Page 8 SPOTLIGHT November 2-8, 1985 MONDAY NOVEMBER 4, 1985 KYTV KOLR KOZK KDEB KSPR USA HBO WTBS TMC ESPN WGN MAX SHOW ARTS LIFE 8(l2) GDC!l tD@ moo 8)(1) @ m ~ ~ 9 @ 9 ~ ~ 0 :00 . Morn. Stretch Biznet News MovieCont'd News "Way Out SportsCenter OddCouple DarylHall And A Study In It Figures 5:30 Country CBS News Jim Bakker Ag Day " Attractions Funtlme West" Cont'd In Motion Faith20 John Oates Scarlet Stretch :00 J. Swaggart CBS Morning FarmDay " FrMO,Y'SPad Cartoo"ns TwoOf Hearts " Movie: Nation's Mupp4lts Movie: Thanksgiving It F:.'9ures 6:30 NBCNeWs News Business Rpt. ABCNews -"'Ii "Fllntstones "The Business BugsBunny "The Grey Movie: R. Simmons :00 Todav " Body Electric Good Morning" " Movie: Jeannie Ladykillers" Todav, Bozo Fox" "The Golden BeauGeste BabyKnows 7:30" " MisterRogers America " " "SwingShift" Bewitched Movie: (, " Movie: Seal" Prisoner On ToFood :00" Pyramid StlS8m8Street" "CaJliO,pe " Hazel "A Question NHLHockey " "SweetRosie " OneByOne Movie: 8:30" Your Luck " "Workout "I Lovelucy Of Honor" LosAngeleS Hillbillies O'Grady" Robin Hood " "RushIt" ~~~~--------~~~~--------------------~~~-----------------------------~--------------~----------------~--------------------------------~g:oo Your No:s Up Donahue Educational Jim Bakker catch Phrase C. Camera MoYie: Movie: " Kingsat Waltons MOYie: " A PartyWith " :30 Sale Of Cent. " Programming " Mike A Deal PeytonPlace "EddieAnd IIAulumn " Phiradelphia " "City Heat" Movie: Comd8n And " :00 Wheel Fortune Price Is DW.t " 3's A Crowd INDAYNews HeartlightCity TheCruisers" leaves" Movie: Flyers Big Valley " "Twice-Told Green OverE~ 10 :30 Sc:flbble' " "'V" " All-Star BlItz All About Us'" " " "All TheRight" " " Tales" American Fam.GuiCte :00 Peaword News "Ryan's Hope Great life MoYie: Movie: Perl)' Mason Moves" In Motion Uttle House MOYie: " Sonpriter Mother'sDay 11 :30 HeIdIIne Ch. Young And " Loving What's Hot "Down Among "The Private " Movie: Triethlon On TIle Prairie "On Golden FaerieTale " Baby Knows :00 News The RestIeIs Educational All My Andy~. riffith The Sheltering ,Eyes" Movie: "Partners" " Miiklay News Pond" Theatre Wynton ~is Philbin's 12:30 Days Of Our As The WOftd Programming Children MovIe Palms'" AttractionS "Border " Trapshooting INDAYNews " MoYie: MIISIIis Ufeltyfes :00 Uves Tums " One Ute To "DIrk Alive & Well Movie: Incident''' " College A1IAboutUs Movie: "Trial" MoYie: A Better Way 1:30 Another World Cepitol " live Commind" " "To Be Or Not " Innocents Foott5a11 Greatlife "The Grey " "The R.Simmons "00" ~Ught " General " Joker's Wild ToBe" BuasBunny Abroad " What'sHot Fox" Str-,er" Wt. Wltchers 2:30 Slntl a.bIrl" " Hospital MIrtian Bullseye " Ana Friends" " ScoobyDoo Movie: Thanksgiving Yoti Magazine "00" ~ Ed.~Im patty Duke Of Power Reaction Movie: Flintstones " " Heathcliff "Sweet Rosie A Study In Movie: MOYie: 3:30 Duk. Of LOYe COnn. Cwtoorq JetIOns Sammy's Jlckpol "WhereThe Brady Bunch Movie: "M.A.S.K. O'Grady" Scarlet "The Fallen "Richard's :00 HuzIrd America Milter.Roaers ~ , PJace Laugh UIies Bloom" Beaver "Black " Transformers DaryfHIIAnd Movie: Idol" 4:30 MtA"StH " SellmeSlreet 'OMiceCourt " Gong Show " Hillbillies Beauty" OutdoorLife G.I.Joe John Oltes "The Golden " Movie: Seal" BeluGeste R.Simmons "On The " Prisoner It F'lgUres :00 News ' News BuIinea Apt. 3's Company Star Trek Radio 1990 " RocilyRoad "The SPOrtsCenter Barney Miller Waterfront" Faerie