^.n(3 (^^jf^**^ ^"^z TRANSACT TONS WOOLIIOPE \TrV.\\ !S1\' FIFTI) CLUB. 18 8 3 - 18 S4 188 5. ' Unrii KVlit ^J.« .... "--v^ ilKREFOE' PRINTED I;Y JAKBMAN AND CARVEi !IOH TOWN. 1890. TRANSACTIONS WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. [Established 18 ;')!.] 1883 — 1884 — 1885 ' ' Hope on HEEEFOED: PRINTED BY JAKEMAN AND CARVER. -1 & 0, HIGH TOWN. 1890. ERRATA ET ADDENDA. " Pack vi., likes 19, 21, 23.—For "M.B.I.O.U." read M.B.O.U. (Member of the British Ornithological Union)." Page 39.—Add to the footnote: -"The highest altitude of Oldhury Camp has since been ascertained, on the authority of the Ordnance Survey, to be 615 feet." Page 47.—Add to the footnote :—" The highest altitude of Caplar Camp has since been ascertained, on the authority of the Ordnance Survey, to be 596-6 feet." Page 1.S5, line 2.—For "April 26th" read "April 24th," and in line 4, after the word "Thursday," insert "April 24th." " Page 235, line 11.—For " Hochecorne read "Hauchecorne." Page 238, line 25.—For "Van Mons. (Leon de Clerc)," read "Van Mons. L^on Leclerc." Page 273, line 3.—After the word "Thursday," insert "April 16th." of the Page 354, line 2.—For "M.B.I.O.U." read "M.B.O.U. (Member British Ornithological Union)." TRANSACTIONS FOR THE YEARS 1883, 1884, 1885. Table of Contents Contents, Illustrations, Presidents from 1851, Officers, Menibei-s, Rules and RegnJations --.... 1 8 8 3. Annual Meeting, April 4th, Evening Reception at the Free Library Hereford .... Abbeydore, by Thomas BlashOl Effects of Ocean Currents on Climate, by .Tames Rankin, M.P. 11 The Tame Hares of Caradoc, by Miss Helen Caddick 13 First Field Meeting—Ledbury and Wall Hills l(i The Passage Beds of the Old Red Sandstone, Ledbury 17 The Camp, Wall Hills, Ledbury 20 Ledbury Church, by Rev. John .Tack.son - 2!t Second Field Meeting —Oldbury Camp, and Woldbury or Caplar Camp 3(; Cherry Hill Camp at Fownhope 37 Oldbury Camp .... 3S Ludlow and Aymestry Rocks of the Silurian System 39 Woldbury, or Caplar Camp, Ijy Dr. Bull 44 On the more rare Plants of the District, by Rev. Augustin Ley .00 Offa's Dyke, by Captain W. L. Morgan, R.E. 55 Third Field Meeting (Ladies' Day)—Stratford-on-Avon 59 Love in Idleness ( Niiidla) 01 Shakespeare's Notice of Flowers and Plants OK Foiu'th Field Meetmg—Caynham Camp, and Titterstone Clee Hill 73 Caynham Camp (Shropshire), by General Baron de Mallet 74 Caynham—the History of, and its Camp, from the work.s of Thomas Wright, F.S.A., &c., by Charles Fortey 70 The Coal Measures at the Clee HiUs, bj' George H. Piper, F.ti.S. 82 - The Salmon Disease, by H. Cecil Moore - - - 85 The Woolhope Club and Herefordshire Orchards—Special Notice to Members of the Club . - . - 93 The Fungus Foray—List of Papers read and discussed, October, 1883 - 95 PAGES. Report upon the Fungus Foraj' . 97 Fisli-cult\ive, as practised by the Ancients, by Re\ . \\'nj. Hougliton, V. L. 8. 103 On some so-called Fish-eating Birds at the International Fisheries Exhibition, by E. Cambridge Phillips, F.L.S. - 109 On some species of Tricholoma not easily disting^iiished from each other, by Rev. Canon Dn Port - - - 111 On the Colours of Fungi, as indicated by the l^atin words used by I'' lies, by Rev. Canon Du Port - - 113 Mr. Jensen and the Potato Disease (observations by Charles B. - PlowTight) - - - - . IIG Wheat Mildew—Legislation i-especting, in America, 1755— 1704 - 116 Heteroecismal Fimgi ..