Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC October 1975 Daily Egyptian 1975 10-2-1975 The aiD ly Egyptian, October 02, 1975 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: http://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_October1975 Volume 57, Issue 29 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, October 02, 1975." (Oct 1975). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1975 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in October 1975 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Walker runs agaIn,• : 1 ~unced~!~~~.~~~~::~ W~~,y he is a can- delegates. If his drive, ~!.is a success,~ .- d.date for nom.nahon to a second term Walker would be able to go into a so- as Illinois governor and added he has called brokered convention with heavy not ruled out a run for the presidency Innuence over the nation's fo.urth next year. largest delegation. '" am not today !"laking an an~oun· The strategy sets the stage for a bar- cement of my candidacy for pres.dent tie royale the like of which is seldom -' of the Unit~ States," the Democratic seen in Illinois politics. because Daley . ,! governor said at a news conferenc~ . has been looking forward to a king- "On the other hand I anf not making maker role at the convention afi.er a ~erman - like statement." being ousted in a credentials right in Walker was asked about a possible 1972. - p~esid~nlial run a~ter he annou~ced he Asked about his possible presidential Will Intervene 1.0 the election of aspirations. Walker said : "Sure, I'm a del~gates to t~e 1976 I?emocratic human being. J'vp given it some National Conyentlon. He said he ~ould thought. Ilhink anybody would when he :~U'ppo rt candidates opposed to Chicago had beeon mentioned for that awesome Mayor R,.(chard J . Daley and politicat office .. · bosses. ~. Walker declared. as he did before his "I doubt that any dell'gates will be upset primary vieton' in 1972, that he running commited to me," Wa.lker said. would not appear before the ".1 expect t~at the deh.·gatt."S w.11I bt' run· Democratic slalemaking commiUt"E' nmg commlled to othE'r C'a.ndldates an- that chooses party-endorsed candidates n o. unc~ and also running um.'o m - for statE' officE'. Four years a~o. tht' mlted. sJalemakers gav(' their blessing to then The governor scud that he and hiS Lt. Gov. Paul Simon , who was dE'rt'~led political followers would campai~n for by Walker. 'Daily 'Egyptian - , Southern Illinois University Sea of star:- Thu,..qy, OcfobH" '1. 197>-Vol. 57. No. 29 Vllhat appears to be the "Flying men silhouetted by the sunset at Dutchman" sailing In a star­ Crab O(chard take_ (Staff photo \ studded sky is really two fisher- by Bob Ringham) CA TV not seen in campus' near future By Nancy Landis bondale Cable Television Commission company would rent arid use to make a company recoup the money invested in Dal1~ Egypllan StaIT Wrile.r Tuesday that Irv Haselton. a represen- profit. installation. Taylor said the company Chances are slim that cable television tative of the company's home office in Huffman said he had not heard from could have a serious loss iC services will be installed soon on the SIU cam- New York . will come to Carbondale Cablevision since he rejected the offer. were cancelled after installation of pus, says the SIU legal counsel. but Oct. 19. The dispute over material costs cen- cablevision. negotiati~ between the University Taylor said he would ask Haselton to ters around bljnging cablevision to Huffman said ihere would be no and Carbondale Cablevision are expec- take some time in his three- or four~ay Evergreen Terrace. Huffman said problem in a license agreemPllt bet­ ted to resume this month. visit to resume contract negotiations when SIU began negof.iations with Car- ween sru ·and Cablevision, but lhe John Huffman. University counsel. lI'ilh Huffman. bondale Cablevision, Evergreen requirement that SIU pay materials said SIU rejected an earlier offer by Huffman said Cablevision '5 offer in Terrace was given priority because cost would be illegal. Carbondale Cablevision. located in April included provisions that the com· Terrace residents requested Murdale Shopping Center, to install the pany pay labor costs of installing cablevision before other campus .Huffman said lh~ service could be .service at Evergreen Terrace-because cablevision at Evergreen Terrace and housing units. brought to \he rest of campus while of an illegality in lhe proposed contract. SIU pay $1,800 for mate.rials. The on- Taylor said the $1,Il00 materials cost negotiations continue about Evergreen . "ldo not "",,'litlhis point that we are campus subscribers would pay lhe included various types of cable needed Terrace. even close to cable television on cam- monthly service charges. to install a cablevision system. at - Taylor said \he company may wagtto pus," Huffman said Tuesday. ~ Huffman said