• OFFICE OF T!r~ DEAN OF STUIaNTS Student Activitios ::lU:'e£l~ List of orrf'_niza~;iollsg 19-: 3,~,~·~ December 8, 1943 ~J"rThe Ofrice of. the Dean or students shall prepare and Pt1: Ush al1l1U(llly an orriciEtl l'6f:ister of t~~.~or;niled student orF;ElD.1Iations flrld no student orrnnizo: ion shall 'Je included therein Wltil it ];ij~has seoured recor,nition of the Senate Con'~llittee on Stude! <~ Affr.irs.· ~~:\~~ ?;;,"lEvery orge.nization applying for official recor.nition she.ll 1Ja classified by 'l;llis comt:'.ittee in ,.June of the following r.roups with each ~rCl).p tl.3eigned a de"'1R.rtmental number for accounting e Co purposes in the Stu0.ent Orr,a.ni~ntion Fund. naird ::; nmua: on lU:l6rice.n Collep;e Frflterni+'ies shall be the authority rer,ardinr. olassificlltion of i'ratertiities anti sorori":iee. aoademic and proi'essional e " (l':ir•• Senate Corm....ithe on Student Affairs 11/10/43) President or ';~~!~ of or(;anilstion Cont.aot .Person Adviser Description ,;: COnmler~t .~t;;.. : P.O" iPhone 'Uni v •Add .. tc t Phone ;l:"'OOVERnnm :.10ARDS MID COUlfCILS Student Counoil !:arie Sterner Henry Schmitz,; Dean_ College Ar,ri"o student UF13613--Ne 5526 Agrio•• ForentrY$ and Home covernment EoOnOllliclJ. Prof .. and Chief D1v~ of Forestry·-202Ad (UF) lie 4616 All-"W' C~~1cil Elizabeth Bird Charles 1@ Rook, Direotor, student r.overnmont 6486--nr 3426 Student Aotivities Bureau 213 Adm.--777 Alpha Phi Chi r, .. R. 8mith_ Intermural Acc.der:'ic l'rA.ten1i 1;'" Director,.il.s~oc. l'l"C'r~ Ph;"ri~ athletic cO'.'u."l(;il l::Juao.tiont 20::; CIl-... "91 Il"t:nitHl)turr1.1 :;tuc.:e1'l't Riohard ::Iflrnli1e 1 P." C. Cel"ne:i, Ass't., Prof" All ctlld~nts in ~::':hmoil ~'ionee r lIe.ll Arohitecture--E 315--314 schoCll of ~).rohite,~,r'r') !'.s~(,:.~l~\'te<: 1 01r.~n Sal1~' 3:1oaelius Ja!"bara Clark, Ass1t Direotor vn'~ :3t~lt~ e}'1·!";~ All lTni J.\,. 431 '(,.,-Em 3771 ~:;tudent .'\ctivi:;ies ~ureau '-Otlen 213 Ac.m--777 !~p.rCl\ret Honr~,. E'bhel Oorha."J, Inato Textiles Ul"G20 nn<.l Clothinr-;--l.IT; 302--27e 4616 ~rr~~ (;~ \3~,o~i~ted !Ile.ct1ve Brnest A. lIeiLilEU1~ 1'ro1', All r."':.":l'.:lJ: hi ~tl~ i,~·::~; {i ;·_:~:'\tJ~n.tc s Accountinr.--313 ~f--35a school J.' .·U"~.ilf:::R Jot'1l.. i(uknvina EoG.1;illiar.l8on, Dean or f;upel'v1. :;i,':' n,' E1to1 lioS I?itill Ctuc1ents ond }'roi', or CI')F;}(~r,. ]Jfill:·,. At QG06 IJl::'eholof::r-<~13 AOM--62G Sk:i-:]-, ":', GhAr10tte IIo1r,9son :~r~nl'et :'·cdd~-C1it:!.u E. Pello·,; 'lon"ll t'~I- - '," 'InnJi,'; 0177 COY·1stock-...IYn COt:lstock··,·,!,.ofll iJ 177 ~rJl..p.', I.aonn TO'.11o -..r,t SOll Dio::eITJ.a.F. 1-'2."0 r:,l'f'...o;; ~;t'.1ricmt" in ~5 3353 Ave" St, Direotor, GenOI'HJ J~:<i;fmsion extension diviSion Hopkiml 7G71 Di~i s ior. ~ ~'109 fI.(~(l'''- 2-:,1 D. S .lt~rm 8-.Jt13 • 4 -2- President or Name of or~nization Contact Pe::-SOl1 Adviu3r pesoription & COL1ffient r:o:----tPhons "Jniv .. 1'.(0.. e~ 'Phone -Inous 'V;a~mo L2IBien H~ [L Diehl. rean, I.1CldiJal Medical School 3518 :acoll03~~ SCiel1c·3f and l'rof. PrElv3ntiV0 soc~al, servioe 1,0 4724 l,Iedidm and Public Health 127 }l30--609--401 Interfraternity Phili) Rosondahl Cha.rles L. Rock, Dire. Gt;;>1', Each e oademic Council Vi!). 