Tale One ByOne Mother'sDay 6:30 Wheel Fortune NewfoIweds MIcNeiII Benson " Oragnet FraggleRock Sanford Ladykillers" NFl. Films Benson " Theatre " BabyKnows MOYie: Robin Hood JamesAt 15 Nurse "City Heat" " " " :00 Movie: Kate & AllIe W~Qrk~ NFLFootball Movie: II TheCruisers" " Moves" Auto Racing Greatest " Movie: Chinese RttgisPhilbin's .8:30 "TIlls Child II ,Newhart Dallas "The Quiet " " " Movie: AustralianGr. Amerlcan Hero " "Silkwood" Detective· Lifestyles g:OOMinell cagney & TheBrlin Cowbcws at Man" • DIck Cavett Movie~, Honeymooners "A Question Prix News Movie: " Tanko Dr. RuthShow :30 II LaCey' " St. LouisL " " "Fort ApaCtIe, CeIeOration Of Honor" HorseRacing , " . "On Golden " " " . '"00 News ' News • TV ClassIcs cardinals II "TenniS TheBronx" " " .. Skiing , Carson Pond'" " OnedinLine Movie: 10;30 gelt0f K* Latenlght " Honeymooners European " " SportSCenter LoveBoat " Movie: " "DanceOf The News Movie: ChamPIons Movie: Movie: Movie: NFLRims " Movie: "The Jerk" JamesAt 15 700 Club ''The Shooti$1" Chemj)s. "Scldace" "Dynasty" "Private Sportslook Movie: "Last American " " " " ,.It , School" SuperBouts "An AffairTo Virgin" ~her: Chinese FamilyGuide ent. Tonight " " " Movie: " Remember" MoVIe: MeIori Crazy Detective Presents Comedy ComedY Brill< " " MOYie: "Waitress" Outdoor life " "Where The Movie: Trio " NIght ROck ' Wild, Wild 60 ,MInOtesTo " "SunShine" " SportsCentel' " Boys Are '84" "Go/n' AllThe " " :00 Night Rock west ''WarriOr Of " MoYie: , .. ~ Co!tMIdY Break Movie: Way" OnedInUne FormulasFor 2:30,' " TWilightZone The.Loit " "Q,The Top Rink Ind. NeWs "On The It " Wealth :00 Top 12 News ' • Wealth World" " Winged Boxing "Riding The WI.erfront" RotMnHood: 3:30' CoUntdown ... All Family .Wrestling , Oor,!'I-A, " Serpent',', OIIentierger CWIfornia ". Seven Poor :00 Night Rock Mayberry' " BobNewhart:, "Slack vs.Santana Trail" 'DarylHallAnd Kn~ts " " 4:30 " Dic!t Yan Dyke Your". HilbiNies Beauty" "., News . John Oltes Tale Theatre " 8:00 HSO rn. MOVIE "Fort Apache, The Bronx" TMC Wlaro\(lt; "Waitress" (19~2, Comody) 2:10 HBO ® MOVIE "Warrior Of The Lost World" MONDAY I (1981, Drama) Paul Newman, Ed Asner. A toUgh Carol Drake, Jim Harris. A would-be actress, a (1983. AdvenhJre) RObert Ginty, Persis Kham- cop battles crime and corruption in New York teen-magazine rep~rter and a prl3p.school reject " b~tt!l, .' City's South Bronx neighborhood. 'R' have various adventUres while working at a New ,.MAA a MOVIE ~'On The Waterfront" (1954, NOVEMBER 4. 1985 MAX a MOVIE "On Golden Pond" (1981, Dra- York City diner. "R' Drama) Ma~lon Brando, Eva Marie Saint. ma) KatharinE! H~pburn, Henry Fonda. Old fami- 1:10 SHOW MOVIE "Goin' An The Way" (1982, Copyright 'H)8!J \lata. hic a t!V. ly tensions .res.urf!lceas'aO elderly couple re- . Drama) Dan Waldman, Deborah Van Ahyn. 3:00 WGN @ MOVIE "Riding The California TraU" , turns to their' New En~land retreat and are WTas [!) MOVIE "Sunshine" (1973, Drama) (1947. Western), Gilbert Roland, Martin Garrala- ,'IMNi4GJ visited by their daughter, her fiance and his son. Brenda Vaccaro, Cliff DeYoung. ' gao . 'PG' 2:00 TMC (aJ) MOVIE "a. The Winged serpem 10:00 LIFE 18 t-f0VIE "Dance 01 TheOWarfs" (1983, (1982, Fantasy) Michael Moriarty, David Carra- 7:00 HBO MOVIE "Eddie And 'The Cruisers" 4:00 TMC @ MOVIE "Black Beauty" (1971., Drama) ® Horror) Peter Fonda, Deborah Raffin. An anthro- dine. ster Walter Slezak; (1983, Drama) ,Tom Serenger, Michael Pare. pologist searches for a lost pygmy tribe In the Twenty years after'the fact, a' reporter Investi- Jungles of South America. gates the mysterlous.dlsappeat,ance of a rock 10'30 SHOW ~. MOVIE ":rne Jerk" (1979, Comedy) singer. 