Genome De La Souris 7-10 Octobre 1996

Genome De La Souris 7-10 Octobre 1996

! J\ 10" International Mouse Genome Conference October 740,1996 10""' Conference Internationale sur le Genome de la Souris 7-10 octobre 1996 Iristitut Pasteur - Paris, France DISCLAIMER This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, make any warranty, exprrss or implied, or assumes any legal liabili- ty or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, appa- ratus, product, process disdosed, represents that its use would not infringe privately . or or owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or senice by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessar- ily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof. DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. Without the help and funds from &e hstimt patem we would not be able to organize the IOth'Internationd Mouse Genome Conference. We want to specidy acknowledge the help and the very active assistance of B6nidicte fioutb. We specid1y thank Isabelle Fleurmce adCatherine Renard for the administrative part of the meeting, Dominique Simon and Xavier Montagutelli have helped for writing the booklet. This meeting was supported by the &titut National de la Sat6 et de la Recherche M6dicale (INSERM). In the United States this meeting was funded, in part, by the Office of HumanGenome Research of the National Institutes of Health and the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Healtli?&d Environment Research. Support was also received from the International Mammalian Genome Society and the Journal Mammal@ Genome. .Chr President/Chair 1 Michael F. Seldk 2 Lmda D. Siracusa Catherine M. Abbott 3 Edward K. Wakeland Michael seldin 4 Berverly Mock Fred Fiedorck, Jr 5 Christine Kozak DennisT. A. Stephenson 6 Rosemary Elliott Karen Moore Brilliant 7 Murray Robert W.Wi 8 JeByCeci 9 Kenji Imai 10 Benjamin Taylor Margit Burmeister 11 Arthur Bwhberg 12 Peter D'Eustachio Roy Riblet 13 Monica Justice Dennis A. Stephenson 14 Joseph Nadeau 15 Konrad Huppi 16 Roger Reeves Deborah Win 17 ReIlataHamvas Jiri Fotejt 18 KemethR Johnson Muriel T. Davisson 19 Jean-Louis Guinet X Yvonne Boyd GailHm E. Bishop Michael Mitchell I I Y Colin Com&swn Internationale de Nomenclature G6n6tique de la Souris International Commiftee on Stizn&r&d Genetic Nomenclaturefor Mice Muriel T. Davisson, WsidentefC-s USA S.D.M. Brown, England C.M. Abbott, England P. R Avner, France S. Camper, RW. Elliott, J.T. Eppig, USA USA USA M. J. Justice J.-L.Guknet, France IJ. Jackson, Scotland K. Moore, USA K. Moriwaki, Japan J. Peters, England H. Germany L.M.Silver, USA C: Szpjrer, Belgium Winking, Commission HUGOhYUGO Codee Philip R Avner Yvonne Boyd Stephen D.M. Brown Eva M. Eicher Janan T. Eppig Jemy Friedman David Kingsley HansLehrach Mary F. Lyon Miriam TO&,&&Oshitokhi Meisler Kazuo Moriwaki Secritaria flecretarht Philip R. Avner RudiBalling . Stephen D.M. Brown Jean Louis Guknet Mary F. Lyon Meisler -1 Kazuo Moriwaki Joseph H. N~WU I;" *. t- ! 