CENSUS OF INDIA, 1891. ~h5t1'itt a[tlt5U5 ~tatistits, N.-W. PROVINCES AND OUDH. LUCKNOW DISTRICT ~ ALLAHABAD : .,...u.,"...,.. 1'1l.0VINCBI ~ Ot1D.K gOVRRlIfKIINT l'lt:t:H8~ 1896. ·.~ • TABLE OF CONTENTS. Serial Dumber. Contents. I Preface 2 Statement showing the variations of population in the Parganlle and Tahsl1s of the LuckDow district. 3 Statemont showing the variations in the population of the Police Circles, Lucknow distriot ... Statement showing by population the number of towns nnd villa.ges in the TnhsOa of me 7 Lucknow district. 6 Village Directory, TahsH Malihabad, Pargana Maliha.bad 10-15 6 Ditto do. do. do. Mllohona . .. .,. 15-20 7 Ditto do. MOhanlalganj, do. Mohanlalganj • 8 Ditto do. do. do. Nigohan ... .. , 25-27 Ditto do. do. do. Bijnaur to. 27-81 10 Ditto do. do. do. Kakori 11 Ditto do. Lucknow, do. Lucknow •.• 38-88 12 Statement showing the figures of the Village Directory totalled for each 0:[ the Thanllo8 of b Luckuow distriot. 18 'A~PhabetiCal index to the villages a.nd towns of the Luc'know district • " , PREFACE. THB CenlUs Tables published for the North-W stern Provinoes and Oudh, under tho orden of the Imperial Government, contain DO detailed statistic for any area. smaller thaD tIle distriot. The Local Government llas consider d it necessary to publisb in addition to these,Imp rja.l tables:- 18t-A provincial supplement to the report on th Census of 1 91, oontaining certain import. ant statistics for tahsil, pargana, thana a.nd town areas. 2",a-A collection of census statistios £01' each district for the use more espeoially of clisLrict officers. The oontents of the volume of oensus statistics for the Luoknow distriot are given on the preceding page. The first three statements requir no explanatory reference. Regarding the village directory the following expla.na.tions may be u ei'll :- Ooltwm"" I,-The seria.l number of villn.ges runs sepa.rately for eaoh po.rgana. The pa.rgaua. are arranged by tahsils a.nd the tnhsil total follows t hat fOl' the last par<ra.na. b longing to it. The villages for each pargana are divided into separate groups, one for eaoh of the police drale whicb wholly or partly lie in it,. As pargann. and thav6 boundaries almost inva.riably 0 erlap each other, there may be for a single thana two or more groups of villages each in a. separate pargana. The th6na. totals a.re collect d in a supplementary statement, refel'ence to which will how in how many pal'gana lists the villages of the tht\na. lie. The general alphabetical index to the villages of the district, whioh ends the volume, shows by refel'ence back to the village directory the th6na, po.rgan::L and taluiG to which any vilt ge belongs. Column 2,-The following are the definitions adopted or the terms viUafJt and tow" .- A viztagc denotes the area demarcated for }'e enue purposes as a c< mauza/' provided thall. wIlere a. village or part of a. village forms a part of the area. df a town, it will be included in Bucb town. The rema.inder, if any, ,will be regarded for census purposes as the village. A town denotes- 1st-Every continuOtls grOtlp of houses inhabited perma.nently by not less tha.n 5,000 people. 2nd-Every a.rea within which tbe Chaukidari Act (XX of 1856) or ither of the Municipal Acts (XV of 187:3 or XV of 1888) is in force. S"tl-Every military ca.ntonment. Ooltwmn 12.-Dctails of tho number of persons belonging to ea.ch l'eligion inoluded in thie oolumn a.re given in the remarks column. Oolwnvn IS,-Agriculturists include all persons who own. or occupy land for purposes of agriculture or pasturage, but does not include agricultumllabourers. It includes all persons who own or cultiva.te land in addition to any other occupation. The figures in Imperia.l tables VII A and :B show uch persons under the hea.d of the additional occupa.tion and not as agriculturista. Colwmn 14,-Includes shopkeepers; pedlars and dealers of all desoriptions. Oo1!wrrvn IS.-Ineludes, besides persons belonging to the learned prafes iODs, $trictly 10 called, ;ill Government servants above ministerial rank. Column 17.-In this column. are included ministeria.l Government servants, domeati(l sel'\'iIouta and village menials. Column 18.-Labourers include both agrioultural .a.nd general labourer!!. Oot-wmm.. 22.