Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78218-0 - The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Volume II 1100-1400 Edited by Nigel Morgan and Rodney M. Thomson Index More information General index A Description of England 371 A¨eliz de Cund´e 372 A talking of the love of God 365 Aelred of Rievaulx xviii, 6, 206, 322n17, 341, Abbey of the Holy Ghost 365 403n32 Abbo of Saint-Germain 199 Agnes (wife of Reginald, illuminator of Abel, parchmenter 184 Oxford) 178 Aberconwy (Wales) 393 Agnes La Luminore 178 Aberdeen 256 agrimensores 378, 448 University 42 Alan (stationer of Oxford) 177 Abingdon (Berks.), Benedictine abbey 111, Alan de Chirden 180–1 143, 200, 377, 427 Alan of Lille, Anticlaudianus 236 abbot of, see Faricius Proverbs 235 Chronicle 181, 414 Alan Strayler (illuminator) 166, 410 and n65 Accedence 33–4 Albion 403 Accursius 260 Albucasis 449 Achard of St Victor 205 Alcabitius 449 Adalbert Ranconis 229 ‘Alchandreus’, works on astronomy 47 Adam Bradfot 176 alchemy 86–8, 472 Adam de Brus 440 Alcuin 198, 206 Adam of Buckfield 62, 224, 453–4 Aldhelm 205 Adam Easton, Cardinal 208, 329 Aldreda of Acle 189 Adam Fraunceys (mayor of London) 437 Alexander, Romance of 380 Adam Marsh OFM 225 Alexander III, Pope 255, 372 Adam of Orleton (bishop of Hereford) 387 Alexander Barclay, Ship of Fools 19 Adam de Ros, Visio S. Pauli 128n104, 370 Alexander Nequam (abbot of Cirencester) 6, Adam Scot 180 34–5, 128n106, 220, 234, 238, 246, Adam of Usk 408 451–2 Adelard of Bath 163, 164n137, 447–8, De naturis rerum 246 450–2 De nominibus utensilium 33, 78–9 Naturales quaestiones 452 Novus Aesopus 234–5 Adeliza, Queen 163, 312 Novus Avianus 234, 238 Adgar, Miracles of the Virgin 372 Sacerdos ad altare 79 Ælfric(abbot of Eynsham), Grammar 24, 26 Speculum speculationum 161 Sermons 323 Alexander of Swerford 419 Ælfsige (abbot of Bath) 4 Alexander of Villedieu Æthelstan, King 161 Doctrinale 34, 232, 234, 236 Æthelstan (a schoolmaster) 198 Massa compoti 63n57, 133n131 Æthelthryth (Etheldreda), St 20 Alfarabi 161, 447 Æthelwold (bishop of Winchester) 199 Alfonso (son of Edward I) 185, 307 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78218-0 - The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Volume II 1100-1400 Edited by Nigel Morgan and Rodney M. Thomson Index More information General index Alfred, King 23, 161 Aquitaine xxi Alfred of Shareshill 451–2 Arabs, Arabic xix, 161, 223, 240, 446–53, 459 Algazel 161 numerals 355, 357, 447, 449, 451, 453 Alice (wife of John le Luminor) 178 writing 447, 450–1, 453 Alice de Bryene 436n98 Arator 206, 242n91 Alice le Luminurs of Bermondsey 184 archival books 416–45 Alice Saunders 331 Aristotle 9, 93, 126n91, 161, 178, 181, 186, Alicia Scheyntoun 350 202, 221, 223–4, 227, 240–1, 447, 451, Alkindi 161, 448n9 453n30, 454–6, 481–2 almanack 59 De anima 90, 453, 455 alphabetization 71–2 De animalibus 452 Alphabetum narrationum 72 De caelo et mundo 63n56, 453, 455 Aluredus (canon of Cirencester) 220 De generatione et corruptione 453, 455 Amalarius of Metz, De divinis officiis 153, 205 Libri naturales 62–3, 179, 452–4 and n34, Amaury de Montfort 130n114 455–6, 458 Ambrose, St 66n76, 148, 200, 202, 205 Corpus recentius 453, 455 Amersham (Bucks.) 