The LambethDaily ISSUE No.16 SATURDAY AUGUST 8 1998 OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE 1998 LAMBETH CONFERENCE TODAY’S KEY EVENTS How many Indigenous 7.15am Prayer Time Afro-Anglicans 9.30 - 11.00am Morning Prayer and Bible Studies Anglicans are offer views 11.30 - 1.00pm Final Plenary Session: Bible presentation build bridges and official farewells there? Page 2 2.45 - 4.00pm Sections: Reflections on Lambeth 6.00pm Closing Eucharist followed by Party Page 3 Page 2 ‘Crowning Glory’ Dr Carey addresses closing news conference Communion ‘stronger’ for for Lambeth experience by Jan Nunley Sengulane said that what developing alling the Anglican Communion countries need is “not just cancellation C“significantly stronger” because of debt but a monitoring group” to bishops from around the world have keep a close watch on the debt issue. shared stories and worship together at “The Church has an important role to Lambeth 98,the Archbishop of Canter- Please see Dr Carey page 4 bury met the press yesterday morning to offer his reflections as the Confer- Conference condemns ence winds to a close. Dr George Carey thanked the press bombings in Africa for their “stamina”and for the quality of by David Skidmore Rave reviews followed thunderous applause and a standing ovation their reporting, while challenging those for Veronica Bennett’s original production of “Crowning Glory,” a musical drama performed by spouses for Conference Thursday who have questioned the ultimate use- he Archbishop of Canterbury evening. For nearly three weeks, more than 100 spouses and sev- fulness of a Conference engaged in Topened yesterday afternoon’s ple- eral professionals rehearsed the story of the transforming power of prayer and study.“I hope that few peo- nary session with sobering news of yes- love, of a humble young king who dared to listen to his “jig-saw people”—the poor who don’t fit in. Following a rousing finale, ple will take any gathering of Christians terday morning’s bombing of the Unit- Eileen Carey (pictured centre, left) presented a huge bouquet of to task for that,” Carey rejoined, citing ed States embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, sunflowers to Mrs Bennetts, who remarked graciously, “If there’s any the Conference’s resolutions on interna- and Dar es Salaam,Tanzania.The inci- glory in it, it’s got to be God’s.” The talented cast clearly enjoyed the evening as much as their appreciative audience did. Russelle tional debt and human sexuality as pos- dents killed 80 people and injured Thompson (above), resplendently costumed, sang proclamations as itive achievements. more than 400 others. the impoverished (top left) set a more serious tone for the story. “The voice of the churches has cer- Though those responsible for the Photos: Anglican World/Lynn Ross tainly encouraged the G8 nations to attacks have not yet been apprehended, look seriously” at international debt, Dr Carey said he was sure the Confer- Signing off... Bishops offer support to gay Anglicans Carey said, promising to press govern- ence would want to condemn their from staff reports ments in the developed world to look actions “unreservedly,”as well as offer its hile today’s edition of The “We pledge that we will continue to seriously both at outright debt forgive- prayers and condolences to the victims WLambeth Daily is the final issue n a strong sign of support, some 100 reflect,pray,and work for your full inclu- ness as well as the World Bank’s HIPC and their families. He said he would be serving the Conference’s 1998 session, ILambeth bishops have put their sion in the life of the Church. It is obvi- (Heavily Indebted Poor Countries) sending messages of sympathy on continuing news and wrap-up reports names to ‘A Pastoral Statement to Les- ous that Communion-wide we are in instrument. behalf of the conference to the US, are available on-line at www.lambeth- bian and Gay Anglicans’. great disagreement over what full inclu- Bishop Dinis Sengulane (Lemom- Kenyan, and Tanzanian governments. conference.org Drafted by Bishop Ronald Haines sion would mean,”the letter states. bo, Mozambique) added that churches “We are deeply shocked to hear Back-issues of The Lambeth Daily (Washington, DC) in the wake of “You, our sisters and brothers in in developing countries must also press what happened this morning,” said are available on campus today, Wednesday’s vote on the ‘Sexuality’res- Christ,deserve a more thorough hearing their governments to engage in moral Archbishop David Gitari, Primate of 12noon-4pm,in full sets priced at £10 olution and circulated yesterday,the let- than you received over the past three decision-making about debt. Bishop Please see Bombings page 4 each, in the Conference Communica- ter states:“Within the limitations of this weeks. We will work to make that so.” tions Centre at the Canterbury Busi- Conference, it has not been possible to Signatures on the pastoral letter ness School