-All males of age 0-4 have been assumed to be illiterate. Oolwmn 26_-For each village the caste which is most Dumerous is SbOWD, and where two or mOTe castes each exceeds 26 per cent. of the total population, the number of persona belonging t.o each of them is shown. Subcllstes of ltajputs only II.l'e giv n. Tbe Dumber of leper!!, male and fexnale, enumerated in Bny village is also shown here. These figures have been compiled from the vernacular registers, which will be preserved. for each munioipality by the MlUlicipal Board, and for each talWl 10 the distriot officer. Full details of • ( 41 ) all statiatics published. for the distriot or province in the imperial tables can be aeaertained for any cen.us block or village ou reference 'to theee regilJters. The contents of eaoh of the 2() reg-i.ten are as follows :- RE'gister No. I.-Houses and total popula.t.i.on. Ditto 2.-Variation in population. Ditto S.-Classified. list of villages and towns. Ditto 4.-Rcligions. Ditto 5.-Ago-periods for each religion. Ditto 6.-Age-periods for each civil condition ot each l'e1igion. Ditto 7.-Eduoa.tion by age-periods for each religion. Ditto B.-Parent tongues. Ditto 9.-Birth-places. Ditto 10 & 10A.-Insanes by a.ge a.Dd ca.ste. Ditto 11 & J lA.-Doof mutes by age and caste. Ditto 12 & 12A.-Blind by age and caste. Ditto 18 & 13A.-Lepel's by age and ca.ste. Ditto 14.-Caate and suooaste9. Ditto 15.-0coupations by age-periods. Ditto 16.-Sects of aU religions. Ditto 17.-Sects of Christians by race. Ditto IS.-Races of Cbristians by age-periods. Ditto 19.-Education by caste. Ditto. 2Q.-Civil condition by caste. The a.rra.ngexnent of the vernacular registers is similar to that of the vil~1'& direotory. Villages are grouped togethe.t· for ea.ch pargana and within the pal'go.na arraoged by thanas. The paging is the Same throughout an geueral r gisters, viUnges which oocur on page 1 of Register 1 also ocour Oil the first eet of the pa,ges of the more ela.borate r~isterii 1~.. 15, 16 and 19• • • • ( () ) STATBMENT SHOWING THE VARIATIONS IN THE POPULATION OF THE PARGANAS AND TAHStLS. OF THE LUCKNOW DISTRICT. Total population. - lIalea. Femalot. Name oJ Pargana and TabaD. (Jen."s of COD lUI of Iool'8lUo+ Canlulof Canlulof IDlll'8llea+ CeDIlla of 11111. of Inc_+ 18tH. 189l. DeorelOee-. 188l. 1891. l)uc_-. l881. 1891. DooilU ....... -. - Bljnaur ... ... 60,065 68.1183 +8.1118 51.GUS 81),701 + 4,086 2 .<lW 82,882- +",. II Kakori. ... ... 80,G85 84,408 +3.878 IG,623 1'7,607 +S,0s.a. 11),0111 16,801 +1,789 LackDO'" .. , ... 829,910 84.6,470 + 21,500 172,189 1~,098 +12,909 151,781 100,!!7!! +8,691 --- ------ ---------- Total, Tahln Luclmo ... ... 4.14,6tO 448,461 +83,891 219,327 238,406 +lOO,79 196;243 :110,056 + 14,81.a --- --------------- Jlahona ... ... G,5248 75,421 +10,178 8il,180 89,620 +6,440 8],OG8 815,SOl +4,'783 Ka1ihabad ... ... 87,797 100,1.:11 +12,824. 4.5,905 152,226 +6,821 4.l.802 4.7,895 +G,oos - ------- -------------------- Total, Tt.bail Mallba1!ad ... I58,01llS 175,Ii4.ll + 22,!l97 80,085 91,8(1,6 +11,761 72,960 sa,v96 +lO,'73(l ----- -------- - ---- JIohan18lgatlj ... ... 9G,878 118,434 +16,5W 49,4OG 58.O!Jl +8.685 4/1,47.2 65,343 +7.871 Bigohson . .. ... ... 82,381 36.726 +4.896 16,487 18.868 +2,871 lli,844 17,8GB +2.024- ----------- --------- Totsl, Tahan M.ollanl&lganj .., 12<1,200 150,160 +20,951 66,S03 76,949 +11,056 03,310 7!!,II11 +1),696 ~- ----- - ---------- I- . - . • : • _/"'" --,---~ -- Total. District Laesao... ... 696,824 7'14,168 +77.839 865,805 407,201 +41,800 aal,ISl9 86G,OOI +16,... ( .) 8'l'AT1DIBlft SHOWING V ABlATIONS IN 'rHE POPULATION OF THB POl.ICE CIRCLES OF THE LUCKNOW DIS'l'BICT. Popa.1&tion. MaIM. " Eemala.. !lame o.f '1'b£-. C_118 of Ccou. of Inc_+ Can ...1 of C""o.lof lncrotllee+ Conanlof C.nllU. of In_+ 181n. 1891. o c:reate-. 1881. 1891. Decl1Iue -. 1881. leSI. Decreue-. Bauthua ... ... 68,l4! '16,088 +6.9406 84,000 3,9546 +4,58.5 88,182 85,M3 +.2,861 ChaoJI ... ._ .. , 66,6l.B 60,160 +3.642 .28,608 30,MaO ..1.882 .28.010 29,720 +l.710 DJ.a.latpDj ... ... 38,415 87.619 -796 19,104 18.808 -SOl 19,811 . 18,816 -4095 Dilkaaba _ .- .., !1,530 2a,5J.7 +I.087 16.474. 10,019 +J.,M6 '1,056 7,498 +40 OOibaiDpnj ... ... 62.59 59.000 - 2,694 31.794 80,775 -1.019 '80.800 29,l.B5 -I,G75 H_pnj , ... .. sa,llli§. 27.0,n + 9,687 12,759 14,,879 ""1.e2a 10,601 12,602 +21.001 ltAuDja ... ... 48,$35 64,417 +6,582 35,666 28,1i81 +2,916 28,170 25.836 + 2,1366 , K.kori ..
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