POSTMASTER—- Sec. 563, P.L.&R. if undeliverable for any reason, notify U. S. POSTAGE sender, stating rea- son on Form 3547, PAID postage for which is guaranteed. The Phoenix, Arizona Phoenix Jewish PERMIT No. 83 News, 528 W. Gra- nada Rd. The PhoenixPHOENIX, ARIZONA,JewishOCTOBER 14, 1949 News. No. 2 VOL. 11l U.S. Stand The Goal: $55,000 Relaxed On Jerusalem Beth El Nears End of By Alexander Gabriel —10 VB (Jewish Telegraphic Agency Correspondent) LAKE SUCCESS, (JTA) States may be Synagogue —The United Drive for open to compromise on the issue of the internationaliza- tion of Jerusalem, it was in- Jerusalem, Says Contract Will dicated this week in U. S. Jews Won't Yield delegation circles at the Be Let Soon » United Nations. Former National Zionist Secretary degree compromise, it Morris Margulies, former na-* The of seph treasurer, | explained, secretary Zionist Or- S. Eil, and Lorin Board Hopes was will be determined tional of the Thalheimer, auditor. by a multitude of factors involv- ganization of America, declared at Installed as executive board With the slogan, “This ing obligations to satisfy the the recent installation meeting of U. S. three-year terms were Complete of Zionist Dis- members for Year—A Beth El,” interests the Vatican, Great the Arizona Brandeis Leaf, Simons, and Arab How- trict that internationalism of Jeru- Max Abraham K. Phoenix’ Beth El Congrega- Britain the states. Barnett E. Marks, Philip m ever, it is generally stated that salem “could never happen.” Rabbi tiontion has gone all-out in * Jaffa and Philip J. Meisel; for W**'*"'* p x the American position is now more “The 100,000 Jews there its effort to raise $55,000 to - two-year terms Martin M. Sha- -*r express-! complete its synagogue il ft r L*J niwjß ; flexible than the formula wouldn’t submit to it,” he asserted piro, Dr. Louis R. Becker, Morris at ed in the opening speech before bluntly. “I saw with my own eyes Sundell, Walter Reiss and Ab- 3rd Ave. and McDowell Rd. the General Assembly by Secre- holes W. a year ago the burned-out raham Katz; for one-year terms The building committee hopes to " '' ; tary of State Dean Acheson. living in .. - '¦* that people were still resume IHiielff „ MK J k 1.., H Joseph Cohen, Joseph Fried- construction within 60 to SL I i road H. ®| As regards the overall peace set- along the so-called Burma man, Leon Francis, Max Good- 90 days. The synagogue now con- tlement, the state department is which leads into Jerusalem. If Duskin. sists of a basement auditorium, desolation harts and Eric inclined to evaluate this problem they wouldn’t leave that Herbert Tell*of Israel j When completed, it will accommo- in terms of years rather than then, they never will leave Jeru- Dr. Leon M. Herbert, Phoenix | J date an extensive program involv- months, it was hinted. With the salem. physician, reported on his recent i ing the religious and educational peace in the hands of the Security “Unless the UN sends in armies trip to Israel and southern Europe, functions of the congregation, Wff*" Council and the armistice commis- to enforce the evacuation of the describing the accomplishments in Hebrew and Sunday Schools, youth **° *¦ . sion, state department opinion $\ &***.<i is Jews from Jerusalem, the plan will the new Jewish state, particularly activities and social and cultural said to veer more and more toward fail. And, of course, UN will never those of Hadassah Medical Hospi- pursuits. A YOUTHFUL immigrant arrives at Beit Lid reception camp an indefinite delay in its efforts try such a scheme.” tal. The hospital, he said, serves $22,390 Pledged near NatHanya. Lonely and bewildered, she symbolizes the 71,000 to achieve a final and formal Margulies, now traveling for the Jews and Arabs alike and has a The drive was officially opened Jewish immigrants forced to live in camps on the soil of Israel, peace between Israel and its Jewish Telegraphic Agency, said remarkable record in eradicating Sunday, Sept. 25. Keynoting the hope Immediate cash for the United Jewish Appeal is the only she neighboring states. the Jews would be happy, however, Oriental diseases and raising the appeal on Kol Nidre night, Rabbi has for a home in her homeland. to agree to internationalizing the general health level in the Middle Harry Z. Schectman stressed the holy places in Jerusalem. East. vital necessity of completing the Israelis Hold Firm during Officers Installed Dr. Herbert was present structure as soon as possible. Fol- UPA Calls ‘Crisis’ Parley On Holy City Issue The Brandeis Zionist District, the interment of the remains of lowing Rabbi Schectman’s sermon, meeting the old Temple Beth Dr. Theodore Herzl, father of the pledges totalling $22,390 were JERUSALEM, (JTA)—Acting at body Israel, installed the following offi- Zionist movement. His was made. Needs President of Israel Joseph Sprin- burial On Israel Housing cers, with Rabbi A. L. Krohn offi- brought