4394 Studont AotivUias Bur9au fratornity re­ ;n3 Jdlll--777 presented Law Sohool Council John llooty .sver(ltt Fraser, Dean, Law All students in law 3756--Gl 76H~ Gohool--L204--623 Medioal Teohnology !1ll3.rc;al·e t Sunderson l.uoille J. Hoiland, Ins'!;. students in Council Gl 2660 Medical Tech:101oGY, EUH 4081I Medical Technology 1~ 8177--Hospital Meredith Hall Self Ma.ry Eriokson June Very Dormitory governing Government Ass'n. UFI05'~--Ne 1160 2089 (~arter--Ne 1160 group Nurses Student Gov't. Mary g. Preston Katherine Deusford, Prof. sohool of nursing Assooiation Nurses .1es.) i'.pls. nursi:n.g and Director School Gen. Hosp. At 3531 of Nl\:rsiag--125 Mo;::;--773-774 Pan Hellenic Ass'n. Kay Hor;:],ung Barbcca Clark, Ass It. Director Each ucademio 5810'''-Gl 2001 Stud~'!1'G Activities Bureau sorority repre­ 213 1.dra.--777 sented Pi Phi Chi Phil Sauer "1. R. Srrith, lntramw'al Direotor Inter-professional 3138--Enl 1764 Assoc. frof. Phys. Ed1;.OflJ~ion fraternity council 203 CH--791 student Viar Efforts LouisE' Harrie. c. Reck & B. Clark, Direotor, Student \var effort Coordinating Counoil 3009--'Mi 2420 Ass it. Director, Studen-,~ Aotivities ooordinating IlurO!~u--213 Adm---777 oouncil stnd.ent Counail of Bl·ioe Fnrwell J. Benj'i:nin Schmoker, E:ceo. Sec. Coordinn+'ing aampus Religions 7100--G1 1619 UniV':lr'sity YMCA and Coordinator religitY'.s group of r~ligic'US work--n!CA-~Gl 1013 Technioal Commission Miles OIson Hamuel c~ Lind, Deun, Students in Institute 2137 SarGent Ave. Institute of' Tschnolog:y of 'I'ochnIJlogy Em 7l~;6··-Ha. 8177 145 C--587 Ext. 514 Frosw~': Technolog Board Ed Ht G. Richardson, J.r.Hl' t. Prof., Supervis~~on of 313G~'··Hy 0668 Engli13h·..·108 E--275 Technolog Union Board of Ed Bv.l:,(J()(,k G. R~y HigginJ_ Director, U!lion program Governors Qrs. F;-··}TfmTC !:inrlC'uo"';:;' Un::.o:,1.. k ·103 nm--:!.:n plan.'11nf'; Ha 9'792 Union Boa.rd cf rlo:ri'~ eli InUl l\;!'ic, t'!l~Or.. program Govs.rnors--Ag,-10 ~ 1.~?- .. :: n ~j';'JO plmtrd.ng ------ --~~-~-- --,,-,\-~--------.------.......--- -------.----~----.-----------...... ---~ --~- • • D.$. •Fon,n 8--43 President or Name of organization Conta.ct Person Adviser Desoription &: Comment P.O~ I Phone UnJ.v.Add. &: 'Phone flU" Farm Christian Ruth Mandell Robert Lansing, Assoc~ Prof•• Coordinates religious Council UF1233--Hl 1406 Chief Rhetoric--UF--Ne 4616 groups Women's Athletio Jean Thomas Esther Frenoh, Ass't. Prof., Women's athletio Assooiation 4843-"'01 2577 Phys. Bduoation--159 Horl"is"-880 Women's Athletic Inaotive Assooiation--Agrie. Name of' orge.nization Editor Bus. 'Manage r Adviser P.O. t Phone P.O. 