ID 160 AUTHOR Smith, Bertha, 4Omp. TITLE Foundations that proviide Sup port for Bums-S rvicep: A Selected List. .-INSTITUTION Health SerVicesldministratidn. FW/PHS),- Rockville,. Md. Indian Health Service. PUB DATE 44m. 78 _NOTE '49p. EDRS PRICE MIS -$Q A 3 HC -$2. 06 Plus Post DESCRIPTORS, *American Indians;,Community Development} -*Directories;- Educiltic Financial- Support;- *Grants; -Health; *I,iuman. Services; Information Diseeminationv Nonprofit- OrganizatiOnS; 4Erivate F.Financial nancial Support; Social Services 0-, ABSTRACT List at foundations.can aid the user in securing ending Sources. f or projects in the areas .of health, education, community d elopment :and/or social-Services. The ;user is cautioned that' grants ship is a competitivm,*kocess; (g.rints apflication. procedareS vary from one -foundatioW to anothet, in the aksence cf any specifid guidelines, important items tc Include' in A' proposal are:. statement of need and problem; identi f :cation of tarset FoEulation to be served or benefited labeany- way; objectives;. plan -?f . impleMentxtion':4- with timetable for completion of each phase of, a prolect4 -pidposed:- budget; available and proposed staff ;and an evaluation plan.- It:is important to indicate otter sources of support plans for continuation of projeCtAnce foundation, funds are - expended, and a proven record.of accogntatilitYisalways good .sapportiveinformation.Approximately' 180 foundations are =listed from 25 different states. Each listing includes the faundationis namegY,: ...address, and a brief summary of its' purpose or suppOrt. preferenc Although the list was pupared for persons working. with Native (American .groups, -the foundations. named are nit exclusive4y for Native .AmeriCans. Lists of Indian Health Seivice regional and area office contacts are incigded to facilitate acg cf additional' information or assistance. .(errs ) ******** :***** * --**** ** Be product_ upplied by EDRS e the best that cane made- jrcm the ,origal document. **** ******** ************ FOUNDATIONS THAT PROVIDE SPPORT FOR HUMAN /3tSELE F.74 , OW: Fh iitlk . TARTMENT OF HEALTH EDUCATLON AND WELFARE , Public Health Service Heatth Services Administration Indian Hoalth tin, 167 TABLE OF CONTENT Introduction List- of Foundations by State -Where Located g_ pendix A Indian Health 8ervice Area Office Contacts Regarding Resource Development. pendix - Indian Beaitt jervice Regional Office ontacts Regarding -Re soulte DevelOpmeut Thisdocumen presents a reference .source of selected private foundatiOns that provide support for human resourcesand is a-. revision of anc4 addition to, a previous,publication* prepared and distributed in 1973 by .the Phoenix Area Office of Indian Health Services, This new document. is being distributed to persons working with Native' Atherican,groups and communities wishing t6 apply for foundation_grant- projects in the areas of health, education, , conmunity.developmen and /:or social services. The foundations listed are not,:ex siVely'for Native Americans., however. In preparing this directory avproximatmely 700 foundations were-- -infOrmed of the plan to publish thiClist- and given the opportunity. to be listed hdre n. Fir'st, an attempt was made to contadt all foundations shown in the 1973 publication to ascertain whetheror not they wished to be.listed again or to make any changes in the information shot Those.who wished to be listed as before were not required to answer. Simultaneously, various foundation directories were screeded:for additional sources that'might provide suppdrt. in areas covered; and contactsere made to secure permission to liSt those appearing to meet the selection' criteria. Foundati=ons shown' in the 1971 eclit-ioirr but Plot appearing in this new listing were.omittedc AL. for a number of reasons: change inprogram'emph existing funds committed to ongoing prOgramSor Toundation h been diS. lved etc. FOUNDATIONS THAT PROW- TN. 'HUMAN 3EI TICES:4 SELECTED LIST TOR INDLMVMMNITIES ril1 973. , - Persons using this document should, be 'aware of the fact that applying for a foundationgrant is a highly competitive process; and it may take a year or more to have a grant apprOved and funddd, depending on the frequency. and kind of review process a given foundationuses. Grant appliCation-procedures vary from one foundation to another. It-issuggested, therefoze, that the t initial approach be made by letter, including a request for applida- r tion guidelines. -In the absence of any_specific guidelines, important items to include in a proposal are: statement of need and probl identifi- ,cation of target population to be served or benefited in anyway; objectives; plan of implementatiOn, with timetable for completion of each phas'a of a project proposed budget; availablO and proposed staff; and an evaluation plan. It is desirable also to iddicate.: other source's of support,%if any, -involved in the project.The latter is par icularly .iMportantfdr a project in progress and'for -which ,fund are-being sought to expand services or make capital inveatments'fer facilities or equipment. t'urther, it\is important . to note plans for continuation of project once foundation funds are.