and outside the Plenary hear adequately your voices, and we include three Primates; Canada’s Bible focus for final plenary today Halls. Requests for photo reprints may apologise for any sense of rejection that Michael Peers, Scotland’s Richard Hol- be directed to Anglican World maga- has occurred because of this reality.” loway and Wales’s Alwyn Jones. ambeth 98’s final plenary session, of Southern Malawi (Central Africa), zine’s London office. Lscheduled from 11.30am to 1 pm and Bishop William Moses, moderator Videotapes of both the Opening today, will focus on the use of the of the Church of South India. Service and ‘Songs of Praise’ telecast ‘Leadership’ videos offered Bible throughout the Conference, The final video segment on the will be sent from the Anglican Com- using a format that combines video conference’s debates will conclude the munion Office to conferees. by David Duprey resource applicable not only to the presentations with a panel discussion presentation. The Lambeth Daily staff thanks ne of the most valuable aspects of episcopate,but to leadership as a whole, and speaker. you, our readers and sponsors, for your Othis Lambeth Conference has including bishops’ spouses. The first section of a video pro- kind support and insightful contribu- been the Bible Study programme. The Trinity Church duced by a team directed by former tions to these pages. study of Paul’s second letter to the Wall Street, New BBC producer Angela Tilby over the Corinthians was developed over two York, filmed the course of the conference will offer an years by a team under the direction of reflections for the introduction to the work and purpose Bishop Simon Barrington-Ward (Ely, daily study. “It was a of the conference. England) and is now available for parish profound experience Professor David Ford, Regius use from Trinity Television, New York. to hear each of these Professor of Divinity at Cambridge Fifteen bishops were asked to share personal stories and University, will present a keynote Linda Hanick a personal story about a time in their to enhance each with address, followed by a second video ministry when their leadership was visuals and music to provide a context of section on the use of the Bible dur- under pressure and how Paul’s second place,”producer Linda Hanick said. Mrs ing the conference. letter to the Corinthians provided sup- Hanick, director of Trinity’s Television Professor Ford will chair an open port and wisdom. Bishop Barrington- Ministry, said the final reflection of the discussion by four bishops: Archbishop Ward said the design team’s goal was to Archbishop of Canterbury was filmed Richard Goodhew of Sydney, Presid- represent the world-wide communion on site Thursday and will be included in ing Bishop Frank Griswold of the TONIGHT: Closing Eucharist at 6pm, in plenary halls; barbeque dinner, big-band dancing and of bishops and to provide a scriptural Please see Videos page 4 United States,Bishop James Tengatenga fireworks (at 9.45pm) will follow. 2 The LambethDaily SATURDAY AUGUST 8 1998 Daily Voices A Statement to the Lambeth Conference A word from the Anglican Indigenous Peoples Network To our Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, frequently found living in urban environ- do not see it as a problem of “pluralism ous situation? Witnessing how easy it has s members and friends of the Angli- ments. Statements regarding the wealth of and diversity.” It is the larger dominant been “not to notice”the tribal nations in this Acan Indigenous Peoples Network,we the “First World”ignore the poverty of the culture’s unforgiving call to “fit in” to the conference one is tempted to fear. If neither would like to share some special concerns many.Strategies for mission in urban envi- larger scheme of things.The eagerness of side of a cultural conflict can see Indigenous with the Lambeth Conference. With few ronments do not consider their presence. many to appropriate Native symbols does Peoples, will they be seen in the battles for exceptions, the concerns of Indigenous In the battle between North and South, not hide the basic innocent contexts. For land, air and water that will surely be a fea- People have been invisible here. The Indigenous Peoples rarely rate an after example, two preliminary section reports ture of much of the next century. many issues that are before us are clearly thought. here at Lambeth have said that the frag- Yet,despite all that could be said in the important and urgent. However, we Indigenous People mentation of modern life leads to a “New negative, today, Indigenous Peoples respectfully ask that the Conference con- in the World Today Tribalism.”To Indigenous People,“Tribal- throughout the world are in a Spirit-led sider another perspective which we con- Today,Indigenous Peoples,The People ism” is the opposite-a clan based commu- cultural renaissance.Many are accepting the sider vital.
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