--.. ng On Alkaloids and other substances that have been extracted from Fungi, by Charles G. Stewart, Chemical Laboratory, St. Thomas' Hospital, read by H. T. Wharton, F.L.S. - - 119 Tlie Chroolepus Jolithus, and other Algoid Colorifio Plants, by Edwin - Lees, F.L.S., F.G.S., &c. - - - 124 Great Apple and Pear E.xhibition at Hereford, 1883 - - 128 to 132 Canker in .Ipple Trees, by Charles B. Plowright - - - 133 1884. Annual Meeting, April 24th - . - - . 135 The Passage Beds of the Old Red Sandstone at Ledbury, by (ieorge H. Piper, F.G.S. - - - - 136 Roman Camps, by Rev. H. W. Phillott - - - . 140 The E.xce])tional Character of the winter of 1883—1884, by H. Southall, F.R. Met. Soc. ------ 145 List of Garden Plants in Flower, December 31st, 1883, to January 10th, 1884 ------- 149 List of Wild Plants in Flower at Ross, S.\anond's Yat, March 18th, 1884 150 Sunsets—November 2Cth, to December 9th, 1883 - - - 151 First Field Meeting—The Black Mountain and C^inyoy - - 152 Trewyn Camp, by A. D. Berrington . - . 153 Trewyn House -.-... 155 Cwmyoy Church -.--.. 159 Roman Antiquities ------ 160 Hereford Castle and Appurtenances in the Seventeenth Century - 161 The Society of Tempers, Hereford, 1752 - - - - 163 Ornithology and Botany of the day . - - - 165 Correspondence on the Subject of Welsh Words and Welsh Names - 167 Second Field Meeting—The Bach Camp and Berrington - - 169 The Bach Camp ------ 170 Capture of Badgers at Foy - . - . 172 Grantsfield — Botany, Archeeology, Entomology, &c. - - 173 — PAGES. Ashton Camp ---... 174 Berring^on Hall—Botany, the Heronry. Oniithologj- 174 to 176 A rare Entomological Collection - - - - - 177 Third Field Meeting (Ladies" Day)--The (iorge of the Teme at Downton --.... Bissextile, or Legends connected with Leap Year, by Rev. Charles BuiTOugh --.--. 180 Herefordshire Tokens of the Seventeenth Century, by James W. Lloyd 183 Fourth Field Meeting—Ross, for the British Camp on Little Boward Hill, and King Arthur's Cave .... 210 Elm Trees in Ross Churchyard and at Hill Court - 210 Little Doward Camj) ------ 213 Botany of the day -..-.. 217 King Arthur's Cave ..--.- 217 Some changes in the Natural Histoiy of tlic luighbourliood of Ross during the iiast thirty years, by Henry Southall, F.R. Met. Soc. 220 Bird Notes, by Henry Southall, F.R. Met. Soc. 223 The Herefordshire Apples in Normand>-—The (ireat Apple Congress in Rouen, Special Report, &c. ... - 227 to 240 The Fungus Forays—List of Papers read. &c.. October, 1884 241 Annual Fungus Dinner ----- 243 Notes on the Edible Fungi of Italy, by A. S. Bicknell, F.L.S. 248 On Fries' Nomenclature of Colours, by Henry Thornton Wharton, F.L.S., &c. ----- - 252 The British Species of NidiUaria, by WiUiani Philliixs, F.L.S., &c. 2.58 Researches into the OosjKJres of some Fungi by Rev. J. E. Vize, F.R.M.S., &c. - 261 Gigantic Fungi, by M. C. Cooke, LL.D., F.L.S., &c. 264 On Trinomialisni in Zoology, by H. T. Wharton, F.L.S., &c. 269 18 85. Annual Meeting^Aprd 16th ----- 273 The Financial Statement of the Herefordshire Pomona - - 273 to 275 First Field Meeting—Llanvihangel for Partricio and Gaer Cam] i - 276 Partricio Church, by F. R. Kempson . - - . 