RiSSTRI CTSP 3PC/Plan.Con.7/WP.6 02612 6 May 1977 ORIGINAL : ENGLISH SOUTH PACIFIC COMMISSION PLANNING AMD EVALUATION COMMITTEE 1977 (Noumea, New Caledonia, 23-27 Maj 1977) DETAILS OF GRANTS APPROVED UNDER PROVISIONS FOR GRANTS-IN-AID, 1976 BUDGET (Head VIII) AND AWARDS AND GRANTS. 1977 BUDGET (Head VII) (As at 30 April 1977) Noumea, New Caledonia May 1977 585/77 RESTRICTED SPC/Plan.Com.7/VP.6 Page 1 - 1 9 7 6 - BPDGET ITEM 801(a) ; SHORT-TERM EXPERTS AND SPECIALIST SERVICES M Assistance approved as follows: AMERICAN SAMOA 1) Consultant from East-West Center to assist Department of Education with Bicultural/Bilingual Education programme. 920 2) Medical Specialist from University of Hawaii to help upgrade and organize Public Health Laboratory. 1,114 3) Otology Technician from the Wellington (N.Z.) Audiology Clinic to help establish a similar clinic in American Samoa. 1,000 4) Entomologist of ORSTOM, Noumea, to advise on control of Army Worm infestation. 845 COOK ISLANDS 1) UNDP Primary Curriculum Adviser, Fiji, for follow up work and advice to Curriculum Development Unit. 508 2) Principal Education Officer, Solomon Islands, to set up assessment and guidance procedures for the Education Department. 2,160 FIJI 1) Two Surgeon Inspectors from the Royal Australian College of Surgeons to inspect the facilities at the Colonial War Memorial and Lautoka Hospitals. 765 2) Two Industrial Relations Experts from New Zealand for consultation, organization and conduct of an Industrial Relations Seminar. 700 FRENCH POLYNESIA Rat Control Specialist to survey rat population on Takapoto Atoll and establish control programme. 1,000 SILBERT ISLANDS Dermatologist to advise on diagnosis and treatment of common skin diseases. 1,075 NIUE Veterinary Officer from Fiji to assist with livestock problems including TB Testing of all cattle. 601 SOLOMON ISLANDS Entomologist to advise on the use of Rhabdionvirus orvctes against Scapanes. 750 SPC/Plan.Co.7/WP. Page - 1 9 7 6 - BUDGBT ITEM 801(a) ; SHORT-TERK EXPERTS AMD SPECIALIST SERVICES (Cont'd) M TONGA Officer from the Fiji In-service Training Department to conduct training course for staff members of the Department of Agriculture on Philosophy of Supervision and Evaluation. 390 TUVALU Medical Specialist from Melbourne to conduct a survey on diabetes. 710 WESTERN SAMOA Forest Pathologist to investigate the extent of insect attack in Mahogany plantations in Upolu and Savai'i and advise on prevention measures. 1,200 BUDGET ITEM 801(b) : ASSISTANCE TO APPLIED RESEARCH, EXPERIMENTS AND FIELD WORK Assistance approved as follows: COOK ISLANDS 1) Grant for carrying out Vegetable Fertilizer Trials, purchase of fertilizer, machinery and equipment hire, and spray chemicals. 520 2) Grant for purchase of publications on agricultural experimental designs, field trial layouts, statistical analysis of data, etc. 100 FRENCH POLYNESIA Grant for project on the control and eradication of the "Chinese Rose Beetle" (Lepadoretua sinicua) - purchase of light traps. 1,000 NEW HEBRIDES (Condominium) Grant for mounting of Herbarium Collection for future botanical studies in the New Hebrides 400 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 1) Contribution towards campaign to control and eradicate Locust Plague in Horobe Province of Papua New Guinea. 5,000 2) Grant for carrying out of prevalence survey on dental status of school children in Papua New Guinea. 1,750 • SPC/Plan.Com.7/WP.6 - 1 9 7 6 - Pa«e 3 BUDGET ITEM 801(b) ; ASSISTANCE TO APPLIED RESEARCH. EXPERIMENTS AND FIELD WORK (Cont'd) A£ SOLOMON ISLANDS Grant for project on the control of Taro and Rice Plant Hopper with predators of the genus Cvrotorhinus 2,400 TONCA 1) Grant to purchase one Rototiller for use in Intensive Vegetable Production Project at Vaini Experimental Station, Tongatapu. 614 2) Grant towards a survey to determine the effectiveness of the Family Planning Programme. 1,000 BUDGET ITEM 801(c) ; INTER-TERRITORIAL STUDY VISITS Assistance approved as follows: FIJI 1) Officer from the Fiji Museum to visit New Zealand for attachment to the Auckland Museum with visits to museums in other parts of New Zealand. 385 2) Trainee nominated by Fiji National Youth Council (FNYC) to visit New Zealand for attachment to training programme - Youth Leader- ship Training Award. 375 FRENCH POLYNESIA 1) Forestry Technician to visit New Caledonia for training in sylviculture in the local Forestry Division. 415 2) Agricultural Technician to visit Project on Cattle under Coconuts at IRHO Experimental Station at Saraoutou, Santo, New Hebrides. 695 GILBERT ISLANDS 1) Fisheries Officer to visit Solomon Islands for training in BSche-de-mer production and processing. 481 2) Officer to visit Fiji for training in various printeries in Suva. 459 3) Dental Officer to attend Dental Seminar in Fiji. 459 4) Staff Nurse to visit Fiji for training in Tuberculosis/Leprosy field work. 459 5) Staff Nurse to visit Fiji for training in Pediatric Nursing. 