Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project-II ADB Loan No: 3705-BAN (COL) Local Government Division Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives Quarterly Performance Report October - December 2020 Implementing Agencies Dhaka South, Dhaka North, Chattogram, Rajshahi, Khulna, Barishal, Sylhet, Cumilla, Naryanganj, Rangpur, Mymensingh, Gazipur City Corporations & Gopalgonj, Kishoreganj, Kushtia, Sirajganj, Faridpur, Sariatpur, Netrokona, Kurigram, Gaibandha, Benapol, Jagannathpur, Derai, Tarabo Municipalities Project Management Unit Nagar Bhaban, 5 Phoenix Road, Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh. Phone: +880 2 955 0917, Fax: +880 956 9124. email: [email protected] www.uphcsdp.gov.bd ACRONYMS AAAQ Availability, Acceptability, Affordability, Quality ADB Asian Development Bank AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ANC Antenatal Care ARH Adolescent Reproductive Health ARI Acute Respiratory Infection BAPSA Association for Prevention of Septic Abortion Bangladesh BCC Barisal City Corporation BCC Behavior Change Communication BCCM Behavior Change Communication & Marketing BDHS Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey BRAC Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee BSMMU Bangabondhu Shaikh Mujib Medical University CMC City Maternity Center CoCC Comilla City Corporation CRHCC Comprehensive Reproductive Health Care Center CS Caesarian Section CWM Clinical Waste Management DNCC Dhaka North City Corporation DOTS Directly Observed Treatment Short course DPP Development Project Proforma DSCC Dhaka South City Corporation ECD Early Childhood Development ECP Emergency Contraceptive Pill EOC Emergency Obstetric Care EPI Expanded Program on Immunization ESD Essential Service Delivery ESDO Eco-Social Development Organization ESP Essential Service Package FGD Focus Group Discussion FP Family Planning GACC Gazipur City Corporation GAP Gender Action Plan GM Gopalgonj Municipality GoB Government of Bangladesh HEC Health Entitlement Card HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus HMIS Health Management Information System HMN Health Matrix Network HNPSP Health Nutrition and Population Sector Program HPSP Health and Population Sector Program ICDDR,B International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh ICMH Institute of Child and Mother Health IEC Information Education Communication IPC Inter Personnel Communication ISI Integrated Supervisory Instrument IUD Intra Uterine Device KAP Knowledge Attitude and Practice KCC Khulna City Corporation KMSS Khulna Mukti Seba Sangstha KsM Kishoregonj Municipality LCC Limited Curative Care LGD Local Government Division LGED Local Government Engineering Department M&E Monitoring & Evaluation MCH Maternal and Child Health MFSTC Mohammadpur Fertility Services and Training Center MIS Management Information System MoHFW Ministry of Health and Family Welfare MoLGRD&C Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development & Cooperatives MoU Memorandum of Understanding MR Menstrual Regulation NACC Narayangonj City Corporation NGO Non-Government Organization NID National Immunization Day NIPORT National Institute of Population Research and Training NIPSOM National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine NM Nari Maitree NNC Neonatal Care NNT Neonatal Tetanus NSV Non-Scalpel Vasectomy NTP National Tuberculosis Control Program NVD Normal Vaginal Delivery OGSB Obstetrical and Gynecological Society of Bangladesh ORS Oral Rehydration Salt OT Operation Theater PA HQ Partnership Area/Agreement Head Quarter PA Partnership Area/Agreement PAC Post Abortion Care PEC Primary Eye Care PHC Primary Health Care PHCC Primary Health Care Center PIU Project Implementation Unit PM Project Manager PMU Project Management Unit PNC Postnatal Care PP Project Proforma PPM&E Project Performance Monitoring and Evaluation PPR Public Procurement Rules PSKP & PPS Progoti Samaj Kallyan Protisthan & Paribar Porikalpana Songstha PSTC Population Services and Training Center QoC Quality of Care QPR Quarterly Performance Report RACC Rangpur City Corporation RBM Result Based Management RCC Rajshahi City Corporation RDU Rational Drug Use RH Reproductive Health RIC Resource Integration Center RTI Reproductive Tract Infection SBA Skilled Birth Attendant SCC Sylhet City Corporation SDGs Sustainable Development Goals SIDA Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency SM Sirajgonj Municipality STD Sexually Transmitted Disease STI Sexually Transmitted Infection TB Tuberculosis TBA Traditional Birth Attendant TT Tetanus Toxoid UHS Urban Health Strategy UNFPA United Nations Population Fund UPHCSDP-II Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project (2nd Phase) UTPS Unity Through Population Services VAW Violence Against Women WHO World Health Organization TABLE OF CONTENTS