Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 1 INDEX (ABBOTT-BEACH-GROVE) 1. Abbott 2. Abel’s Cape 3. Aboiteaus 4. Acadians 5. Accountants 6. Accident 7. Acorn 8. Adams 9. Administrators 10. Advertising 11. Adzes 12. Agricultural Society 13. A’Hearn 14. Airplane 15. Aitken 16. Alberton 17. Albany 18. Alchorn 19. Alderidge (Alderige) 20. Alexander 21. Allen 22. Alley 23. Alline 24. Allyne Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 1 Continued 25. Almanacs 26. Amherst 27. Americans Re: War 28. American Consuls 29. American Raid 30. Amphibians 31. Almanacs 32. Anderson 33. Anderson Road 31. Andrew 35. Annandale 36. Anticosti 37. Antiques 38. Aplin 39. Apples (also see orchards) 40. Arbing. 41. Arbuckle 4l. Archeolo gy 43. Archives 44. Architects 45. Architecture 46. Arda 47. Army 48. Arsenault Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 1 Continued 49. Art and Art Gallery 50. Arthur. 51. Artists 52. Assembly 53. Astrolobe 54. Asylum 55. Atkinson 56. Attorney-General 57. Auction 58. Augustin - Cove 59. Auld 60. Australia 61. Automobiles 62. Avard 63. Axes 64. Ayres 65. Bagnall 66. Bagster 67. Bain 68. Baker 69. Bakery 70. Ball 71. Ballads 72. Baltic Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 1 Continued 73. Bandon 74. Banks 75. Bannerman 76. Bannockburn 77. Barbara Weat 78. Barclay 79. Barefoot 80. Barlow 81. Barnard 82. Barness and Barnet 83. Barraclough 84. Barrett 85. Barrow 86. Barstow 87. Barwise 88. Bass 89. Bathtubs 90. Battersby 91. Battery (Second battery) 92. Bayfield 93. Beachgrove Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 2 INDEX (BEAIRSTO - CAMPION) 1. Beairsto 2. Beals 3. Bear River 4. Bears 5. Bears (People) 6. Beaton 7. Beattie 8. Beavers 9. Beck 10. Bedeque Churches (Baptist) 11. Bedeq ue Churches (Methodist) 12. Bedeque (Harbour, shipbuilding) 13. Bedeque (North-Bedeque) 14. Bedeque 15. Bedeque (Sundry) 16. Bedeque (Post office, mails, etc.) 17. Bedeque (Schools) 18. Bedeque (Ships) 19. Bedeque (Stores) 20. Bedeque (Taverns and Temperance) 21. Beds 22. Bebee 23. Beer and Beers 24. Beete Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 2 Continued 25. Belfast 26. Bell 27. Belle Creek 28. Belle River 29. Bellinger 30. Belevedere 31. Benevo lent Irish Society 32. Bennett 33. Bentley 34. Bentnick 35. Bernard 36. Bernie 37. Berry 38. Best 39. Bethel 40. Bethune 41. Bevan 42. Bible Society (P. E. I.) 43. Bibliography 44. Bicycle 45. Bideford 46. Big Pond 47. Bigamy 48. Bingars Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 2 Continued 49. Binns - Binstead 50. Birch 51. Birds 52. Birks 53. Birnie 54. Birt 55. Birthwick 56. Black 57. Black Bush 58. Blackett (Under Annandale also) 59. Black (Continued from previous Black) 60. Blackhorse 61. Blacklock 62. Blackmore 63. Black Pond 64. Blacksmith 65. Blacquire 66. Blanchard 67. Blatch 68. Bloomfield 69. Bluenose 70. Boards of Health 71. Boards of Trade 72. Boisner Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 2 Continued 73. Bonds 74. Bonnell 75. Bonshaw 76. Books and Book Binding 77. Borden (Town) 78. Boswell 79. Botany 80. Bothwell 81. Bottles 82. Bouchier 83. Boughton Bay 84. Boulter 85. Bourke 86. Bovyer 87. Bower 88. Bowlen 89. Bowley 90. Bowness 91. Bovle & B oyles 92. Brace 93. Brackley P oint 94. Braddock 95. Bradshaw 96. Brady Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 