI Gene Francis, Wichita, Kansas XL DPOUSBDUy QFS JODIXLyMJOFXFFLFBDI your ad to REALTY, INC. 316-524-8345 XL DPOUSBDUy QFS JODIXLyMJOFXFFLFBDI REALTORS AUCTIONEERS Brian Waldschmidt [email protected] APPRAISERS XL DPOUSBDUy QFS JODIXLyMJOFXFFLFBDI and don't receive an 620-842-3796 PHOTOS – LOGOS – QR CODES acknowledgement Logos/QR Codes: (Min. height ½”). Chargeffoor space onlyy.. from us, Jim Froetschner Photos: Chris Froetschner (Size 2” wide by 1” tall min). Charge ffoor space onlyy.. please call us ASAP Larry Carr - Auctioneers Photos, Logos, QR Codes setupup deadline, WWeednesdayy,, 12:00 nonoon CSTT. Call 620-285-3148 PO Box 300 ERROR NOTICE for verification! W. 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St. Francis, Kansas AUCTION & REAL ESTATE Don’t forgyget your Classsification when pgplacing an ad! For All Your Agricultural Needs 1145 East Kansas Plaza 10 .......................................Airpl anes 410 .......................Livestoc k Services BID NOTICE Garden City, Kansas 67846 20 ...........................Alternate En ergy 420 ........Alt. Livestock P ets/Exotics The Kiowa County Fairboard is tak- Office PH-620-275-8200 30 . ..........................Announcemen ts 430 ....................Stocker/Fe ed Cattle ing bids for a new swine building! PH-1-800-222-2048 40 ............... Antiques & Collecti bles 440C ommercial Cows/Pair s/Heiffeers Plans can be picked up at the Exten- After Hours PH-620-275-9557 50 ....... Antiques - Farm Equip ment 450 ............................................. Dair y sion Office, 320 S. Main, Greensburg, Fax-620-276-2681 1110 .....................................Auct ions 460 ...........Bulls/Registere d Females KS in the Commons Bldg. Please call www.arcrealestate.com 70 ...................................Auction eers 470 ........................Livesto ckk WWaanted (620) 723-2156 for more information. 80 ........................Building Mat erials 480 ............................................. H ogs GYPSUM AG FINES: 3-Sizes of Auction SCOTT AUCTION 90 ...............Business Opport unities 490 ..............................Hor ses/Mules fines, analysis upon request, SMITH & CO Auction & Realty, Inc. “THERE IS A REASON” Woodward, OK 100 ...................Campers/RRVVs/B oats 500 ................................Sh eep/Goats $8.50/Ton. Several other sizes of Complete Auction Service 110 . ..................................Car/TTrr ucks 510 ......................................... Pastur e assorted rock, driveways, county 580-254-3975 FARM MACH.-REAL ESTATE 115 ...................................TTrruck Pa rts 520 ..............................WWoorrkking Dogs roads, oilfield locations, various other BANKRUPTCY & LIQUIDATION uses. Call for pricing. PH-620-248- Ira Y. Smith 120 ..................Computers/Soft ware 530 ...............Machiner y (Compact) Garden City, KS 67846 130 ...Consultants - Ag Engineer ing 540 ........Machinery (Far m) For Sale 3246; PH-620-886-1643. Paradise Auctioneer - R.E. Broker Gypsum, Sun City, Kansas. smithcoauctions.com Listings - “www.scottauction.com” 140 ...................Cleaning Equip ment 550 .............................................Loan s 620-276-8282 1-800-466-8214 150 .................................... Ch emicals 590 ........Machinery (Far m) WWaanted 160 .............................. Commo dities 600 ...........................Metal Buildings Internet and Telephone Scams 170 .......................Cotton Equ ipment 610 ..............Manufacture d Housing 171 ............................. Crop Spray ing 620 ........................Modular Housing Please be aware of third parties who insist they have buyers/sell- 180 ............Disc Rolling/Sharp ening 630 ......................Motorcyc les/AATTVs ers for your equipment. It is recommended that you NEVER give 190 .....................Ditching/TTeerracin g 640 .................................. Oil Drilling any of your personal information over the phone including credit The Best Way To Buy And 200 .................Electronic Equip ment 650 ................................Parts/R epairs cards or bank information, as High Plains/Midwest Ag Journal can- Sell Used Equipment. 210 .................Employment WWaa nted 660 ...............................................Pip e not verify their intent. Period. 220 ............................ Engine R epair 661. ..........................Plast ic Products Preview hundreds of items including 221 .....Ennvvviirroonmentaall Prroodduucts/Serrvvviices 665 ........................Pond/P ond Liner ************************************************************ tractors, excavators, trucks, 230 ......................Equipment Lea sing 670 ................................Pr ecision Ag trailers and more at www.ironplanet.com! 240 ........Farms/Ranches/Real Es tate 680 ...................Pre-Site Bui lt Homes Please be aware of third parties that pose as agents of High 250 ..............Farms/Ranches WWaa nted 690 ...........................Roden t Control Plains Journal or Midwest Ag Journal through the phone, 888-433-5426 260 ..................................Feed/G rain 700 .........................................Salvag e email or internet. 270 . ............................................. Seed 710 ............................................Sca les WIEMAN 280 .........Seed Cleaning/Equip ment 720 ...............ShopTp ToTools/Eq uipment We do not get involved in financial transactions for buyers or sellers. LAND & AUCTION, INC. 290 .........................Fencing Mat erial 730 ..........................Solar E quipment Selling all types of Machinery 300 ..Fertilizer/Fertilizer Equip ment 740 .........Storage Container s/TTaanks If you are contacted
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