such a contract would Evergreen Terrace_ - setUe all campus negotiations before in- John Taylor, Carbondale Cablevision be "improper and iIIega)"· in requiring Taylor said the provision that S1U stalling cablevision to portions of !he rna..... r , said at a meeting of lhe Car- SIU to pay for materials. which lhe pay $1,100 in materials would IItlp the ca,!,pus. Deadline nears f,?r' 'graduation .applications By HoIucI. WiDi~s the Admissions bfTice and from a master's, doctoral and specialist's All December graduates are required Dally ESYPIiu Staff Wrile.r student-s advisement unit. The forms · degrees. Students using the Teacher to atlend !he spring commencement Degree candidates for fall semester may also be obtained lhroligh ~ltemail Education Scholarship, State Military ceremony next May_ have until Friday to apply for Decem- for students not in attendance. Scholars hip, General Assembly Students unable ·· to allend the ber graduation. _ After returning the application. Scbolanhip, Public Law _ , Adult ceremony. must have a legitimate The Office of Admission and student s should order their caps and Education Scholarship and" County reason, said Lewis Hahn, chairman of Records eXlend!!d .he original dea<jline . gowns through the University ScholarSilip do not have to pay lhe Commencement Commitlee. f'1'nl 'he first week of the semester to Bookstore. located in tfoe Student,-Gen- graduation fees. Students who caMot allend spring the 51Xth week be<'aUS(' many students ter. Students are responsible for deter- er w{'~ unaware of the new one-week Students who m iss the six-week mining lh.at they have fulfilled :.,~mu:".::l,~:~': : w"i deadline. said Wilma Eberhart. deadline may apply late, but Eberhart graduation requirements and have no Hahn said a separate commencement a...~istaril director of admissions and ~id candidates should try to meet the outstanding financial obligations to the • ceremon~ lOOt held for December records. deadline because late applications University. ' graduates because of expenses. Application (orms can be obtained at delay degree clearance_ Eacb academic unit provides a senior The Office of Admissions and . Students who fail to- apply for check service through \he academic ad- Records anticipates that the diplomas graduation will not graduate because viser 50 lhat students may verify lhe wiG be issued at lhe '\Iring commen­ . r:US the office WITrnot know . to .check fulfiUment of academic requirements. cement ceremony. However. the office . '::J records or make preparations to award _ Students who feel tltey should be per- wiU provide statements of verification degrees. .' milled to graduate without meeting 10 Dec:ember graduates who must prove CD_A - - The appl,ication process incrudes University graduation requirements fulfiUment of grad lion requirements UUUe _ paying a-graduation fee at lhe Bursar·s may make an appeal to \he Graduation before then_ ........ 1._ Office before returnlng apphcallons to Appeals Commillee_ The commillee Students approved for graduation.. in the Admissions Office. will only consider cases involving absentia will ~ve.ltloeir - diplomllS Gus says Dan will Dfind that it's a There is a 56 fee (or bachelor's and requirements Cor baccalaureate lhrough \he mail· atter \he commen­ tv. ~ong Walk to the lNhite House_ , associate·s degrees and a S9 fee fOf" a degrees. cement dale. ~~~tQ; ~~'*'~~~ ~ ~~ 'News 'RounduP ~::.<IJh..'~'~~~~~'~ T ~~~~~~~''&..~~~''''~~:'',*,,~~ Three more police killed in Madrid MADRID, Spaia (AP)-Arms outstrftched in the Fucist salule. hundreds of thousands 01 SpaniArds massed in tribute WodDeaday to Gen. Francisco Franco. But l errvrists ItiUtd three more police men in bloody defiance of his authoritarian .regime. - • I Franco, celebrating the 39th anniversary 01 the start 01 !he civil war thaI brought him to power. accused the rest of Europe 0( mounUIIII a "Ieftist. ..con ­ spiracy" against his governmenl in the wilke of the r... ing squad exec:utions of five men convicted of 'killing police. Hours before the crowd was deelarmg that " 8 united Spain will never be vanquished," gunmen slruck in Ihree areas of Madrid. The separale attacks came within rive m i,~ ut es or ea~h other. police said. rour days to the hour aft er the Saturdar-"l!-ec:ullons. ' Hungar.ian iet crashes near Beirut BEIRUT. Leban!,n (AP I-A Soviel-buill Hungarian jetlin~r wilh 6O.person. aboard plunged into the Mediterranean..within sight or Beirut Tuesday. No sur­ ~~~ . ~ere r.eported and a witn~ ~id small sharks were '1e-aring into the Witnesses said the plane crashed i nt o the ~a with a loud explosion and a burst of name. By ~vening . a go\'ernmenr spokesman said 37 bodies had bet'" reco\'erro (rom the cra'sh site. A private boat owner said sharks had converged on the area apparently at ­ tracted by the bodies.
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