2 Continued 97. Brae 98. Brass 99. Brawoers 100. Breadalbane 101. Breading 102. Brewery 103. Brennan 104. Bremner 105. Brehaut 106. Breen 107. Brecken 108. Bricks 109. Bridges (Not Family) 110. Bridgetown (Also see Dundas) 111. Bristol 112. Brookfield 113. Brooks (Family) 114. Broom 115. Brosnahan 116. Brough 117. Brow 118. Brown 119. Brownell 120. Bruce Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 2 Continued 121. Brudenell 122. Brundage 123. Bryan 124. Bryans Cross 125 Bryenton 126. Buffalo Bill 127. Buggy 128. Bullen 129. Bulman 130 Bulpitt 131. Bunbury 132. Buntain 133. Bunyan 134. Burch 135. Burdetts 136. Burhoe 137. Burial - Customs l38. Burke and Burk 139. Burkes Road 140. Burkwall 141. Burlington 142. Burns l43. Burrows 144. Burt Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 2 Continued 145. Bus 146. Buskey 147. Butcher 148. Butchering 149. Butlers Rangers 150. Butter 151. Buttons (Hobby) l52. Buxton 153. Byers 154. Bynon 155. Cabot 156. Cabinet - Maker 157. Cabinet Members 158. Cable - Ship 159. Cahon 160. Cain 161. Cairns 162. Caledonia Club 163. Calendar l64. Callaghan 165. Callbeck 166. Cambridge 167. Chairs 168. Cameron Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING REEL # 2 Continued 169. Campb ell 170. Campbell's Cove 171. Cambellton 172. Campion REEL # 3 INDEX (CANAL-DINGWELL) 1. Canal 2. Cancer 3. Canceaux 4. Candies 5. Canfield 6. Cannibalism 7 . Canning, Cannery, etc. 8. Cannon 9. Canoes 10. Cantello 11. Cantwell 12. Cape Spry 13. Cape Traverse I4.. Cape W olf 15. Capture of Ship 16. Cardigan 17. Carew 18. Carey REEL # 3 Continued Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 19. Carferry 20. Carleton 21. Carlton and Carlton papers 22. Carpenters 23. Carr (Family) 24. Carriages 25. Carroll 26. Carruthers 27. Carts 28. Carter 29. Carvell 30. Carver 31. Cascumpeque 32. Casgrain 33. Cattle 34 Causeway 35. Caven (Cavan) 36. Cavendish 37. Cemeteries 38. Census 39. Centenarians 40. Centennial 41. Chairs (see Folios) 42. Chaisson REEL # 3 Continued Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 43. Chalmers 44. Chamberlain 45. Chambers (People) 46. Champion 47. Chandler 48. Chanter 49. Chapman 50. Chappell & Chap pell's Diary 51. Charlton 52. Charman 53. Cheese Factories 54. Chepstow 55. Cherry Hill 56. Cherry Valley 57. Chests 58. Cheverie 59. Chief Justice 60. Chignecto Canal 61. Children 62. China 63. China Point 64. Ching 65. Chisholm 66. Cholera REEL # 3 Continued Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 67. Churchill 68. Church (Anglican) 69. Churches (Baptist) 70. Churches (Bible Christian) 71. Church H istory (Disciples of Christ) 72. Church (Methodist) 73. Church History (Mormons) 74. Church History (Presbyterian) 75. Presbytery 76. Church H istory (R.C.) 77. Church (United) 78. Church History (Sundry) 79. Cider 80. Circus 81. Cisson 82. Civil Service 83. Clark 84. Classon 85 Clay 86. Clear Springs 87. Clements 88. Clifton 89. Climate REEL # 3 Continued 90. Clocks Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 91. Clothing 92. Clyde River 93. Coaches 94. Coady 95. Coal 96. Coat of Arms 97. Cochrane 98. Cody 99. Coffin 100. Coghlan 101. Coins & Currency 102. Colcroft 103. Cole (s) 104. Colgan 105. College(Family) 106. Collett 107. Compton 108. Colleton 109. Collidge 110. Collings 