2:oo pJn. Chromosome Cornmiace Chairs and Co-Chairs 4:Oo Nomenclature Cornmiaet 5:oo Registration at the Centre dlnformation Scientifique 6:30 Welcome Party in the Main Lobby Tuesday October 8 Morning Sawn: Mutation identif&n 8:30 am. Jean-Louis Gutnet WeIcome 8:45 Jean Weissenbach The hman genome project :fiom mapping to sequencing ml) 9:30 David Beia Generation of a expressed sequence map of the moue using SingIe-Strand Confonnarion Polymorphism @CP) mapping of cDNk (69) 9:45 Sally camper AnaIysir of mutant micc reveak the hierarchy of trmcriptionfators that control pituitary deveIopment (93) 1o:oo KiranChada The pygmy gene is an architecturalfator invotved in tumorigenesis (I 4) 10:15 Coffee 10:45 MariaBarbosa Positional cIoning of the beige and Chediak-Higashi qndrome genes, homologow loci that regularc IysosomaIprotein traflcking (21) 11:Oo Karen Moore The beige gene is the murine od~logueof the hwMn Chediok Higashi worn(37) 11:15 Steve Brown * b@osin ~muta!a*onsin the we:dissecting thefunction of a cnticd “hybrid” motor molede in sensoty hau cells (2s) 11:30 Nancy Jenkins Moleculcrr genetic dissection of momunconvem*onal myosin V 153) 11:45 Eirikur SteingrimssoIl Moledargenetic analysis of b-€iZH-Z&proteins related to microphthalmia (72) 1200 noon Lunchfirst service - Poster session - Computa Demonmatiom 1:30 p.m. Lunch secondsentice - Poster session - Computer Demommtionr A#emoon SssiOn: Gat& md PhysWMapping 230 MargitBurmei Comporotivc genetic and physical mqps of mowe Chromosome IO and hyMn 19~13.3(6) 2:45 Roger Reeves From pWaImaps to sequence: Chr 16 Scgvcncing Conrmkin 0) 3:oo Amir ZUM &net& dp&icd mopphg of the H3 trmuplantanbnrejecrion locw a mOwe Chromosome 2 (13) 3:15 KirstenFischaLiidahl lkendofH2: complcrccomg~mrd~clPvZgenrrvbfmrut~12fi 3:30 Christophe Chevillard Estoblirhmmt of aphysiccrl map of the entire moue Igh Iocut 6y th fiagmetoticn of a complete YAC andmR4C comg and the rhrmficmu*r of a partiaI RAC conti2 (131) 3:45 RobatErickron A high molution mcq?.dpmtial YAC of the Nicnatmn-Prkk C npim 31 Chromosome 18 (S7) 4:oo Genevi&eGourdon CTG repeat changes in tramgcnk micr cmrying thc genomic DMrrpra 1202) 415 Coffee 445 MarieGhristine Siia Analysis of a 94kb genomic scqwncc WiiAin the XIC region (I 7) I 5:Oo Paul Deany PWaImapping of the meX cbomasome (29) 5:15 YasuShiOkazald A genetic Iinkagt map of thr syrh hamtar andloCalirotion ofcad- locw on chromosome 9qd.I-bI using RuiSspot-inqping (16) I 530 Jii Fonjt Towardpitional cloning of the hybridstuiI@y I (Hstl) gem an Chawcw 17 (ss) 5:45 Ryo Kominami Genetic am&& of T cell ljmphoma inriiccrd by 7 -r& irradimforr (I 28) -- 6:OO MichaelRh&s Eucu: a high mdvtion miutxatzl&e mr~,of tht m4w cu) . 615 mranLevan Recent devliopments in the rat gem map and compmotivr mrqDping WWthe moue (73) 6:30 Chromosome Committee meetings 7:30 End of working sessionr Wednesday October 9 Morning seiswn: QuantaotivC Inheriiance and Mulligenlc Traits Quantit&e genetics cocaine induced stereolyw (30) 8:30 am. Christos Bdas of QTLr and 09) 1 a possible mutation qfecting contextual memory 8:45 Lorraine Flaherty (1 9:30 HiroshiMasuya ,UultigeniC control of the anteroposteriw axisjiormrrtion in moue limb development (6s) 9:45 Robert Williams QlLF controlling normal variation in neuron munber and brain weight (IS) 1o:oo SharmilaBasu Gene* basis of retinalphenotypemadificarion in the ocular retardotion mouse (4) 10:15 Coffee 10:45 Richard Mural Exon prediction, pail, and the challenge of automated annotation of DNA sequences (B2) 11:30 Anne Pud