International Congress of Mathematicians Friday, August 23, 2002 – No. 4 Announcement Canellation of Plenary Lecture Cultural Performance by Chinese Song The plenary lecture of Kirwan, Frances C., has and Dance Ensemble been cancelled. Aug. 23, 11:15–12:15, CH01. Date/Time: Friday, August 23rd, 19:30–21:30 Venue: Convention Hall No.1, BICC (Second Reception for IMU Delegates Floor) On the occasion of the designation of Spain as Description: Featuring Chinese folk music, organizer of the ICM 2006, the Spanish IMU songs and dances, including Chinese tradi- Committee is pleased to invite the Delegates tional musical instruments such as the ancient of the IMU General Assembly, together with zeng and pipa. The performance also includes highest representatives of national mathemat- tenors and sopranos, acrobatic show and ex- ical societies, to a cocktail to be served at the cerpts of Peking Opera. Banquet Hall of Continental Grand Hotel to- Fees: Free of charge. day (August 23rd) at 19:30. Scientific Program – Editorial Changes Public Talk by Wu Wen-Tsun Plenary Lecture Date: Tuesday, August 27, 2002, 14:00 (P.41). The chair of Noga Alon’s lecture is Venue: Exhibition Hall of Chinese Science changed: Gowers, Williams T. (University of and Technology ) China Science and Tech- Cambridge, United Kingdom), on Aug. 23, nology Museum, 1 Bei San Huan Zhong Lu, 8:30–9:30, CH01. Beijing. 10. Probability and Statistics Title: On the Development of Real number Invited speasker K. Johansson’s chair is system in Ancient Chinese Mathematics ) On changed: Chung, Dong-Myung (Sogang Uni- the development of real number system in an- versity, Korea), Aug. 24, 15:00–15:45, CH01. cient China. Scientific Program – Changes Correction to the 2nd Daily News: Short Talk: Sukhotin, Alexander Short talk is changed to Poster (in Sec- Mikhailovich, From Aug. 27, 14:45–15:00, tion 5): Namdari, Mehrdad (Shahid Chamran R3051 ) Poster: Aug. 24, 17:00–17:15, University of Ahvaz, Iran), Algebraic proper- R5015. ties of C1(X), From Aug. 24, 14:45–15:00, 9. Operator Algebras and Functional R3051 ) Aug. 24, 16:15–17:15, EH02. Analysis 7. Lie Groups and Representation The- Niknam, Assadollah (Ferdowsi University of ory Mashad, Iran), From Aug. 27, 14:45–15:00, The chair of Eckhard Meinrenken’s lec- R3051 ) Aug. 24, 14:25–14:40, R5015. ture is changed: Zhao, Kaiming, (AMSS, 10. Probability and Statistics CAS, China), Aug. 23, 17:15–18:00, CH17B. Short Talk: Wei, Li (Nankai Univer- 8. Real and Complex Analysis sity, China), Upper bounds estimation on the 2 Friday, August 23, 2002 – No. 4 probability of ruin with variable premium rate 18. Mathematics Education and Popu- and disturbed by diffusion in a Markovian en- larization of Mathematics vironment, Aug. 24, 17:50–18:05, R5020. Short Talk: Aug. 24, 15:30–15:45, 11. Partial Differential Equations Michtchenko, Tatiana M., Basic geometric Wen Guo Chun will replace Chen, Dechang to configurations as a principle of methodical give the talk. Aug. 26, 15:15, R3018. maintenance of the school geometry course, R3058, ) Poster: Aug. 24, 17:20–18:20, EH02. Cancellation 2. Algebra 12. Ordinary Differential Equations and Short Talk: Aug. 23, 15:15–15:30, Akinci, Dynamical Systems Karen Denise, Cotorsion theories and resolu- Short Talk: Aug. 23, 17:20–17:35, Ko- tions, R5023. platadze, Roman (A. Razmadze Mathematical Short Talk: Aug. 26, 17:00–17:15, Zhang, Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Jiangfeng Note on the computation of Noethe- Georgia), Comparison theorem for differential rian normalization, R5018. equations with several deviations, R5021. 3. Number Theory 13. Mathematical Physics Short Talk: Aug. 23, 13:40–13:55, Sun, Qi, Short Talk: Aug. 26, 17:20–17:35, Fan, En- On diagonal equations over finite fields, CH14. gui, A family of completely integrable multi- Short Talk: Aug. 24, 17:50–18:05, Ozluk, Hamiltonian structure systems explicitly re- Ali E Distribution of zeros of quadratic lated to some celebrated equations, CH13. L-functions of imaginary quadratic number 16. Numerical Analysis and Scientific fields, R5016. Computing 4. Differential Geometry Short Talk: Aug. 24, 13:40–13:55, Antipin, Short Talk: Aug. 26, 16:45–17:00, Anatoly, Methods of computing of equilibrium Karpunin, Grigory, Minimal networks and and game solutions, R5014. combinatorial Morse theory, R3051. Short Talk: Aug. 24, 14:10–14:25,p Chong, 5. Topology Yun Chol, An algorithm of O( nL) itera- Short Talk: Aug. 24, 15:15–15:30, Xin, tions for linear and semidefinite programming Yumei, The fuzzy symmetric generalized prox- (SDP) problems, R5014. imity bases and subbases, R3051. Short Talk: Aug. 27, 13:55–14:10, Zhang, Shugong Algebraic interpolation on manifold 8. Real and Complex Analysis and the instability of the interpolation nodes, Short Talk: Aug. 26, 16:15–16:30, Zorii, Na- R5023. talia, Variational problems in the theory of po- 17. Applications of Mathematics in the tentials in locally compact spaces, R5017. Sciences 10. Probability and Statistics Short Talk: Aug. 24, 16:45–17:00, Neves, Short Talk: Aug. 27, 13:55–14:10, Sun, Armando G. M., Upper and lower bounds on Liuquan, Regression analysis for a semi- Mathieu characteristic numbers of integer or- parametric model with panel data, R5020. ders, R3030. 