111. Collins 112. Colonial Secretary 113. Colvin REEL # 3 Continued 114. Comet Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 115. Commerce 116. Communication tokens 118. Compton 119. Confederation 120. Confederation Centre 121. Connell 122. Connolly 123. Connors 124. Conohan 125. Conroy 126. Conservatives 127. Consuls (See under American Consuls - 442) 128. Consular A gents 129. Conway 130. Cook 131. Cooney 132. Co-op 133. Cooper 134. Cordwainer 135. Cornwall 136. Coroners 137. Corran Ban 138. Cosgrain REEL # 3 Continued 139. Costain (Costin) Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 140. Costello 141. Costume 142. Cotton 143. Coughlan 144. Council 145. County Lines 146. Court and Court Martial (P.E.I.) 147. Cousins 148. Covehead 149. Cowdell 150. Cox 151. Crabb 152. Cradle 153. Craig 154. Craise 155. Crammer 156. Crane 157. Crapaud 158. Crasswell 159. Crawford 160. Creamer 161. Creechton REEL # 3 Continued 162 Creed 163. Creighton Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 164. Cremation 165. Cricket 166. Crime 167. Crocker 168. Crocket 169. Crop Failure 170. Crosby 171. Croskill 172. Crossman 173. Crossroads 174. Crown Lands (Also see Lands) 175. Crozier 176. Cruwys 177. Cullaton 178. Culled 179. Cummings 180. Cumberland 181. Curling 182. Curran 183. Currency (Also see Coins) 184. Currie 185. Curtis REEL # 3 Continued 186. Custon Duties 187. Cutcliffe Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 188. Cymbria Lodge 189. Dairying 190. Dalrymple 191. Dalton 192 . Dalvay 193. Daly 194. Darby 195. Darnley 196. Darrach 197. Davies 198. Davis 199. Davidson (Davison) 200. Dawson 201. Day (Family) 202. Daylight saving (See Time) 203. Deagle 204. Dean 205. Deaths (On 35 mm. Film) 206. DeBlois 207. Decalonne 208. Decoys 209. Deechman REEL # 3 Continued 210. Deegan 211. Deinstadt Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 212. Delaney 213. Democracy 214. Dennis 215. Dentists 216. De Sable 217. Des - Barres 218. Desbrisay 219. Description (P. E. I.) 220. De St. Croix (Family) 221. Deserters 222. Dewar 223. Dickie 224. Dingwell REEL # 4 INDEX (DINGWRELL-GREY) 1. Dingwell (Continued from Reel # 3) 2. Directories 3. Disease 4. Divorce 5. Dixon 6. Dobson 7. Dockendorff REEL # 4 Continued 8. Dockerty 9. Doctors 10. Dodd Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 11. Dogherty 12. Donald 13. Donaldston 14. Donnelly 15. Dorgan 16. Dory (Also see ships) 17. Douglas 18. Doull 19. Douse 20. Downing 21. Doyle 22. Drake 23. Drama 24. Dreams (See Personal) 25.. Drownings 26. Druggists 27. Drummond 28. Drummonds Journal 29. Duchemin 30. Duels 31. Duggan REEL # 4 Continued 32. Duire 33. Dumaresa 34. Duncan Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 35. Dundas 36. Dunn 37. Dunnville 38. Dunstaffanage 39. Dunphy 40. Duport 41. Durant 42. Dutcher 43. Duvar 44. Dyer 45. Dykes 46. Eagles 47. East Baltic 48. Eastman 49. Easton 50. East Point 51. East Royalty 52. Ebers 53. Eckstadt 54. Education 55 . Edwards REEL # 4 Continued 56. Eel's 57. Egan 58. Eggs Accession # 2323 George Leard fonds ITEM LISTING 59. Eglington 60. Egmont Bay 61. Elder 62. Elections 63. Electric Light 64. Elizabeth town 65. Ellerslie 66. Elliot River 67. Ellis 68. Ellison 69. Elmer 70. Elmira 71. Elmsdale 72. Elson 73. Emerald 74.
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