Usenet Usenet is a worldwide distributed discussion system. It was developed from the general-purpose UUCP dial-up network architecture. Tom Truscott and Jim Ellis conceived the idea in !"#"$ and it was established in !"%&.'!( Users read and post messages (called articles or posts$ and collectively termed news* to one or more categories$ known as newsgroups. Usenet resembles a bulletin board system )++,* in many respects and is the precursor to Internet forums that are widely used today. Usenet can be superficially regarded as a hybrid between email and web forums. .iscussions are threaded$ as with web forums and ++,s$ though posts are stored on the server sequentially. Usenet is a collection of user-submitted notes or messages on various subjects that are posted to servers on a worldwide network. Each subject collection of posted notes is known as a newsgroup. There are thousands of newsgroups and it is possible for you to form a new one. 1ost newsgroups are hosted on Internet-connected servers$ but they can also be hosted from servers that are not part of the Internet. 2opher 3 system that pre-dates the 4orld 4ide 4eb for organizing and displaying -les on Internet servers. 3 Gopher server presents its contents as a hierarchically structured list of -les. 4ith the ascendance of the 4eb, many gopher databases were converted to 4eb sites which can be more easily accessed via 4eb search engines . The Gopher protocol is a TCP/IP application layer protocol designed for distributing, searching$ and retrieving documents over the Internet. The Gopher protocol was strongly oriented towards a menu-document design and presented an alternative to the 4orld 4ide 4eb in its early stages$ but ultimately 7TTP became the dominant protocol. The Gopher ecosystem is often regarded as the effective predecessor of the 4orld 4ide 4eb. The protocol was invented by a team led by 1ark P. 1cCahill at the University of 1innesota. It offers some features not natively supported by the 4eb and imposes a much stronger hierarchy on information stored on it. 4AI, 4ide Area Information Server$ 4AI, developed by Thinking 1achines Inc. in !"%% as an inde9ing, searching, and retrieval tool that catalogs the entire -le (instead of only the document title) and allows users to search thousands of documents. 4ide Area Information Server )4AI,* is a client–server te9t searching system that uses the 3;SI ,tandard <39.>& Information ?etrieval Service .efinition and Protocol Specifications for Library ApplicationsA )<=9.>&B!"%%* to search inde9 databases on remote computers. It was developed in the late 1980s as a project of Thinking 1achines$ Apple Computer$ .ow Jones$ and KPM2 Peat 1arwick. Archie Archie is a tool for inde9ing DTP archives$ allowing people to -nd specific -les. It is considered to be the -rst Internet search engine.'!( The original implementation was written in !""& by Alan Emtage$ then a postgraduate student at 1cGill University in 1ontreal$ and Bill 7eelan$ who studied at Concordia University in 1ontreal and worked at 1cGill University at the same time Archie is a program that allows you to search the -les of all the Internet DTP servers that offer anonymous DTP. Archie is actually an inde9ing spider that visits each anonymous DTP site, reads all the directory and -le names$ and then inde9es them in one large inde9. 3 user can then query Archie, which checks the /uery against its inde9. To use Archie, you can Telnet to a server that you know has Archie on it and then enter Archie search commands. 7owever$ itEs easier to use a forms interface on the 4eb called ArchiePle9. Search engines Types Crawlers These types of search engines use a "spider" or a "crawler" to search the Internet. The crawler digs through individual web pages, pulls out keywords and then adds the pages to the search engine's database. Google and Yahoo are examples of crawler search engines. Directories Directories are human powered search engines. A website is submitted to the directory and must be approved for inclusion by editorial staff. Open Directory Project and the Internet Public Library are examples of directories. Hybrids Hybrids are a mix of crawlers and directories. Sometimes, you have a choice when you search whether to search the Web or a directory. Other times, you may receive both human powered results and crawler results for the same search. In this case, the human results are usually listed first. Meta Meta search engines are ones that search several other search engines at once and combines the results into one list. While you get more results with meta search engines, the relevancy and quality of the results may sometimes suffer. Dogpile and Clusty are examples of meta search engines..
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