from Austria for In addition to this, $12,500 will zak said this week that Israel will in the holy soil of Jerusalem. have NEW YORK—An urgent call has been issued to more than 400 never abandon Jerusalem. He ciating : been realized from other president; Harry Dr. Herbert described Israel as Jewish communities throughout the country for delegates to attend a pledge at reception Dr. J. Reichert, sources since the start of the cam- made this a a new Phoenix among the nations. paign, through special “Conference in a Crisis” sponsored by the United Palestine by municipality at I. Stone, Ist vice president; Mat- and the medium of tendered the 2nd vice Barnett E. Marks was chairman meetings, contacts Appeal on Oct. 22-23 at the Shoreham Hotel in Washington, Judge which a plea for active Knesset thew J. Ritchie, presi- personal and Jerome Klein, pre- of the meeting. Dr. Reichert re- voluntary pledges from Morris Rothenburg, UPA’s acting national chairman, said this week. aid in transferring the capital of dent; 3rd vice South- members Seymour Sapolsky, record- ported on the recent Zionist and friends, an additional $20,000 Emphasizing “presence Israel to Jerusalem was made by sident; that the 7 regional convention at ing ; Mrs. Harry I. Stone, ern Pacific in pledges is anticipated. of more than 70,000 Jewish immi- acting Mayor Reuven Shiaibman. secretai^ Calif., at which he corresponding secretary; Irving J. Santa Monica, It is expected grants in the squalid misery of the Israel Supports Nathan Friedman-Yellin, Stern- vice president. that the present Abrams, financial secretary; Jo- was elected regional brought to a success- transition camps, facing the rainy ist leader and Knesset deputy, said drive will be ful close within the next two season, constitutes an extremely Independence Os this week: “There will not be any Shortly critical situation for Israel,” Judge foreign rule in In a weeks. thereafter, definite Jerusalem.” be Rothenberg declared: Colonies the press he warned Israel Opposes Group plans of construction will sub- Italian statement to Fund Set mitted for approval by the board “Every man, woman and child that the Sternists would “mobilize By David Nussbaum of directors and the congregation suffering in the camps presents a their ablest people” to fight German Entry (Jewish Telegraphic Agency any Up by Agency To and contracts will be let to the challenge to every Jew in Correspondent) against internationalization of direct lowest bidder for construction. this country. The UPA’s forthcom- Jerusalem. He also voiced opposi- Into UNESCO LAKE SUCCESS, (JTA)—Aub- to internationalization of the ing conference will be confronted tion (JTA)—lsrael will op- devising rey S. Eban, Israel delegate to the Holy maintaining that the PARIS, Integrate Drives with the responsibility of Places, Germany U.N., last week added the Jewish could protect pose the admission of to NEW YORK, (JTA)—The Jew- procedures and techniques for Israel Government Nations Educational, this Club And meeting this challenge and over- state’s delegation to the growing them adequately. the United ish Agency announced week Men’s Scientific and Cultural Organiza- of a new Com- coming it.” list of United Nations members the establishment supporting full independence for tion, Maurice Fischer, head of the mittee on Control and Authoriza- Sisterhood Will Israeli Experts There Is Israel delegation to the UNESCO Campaigns for the purpose Jewish the former Italian colonies—Lib- Crucial Session tion of Top ranking leaders in meeting now in progress here, de- of assuring maximum American Meet on Oct. 19 as outstand- ya, Eeritrea and Somaliland. and public life, as well Slated at Vatican clared last week. support for the United Jewish Ap- ing experts affairs in Israel, However, he called attention to The first autumn event of the on Speaking during a debate in the peal and other organizations which join the two-day parley to the problem of minorities in Libya. TEL AVIV, (JTA)—An “im- Men’s Club will be a will in organization, Mr. Fischer stressed now carry the major burden of Beth Israel appraise range of prob- “In assisting the Libyan people to portant meeting” will be held at meeting the Temple Sis- the whole the cultural organization had philanthropic work in behalf of Is- joint with confronting the Jewish state. attain its independence,” he said, the Vatican soon to discuss the that terhood next Wednesday, Oct. 19. lems to carry out rael. speaking in the Political Commit- proposed internationalization of no means education are invited, “The crisis situation will be ana- Germany. “Are headquarters All members to- ; tee debate on the Italian colonies Jerusalem, it was reported here. and re-education in The committee’s gether with their respective hus- lyzed and viewed from every pos- there elements in Germany who be in Jerusalem.
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