'Phone PUBLICATIONS Gopher Phyllis Kremer :Marge Benson F.L.Kildow, Asa't. 8316--313 4217--460 Prot. Journalism C.L.Rook. Direotor. Student Aotivities Bureau Gopher Peavy--Agrio. Robert Beebe Edward G. Cheyney, UF13l--Mi 3826 Prof'. Forestry Norman Sorge Gn nOB Cur) UF859--To 8657 Law Review Leonard Schanfie1d Jopn Mooty Henry Rottsohaefer, 3158--Ch 8611 3753--01 7612 Prof. Law 253 1--622 Minnesota Daily Marge T. Benson Robert Carlson Same as Gopher 4341--440 7682-...615 Minnesota Teohnolog Eugene Andrews Riohard Engdahl Harlow C.Riohardson V-12--614 3735--Dr 6843 Ass't. Prof. English Harry Brenner E 108--210 8l75-..Ch 2811 Ski...U-Mah Lorraina Cooney Ruth DrOJlJllerhausen Same as C·opher 6836--Co 2430 UF523--451 Mary Jeanne Schafer 5713--259 President or Name of organization Contact Person Adviser Desoription & Comment ElrrERPR ISES 'P'.. O.. IPhoni Uuiv. Add. & 'Phone Campus Chest Ha.:t·riet Ca.ley Charles L. Rock, Direotor Handles financial 6772--00 6309 Student Activities Bureau drives on oampus 213 Adnl-- 777 dC! e D.S. 1"orm 8.....43 .. • -4- President or Name of organization Contact Person Adviser Description &Comment 'P':l5'7 r Phone Univ. Add. &: Phone RELIGIOUS AND SOC IAL SERVICE. Canterbury C1 ub Jean Trout Rev. L. Clarke Episoopal student 8151 ... -Br 0631 611 se 6th--Gl 1622 group Catholio Students Amelia Thurnbeok Fred A. Krantz, Prof., .!gric. campus Confraternity UF890--Ne 1160 Hortioulture--ID'... -Hi 9218 Catholio group Christian Medioal Jaok Sohuraaoher H. O. Halvorson, Prof. Medio students Society 8296--Mi 4228 Bacteriology--215 lUI--550--Re 8230 religious group Christian Soienoe Club Camilla Ballou Christian Soienoe 7493---Em 8030 group Friends Student Fellowship Inaotive GaImna Delta Lou Esther Sellner Rev. Rudolph Norden Lutheran students 7038--Dr 6491 327 se 14--06 7682 Hillel Foundation Rose Segal Rabbi A. E. Millgram Jewish students 3029....Ke 3624 1507 Univ. 8e--G1 1185 Inter-Varl1ty Christian Jean Frykman Elizabeth Carlson, Assrt. Prof. Evangelical students Fellowship League 7747--Dr 7243 lJathematics--121F--232--Du 8871 Kadimah Society Etta Lazar M. If. Levine, Pathologist, USDA Zionist society 7629--Hy 8671 UF--Mi 1563 Bernard Phillips, Ass't. to Direotor Admissions, lnst. Mathematios and Phi1osophy,--320 F--376--Ke 8486 Kappa Kappa Lambda Harriet Juntilla Gina o. '''anganess, lnst. German Lutheran sorority S876-...Br 5064 208 F--473 Ke.ppa Phi -No:rma Best Norma Ahlquist Methodist sorority 3532..-Ma 1731 2334 Uilson NE--Gr 0386 Lutheran Students Catherine Markhu8 Rev. Carl Lund-Quist Lutheran students Association 8122--Gl 7653 1425 Univ.--Br 2889 Lutheran Students Helen Truog Rev. Giving Lutheran students AS8ociation--Agric. UF896--Ne 0212 2246 Luther Pl--Hi 0304 N~n Foundation Katherine E1afrof Fa"char Louis Forrey Catholic students Guild .55--Al 1637 1227 sa 4th--Gl 2172 Northrop Club John Hue Mary Alioe Beok Congregational 4613--Gl 1712 5 St. 8th Avc~ se--G1 2910 students Phi Chi Delta Merry Barr Rev. R. T. Fulton Presbyterian women 7559--Ma 8177-Comstock YMCA--Gl 7769 Red Cross Supervisors Jo~r Nisi3811 Barbara Cl~rk. Asslt. Director Surgical dressings Club 7417--At 8107 Stude~;:l; Acti7ities Bt1!"J98.',l un-! + 2.13 _t\uln--tt77 • ~. -. D. Fo l'Ijl 8---43 -5.., President or Name of organization Contact Person Adviser Description &Comment P.O. iPnone Un!";. Add. & ·Phone Roger Wi11i~ Club Virginia Black }~rgaret E. Day, Inst~ English Baptist students 1200--Comstock VHS200- .... 496 ~esley Foundation F'rank Cut Ier Jnl1et E.
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