Mapping of the genu conbibatring to high and low antib4 responsiveness in Bioi& mice (75) j Roxmary Elliott At least two loci affect &sterilw between mafedonicus and C57BU6 1 11:45 Mus I (12s) 12:OO noon Lunch fint service - Poster session - Computer DcmoNtrotons 1:30 p.m. Lunch secondservice - Poster session - Computer Dcmo~atim Ajlanoon Session I: 2:30 HCltne Courvok A major quantita!ive &ai! locw injluencu h.ymactivity in the WKHA rat (1 02) 245 MarieDarnon Intcrstraindrmnca in thepkmbarbircrl rupoiuivenur of detarication fknctiont in mouse liver (135) GtoIge carkan Moch@rs ofthephewindvcrdbyAkheimeromyloidpcw~aprotein 3:oo ('P) ('P) owre;Vmssion in trmgenic mice (5) 't. 3:15 Edward Wakeland Functional dissection of SLEpgthogtM with congtnic swim 180) 3:30 AlanAttie Sjwrgisrn between BTER adB57BU6 alleles prodvcu an dinrvirrance syn&om in (BTBRx B57BU6) FI mice (146) 3:45 €vie Melanitou ConrbYctonof congenic lines segrrgming a Trpc 1 -ma ~UISI(IK.allels cf mouse chromome 6 in a NOD background (90) AncJysir qfdtigenic 400 Benjamin A Taylor obuity in Strain crassu (163) 415 coffa Afiemoon Skssbn R" 445 . 5:oo 5:lS 530 545 600 230 8:30 am. High-eJ4ciencyjkll-lengthcDNA cloning by biorinyrorrd C4.P pqp (18) 8:45 Pier0 Carninci. 9:30 John Schimenti Chromosomal Deletion Comp1cc-e~in Mice by Radiaion of Embryo& srcm Cells (201) 945 Martine Cohen Salmon Molecular barir of &a&#: I&n@c~*oonof cccMear-speclfic ,.,, mmecochlear substrated cDNA librmy: lindcntandingof thep”hosenv of the Usher type LB Jyndrome (205) 1o:oo Christine Disteche Altered trmmptional regularion of Ch4associated with tk d$&,, chromosomal location in MUSsprecu~ and laboratoty straitu ofmice a4 10:15 coffee J. Martin SHIRPA -A standarakedprotocolfor phcnogypic assu~ment(140) 10:45 E. 11:oo Majs Bum Phenow- andgenow-baed screenfor novel Erm-inducd mutatiom in rh mme (66) albino and pink-@ diIution (p) of mouse mo&hfi 11:15 Monica Justice nte (c) ngiom Chr 7: ~~fknctionalgenomicr(74) coriiicvemet lk STAR genefamily 1k30 quaking (145) Meisler Two models of inherited newownuculm in the (I) 1k45 Miriam &caw mwe 12:OO noon Lunchfinr service - Poster session - Computer LkmonrirOtiOnr 1:30 pa Lunch second service - Poster session - Computer De~atio?~ Afternoon Sessio~~ Imprinting andMutotfon Idmiyzcettorr 2:30 Josephine Peters A new imprihg region in disrcrl mouse Chromosome 2 (203) 2:45 Luisa Dandolo Imprinting mrd the Hl9-1@ locus (SI) 3:oo Bruce cattanach A modelfw Angelman Jyndiomr in thr moue (108) 3:15 Neal Copeland Position effimututiom: the Wand SI loci (7@ Combined nqatirement of Phap&l@ae C beta1 and betad, 3:30 Hee-Sup Shin isoqme.~, fw postnatal pwth and dntelopment of the moue (374) Positional cIonhg of mutottering a modrl fwhwnnn epilep@taria (77) 3:45 Colin FIetcha Compmative mapping of hwuur chr~osomc19 region and identificarionof a 400 Johannah DoyIe candidoic gene for the mowe tom mutation (I 16) 4:15 Coffee Thc Ye- Genome Prmfiamthe sequenct to thefknctional anorySis and 4:45 Banard Dujon bEvond W3) 5:oo LiiStubbs Mouse translocation mutanff as took for anchoring diseasuehtcd phenop to the nunue and humun gene& andpmmaps (114) major intrinricprotcin (blip) is mvtotrdgrna in the HFI mow 5:lS Duslca 1.

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