THE PACIFIC ....uMrni'lT ,IJ - il. inrEnnsEn. Every Tfcaraetay Morala, m( Six TO ADVERTISER AND S7CM7aXie:&s tl,u and t'ntted States, will b $7 60 Obituaries, funeral invitations and ootiees or cnnuaanloaUoaa California, the to latcuded only to benefit individual's business, will be cfcsTjee will American postage an taaaau Ail such PT as advertisements. - Jamr them, which w'tl any American postage being Advertisements dismayed in larger type than usual, an SOT M ff&at - Jsct to heavier charges.- - jaiircfed on thew Hiry. CPSnBscriptino U the Commercial Admtissr Is payaMs abaeribers In Tahiti, the Omies, China, and other port of VABIABLV 00 per annum, IB ADVASCC t!fPacific, irUl Rnn the rper for $6 UNo transient drcrtimenta will be Inserted. rrLtsS rat v Rales r XK Vv A a , a .k 1 . J a PAID. T n At which ADfom-KRi- will t hAY iIMY MY rl rrC ET Correspnndenoe from all parts of tbe Pacific wlB atways alTt-Tt.nrn- (first inMtVn) per tine 10 eta. AVf be very acceptable. IS transient 44 (Each snbtjutnt do. 5 eta. VVU-- , 8 f tKwlmc lines) per annum (5 -- evlis 00. III III II I II HI II I --v.-i v. V 1 ' .. , ljon (Kaeh .M!ti.icml line) " 60etS. II MY COMMERCIAL PRINTING OFFICC PayaMe always jy in advance. .Ct 'i ' PLAIN AND FANCY na advt (not exceeding 10 line space) first insertion fl 00. w i Each subsequent insertion - - . BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Met. as (wTcai.r AvsTnRws will be charged at the following rates srcii payable of each quarter: BOOKS, RILLS OF EXCHANGE, at the end ISILLB one square (or twenty lines) per quarter CATALOGCE8, OF LADING, ar $5 00 BILL UEAIh:, CONBLXAR BLANK?, ose-ibar-th of a column per quarter - $1200 CIRC 11. A KB, BLANK DRcDS. goc-ba- if of a column per quarter $20 06 AUCTION BILLS, . HAND BILLH. a whole column per quarter ... $37 60 " BILLS PAMPHLETS, SHOP 'XT No advertisement win be inaerted...fir lew than 50 eta. CARD XT VISITING, BUSINESS, AND ADDRESS printed on a "Yankee Card Presx," in the highest strls of the JLTt. ' - ' srr-n- Commercial Advertiser. liK.NKV M.WH1TAEY. I SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM. San nnristo btrttonts. HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. MAY 6, 1858. ) VOL, II, Nw. 45. WHOLE N. OT. The Pipe at Larkasw. Carbs. ST. J. G. WH7TTIEB. business ari)3. To the Ittcrchniits orCcc!aIa ait nmrisfff AND f IDHrirtistnttiits. THE Pipes of the misty moorland. A. P. EVERETT, HAWAIIAN FLOUR COMPANY, SOCIETY ISLANDS. Yoice of the glen and hill, FOR SALE OR LEASE. & COMMISSION MERCHANT, Jams P. B. Majvuau, Treasurer, in the stone building, oc- P.II. P.A OWE1IS, ! YMLLACK BROTHERS. 8T CALIFORNIA The drone of highland torrent. cupied by B. W. field, up stairs. 17-- tf THE PREMISES BELONGING TO C. T. IMPORTKJtS AXD DEALERS IX EfIPORTAIT SAN RA NCI SCO, CmL, are aow pvapasaa Corner of Queen and uuanu streetb, Honolulu, H. A verberg, Esq., corner of King and Maunakea streets. fr STREET, F The son of inwland rill ! I. JANDWICH AND SOCIETY ISLANDS to receive Orders Ibr their large and well eeiectsd stock of . , , Immediate possession can be given if required, t or MERCHANTS doing business In Sot the braes of Monro AGENT 86-- any part ot the Pacific