Cheadle Civic Society Established 1964 Newsletter High Street in bloom Issue 29 Autumn 2013 2 Cheadle Civic Society was formed in 1964 with the following aims: • To encourage high standards of architecture and town planning in Cheadle, Cheshire. • To stimulate public interest in and care for, the beauty and improvement of features of general public amenity or historic interest. • To pursue these ends by means of public meetings, exhibitions, lectures, publications, other forms of instruction and publicity and promotion of schemes of a charitable nature. Committee 2013 - 2014 Acting chairman / Hon. Treasurer / Philip Gould-Bourn 428-0199 Membership secretary: Hon. Secretary: Helen Moorhouse 428-6378 Acting deputy chairman: Alan Murphy 491-1789 Membership co-ordinator: Damien Lynch 498-9650 Maureen Mather 428-2977 Claire Laverty 491-4151 Anne Laverty 283-9974 Kath Hallworth 491-0357 Geoff Thompson 485-8069 Rev. Rob Munro 428-3440 Norman Redhead 486-6541 Amanda Mattison 283-6566 Life president: Alan Bridge 498-9650 Editor: Alan Jabez 01625-520322 Special correspondent: Pat Seddon 428-6137 Views The views expressed in this newsletter are those of the editor or the contributors, not neces- sarily those of the committee members or members of the Society. Material in this newslet- ter is copyright to the Society and the contributors and may not be reproduced without per- mission. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy, neither the editor nor the Society can be held responsible for the consequences of any inaccuracies in the newsletter. Index Page 1: Cover illustration showing one of the new planters installed in the village Page 2: Society aims and committee members Page 3-7: Cheadle Matters. News and editorial Page 8 - 9: The History of Cheadle Cricket Club Page 10 -12: 150 Years of library services in Cheadle Page 13: Makers’ Market on Cheadle Green Page 14 -17: Part 2 of the history of the Bowmen of Bruntwood archery club Page 18 -19: Barnes Village -fantastic opportunity or monumental mistake? Page 20: More colour photographs of Cheadle in bloom Web site address: www.cheadlecivicsociety.org 3 Cheadle Matters News and updates from around the village Welcome Barnes Village approval A warm welcome to everyone, and especially to Stockport Council recently gave permission to turn all our new members. It’s been another busy year the former Barnes Hospital site into a new housing for the Society: monitoring major planning appli- development, after several previous proposals cations, backing the new monthly “Makers’ Mar- were rejected. The successful plan will see the ket” on Cheadle Green, funding the new street renovation of the Grade 2 listed building which flowers on High Street and Wilmslow Road and has been seriously neglected over the past few most important of all, doing everything we can to years, into a new apartment block, containing 78 help make Cheadle a better place to live and work. apartments, with a further 200 plus houses and apartments built on the surrounding grounds. It We are happy to say we have attracted many new will take several years before the project is com- members during the year and hope this growth will pleted, but this will be one of the biggest building continue in the year ahead, the Society’s 50th an- projects in Cheadle for a long time. As with all niversary. major new projects, there have been many local As always, if any members have any issues they people with differing views as to whether the com- would like us to investigate, you are welcome to pleted village will be better or worse for Cheadle contact any of the committee members listed on in the long-term and we have provided a summary the page opposite. of the arguments for and against on pages 18 and 19. Andrew Taylor After many years of outstanding service to the com- munity, Andrew Taylor recently stepped down as Chairman of the Civic Society. Deputy chairman, Phillip Gould-Bourn, will serve as the Society’s acting chairman until the next AGM. The Civic So- ciety committee would like to place on record its appreciation for all the hard work that Andrew un- dertook for the Society over many years and every- one wishes him the best of luck in the future. High Street planters and floral displays The new Barnes Village development will see an Anybody passing through Cheadle village over the extensive renovation of Barnes Hospital which has past few months can’t have missed the wonder- become badly neglected since it was disbanded in 1999 fully colourful floral displays on both sides on Abney Hall care home High Street and Wilmslow Road. The Civic Soci- Major changes will soon be taking place at Abney ety paid more than £10,000 to specialist company, Hall after Care UK and