'PG' . • Steve MarUn, Bernadette Peters. An Incredibly MAX a MOVIE "City Heat" (1984, Adventure) stupid young man, the while stepson of black Clint Eastwood, Burt Reynolds. Towards theend sharecroppers, make$ a fortune with a bizarre of Prohibition, a cop whose partner lis murdered lnvention. 'A' teams up with hlsol'le-tlme friend, a private de- 10:55 MAX @ MOVIE "The Last American Virgin" tective, and orchestrates some fancy footwork (1982, Comedy) LaWrence Monoson, Diane to track down the killers. 'PG' Q Franklin. A shy teen-ager In love is reluctant to TMC ~ MOVIE "All The. Right Moves" (1983, [oln his buddies In their pursult of sexual experi- Drama) Tom Cruise, Craig T. N·~lson. An ambi- ences. 'R' tious high schoot (ootball player III a dying Penn- 11:00 0) (I) MOVIE "The Shootist" (1976, Western) sylvania steel town dreams of a college scholar- John Wayne, Lauren Bacall. A dying gunman ship In order to make a better life 'or him~lf. 'R' seeks to live out his final days in peace, despite Q. ". persistent challenges by WOUld-be successors to USA @ MOVIE "The Fan" (1981, Suspense) his fame .and respect. Lauren Bacall, James 'Garner. A popular film star Is victimized b~apsYChotlc admirer. 7:05 WT8S @ MOVIE "High Society" (1956, Musi- TMC<a!) MOVIE "PriVate School" (1983, Come- cal). Bing Crosby, ~raceKelly. The arrival of a dy) Phoebe Cates, aetsy Russell. Teen-aged photographer and a reporter gives 8. brlde-fo-be boys vlslt tt1ealkglrl Cherryvale Academy for second thoughts about her upcoming society some fun and adventure. 'A' marriage. 11:05 WT8S @ MOVIE "Dynasty" (1976, Drama) Sar- 8:00. 0 ~OVIE "This Child Is Mine" (Premi~re, ah Miles, Stacy KeaCh. Based on a story by Drama) Lindsay Wagner, Chris Sarandon. A James Michener. The st'ormy relationships of a two-year courtroom battle ensues when the Un- , frontier family hamper their efforts to build a dy- married. teen-age mother 0' a, baby girl ch~I.,.. nasty In the Ohio valley of the mid-1800s. lenges the adoptive parents fort;;M~!gOy;ri··' 11:10 HSO m MOVIE "Scarface" (1983, Drama) AI OJ..(I) MOVIE. "The Ctlii1i'Man" (1952,. Drama) Paclno, Michelle Pfeiffer. A Cuban hood re- .Junn Wayne, Maureen O'Har., A former leased from Castro's jails travels to Miami and prizefighter refUrllS 10 hlsnatlvelteland after climbs to the'top'of'th"n:OCiilii6 tiiidliig WGild. 10',.., killing am!n!~:tt;rirtU,· buf'fallS'o"firia" tne' M'I.;,I peace he sought. SHOW a MOVIE. "SilkwOOd" (198:)" Drama) 11:30WGN @ MOVIE "An Affair To Remember" Meryl Streep, Kurt Russetl. A young woman be- (1957, Romance) Cary Gran', Deborah Kerr. A comes a spy In an effort to Uncover evidence of debonair playboy and an ex-nightclub singer lall negligence in Work conditions at the nuclear.fuel in love on an ocean crUise, but tragedy Inter.. plant In whICh she wOI'ks.'R' Q rUpts their plans for the futUre. Lindsay Wagner discovers het adoption of a baby is lil I:. TMC (2J) MOVE "A Question Of Honor" (1982. 12:30MAX a MOVIE "Where The Boys Are '84" Dram.) Ben Buz •• , Robert Vaughn.
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