and heather. EEFEKtSCES. FOR THE trms apply to lf PLORENS STAPENH0RST. SniFFRONTCHANDLERY, GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, 01 STREET, SAN FRJNCISCO. Ocean, win always find a Well-Select- ed FANCY x.. New th mountains dark with rain, aleesrs. Pixrsos a: Tarraa, - Boston. New Yvrlt Board Usttlerwritrra. Large and The undersigned leave to of Consisting tn part of Nov maiden bower, aor border tower. E. D. Brk.hah Jt Co . takes notify Merchants, Ship Masters, TO LET. NAVAL STORES. Stock Brnxea. Kbtth a. Ac, that he has been duly appointed as Agent for the Hosiery, gloves, silk and cotton handkerchief, suspenders, Hare heard yunr sweetest strain ! Hill, COTTAGE CONTAINING THREE Naval stores. Mess beef French, British and American lad tea fancy mbvubsb, Bonolu'u, July 1, 1S57. &3-- Sew York Board f Underwriters. VtA Cravats, shirts, collars, ladies' reticules, tf 13-l- f rooms, wide verandah lu front, a large yard Anchors, chain cables. Mess jr ALEX. CARTWEIGHT. j';; and out. and prime pork, Ladies' gentlemen's belts, English and America twtstry, D Vtwhtnd J. houses, situated on the northwest side of the lane run Blocks, cordage, Pilot navy FANCY DRY GOODS and artothe reaper and bread, and Play ing cards, combs, brushes, sleU cotnba, looking glasses, . SICHaSO COADT. S, WILCOX. FRED. L. BISKS. mug from King to Queen streets, opposite the Palace gate. Oars, paints and oils. Flour, And ptsidTt mnonumeer, 80-l-y SMALL WARES, Porte nonnaies, stationery, etc., etc AGENT FOR THE Kent low. Apply to 95-- tl UEO. CLARK, Hotel sU Duck, brushes, Ac, Ac at - To th entiae and the castle, R. COADY A CO., Shipping Liverpool Hughes aa4 Th Semis', pipes are dear. and Commission Merchants, Honotulo, 8. L Underwriter's Association. Wallace's, Buckskin gloves, Riding gloves, mnslcal Inetntmenta, KEFEREXCK3. The undersifrned bepi leave to notify Merchants, Ship owners, FOR SALE. NOS. AND great many articles too numsroal lo asantlna . Sweet smrwls the ancient pioroch and Ship masters, that he has received the appointment ot EASTRA & CO., lOi lOT SACRAMENTO STREET, Messrs. A-- - THE HOUSE AND LOT SITUATED ON Tbey are also Bole Agents for " A. M. Pollack's UBabrska Ter mount un. krch, and jrlade Grisscll, Mirrcas Co., Kew York. AGENT at thrse Islands for the LIVERPOOL ODER Maikiki Plains, at present occupied by the undersigned. COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, San Francisco, ; M'u, .rrs a. Co- -, . CaL Yiebsa Watib Paoor MsTcata. U " WRJTEtt'S ASSOCIATION. Terms liberal. Apply at this Oifice, or to eaU oar But sweetest of all music Pasco Co . San Pranctaeo. Jnlyl-t- Hakodadi, Consisting in part of AU those visiting the city, will do well to and examine k f ROBERT C. JANI0X. o--tf LORD. Japan. Th pipes Alsup k. Co., Valparaiso. JOHN ' stock before purchasing elsewhere. at Lock now played ! Kinds of Fresh Provisions furnished also, Ship's White goods, embroideries, laces, ribbons ; : A-- POLLACK BROTHERS, CaUifarata St., G. P. lais Co., . - Melbourne. ALL aud Ship Chandlery, AT BOKOLi'LC PBtcas. Millinery goods, hosiery, tt .... gloves, pongee hdkh j Praaeisoo, CsiUornia, . Day by dar tb Indian U'eer Baaiso Broth tics as