Moving Towards Digital Transformation Era digital telah menjadi bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan modern. Bank Index menyadari hal tersebut sepenuhnya dan senantiasa bersiap diri menuju transformasi digital demi menyongsong masa depan yang cerah. Digital era has been an integral part of our modern life. Bank Index is fully aware and always prepares itself by moving towards digital transformation to welcome a bright future ahead. Daftar Isi Contents 3 Visi & Misi Laporan Manajemen Vision & Mission 91 Management Report 4 Jejak Langkah Milestones Informasi Perusahaan 109 Corporate Information Kilas Kinerja 2018 6 2018 Performance Highlights 112 Struktur Organisasi 8 Ikhtisar Keuangan Organizational Structure Financial Highlights 114 Dewan Komisaris 11 Sambutan Presiden Komisaris Board of Commissioners Message from the President Commissioner 116 Riwayat Hidup Dewan Komisaris 17 Sambutan Presiden Direktur Curriculum Vitaes of the Board of Commissioners Message from the President Director 120 Direksi 22 Ikhtisar Peristiwa 2018 Board of Directors 2018 Significant Events 122 Riwayat Hidup Direksi 34 Kinerja Keuangan Curriculum Vitaes of the Board of Directors Financial Performance 127 Riwayat Hidup Pejabat Eksekutif Curriculum Vitaes of the Executive Officers Tata Kelola Perusahaan 41 Corporate Governance 135 Produk & Jasa Products & Services Pengelolaan Risiko 53 142 Jaringan Kantor Risk Management Offices Kebijakan Manajemen dan Strategi 146 Tanggung Jawab Pelaporan Keuangan 79 Management’s Policy and Strategy Responsibility for Financial Reporting VISI Menjadi Bank SME Pilihan yang Mengutamakan Layanan & Teknologi. Vision Becoming the Favourite SME Bank that Prioritize Service & Technology. MISI 1. Mengembangkan Produk dan Layanan yang berkualitas dan Mission inovatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan Nasabah 2. Mengembangkan SDM Professional yang mempunyai semangat kreatifitas 3. Mengembangkan Teknologi untuk mendukung proses yang efektif dan efisien 4. Menerapkan Pengelolaan Keuangan dan Tata Kelola Perusahaan berdasarkan prinsip kehati-hatian 5. Mencapai Manfaat Optimal bagi stakeholders 1. Develop qualified and innovative products and services to fulfill customers’ needs 2. Develop professional human resources that possess the spirit of creativity 3. Develop technology to support the process which is effective and efficient 4. Implement financial management and corporate governance based on the principle of prudence 5. Achieve optimum benefits for the stakeholders BUDAYA Customer Focus (Fokus pada Nasabah) KERJA Integrity (Integritas) BANK Result (Berusaha mencapai hasil yang terbaik) Search, Study, Share (Perbaikan tiada henti) INDEX Team Work (Kerjasama Tim) (INDEX Customer Focus FIRST) Integrity Result Bank Index Search, Study, Share Work Culture Team Work Kilas Kinerja 2018 Tata Kelola Perusahaan Pengelolaan Risiko 2018 Performance Highlights Corporate Governance Risk Management Jejak Langkah Milestones 1993 Bank Index mulai beroperasi pada bulan Agustus 1993. Bank Index commenced its operations in August 1993. Bank Index mengakuisisi Bank Harmoni International dan kemudian di merger dengan Bank Index. Bank Index acquired Bank Harmoni International, and later merged with Bank Index 2007 Memindahkan lokasi Kantor Pusat dari Jl. Asemka No. 18-19 Jakarta Barat, ke Plaza Permata, Jl. MH. Thamrin Kav. 57 – Jakarta Pusat Relocate the Head Office, from previously at Jl. Asemka No. 18-19, West Jakarta, to Plaza Permata at Jl. MH. Thamrin Kav. 57, Central Jakarta 2008 Bergabung dengan Jaringan ATM Bersama. Joined ATM Bersama Network. 