280 The Mural Figure at the west end of Partricio Church, bj' Rev. .Tohn Da\aes, of Pandy - . - . 285 Twyn-y-Gaer Camp ------ 288 Partricio, or Patricio, Church, or Church of St. Patrick and Ishaw Remarks by James Davies, Secretary (for Herefordshire) of the Cambrian Archaological Society - - - - 289 Second Field Meeting—Aconbury Camp, Priory, and Church - 292 Aconbury Camp, by Dr. Bull ----- 293 Botany of the day ------ 298 . PAGKS. Aioiilniry I'riorv and Chiux^li —Fragments of the History of, by Dr. Bull 301 Third Field Meeting (Ladies' Day)—The Sugar Loaf Mountain ; the Monuments in the I'riory Church ; and the Castle Groimds, Abergavenny --.-.. 300 " The Old Red Sandstone," as seen from the Sugar Loaf Mountain, by George H. Piper, F.«.S. ----- 313 The IMonunients in the Priorv Church of Abergavenny, by Re\ F. T. Havergal - - - - - 317 The Orchidaceous Plants of Herefordshire, by C. (I. Martin - 324 Fourth Field Meeting—Risbui-y Camp and Blackwardine - - 333 Risbury Camp, by Dr. Bull . - . 334 Humber Church ...... 338 Stoke Prior Church ------ 338 Some Traces of Roman and Saxon Occu])atioii of tlie District of Risbury, by T. Davies Burlton . - - - 340 The Botany of the Honddu and (Irwyne Valleys, by Rev. Augustin Ley 343 Fungus Forays—List of Papers and Discussions, October, 1886 - 353 to 353 On the Origin of the Domestic Cock^ by E. Cambridge Phillips, F.L.S., M.B.LO.U., &c. ----- 354 The Cock of the Second Century, by K. Camljridge Phillips, F.L.S., M.B.LO.U., &c. ----- 360 The Dog of Sacred History, by E. Cambridge Phillips, F.L.S., M.B.LO.U., &c. ... - - 3H1 The (4enus Pestalozzia, by Rev. J. E. Vize, F.R.M.S., &c. - - 3(13 Polycistina of Barbadoes, by Rev. .7. E. Vize, F.R.M.S., &c. - 365 The Vegetable Caterpillar . - . 367 S])ecial Reports of the Fimgus Forays, 1885, by Charles B. Plowright, F.L.S., &c. - - - - - 36!) In Menioriam—H. <;. Bull, M.D. - - . 373 — LIST OF ILLUSTKATIONS. TO l''ACE PAGES Dr. H. G. Bull .-.-.- Frontispiece DoK' Abbey (four ijlates) - - - - - - (i The Camp, Wall Hills, Ledbury - - - - - 24 Oldbury Camp, and Cherry Hill Cam]) at J\)Wiili()pe - - - .38 Caplar Camp - - - - - - 4(1 Caynham Caiu]), near Ludlow, .Shroii.shire - - - - 74 Salmon Disease - - - - - - H!) Canker on Apple Trees .-.-.. 134 " The " Passage Beds of the Old Red Sandstone at Ledbury - - 138 Cam)) at Trewyn -...--- 15s Hereford Castle—from a Plan dated IHo'i .... 1(}2 Bach Camp, Kimbolton ; Asliton Camp, Eye - - - . 170 Tokens of Herefordshire (two plates) . - - . 208 Camp on Little Doward Hill ------ 214 - Partricio Church—the Font - - . - - - 282 Partricio Church (two plates) ----- 284 Twyn-y-Gaer Camp ------- 288 Aconbury Camji ------- 204 The Clifford Slab, the Pauncefoot Slab and Seal, in Aconbury Church being two Monumental Slabs never before decipliercd - - 30.S Risbury Camp -...--- 330 WOOLHOPE NATURALISTS' FIELD CLUB. PRESIDENTS FK():N[ TTS COMMKNCKlVrKXT IX 1851. 1851 Club foniied in tlit^ Winter months 1852 Lingwood, Mr.
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