331 Corpus vetustius 62n51, 453, 455 Amesbury (Wilts.), Benedictine nunnery 45, De memoria 453 312, 363 Metaphysica 63n53 Amphelisa (prioress of Higham) 46, 129nn110 Meteora 453 and 112 De morte et vita 453 Ancrene Riwle 128–30 and nn115–16, 307, Organon 223 346n65, 376 Physics 62n51, 63n56, 223, 453–6 Ancrene wisse 129n113, 345–8, 355–6, 364–5, De sensu et sensato 453, 457 381 De somno 453 Andrew, St 42–3 commentators on, see Adam of Buckfield; Andrew Horn (alderman of London) 28, 37, Averroes; John of Wakefield; Nicole 185–6, 279n122, 442 Oresme; Thomas Aquinas; Walter Andrew Mankswell 18n61 Burley; William de Bonkes Aneirin 390, 394 Aristotle, ps.-, Secretum secretorum 180–1, Angelomus of Luxeuil 205 378 Angevins xviii Arma Christi 44 Angharad Llwd 393–4 Arnald Thedmar (alderman of London) 130, Angier, Frere 370, 379 443 Anglo-Norman, see French Arnald of Villanova 458 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 23, 59, 398–9, 401 Arrouaisian canons 296 Anglo-Saxons 44, 49, 128, 137, 245, 267–8, Ars commentata 457–8 383, 398–9, 466, 474, 477 Ars medicine 457–8 Anianus II (bishop of Bangor) 43 Arthour and Merlin 27 annals 59, 120, 401, 413–14, 443 Arthur, King Anne, St 20 legends of 380, 402, 480 Anonimalle chronicle 411–12 Arthur Vernon 318n3 ‘Anonymus IV’ 470 Arzachel 127nn96–7 Anselm, St (archbishop of Canterbury) 137 and Ascelinus of Augsburg 448n9 n4, 147–9, 181, 205, 246, 254, 311, 314, Ashridge (Bucks.), house of Bonhommes 344 341, 477, 481 Assises 269–71 and n87 Anselm (abbot of Bury) 148 and n58, 149, 447 of Arms 269 Anselm of Laon 154 of Bread and Ale 180, 442 Anthony Bek (bishop of Durham) 181, 284, of Clarendon 269 297n51 of Northampton 269 Antioch 446 Assisi 227 Apocalypse 378 astrolabes 448 and n9 Apuleius 148 astronomy 446–9 568 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78218-0 - The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Volume II 1100-1400 Edited by Nigel Morgan and Rodney M. Thomson Index More information General index Athis et Prophilias 380 Canon medicinae 450, 458 Auctores octo morales 235 Avicenna, ps.-, Liber caeli et mundi 447 Augustine, St 42, 48, 126n91, 130n116, 148, Avignon 134, 210n17, 329 180–1, 190 and n152, 200, 202, 205, Azo 260, 276 268, 324 De civitate Dei 50, 56, 163, 200, Bagnoregio, Cathedral of St Nicholas 185 477 Baldwin (archbishop of Canterbury) 206 Confessions 142 Bangor Cathedral 430 Contra Iulianum 142 bishop of, see Anianus De doctrina christiana 367 Bardney (Lincs.), Benedictine abbey 116n32 Enarrationes in Psalmos 158, 163 Barnwell (Cambr.), Augustinian priory 262 Homiliae in Iohannem 200 prior of, see Simon of Asceles Letters 163 Bartholomaeus Anglicus OFM, De De nuptiis 142 proprietatibus rerum 182–3, 246–9 De quaest. n. et v. test.50 Bartholomew of Brescia 62, 253 Retractationes 198n2 Bartholomew Cotton (monk of Norwich) 56n7 De trinitate 50, 165n146 Bartholomew of Westminster 185 Augustinian canons 5–6, 32, 51, 130n116, Dionysia his daughter 185 131n122, 259, 292, 296, 306, 310, Margaret his wife 185 312–13, 322, 324 and n28, 344, 363, Bartolus de Sassoferrato 290 404, 428, 479 Bath (Som.) 447 see also Barnwell; Bridlington; Bristol; Abbey 4, 427 