Co., London. AGENT FOR LLOYD'S COTTAGE TO Whalemen's Drafts s.c. 71-- ly Ssa LET. taken, Suspenders, cravats, fancy Ijxi-r- r rrr The undersigned bees to notify to Merchants, Ship "owners shirts, collars, cutlery ; left with jreil !, ami crept Exchanfre for sale on the United Btatcs Europe. and RENT LOW. All orders Mr. M. M. ttUSSELIs, and Shipmasters, that he has received the appointment ol Apply to Scissors, combs, brushes, perfumery, toilet articles; Dolulu,rr will bs prooipUy exoculed and fcrwafded with the grraW I arvt Honolulu, July 1, lsod. Jyl-t- roixl jungle serpent f AGJaVJ these for LLOYD'S 9d-- tSSiu te at Islands LONDON. 5t W. R. SEAL. WJI. 1. KELLY, Yankee notions, haberdashery, etc., etc; est cars. Xear and oearr circles swept. July 1-- tf ROBERT C. JANION. j GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Imitation shell round-baj- jc combs J Pray fir rescue, wires and others DANIEL C. WATERMAN, d TO LET, TAHITI, Black feathers, beads, etc., etc. Pray to-d- ay V the suliier COMMISSION MERCHANT, yilE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMPA- - said, I ny, (established 1S36.) For Fire and Lire Assurance at THE DESIRABLE PREMISES ON Will supply ships with provisions, Ac, and advance money on M ToHn-wrow- , Superintends outfitting of frocn port, King street, lately occupi -- by Willlxms A death's between us. the res:U this to the home and abroad. d Jones. For favorable terms for bills on the United States. 43-l-y shipment of oil bone, negotiates whalemen's particulars apply the office of .C. C. IE7 And wrong and and at HARRIS. " An inspection of our stock is solicited. the and shame we dread." Capital 1,239,7 91-- drafts, fee. The undersigned eo.Ster!iit. tf Or, on tbe premises, to GEO. WILLIAMS. REFERENCES. has been appointed Atrent for the Sandwich Our importations 0b ! they listened, looked and waited, Islands. ROBERT CHESHIRE JANION. W. BUTLER, O" are direct from Brit- Messrs. Mobcav, A Co., San Prancisoo. 7-- Batbawat, tf. Honolulu, Sc Europe. TU1 their hope became despair. Macosdbav A Co - u at TO LET, CUSTOM HOUSE COMMISSION AGENT ain and NEW t . j And the sobs of low bewailing D. R-- Obeks A Co., - Sew Bedford. THE COTTAGE ON THE BANK OF MANG0NUI, ZEALAND. DC7 1 the River, adjoining t'ae resilience of John Montgomery, One of the firm always in Filled the pauses of prayer. James B. Comgdo, E.sq " KRULL & MOLL, Shipping supplied or the most reasonable terms. Lat the market. their Esq. particulars apply GEO. C. McLEAN. 35-- 0 173-38.- 41-l- M--tf W. O. E. Pora. Esq.. Agents For to 8., long. y C7 All Then p spake a fksxtisn qniden. of the Hamburg and Luheck Underwriters- - Honolulu, 93-- tf Nuuanu street. orders executed with promptness Oahu, II. July I. 1, 185otf C. and dispatch. - With her ear upon the rroond : 11 AV. FIELD, D. MCBVKB. J. C. X2B1ULL. " Ditina ye hear TO LET. - it dinua ye hear it t Commission Merchant, Honolulu, Oahu, Sandwich Iilands. F LOR ENS STAPENIIORST, E7- PRODUCTS OF THE ISLANDS iRic ihiiiiiui!:.- The pipes o Ilareiock sound V THE DESIRABLE COTTAGE AND JIcRUER JIERRILL, By permission, he refers to Agent for the Bremen board of Cnderwriters.
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