459 Spc/pian.Com.7/WP.6 P8«e 4 -1976- BUDGET ITEM 601(c) : IHTBR-TSRRITORIAL STUDY VISITS (Cont'd) A3 NEW HEBRIDES Officer to attend Fiji Dental Seminar and First Meeting of South Pacific Dental Secretariat, Suva. 300 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Dental Officer to attend Fiji Dental Seminar and First Meeting of South Pacific Dental Secretariat, Suva. 500 TOKELAU Five-man study team to visit Fiji ar.d Niue to develop contacts with other countries and territories, to study political and medical systems, administrative structure and development projects. 2,000 TONGA 1) Prices Inspector, Ministry of Labour, Commerce and Industries, to visit Western Samoa and Fiji to study the mechanisms of price control and the enforcement of control measures by field staff. 400 2) Assistant Road Overseer, Ministry of Works, to visit Fiji for 5 weeks training as a Basic Road Supervisor. 372 TUVALU Dental Officer to attend Fiji Dental Seminar in Suva. 320 WESTERN SAMOA 1 ) Senior Field Assistant (Forestry Division) to visit Fiji/ Solomon Islanea or Papua New Guinea to study fire prevention and for training with simple fire fighting equipment. 500 2) Small Crops Officer to visit Hawaii to study development in guava production. 830 3) Field Assistant in charge of Asau Pilot Area (Cocoa Fiold Trial) to visit Lowlands Agricultural Experiment Station at Keravat, New Britain, Papua New Guinea, to study cocoa field experiment management. '500 4) One participant to attend the Education Conference/Seminar of the World Confederation of Organizations of the Teaching Profession (WCOTP) held in Suva, January 1976. 210 5) Dental Officer to attend the Fiji Dental Seminar and First Meeting of South Pacific Dental Secretariat, Suva. 250 6) Church Minister to visit Australia for a period of two months on a youth training course with the Methodist Church. 1,000 SPC/Plan.Com.7/WP. Page - 1 9 7 6 - BPPGET ITEM 801(d) i FUNDS FOR REGIONAL TRAVEL - STUDENT TRAINING A$ Assistance approved as follows: FIJI Two studentB from University of the South Pacific to study at the University of Papua New Guinea under the USP/UPNG Student Exchange Agreement. 1,072 » NEW HEBRIDES Part travel costs for 13 students/trainees to attend training institutes in various fields in the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea and Fiji. , ' 2,683 i NIUE Part travel costs of two Teacher Trainers and nine College Training students to visit Western Samoa, Fiji and Tonga for a comparative study of Teacher Training Programmes and Education Systems. 1,000 SPC/lan.Co.7/P. Page - 1 9 7 7 - (To 30 April 1977) BUDGET ITEM 7001 ; SHORT-TERM EXPERTS AND SPECIALIST SERVICES AS Assistance approved as follows: AMERICAN SAMOA 1 ) Bacteriologist from the University of Hawaii for follow up work on upgrading clinical and public health laboratories. 865 2) Medical entolomogist from French Polynesia to survey Aedes aegypti population and identify high density aroas, 910 3) Consultant from Hawaii State Department of Agriculture to advise on eradication or control measures for th- Oi.uit African Snail, Achatina fulica. 785 COOK ISLANDS 1 ) Fisheries Adviser from New Zealand Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to formulate comprehensive development plan for fisheries and marine resources. 500 2) Consultant from Macquarie University, Sydney, to advise on social science aspects of Primary Curriculum Project. 1,413 3) Consultant to advise Curriculum Development Projoci. on curriculua development in primary science and mathematics. 1,5.08 FIJI 1) Consultant Virologist to advise in field of virology «t Central Laboratory and Wellcome Virus Laboratory at Colonial War Memorial Hospital, Suva. 500 2) Consultant to review the organization of the Nasinu Boys' Centre. 655 GILBERT ISLANDS 1) Consultant from Solomon Islands to examine industrial safety standards and to recommend measures for improvement. 930 2) Medical Consultant to advise on obstetric/gynaecology problems. 960 3) Consultant from Cook Islands Federation of Women's Institutes for National Women's Conference. 960 NIUE 1) Veterinary Officer from Fiji Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests to advise on general livestock health procedures and test cattle for Tuberculosis, Brucellosis, etc. 930 2) Services of Home Economics Teacher for Niue High School to meet temporary emergency. 2,560 SPC/Plan.Com.7/VP.6 - 1 9 7 7 - Pa«e 7 BUDGET ITEM 7001 i SHORT-TERM EXPERTS AND SPECIALIST SERVICES (Cont'd) M. SOLOMON ISLANDS 1) Expert in craftwork to instruct student teachers at Solomon Islands Teachers' College. 850 2) Expert in tanning hides find leather work to instruct student teachers at Solomon Islands Teachers' College. 850 TUVALU 1) Medical Consultant from the Southern Memorial Hospital, Melbourne, to advise on the organization of hospital services, particularly surgical services. 872 2) Education Specialist from the Solomon Islands to advise on community education organisation, curriculum development and related matters. 684 3) Consultant in administration from the Canberra College of Advanced Education to aaaess existing local government system and staffing and advise on measures for improvement.
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