Campsey; Canonsleigh; Cirencester; abbot of, see Ælfsige Drax; Dunstable; Guisborough; St Michael’s church 294n27 Harrold; Haughmond; Iona; Kirkham; Bath and Wells, diocese 294, 295n32, 296 Lacock; Lanthony; Launceston; Battle (Sussex), Benedictine abbey 44 n18, Leicester; Lesnes; Lilleshall; London 46–7, 446 (Aldgate, Augustinian canonry; Battlefield (Salop), college 34 Clerkenwell; St Bartholomew’s); Baudri de Bourgeuil 163 Oxford (St Frideswide’s); St Osyth; St Bawburgh (Norf.), parish church 47 Victor; Stafford; Thurgarton; Waltham; Bayeux 138 Wigmore; Worksop bishop of 164, 451 see also Alexander Nequam; Angier; Clement Tapestry 3 of Lanthony; Geoffrey Salow; Henry ‘Beaker People’ 3, 20 Knighton; John Mirfield; John Mirk; Beatrix Barton 37 Richard, prior of Aldgate; Richard Beaulieu (Hants.), Cistercian abbey 76n7, Barre; Richard Calne; Robert of 77n15 Cricklade; Robert of Greatham; Robert Beauvais 162n123 of Tickhill; William Charity Bec, Benedictine abbey 164, 252 Augustinian friars 312 Bede 22–3, 148, 202, 206, 246, 398, 400, see also King’s Lynn; York 405 see also John Capgrave; John Erghome; John Commentary on Ezra 56 de Teye Ecclesiastical history 46n33, 143, 398–9, 413 Augustus, M. (illuminator of Chester) 173n30, Life of St Cuthbert 477 193 De natura rerum 245 Aulus Gellius 140 Bedford 438 Aurea expositio hymnarum 222 Belvoir (Leics.), Benedictine priory 259, 405 Austria 247 Benedeit, Voyage de saint Brendan 370 Avendauth, De causis 453 Benedict, St Averroes 62–3 and nn52–3, 124n81, 181, Rule of 6, 32, 257–8, 408, 426 221–3, 453 and n30, 454–5 Benedict XI, Pope 210n17 Avianus, Fabulae 33–4, 234–5, 238, 242n91 Benedict XII, Pope 165, 258–9, 408 Avicenna 127n96, 161, 221–2, 238 Benedict (abbot of Peterborough) 261 569 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-78218-0 - The Cambridge History of the Book in Britain, Volume II 1100-1400 Edited by Nigel Morgan and Rodney M. Thomson Index More information General index Benedictines xx, 5–6, 32, 134n137, 141, 150, Wycliffite xxii, 36–7, 63, 127 and n99, 153, 159, 190, 199–200, 211, 220, 327–8, 330, 332–3, 337–8 and n87 257–8, 292, 296–7, 304, 309–13, 323, see also Psalter 401, 404, 406–8, 410–11, 426, 428, 465, bindings 52, 95–109, 213 and n23, 395 and 479 n117 Beneit, Life of Thomas Becket 370, 380 blindstamped 106–7, 213 and n23 Benoˆıt de St Maure 404 gothic 103–5 Berengaudus 63, 377, 480 limp 107–8 Berkshire 51, 387 romanesque 98–103 Bermondsey (Surr.) 184–5 textile 108 Cluniac priory 201 treasure 5, 86, 105–6, 292 Bernard of Clairvaux xviii, 206–7, 209, 334, see also bookbinders, structure of 341 books Bernard, ps.-, Speculum peccatoris 361 Bishop Auckland (Durh.) 298n60 Bernard de Gordon 461 bishops’ registers, see registers Bernard (de Botone) of Parma 253, ‘biting’ 119–20 and n57, 124–5 266 Black Death 291, 394 Bernard de Ventadour 163 Boccaccio 19 Bernardus Silvestris, Cosmographia (De mundi Boethius 60n36, 148, 152 and n74, 206, universitate) 222, 237 242n91, 349, 471–3 Berwick 4 Bohemia, Bohemians xxii, 247, 335–6 bestiaries 14, 51, 82, 93, 122n70, 124n81, Bohun family 173, 313, 386, 482 128n103, 191, 478, 481, 484 see Elizabeth
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