Dancing, Swimming Highlight Lost Weekend Three days of nothing but fun will favorites to take the conference crown begin tomorrt'lw for the Techmen and away from its rivals from Pomona who their dates who will be attending ASC­ edged them in a dual meet earlier in IT's 6th annual Lost Weekend. Almost _the season. 50 girls, imported from far-off places, Corona Del Mar is the sight of the all­ will occupy the student houses and help day beach party which also begins at 10 to provide the better halves of the 400 a.m. Changing facilities will be available couples expected to attend at least parts at the Caltech Marine Lab, but lunches of the affair. will have to be provided by the couples themselves. The Weekend's festivities will begin Heisler Park, located immediately be­ with dinner in Blacker house at 6:30 p.m. hind the famous Victor Hugo Inn in tomorrow. The renowned Caltech Glee Laguna Beach, will be the site of Satur­ Club will present their Spring Concert day's dinner which will begin at 5:30 to the partying couples and anyone else p.m. From there, the party will turn to interested at 8 p.m. in Culbertson Audi­ the Laguna Beach Elk's Club and danc­ torium. ing to the music of Claude Davis. The Buddy de Franko is scheduled to pro­ dress for this part of the spree will be vide the music for tomorrow night's informal-any evening beachwear. dance in the Olive Court between Flem­ The same 2:30 rule holds Saturday night. ing and Ricketts. De Franko has been ASCIT Photo voted first place 11 consecutive times in Couples attending last year's Lost Weekend enjoy themselves at Cornoa A lavish breakfast at the Flamingo both the national Down Beat and Metro­ Hotel, 130 West Hunginton Drive in Ar­ nome polls. The dance will begin at 10 a famous student house breakfast, serv­ Oxy, Whittier and Redlands is offered cadia (not Rand's as originally announc­ p.m. and end an hour and a half before ed cafeteria style from 7:15 until 9 a.m. Weekenders Who attend the Southern ed), will greet anybody who can get up the magic 2:30 curfew for student house in Blacker. California Conference swimming finals by 10 a.m. Sunday morning. A trip back guests. The dress will be "party dress." A chance to see top swimmers and div­ which begin at 10 a.m. in Tech's Alumni home to stacks of homework will then Saturday's activities will begin with ers from Caltech, Pomona-Claremont, Pool. The Caltech squad is rated as slight be all that faces the party-goers. TheCaliforniaTech California Institute of Technology Volume LIX Pasadena, California; Thursday, May 8, 1958 Number 26 Candidates "Tecll" 1(6fed Named For AII-Americ6h Reuther To Discuss Labor/ The California Tech receiv­ ed an All-American honor rat­ Class Posts ing from the Associated Col­ Economy In Campus Visit legiate Press this week. The Fourteen juniors, 13 sopho­ award was made for the first mores and 23 freshmen were term's issues which were edi­ Famous Auto Workers Leader nominated for next year's class ted by Bob "Sloth" Walsh. I Tlil§ WI:I:I\ I Thur., May 8 - Swimming, con­ Completes Y Leaders Series officers at the class meetings All-American is the highest ference prelims, 3:30 p.m. Victor Reuther, Director of the Washington office and Admin­ held Tuesday. rating given by the A.C.P., Frosh baseball, Oxy, 3:30p.m. istrative Assistant to the president of the United Auto Workers, Senior pres'ident: Ron Forbess, which runs the critical service Fri., May 9 - Baseball, West- will visit Caltech next Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. Reu­ Tony Jorillo, Don Owings. for college newspapers twice mont at Tech, 4:15 p.m. ther's visit is the last of the current Y Leaders of America Program. Vice-president: Keith Brown, a year. Golf, at Pomona, 1:30 p.m. Spending a busy three days at Tech, Reuther will give Dick Gustafson, Neil deGaston. The content, coverage and Diving prelims, 4 p.m. Techmen numerous opportuni­ Secretary: Dick Dietz, Eldridge physical properties of the first LJOST WE'EKEND BEGINS. ties to discuss labor's role in na­ Moores. term issues were all judged. Glee Club Concert, 8 p.m. tional and international affairs. Treasurer; Gerhard I(lorse, The Tech rated 3570 out of a Dance, Olive Court, 10 p.m. At 10 A.M. Tuesday, Reuther Lewis Linson. possible 3700 points to receive Sat., May 10 - Baseball, Tech holds a special press conference Athletic manager: Fred New­ one of the five All-Americans vs. Pas Naz at Arcadia, 12:30 with the California Tech and man. given to the 34 papers in its SWimming, conference finals, several L. A. papers. Board of Control: N e 1son class. Alumni Pool, 10 a.m. Byrne, Dick Johnson, Russ Pit­ Labor's Role Last year's third