Comhairle Cathrach & Contae Phort Láirge Waterford City & County Council ITEM No 5 5. Monthly Management Report 11th July 2019 Management Report to Council Month Year (Gaeilge) Month year (English) Michael Walsh, Michael Walsh, Príomhfheidhmeannach Chief Executive Table of Contents Economic Development Page 1 Planning Page 4 Roads and Transportation Page 6 Emergency Services Page 8 Housing Page 12 Community Services Page 19 Arts & Culture Page 22 Environmental Services Page 26 Finance Page 28 Forbairt Eacnamaíoch Economic Development Local Enterprise Office Indicator At end of June 2018 At end of June 2019 Cumulative Figure Cumulative Figure No. of Clients Met 260 150 No. of clients applying for Measure 1 support 12 22 No. of clients securing Measure 1 support 8 19 Value of Measure 1 support approved €143,170 €487,846 No. of clients receiving Measure 2 support 582 833 Value of Measure 2 support given €160,396 €229,092 Waterford’s companies take Regional titles at Enterprise Awards Waterford’s VirtualVet, was awarded the accolade of being the overall Regional (South) winner at the National Enterprise Awards which took place on May 29th at Dublin’s Mansion House. VirtualVet, an innovative GDPR compliant data management company, founded by Sinead Quealy represented the county at the recent National Enterprise Awards. The company tracks drug usage in animals in the food chain and reduces the risk of misuse and overuse of animal remedies in food production. Conor Walsh of ENCON recently won the IBYE Regional Final for Best Established Business in Cork and will now represent Waterford in the National finals in Google HQ, in Dublin in Sept. ENCON has specialised in the Retrofit Market for almost ten years now developing a foothold in the Energy Efficient Construction Sector. RURAL DEVELOPMENT Page | 1 Forbairt Eacnamaíoch Economic Development RURAL DEVELOPMENT Town & Village 2018 All 8 projects in progress Town and Village Renewal Scheme (TVRS)- 2019 12 applications were submitted on June 28th 2019 for consideration under the 2019 TVRS - seeking an overall allocation of €1.28m Rural Regeneration and Development Fund (RRDF) Call for Category 1 - capital projects which are ready to commence at the date of application is currently open. The deadline for the receipt of applications is 12 noon on 6th August 2019. Applications under Category 2 - projects which require further development to reach Category 1 readiness – will be invited later in 2019. Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure 2018 The following projects are in progress - Dunmore East Cliff Walk under measure 1 and Tramore Nature Park, Hurthill/Miinaun Walk and Nire Valley received Measure 2 funding. Outdoor Recreation Infrastructure 2019 11 applications were submitted under the 2019 funding call as follows 6 x Measure 1 applications, 4 x Measure 2 applications and 1 x Measure 3 application. FLAG 2018 3 application submitted in 2019 call: Ecological Study at Riverstown; Opportunity Study – Copper Coast Area and Creaden Head Archaeological Forward Plan. North Quays 1. Three planning related developments for the North Quays are expected in the coming weeks. The SDZ developer, Falcon Real Estate Development Ireland propose to submit their application for the North Quays Strategic Development Zone. An Bord Pleanála is expected to make a decision on the Sustainable Transport Bridge planning application. Waterford City and County Council is proposing to commence a Part 8 Planning application for a Transportation Hub. 2. Waterford City and County Council’s consultant Roughan and O’Donovan, are progressing detailed design for the SDZ Access and Public Road Infrastructure for the Page | 2 Forbairt Eacnamaíoch Economic Development North Quays area. 3. Ground investigations works is currently progressing on Mount Misery and the South Quays areas. CCTV and pre-condition surveys that will also feed into tender documentation and detailed design works are commencing early July. Waterford Airport An application made to the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport for €5m in funding to match the commitment of €5m from the Private Sector and €2m from the Local Authorities has been approved. Tourism The Council tourism marketing & promotional plan and new visit Waterford website have been completed. Mount Congreve Notice of proposals to carry out works associated with above development of Mount Congreve House and Gardens has been advertised. The objective of the works is to develop Mount Congreve House and Gardens in to a world class visitor experience. GAA World Games The 2019 GAA World Games, initial stages will be played out at the Sports Campus of Waterford Institute of Technology in Carriganore from July 28 to August 1, with the finals taking place on August 2 at Croke Park. Admission is free to the week long festival of games in both WIT Arena, Carriganore and Croke Park, The games will commence with an opening parade in the City on Sunday 28th July. In keeping with the tradition of other GAA festivals, visiting teams will be twinned with local clubs throughout Waterford to enhance the social and cultural element of the Games. Page | 3 Pleanáil Planning Planning