FALL 2011 Grande Dame Nathalie Dupree IN THIS ISSUE FEATURES 4-5 25th Anniversary LDEI FALL• 2 O 1 1 6-10 Grande Dame Nathalie Dupree Th ere Is Nothing Like a Dame! 11 Member Blogs Nothing makes the earth seem so spacious as to have friends at a distance; they make the latitudes and longitudes. Henry David Th oreau DFV Wines Th ere’s a lot to read about in the FallQuarterly ! We salute the 25th 12-13 anniversary of LDEI, celebrate Nathalie Dupree (Charleston) as our Introduce HandCraft new Grande Dame, and showcase recent events from three chapters: London, Charleston and Washington D.C. Th eQuarterly editor works closely with the members and friends of 14-15 Board Meeting LDEI, investing time in their interests. During my three-year tenure in St. Louis as editor and international board member, it has been a privilege to meet extraordinary Dames from 28 chapters. As a result, two new columns have been added: Th e Global Culinary Post Card, which 16-17 London Dames Host brings Dames closer together around the global dinner table and We- Great Kitchen Clear-Out Belong, the place to share a meaningful excerpt from your personal blog and tell what’s on your mind. It’s also a season of change, as the 2012 board of directors takes the 18-19 Charleston's helm. It’s challenging to manage Quarterly responsibilities with profes- Autumn Affair sional and personal obligations, so in a vote of confi dence, the board of directors invited me to partner with CiCi Williamson (Washington D.C.) as co-editors next year. In sharing caretaking duties, we have a 20-21 Washington D.C. strong common vision and promise to keep the conversation stimulat- French Dinner ing! You are the “voice” of LDEI so tell us more about you and your chapter activities for upcoming issues. CiCi’s Winter issue highlights 22 Global Culinary Postcard recent conference activities in Atlanta, and as for me, I’m dreaming about spring! Heartfelt thanks go to advisors CiCi and 2011 President Sandy Hu (San Francisco) for being consistently supportive and maintaining a DEPARTMENTS sense of humor. Also, to the forward-thinking LDEI board members and to Executive Director Greg Jewell and his effi cient staff . Th anks to Department Editors Hayley Matson-Mathes (Hawaii) and Chandra 3 President’s Message Ram (Chicago) and the “quiet “volunteers behind the scenes: veteran proofer Jane Mengenhauser (Washington D.C.) and Lori Willis (St. Louis). Very special thanks to our exceptional Indiana design team, 23-26 Chapter News Bernie Mudd and Joni Keith. It’s also important to say thank you to the talented editors who left their mark before me; your contributions make the Quarterly a better magazine. 27 Member Milestones Th ree years ago, long-time friendKatherine Newell Smith (Wash- ington D.C.) asked if I would take on the Quarterly editor’s job. As a new Dame, this was unexpected and I worried about fi lling “big 30 Submission Guidelines shoes.” But how does one say no to Katherine? I am glad I didn’t try. She gave me the extraordinary gift of learning a little bit more about what I'm made of. Never mind limits! Not only should we set goals and meet them, but also, we should try to surpass them by a mile. Th anks Katherine! Susan Fuller Slack (Charleston) The mission of the LDEI board is to foster the growth and success of the organization by supporting the development of new and existing chapters. It provides guidance, education, 2011 LDEI BOARD OF DIRECTORS connectivity and effective communication among LDEI members. President Second Vice President Secretary Chapter Board Liaisons Immediate Past President SANDY HU SUSAN FULLER SLACK C.C.P. DOROTHY R. KOTESKI JANET BURGESS TERESA J. FARNEY C.H.E., C.C.P. Principal Food Writer/Culinary Educator Professor, Allied Health Department Culinary Adventures San Diego Food Editor, The Gazette Sandy Hu Food Marketing LLC Culinary Bouquets Community College of Philadelphia 6267 Lake Lucerne Drive 7220 Delmonico Drive 380 Roosevelt Way 116 Hurlingham Drive 27 Cooper Run Drive San Diego, CA 92119 Colorado Springs, CO 80919 San Francisco, CA 94114 Columbia, SC 29223 Cherry Hill, NJ 08003-2244 (619) 463-7576 (w) (719) 636-0271 (w) (415) 626-1765 (w) (803) 736-7103 (w) (856) 489-0052 (h) (619) 274-4013 (c) (719) 330-3353 (c) (415) 533-5653 (c) (803) 917-8837 (c) (609)-206-8233 (c) [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] SHARON VAN METER President, SVM Productions Executive Director Third Vice President First Vice President Treasurer Milestone Culinary Arts Center GREG JEWELL MARY S. MOORE BRENDA MCDOWELL KATHLEEN PERRY 4531 McKinney Avenue President, AEC Management Resources Founder/CEO President the everyday gourmet® Dallas, TX 