11. Partial Differential Equations Short Talk: Aug. 24, 17:35–17:50, Merino, Glicina, Celluar automata model for Short Talk: Aug. 24, 17:20–17:35, Kass- adsorption-desorption with diffusion of parti- mann, Moritz, On Harnack’s inequality for cles, R3030. nonlocal and discrete Dirichlet forms, R5019. Friday, August 23, 2002 – No. 4 3 ad-hoc Talks and Posters 1. Logic 9. Operator Algebras and Functional Short Talk: Welch, Philip (Bonn & Bristol), Analysis On Foreman & Magidors’ mutually stationary Short Talk: Smailov, Yesmukhanbet S. sets, Aug. 24, 16:45–17:00, R3058. (Karaganda State University of E.A.Buketov, 2. Algebra Kazakhstan), About embedding in space of multiplicators of trigonometric Fourier series, Short Talk: Shahabi Shojaei, Mohammad Aug. 23, 14:25–14:40, R5021. Ali (Tabriz University, Iran), Cycle structure of the group SP(4,q), Aug. 23, 15:15–15:30, 10. Probability and Statistics R5023. Short Talk: Wulsohn, Aubrey (Warwick Uni- Short Talk: Neelakanta, Sthanumoorthy versity, UK), Infinite divisibility and censoring (University of Madras, India), Some classes of lognormal distributions, Aug. 23, 17:00–17:15, root systems of generalized Kac-Moody alge- R5014. bras, Aug. 23, 15:30–15:45, R5023. Short Talk: Fourati, Sonia (Universite Short Talk: V´amos,P. (Unversity of Exeter, Paris 6, France), Wiener-Hopf factorisation of United Kingdom), Matrix type of rings, Aug. Cauchy processes and the Dilogarithm, Aug. 27, 15:30–15:45, R3058. 24, 18:05–18:20, R5020. 3. Number Theory 11. Partial Differential Equations Short Talk: Ongarbaev, Ernar Sagin- Short Talk: Tchernykh, Elena (Kafedra bekovitch (Yasawi Kazakh-Turkish Inter- Vysshaya Matematika, MEI, Russia), On the national University, Kazakhstan), To the behavior of the solutions of parabolic equations Golbach-Euler’s theorem, Aug. 23, 15:30– with reversible time direction in a rectangular 15:45, CH14. domain, Aug. 24, 18:05–18:20, R5019. 5. Topology Short Talk: Demidenko, Gennadii V. Short Talk: Tserennadmid, Batkhuu (Mon- (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, Russia), golian State Pedagogical University, Mongo- On isomorphic properties of quasielliptic op- lia), Ω-box topology, Aug. 24, 14:45–15:00, erators, Aug. 24, 17:50–18:05, R5019. R3051. 12. Ordinary Differential Equations and Short Talk: Skopenkov, Arkadiy (Moscow Dynamical Systems State University, Russia), The Whitehead Short Talk: Aulbach, Bernd (University of torus, the Hudson-Habegger invariant and Augsburg, Germany), Geometric Properties classification of embeddings of 4-manifolds of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems, Aug. into R7, Aug. 27, 18:05–18:20, R3030. 23, 17:20–17:35, R5021. Short Talk: Elena, Koudriavtseva (Moscow Short Talk: Kakishov, Kanybek Kakishovich State university, Russian), Wecken property (Kyrgyz State National University, Kyrgyzs- for roots of mapping between surfaces, Aug. tan), Aug. 24, 14:25–14:40, R5023. 27, 14:25–14:40, R3030. Short Talk: Mestel, B. (Exeter Univ., UK), 6. Algebraic and Complex Geometry Renormalisation in quasiperidically driven Short Talk: Nieto, Isidro (Instituto de fisica y quantum systems, Aug. 27, 14:25–14:40, matematicas, Universidad Michoacana, Mex- R5020. ico), Visualization of real quartic surfaces con- Short Talk: Panakhov, E. and Unal IC (Fi- taining 16 skew lines, Aug. 27, 17:00–17:15, rat University, Turkey), On the inverse prob- CH14. lem for Dirac system, Aug. 27, 15:30–15:45, R5020. 8. Real and Complex Analysis 14. Combinatorics Short Talk: Piccione, Paolo (Universidade Short Talk: Bau, Sheng (University of Na- de So Paulo, Brazil), Group valued maps and tal, South Africa), On Cycles in Regular a construction of the Maslov index for La- Graphs,Aug. 27, 17:00–17:15, R5021. grangian paths in infinite dimension, Aug. 26, 16:15–16:30, R5017. 17. Applications of Mathematics in the Sciences 4 Friday, August 23, 2002 – No. 4 Poster: Brannsfrom, A., A. Johansson and Short Talk: Hirahata, Hirotoshi (Kagawaken D.J.J Sompter, Understanding the role of Otemae Takamatsu High School, Japan), Our stochashcity and space in individual-based activities at math group (MSG) for high school models of ecology poster, Aug. 23, 14:45–15:45, teachers in Kagawa, Aug. 27, 17:00–17:15, EH02. R3058. Short Talk: Ma, Wanbiao (University of Sci- Short Talk: Zimmermann, Bernud (Univer- ence and Technology, China), Dynamical prop- sity of Jena, Germany), On Heuristics in An- erties of SIR epidemic model with time delay, cient Arabic and Chinese Mathematics and Aug. 26, 16:45–17:00, CH14. use in textbooks, Aug. 27, 18:05–18:20, R3058. 18. Mathematics Education and Popu- 19.
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