Preface 1 Executive Summary 2 Basic Data 3 Utilization of Fund 5 Project Purpose and Components 6 Implementation Progress 10 Design & Monitoring Framework 11 Compliance with Loan Covenants 25 Report on Gender Action Plan 43 Appendix A: Status of Civil Works 49 Appendix B: UCCRTF Activity Progress 54 Services Statistics (Performance of Partnership Agreements) 58 Executive Summary This Quarterly Performance Report (QPR) covers activities accomplished by the Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project-II, its Partner NGOs and Consulting Firms from October -December 2020 quarter. It includes key information about the project, implementation progress and activities performed during the quarter. This will enable relevant stakeholders to understand project progress, become aware of problems and assess implementation status vis-à-vis project objectives. This report contains following sections: 1. Basic Data 2. Utilization of fund 3. Project purpose and components 4. Implementation Progress 5. Design and Monitoring Framework & Implementation Schedule 6. Compliance with Loan Covenants 7. Gender Action Plan 8. Service Statistics At the end of this quarter, the project has finished 33 months. By this time, it has achieved (51.131) 45.653% cumulative contract award and 20.255% cumulative disbursement of total allocation. Against this year’s targets, achievement of disbursement was 80.44% for Twelve (12) months. From the beginning of the project to end of this quarter, the project has provided over 1,774,471 services. In the current quarter, the total contacts were around 1,710,318 among them 76 % were female. 2 Page At the end of the quarter, the project performance is consistent with the targets of the procurement plan, Design and Monitoring Framework (DMF), and Loan Covenants. 2 Page Basic Data 1.1 ADB Loan Number: 3705-BAN (COL) 1.2 Project Title: Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project- Additional Financing (UPHCSDP-AF) 1.3 Borrower: Government of Bangladesh 1.4 Executing Agency: Local Government Division Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives 1.5 Implementing Agencies 1. Dhaka South City Corporation 2. Dhaka North City Corporation 3. Chattogram City Corporation 4. Rajshahi City Corporation 5. Khulna City Corporation 6. Sylhet City Corporation 7. Barishal City Corporation 8. Cumilla City Corporation 9. Narayangonj City Corporation 10. Rangpur City Corporation 11. Gazipur City Corporation 3 12. Mymensingh City Corporation Page 13. Gopalganj Municipality 14. Kishoreganj Municipality 15. Kushtia Municipality 16. Sirajgonj Municipality 17. Faridpur Municipality 18. Sariatpur Municipality 19. Netrokona Municipality 20. Kurigram Municipality 21. Gaibandha Municipality 22. Benapol Municipality 23. Jagannathpur Municipality 3 Page 24. Derai Municipality 25. Tarabo Municipality 1.6 Total Estimated Project Cost: US$ 142.00 million 1.7 Financing Plan Source Amount ($ millions) % Share of Total Asian Development Bank (ADB) 112 78.87 Government of Bangladesh 30 21.13 Grand Total 142.00 100 1.10 Dates of approval, signing and effectiveness of ADB loan (i) Date of Approval: 11 September 2017 18 September 2017 (Government) (ADB) (ii) Date of Signing: 25 October 2018 (iii) Date of Loan Effectiveness: 12 December 2018 1.11 Original and revised ADB project closing date and elapsed period based on original and revised closing dates: (i) Original Loan Closing Date: 30 September 2023 (ii) Original Grant Closing Date: 31 December 2021 (iii) Elapsed time (from April 2018): 33 months (as of 31 December 2020) 1.12 Date of ADB Additional Review mission : No ADB Review mission held in this quarter 4 Page 4 Page Utilization of Fund (ADB Loan, Co-financing and Counterpart funds) 2.1 Cumulative Contract Awards (Up to 31 December 2020) Contract Award Balance Source Allocation Amount % Amount ADB Loan 110.000 49.756 45.23 60.244 ADB Grant 2.000 1.375 68.750 0.625 Total 112.000 51.131 45.653 60.869 GOB Grant 30.000 2.979 9.93 27.021 Grant Total 142.000 54.11 38.105 87.89 2.2 Cumulative Disbursement (Up to 31 December 2020) Disbursement Balance Source Allocation Amount % Amount ADB Loan 110.000 21.506 19.551 88.494 ADB Grant 2.000 1.180 59.00 0.820 5 Total 112.000 22.686 20.255 89.314 Page GOB Grant 30.000 2.979 9.93 27.021 Grant Total 142.000 25.665 18.073 116.335 2.3 Projection 2020 for Contract Award (CA) and Disbursement (Dis) - December 2020 Projection 2020 Achieved % Source CA Dis CA Dis CA Dis ADB Loan 15.860 15.830 11.534 12.459 72.72 78.70 ADB Grant 0.640 0.840 0.351 0.951 54.84 113.21 Total 16.500 16.670 11.569 13.41 70.11 80.44 5 Page Project Purpose and Components 3.1 Objectives and Targets of the project: The overall objective of Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project -II (UPHCSDP- II) is “To improve
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