75202 P.O. Box 4961 The Cook’s Warehouse M&P Food Communications, Inc. 2950 Mt. Wilkinson Parkway,SE, #503 (214) 217-2819 Louisville, KY 40204 1075 Zonolite Road, NE, Suite 1-C 200 E. Delaware, 7-C Atlanta, GA 30339 (469) 235-7506 (502) 456-1851 x1 Atlanta, GA 30306 Chicago, IL 60611 (770) 801-9436 (w) [email protected] (502) 727-2467 (404) 492-9018 (w) (312) 201-9101 (w) (770) 845-8438 (c) MARY ELLEN GRIFFIN [email protected] (312) 485-5783 (c) (404) 374-6740 (c) [email protected] Partner, Continental Consulting Group [email protected] [email protected] 320 Strawberry Hill Ave., #58 Stamford, CT 06902 (203) 975 7610 (w) (203) 273 8824 (c) maryellengriffi [email protected] 2 Les Dames d’Escoffier International Working Together Th ere’s nothing more meaningful than friendships forged over a year working together in common cause. I treasure the opportunities I’ve had to collaborate with Dames across ge- ographies who have given so generously of their time, talents, wisdom and professional expertise. And as the board year comes to a close, I want to thank them and you for having allowed me this remarkable privilege. Th is fall marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of Les Dames d’escoffi er International and the Atlanta conference is our 24th annual gathering. We are the heirs to a rich and illustrious heritage – a heri- tage that is retold in an article by Katherine Newell Smith (Washing- ton, D.C.) in this issue of the Quarterly. It’s a story of Dames with a shared vision and a desire to eff ect ensures that the minutes are accurate and is a touchstone on tone in all change. It refl ects a powerful, can-do attitude that gave birth to LDEI communications. For the past two years, Dottie has secured an invita- and nurtured it, and the many Dames who have carried this spirit tion for the LDEI president to attend the conference of the American forward, until we are now 1,500 members strong across 28 chapters in Dietetic Association. the U.S., Canada and Great Britain. Treasurer Kathleen Perry has ensured that our fi nancial systems While our structure is as a bottoms-up organization comprised of and practices are in order. And she has singlehandedly conceived and autonomous chapters, the LDEI Board is the unifying force that knits spearheaded an eff ort to create and sell LDEI caps as a fundraiser to our chapters together. We are not merely disparate groups of food enhance our revenues. professionals who belong to a local organization. We are more. As a Th e three directors at large are invaluable as our conduit to the chap- unifi ed international body, our collective infl uence extends beyond our ters, sharing news from the board to the chapters and chapter news local borders. back to the board. To better refl ect their responsibilities, we have given Th e board helps to defi ne what it means to be a Dame by working the DALs a new name: chapter board liaison. Our CBLs who served so with the chapters to determine who we honor and what initiatives we splendidly this year were Mary Ellen Griffi th (New York), Janet Bur- support collectively. Th e board sets policies and procedures that ensure gess (San Diego) and Sharon Van Meter (Dallas). Sharon also took constancy and consistency. Th e board is also responsible for producing on double duty, volunteering to chair this year’s auction, using her staff an annual conference as a spirited gathering that allows Dames from at SVM Productions to support her indefatigable eff orts. all chapters to connect with each other and to learn and grow both Our immediate past president Teresa Farney (Colorado) has been personally and professionally from the experience. a wise counsel and provided valuable continuity. She has also been a Th is year, our warmest thanks go to the Atlanta Chapter and confer- liaison to our past presidents. ence co-chairs, Dana Dabruzzi and Carolyn O’Neil, for the endless Committees keep our programs running and vibrant. I’d like to thank hours of thought and planning, for leveraging their personal connec- Suzanne Brown (Atlanta), chair of the Global Culinary Initiative, and tions and resources, and for their magnifi cent eff orts to ensure a seam- her committee; co-chairs Barbara Petit (Atlanta) and Laura Sapienza- less execution and a fabulous conference experience. Grabski (Northeast) and the Green Tables Committee; Lila Gault We thank our partners whose generosity makes LDEI possible and we (New York) and the Legacy Awards committee, Lila again and the look forward to learning more about their products and services, as we nominating committee; and Brenda McDowell and the PR committee.
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