term is­ Tennis, at Redlands, 1:30 zer, Norris Huse. sues earned a First-Class rat­ At 11 A.M. he will talk to the p.m. Junior president: John Walsh. ing. The present award is History 5 Class on "Labor's Role MORE LOST WEEKEND Vice-president: Frank Green­ the first All-American rating in National and International Af­ Beach party, dinner, dance, man, Carl Morris. the Tech has received since fairs." After lunching at Blacker Corona and Laguna, all Secretary: Urban Kern, Doug 1954. House, Reuther will hold office day McLane. The feature copy was sin­ hours from 3-5 P.M. in the Y Suu., May 1.1 - LOST WEEK­ Treasurer: Ralph Cross, Pete gled out for praise by the Lounge. Following dinner at Rony. judge. ElND Ricketts, Reuther will present Farewell Breakfast, Flamigno Athletic manager: Bob Golden. his introductory address in 206 Hotel, 10 a.m. BOC: Dave Blakemore, Kent Dabney, "Unionism and the Pub-. Tues.~Thur., (\Iay 13·15 - y's Frewing, Don Voet, Paul Widess, lic Interests." ASCIT Seeks VICTOR RElUTHE,R VISrT Chase Photo Jim Wooster. Wednesday, May 14, Reuther Tues., May 13 - Class elections Sophomore president: Stan Saj­ Victor Reuther meets with the EC 48 class and Thurs., May 15 - Blood Drive dera, Dohn Schildkraut. Blood Donors then speaks to the Graduate-Fac­ Vice-president: Ken Cas e y, AlSCIT's spring Blood Drive ulty Luncheon Forum on "In­ Dave Kubrin, Leroy Sievers, will be held next Thursday, May dustry, Labor, and Ethics." Dis­ Mike Turner. 15 from 1 to 5:30 p.m. in Dabney Juniors, Seniors Plan Promj cussion of "The Political Role of Secretary: Jim Blackman, Bob Hall. Tom Tisch, ASerT repre­ American Labor" with a special Heath, Gary Ihler, Stan Sawyer, sentative and organizer of the Y group follows. Reuther then Jim Uleman, Christ Velline. Drive, is hoping for at least 180 Frosh-Soph Dance Next Week dines at Dabney. Treasurer: Don Forrest, Jim contributions from students and May 17 is the date set for the Bids may be obtained free Panel Discus.sion Featured Lohman, Sam Suit. Institute personnel. from Jerry Arenson and Sonny Highlighting Reuther's visit BOC: Ward Calaway, Dick In addition to receiving P.E. Junior-Senior Prom, which will Nelson in Ricketts, Dick John­ will be a panel discussion in Jones, Hugh Kieffer, Peter Mey­ credit, all contributors and their be presented in the Venetian son in Dabney, and Tom Gunckel Dabney Hall at 7 p.m., Wednes­ immediate families will become Room of the Ambassador Hotel, er, Cleve Moler, Harry Spertus. in Fleming. Reynolds announced day, when Reuther and a local eligible for blood-bank benefits, Elections will be held next home of the Cocoanut Grove, that Dedrick's Tux Shop on Lake business man will try to answer Tisch pointed out. Tuesday, May 13. and the FroshcSoph dance, to be Street has special prices for ju-' "What is Required to Restore held on the Olive Count. niors and special-special rates for Our Economy to Health?" Pro­ seniors. Another deal has been Formal attire (white dinner fessor Sweezy will moderate. arranged for the benefit of the AhhfJUhCemenfs jackets) is in order for the up­ Concluding his stay on Thurs­ upperclassmen-Ralph's Florist, NUERMBERGER TO VISIT CCF perclassmen attending the Ju­ day with another busy day, on Hill just nOl'th of Colorado, Rev. Robert M. Nuermberger, representing Westminster The­ nior-Senior Prom, announced Reuther will meet with the Ee­ is giving Tech men special rates ology Seminary of Philadelphia, will visit the Caltech campus Tues­ Jerry Arenson and Sonny Nel­ 100 class in the morning, lunch on corsages. day, May 13. He will speak at a meeting of the Caltech Christian son, junior and senior presidents. with Throop CLUb, and hold of­ Fellowship on "God's Spirit in the Life of a Christian Student" at Dancing begins at 9 p.m., with Freshmen and sophomores will fice hours in the Y lounge from noon in 208 Dabney. Buddy Collete and Co. providing dance in semi-formal comfort to 3-5 p.m. BAND CONCERT, MAY 21 the music. "Collete has recently the music of Doug Montgomery After dining with Fleming, The Caltech band will present an outdoor concert Wednesday emerged as one of the shining and his band, according to Hugh Reuther will attend an Open evening, iVlay 21, at 7:30 p.m. in the Ricketts-Fleming courtyard. local talents and is sure to please Kieffer and Jim Sorenson, the House at Mr. and Mrs. Charles The program will include works by LeRoy Anderson and Igor the most discriminating of list­ frosh and sophomore class presi­ Newton's home, 1375 New York Stravinsky and will mark the first time in the current band's history eners," promised senior vice­ dents.
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