Bruntwood Estates, were Plantscape, to install all the flowers and maintain given planning permission to deliver a 44,500 sq ft them over the summer and it is hoped this will be care home within the grounds. The new “Abney repeated next year. The flowers have not only Court” will comprise 80 bedrooms, communal din- added a huge amount of colour to the local envi- ing and lounge areas, hair salon, spa, library, land- ronment, but many people have commented they scaped gardens and private patios. The new build- have also added energy and vibrancy, as well as ing will replace the existing 1980s red brick Abney making a trip through the village much more en- Court with a more sympathetically designed build- joyable. At the time of going to press, negotiations ing set back from the listed wall. Next to the care are taking place to have a smaller, lower-cost, sea- home, the grade-2*-listed Abney Hall, the former sonal display throughout the winter. (See photo- home of the Watts family and Cheadle and Gatley graphs of summer flowers on the back cover). Urban District Council, will be refurbished as a business centre operated by Bruntwood. The plan- Cheadle Makers’ Market ners say the development will help address a recog- The Cheadle Makers’ Market which began in May nised and growing need for dementia care in the has been one of the major success stories in the area, as well as help to ensure the future of the old village during 2013 and it is hoped it will continue hall. There are also plans to improve the footpaths next year. For more information and photographs and car park within the grounds and the listed gar- about the market go to page 13. den wall will also be repaired. It is expected that work on the site will begin shortly. 4 Cheadle Matters (continued) Cheadle Post Office Local cyclists should soon be enjoying the benefits We revealed last year that Cheadle Post Office of many new dedicated cycle paths around the area would be moving into the old Alcock fashion shop as part of a national government scheme to get on High Street sometime during 2013. As a num- more people out of their cars and onto their bikes. ber of people have spotted, the move hasn’t taken With no train or tram services, Cheadle has been place yet and the latest information we have is that seen as an area of special needs and more than while it is still scheduled to take place, it is now £500,000 has been earmarked to provide many unlikely to happen until sometime next year. new cycle paths, as well as better and safer facili- ties for cyclists, such as better places for commut- Cheadle Centre improvements ers and other train users to leave their bikes at Gat- Following a major consultation process with local ley station. Amongst the most high-profile of the residents and businesses in 2012, Stockport Coun- new cycle paths are a new off-carriageway route cil recently began implementing a number of ma- along Kingsway from the Gatley lights to the jor changes around High Street and surrounding Manchester border, a new on-carriageway route roads to try and reduce traffic congestion and im- along Manchester Road from Cheadle towards prove road safety. Amongst the key changes are a Parrs Wood and a new safe cycling route (mostly 20 mile per hour speed limit in High Street and on-road but a small section of off road) from adjoining side roads, new Toucan crossings on Broadway along High Grove Road, Milton Cres- Gatley Road (near Warren Road) to allow cyclists cent, Wensley Road and Marchbank Drive to join and pedestrians to cross more safely, moving the up with Kingsway (and so give a safe route for bus stop from outside the George and Dragon to cyclists wanting to avoid the Kingsway/Gatley help the flow of traffic on High Street, introducing Road junction). All the changes should be com- Loading Only bays on High Street and Ashfield pleted in 2014. Road, adding Yellow Lines on Wood Street/ Chandley Street, installing a new Puffin Crossing Greener Cheadle on High Street between Ashfield Road and Eden A new local group has been formed called Place, improving the pedestrian crossing from the Greener Cheadle which is making major efforts to north side of High Street (near Haw Bank) to see more natural sustainability in the area. Sup- Cheadle Green and reducing the speed limit on ported by the Groundwork Trust, which is backed Manchester Road towards the railway bridge to 30 by Stockport Council, the new group has already mph. The first phase of the changes began recently organised “plant swap” events where local people and are scheduled to be finished by the end of can exchange both indoor and outdoor bulbs and March, 2014, when phase two will begin.
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