Applications Received – Countywide 85 Planning applications were received in the month of June (to 26th) countywide. This compares with 55 planning applications received in the same period in 2018. In terms of activity in the 2019 calendar year to date, 467 Planning Applications have been received countywide to the 25th of April. This compares with 435 received in the same period in 2018. Planning Decisions 2019 – Countywide In the month of June 2019 (to 26th), 56 planning decisions were made. Of these, 47 applications were granted and 9 refused, representing a grant rate in the month of 83.9 %. Permissions granted in the period by decision type are illustrated in below: Pre Planning Update- Countywide A total of 299 preplanning applications were received up to the 18th of June 2019, this compares with 298 received in the same period of 2018. These applications are currently being addressed. Page | 4 Pleanáil Planning Forward Planning Vacant Sites Register (VSR) Waterford City & County Council’s VSR was established on January 1st 2017 in accordance with the provisions of the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, as amended. There are currently 18 sites which stand entered on the Register. It should be noted that currently appeals have been made to the Valuation Tribunal against the market valuation assigned by Waterford City and County Council on two vacant sites. Demand notices have issued for payment of the levy for 2018 and the Planning Authority has commenced a review of the Register with a view to making additions to it in 2019. Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) The Planning Department, together with landscape specialists CAAS, have commenced the process of preparing a new Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) to inform the next city and county development plan. An initial round of consultation took place with the Plenary and District Councils in late 2018. Work is progressing on the technical assessment of the landscape and when finalised, it is proposed to hold workshops with each District Council to progress the study to a draft LCA. Retail Strategy Review John Spain Associates have been appointed as consultants to undertake a review of current retail strategies pertaining to the city and county. This will culminate with a unitary retail strategy for Waterford City and County, considering in detail the retail function in the County. The review will be informed by consultation with the general public, key stakeholders and household/shoppers surveys and in this regard written submissions are invited during the period 24th June to 19th July either directly to the Planning Section or via the Council website. It is intended that the review will be completed by end of 2019 in time to inform the City and County Development Plan. Bóithre agus Iompar Roads and Transportation ROAD WORKS PROGRAMME 2019 - UPDATE 2019 Surface Dressing Programme - period 20th May to 31st July Approximately 60km of local and regional road included in this year's programme. Overall progress to date - 65% of planned jobs complete as follows:- Metro (East, West & city) – complete Comeragh (East, West & South) complete Dungarvan North – complete Dungarvan South - commencing 2nd July 2019 and planned progress through Dungarvan South, on to Lismore East and finishing in Lismore West by programme end 31st July. 2019 Strengthening Programme - period March to October (excluding surface dressing period of May, June & July) Approximately 27 km of local and regional roads included in this year's programme. Overall Progress – 56% of planned jobs complete as follows:- Comeragh - West, East and South - all jobs completed except 3. Dungarvan Lismore - Lismore West, Lismore East and Dungarvan South all complete except regional roads and one other job.. Dungarvan North – planned for August/September. Metro - East and West – planned for September/October. The Machinery Yard have commenced the road strengthening works in Dungarvan/Lismore and the Comeragh districts. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT SCHEME 2019 (For private roads not in charge or maintained by the Council) The Department of Rural and Community Development has announced the funding allocation for Waterford of €258,802. Applications have been approved by the Department and works must be completed for draw down of funding by 13th September. COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT SCHEME 2019/20 (For local public roads taken in charge and maintained by the Council) This Scheme covers strengthening, road surfacing, drainage and footpaths and a requirement that the immediate benefactors pay a contribution towards the costs of the works. The options are as follows:- Page | 6 Bóithre agus Iompar Roads and Transportation • Where the local community contribution is monetary only a minimum contribution rate of 15% will apply • Where the local community contribution comprises works only the minimum contribution rate will be 30% • Where the local community contribution is a combination of monetary and works then the minimum rate is set on a pro rata basis between 15% and 30%.
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