2009 Mendapat Ijin dari Bank Indonesia untuk menjadi Bank Devisa Obtained a license from Bank Indonesia for foreign exchange transactions Kebijakan Manajemen & Strategi Laporan Manajemen Informasi Perusahaan Management’s Policy & Strategy Management Report Corporate Information 2014 Masuknya PT. Creador Kapital sebagai salah satu Pemegang Saham PT. Creador Kapital joined in as one of the shareholders. Masuknya SBI FMO Emerging Asia Financial Sector Pte, Ltd, sebagai salah satu Pemegang Saham 2015 SBI FMO Emerging Asia Financial Sector Pte, Ltd, as one of the shareholders 2017 Masuknya Bapak Gimin Sumalim sebagai CEO Baru Bank Index Mr Gimin Sumalim is newly appointed as CEO of Bank Index Perubahan Nama Gedung Plaza Permata (Kantor Pusat), menjadi Plaza Bank Index Change the name of Plaza Permata Building (Main Office) into Bank 2018 Index Plaza Mengimplementasikan “INDEX FIRST” sebagai Corporate Culture baru Bank Index Implement ”INDEX FIRST” as a new Bank Index Corporate Culture Kilas Kinerja 2018 2018 Performance Highlights “Tahun 2018 Bank Index telah melakukan launching “INDEXQU” yang merupakan layanan Internet Banking & Mobile Banking. In 2018 Bank Index launched “INDEXQU” which was Internet Banking & Mobile Banking (IBMB) service. Kilas Kinerja 2018 Tata Kelola Perusahaan Pengelolaan Risiko 2018 Performance Highlights Corporate Governance Risk Management Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights Ikhtisar data keuangan Bank Index dalam 5 (lima) tahun terakhir adalah sebagai berikut: Bank Index 5-year financial highlights are as follows: Neraca Balance Sheet 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Total Aktiva / Total Assets 8.330.304 7.213.185 7.150.279 7.084.249 6.238.006 Kredit / Loans 6.363.845 5.088.736 4.835.355 5.027.598 4.563.140 Efek-Efek / Securities 576.074 820.800 781.094 737.455 722.973 Penempatan pada Bank Lain / 284.000 360.205 516.800 376.800 264.300 Placements with Other Banks Giro pada Bank Lain / Demand 39.788 187.123 124.310 211.154 84.373 Deposits with Other Bank Reverse Repo / Reverse Repo 281.002 32.186 117.919 126.950 25.119 Dana Pihak Ketiga / Third Party Funds 6.710.074 5.577.563 5.765.424 5.809.768 5.227.046 Giro / Demand Deposits 515.351 71 9.298 1.064.216 903.702 771.997 Tabungan / Savings 526.521 510.864 443.476 440.204 405.497 Simpanan Berjangka / Time 5.668.201 4.347.401 4.257.732 4.465.862 4.049.552 Deposits Penempatan dari Bank Lain / Deposits 56.197 169.136 10.453 33.409 32.869 from Other Banks Jumlah Ekuitas / Shareholders Equity 1.450.357 1.358.277 1.276.693 1.162.886 904.480 8 BANK INDEX Laporan Tahunan 2018 Kebijakan Manajemen & Strategi Laporan Manajemen Informasi Perusahaan Management’s Policy & Strategy Management Report Corporate Information Laporan Laba/Rugi Income Statement 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Pendapatan Bunga / Interest Income 711.228 673.330 729.340 716.782 610.421 Beban Bunga / Interest Expense (356.289) (315 .490) (389.811) (424.807) (350.527) Pendapatan Bunga Bersih / Net 354.940 357.840 339.529 291.975 259.894 Interest Income Pend. Operasional Lainnya / Other 12.696 9.891 10.434 9.876 10.814 Operating Income Pemulihan (pembentukan) penurunan nilai asset keuangan / Recovery of (15.029) (34.436) (17.495) (7.126) (7.560) Allowance for Impairment on Financial Assets Beban Operasional Lainnya / Other (233.486) (210.557) (172.304) (153.647) (133.911) Operating Expense Laba Operasional / Income from 119.121 122.739 160.164 141.078 129.236 Operations Pend. (Beban) Non Operasional / Non- 1.884 1.076 160 2.005 948 Operating Income (Expense) Laba Sebelum Pajak / Income Before 121.005 123.814 160.323 143.083 130.184 Tax Pajak Perseroan / Tax (30.512) (38.740) (44.814) (36.522) (32.708) Laba Bersih (setelah pajak) / Net 90.493 85.074 115.509 106.561 97.476 Income Rasio Keuangan Financial Ratio 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 Permodalan / Capital CAR / Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) 22,57% 27,06% 25,53% 26,36% 22,21% Rentabilitas / Profitability Return On Assets (ROA) 1,56% 1,78% 2,19% 2,06% 2,23% Return On Equity (ROE) 6,69% 6,71% 10,02% 11,13% 12,25% Net Interest Margin (NIM) 5,03% 5,74% 5,09% 4,62% 4,95% Biaya Operasional/Pendapatan Operasional (BOPO) / Operational 84,09% 83,11% 78,35% 80,71% 79,55% Cost to Operational Income Ratio Likuiditas / Liquidity Loan to Funding Ratio (LFR) 94,77% 91,22% 83,81% 86,46% 87,24% Aktiva Produktif / Productive Assets NPL / Non Performing Loan (NPL) 2,91% 2,48% 2,23% 0,80% 0,31% 2018 Annual Report BANK INDEX 9 Kilas Kinerja 2018 Tata Kelola Perusahaan Pengelolaan Risiko 2018 Performance Highlights Corporate Governance Risk Management Bosur Simatupang Presiden Komisaris Independen Independent President Commissioner 10 BANK INDEX Laporan Tahunan 2018 Kebijakan Manajemen & Strategi Laporan Manajemen Informasi Perusahaan Management’s Policy & Strategy Management Report Corporate Information Sambutan Presiden Komisaris Message from the President Commissioner Bank Index menatap tahun 2019 dengan optimisme. Terdapat sejumlah peluang yang dapat dioptimalkan Bank Index untuk meningkatkan kinerja baik pada tahun 2019 maupun tahun-tahun selanjutnya. Bank Index sees the year of 2019 with optimism. There are some opportunities that can be optimized by Bank Index to improve its performance, both in 2019 and in the future years. Pemegang saham dan pemangku kepentingan Dear Honorable shareholders and stakeholders, yang terhormat, Ditengah kondisi perekonomian Indonesia tahun 2018 yang Amidst of Indonesia’s economic condition in 2018 which penuh tantangan, kami patut bersyukur perkembangan is full of challenges, we should be grateful as the Bank Bank Index secara keseluruhan cukup baik. Index’s development in general was quite good. Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2018 mencapai Indonesia’s economic growth in 2018 amounted to 5.17%, 5,17%, meskipun masih di bawah target pemerintah although it was still below the government target in State dalam Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN) Budget at 5.40%, but it was higher than of 2017 at 5.07%. sebesar 5,40%, namun pertumbuhan tersebut lebih The achievement was considered as quite positive tinggi dari tahun 2017 sebesar 5,07%. Pencapaian ini amidst of the trade war turmoil between United States dinilai cukup positif di tengah gejolak perang dagang of America and China that impacted world economic antara Amerika Serikat dan China yang berdampak pada growth and Indonesia’s. perkembangan perekonomian dunia dan Indonesia. Perkembangan makro ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2019 Indonesia’s macroeconomic growth in 2019 is predicted diprediksikan akan lebih baik di tengah perkiraan as better amidst of the estimation of global economic ekonomi global yang tumbuh melandai.
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