- upended, especially if an ongoing service or program is to be established. A prov-Ln record,of accountability is always good suppotItive information, so noting projects previously completed by the applicant or directed by,a member of-the present or 'Drowsed proje4 staff is helpful. Users of-this.document should be careful to note whether or .not a-foundation indicates its support is for loca] use only. If this restriction appears, it would be useleseito apply if a propOsed project would not serve the community of immediate interest to that foundation. $ome foundations specify also that support will be given-only to organizations' or individuals. The.Office of Health-Resources, Indian Health Service can provide additional informatiOn on most of the foundations listed in this document. The Office of Health Resources can also suggest other qources of support and approaches to securing funds for tribal and urban health projects.- The address for the Office of Health Resources is Room 5A-41, Parklawn Building, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20857:.The telephone number is (301) .443-4680 Inquiries for additional information should be' addressed to-Mrs. Bertha Smith, who compiled thip- document In addition, each Area Office of Indian Health Service-has a member identified. to help locate resorces. A list of these persons, with their addresses and telephone numbers, appears at the end of this document (Appendix A): ,A separate list of Indian Health. Service representatives in variousAR.egldhal Offices of the Department of Health. Education,- and Welfare Is alSo,prOVided (Appendix B). These representatives should be contacted about funding provided through the Regional ,21 -3 - 0 J Offices to'States, in particular, and for individual projectg 'ants These representatives can also provide information about technical assistance and staffing support available through otlxer Regional Office programs_ Office of Health Resources Division of Regource Coordination Indian Health Service, HSA/PHS/DHEW June 1978 7 A LIST OF ATIONS BY STATE HERE LOCATED ARIZONA, MARSHALL FOUNDATION, Box 3306 Tucson, AZ 85700 Support for broad purposes; emphasis on community, social, and youth agencies; also on medical education and higher education. RAYMOND EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION: tNC. 923 NoSan Trancisco Street Flagstaff, AZ 86001 ,Emphasis on higher education and hospitals, primarily in the local area. CALIFORNIA AHMANSON FOUNDATION' GOLDWYN (THE SAMUEL) FOUNDATION t___ 3731 Wilshire Bdulevard 1041 N. Formosa Avenue Los Angeles, CA90010 Los Angeles, CA 90046' Broad purposes; primarily greater Support for broad'purpOses and Los Angeles area giving, with- to promote the genergl welfare emphasis in education and medical of mankind. research; grAts also for a perform- ing arts center, museums, aid to handicapped, youth agencies, social and health agenciesoand qommunfty -HEARST FOUNDATIONS funds. No grants to individuals. -690 Market Street. Se 1Fr isco 'CA 94104 Support for'broad purposes in-- CARNATION. COMPANY FOUNDATION -eluding secondary and higher 5045 Wilshire Blvd. education, heal- fi delivery, Los Angeles, CA 9.0036 medical'researc, cultural prograthe ar social welfare. Support for broad purposes with emphasis on aid to higher educa- tion. ROSENBERG TOUNDATkON 210 Post Street San Francisco, CA94108 CROWN ZELLERBACH FOUNDATION 4 One Bush Street Makes grants for projects to San Francisco, CA94119, benefit children and: youth in the. State of California,'with priority Emphasis on community welfare, categories of early Childhood health, higher education and development, adolescent and older rehabilitation. yo-th, and those living in rural ar Seeks new and experimental proje_ts rather than continuing- or exp nding governmental program. THE- EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION OF AMERICA7- 16250 Ventura-Blvd. ,Room 445 Encino, CA 91436 THE SAN FRANCISCO FOUNDATION, Attn: Mr. Richard W. Hansen 425 California Street cutive Director San Franc? seo, CA .94104 Grants. to qualified organizations To support agencies and organiza- for specific projects in the tions working for the betterment ,of broad area of undergraduate life in the Bay Area, with emphasis higher education. A very limited on the arts, education, environment, number of proposnls will he cou- health, *milanities,_ social services, sidered in the medical field, and urban affairs. particularly
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