July 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8037 for certain employees of the Centers Technology Association Education other purposes, which was referred to for Medicare and Medicaid Services and Foundation; the Union Calendar and ordered to be the Social Security Administration; An amendment by Mr. CROWLEY lim- printed. An amendment by Mr. DAVIS of Ken- iting funds for Alleghany Memorial The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tucky limiting performance bonuses Hospital; ant to clause 1, rule XXI, all points of for certain employees of the Centers An amendment by Mr. CROWLEY lim- order are reserved on the bill. for Medicare and Medicaid Services and iting funds for Caldwell Community f the Social Security Administration un- College and Technical Institute; less certain requirements related to An amendment by Mr. CROWLEY lim- DEPARTMENTS OF LABOR, Medicare part D are met; iting funds for the North Carolina Cen- HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES, An amendment by Mrs. SCHMIDT lim- ter for Emerging Technologies; AND EDUCATION, AND RELATED iting funds for title X grantees; An amendment by Mr. CROWLEY lim- AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS An amendment by Mr. FLAKE lim- iting funds for the Southeastern Center ACT, 2008 iting funds for the American Jazz Mu- for Emerging Biologic Threats; The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- seum in Kansas City, Missouri; An amendment by Mr. HENSARLING ant to House Resolution 547 and rule An amendment by Mr. FLAKE lim- regarding education for Native Hawai- XVIII, the Chair declares the House in iting funds for the American Ballet ians; the Committee of the Whole House on Theatre in New York; An amendment by Mr. BARRETT of the State of the Union for the further An amendment by Mr. FLAKE lim- South Carolina regarding Byrd Honors consideration of the bill, H.R. 3043. iting funds for the Portugese and Scholarship program; Lusophone studies at Rhode Island Col- An amendment by Mr. LAMBORN re- b 1528 lege; garding the Corporation of Public IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE An amendment by Mr. FLAKE lim- Broadcasting; Accordingly, the House resolved iting funds for the Shedd Aquarium in An amendment by Mr. HENSARLING itself into the Committee of the Whole Chicago; regarding Twin Cities Public Tele- House on the State of the Union for the An amendment by Mr. FLAKE lim- vision for the Minnesota Digital Public iting funds for the Kansas Regional further consideration of the bill (H.R. Media Archive; 3043) making appropriations for the De- Prisons Museum; An amendment by Mr. HENSARLING An amendment by Mr. FLAKE lim- partments of Labor, Health and Human regarding West Los Angeles College, Services, and Education, and related iting funds for the Corporation for Jef- Culver City, California; ferson’s Poplar Forest in Virginia; agencies for the fiscal year ending Sep- An amendment by Mr. HENSARLING tember 30, 2008, and for other purposes, An amendment by Mr. FLAKE lim- regarding Families in Schools, Los An- iting funds for the South Carolina with Mr. CAPUANO (Acting Chairman) geles, California; and in the chair. Aquarium; An amendment or amendments by An amendment by Mr. FLAKE lim- The Clerk read the title of the bill. Mr. OBEY regarding funding. iting funds for the Burpee Museum in The Acting CHAIRMAN. When the Each such amendment may be offered Committee of the Whole rose earlier Rockford, Illinois; only by the Member named in this re- An amendment by Mr. FLAKE lim- today, a request for a recorded vote on quest or a designee, shall be considered iting funds for a college preparatory the amendment offered by the gen- as read, shall not be subject to amend- pilot program at Missouri State Uni- tleman from Georgia (Mr. PRICE) had ment (except that the chairman and versity; been postponed, and the bill had been ranking minority member of the Com- An amendment by Mr. FLAKE lim- read through page 89, line 15. mittee on Appropriations and its Sub- iting funds for the Exploratorium in Pursuant to the order of the House of committee on Labor, Health and San Francisco, California; today, no further amendments to the Human Services, Education, and Re- An amendment by Mrs. MUSGRAVE bill may be offered except those speci- limiting funds for attachment therapy; lated Agencies in each such capacity fied in the previous order of the House An amendment by Mr. SOUDER lim- each may offer one pro forma amend- of today, which is at the desk. ment for the purpose of debate); and iting CMS funds for certain Medicare ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE ACTING CHAIRMAN shall not be subject to a demand for di- payment activities related to hospital The Acting CHAIRMAN. Pursuant to transplant programs; vision of the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole. clause 6 of rule XVIII, proceedings will An amendment by Mr. SOUDER lim- now resume on those amendments on iting funds of the National Labor Rela- Except as otherwise specified, each amendment shall be debatable for 10 which further proceedings were post- tions Board to recognize a union as the poned, in the following order: exclusive bargaining representative of minutes, equally divided and con- trolled by the proponent and an oppo- An amendment by Mr. STEARNS of employees that has not been elected by Florida. a secret-ballot election; nent. An amendment shall be consid- ered to fit the description stated in An amendment by Mr. JINDAL of Lou- An amendment by Mr. HENSARLING isiana. reducing funding for the Centers for this request if it addresses in whole or in part the object described. An amendment by Mr. BARTON of Disease Control; Texas. An amendment by Mr. WESTMORE- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there An amendment by Mr. GRAVES of LAND limiting funds for the publication objection to the request of the gen- Missouri. of certain student loan applications; tleman from Wisconsin? Amendment No. 41 by Mr. An amendment by Mr. CAMPBELL of There was no objection. HENSARLING of Texas. California limiting funds for the Char- f Amendment No. 42 by Mr. ter School Development Foundation; REPORT ON H.R. 3074, DEPART- HENSARLING of Texas. An amendment by Mr. CAMPBELL of MENTS OF TRANSPORTATION, California limiting funds for the City An amendment by Mr. PRICE of Geor- AND HOUSING AND URBAN DE- College of New York; gia. VELOPMENT, AND RELATED An amendment by Mr. CAMPBELL of An amendment by Mr. GARRETT of California limiting funds for all AGENCIES APPROPRIATIONS New Jersey. projects requested by Members of Con- ACT, 2008 An amendment by Ms. FOXX of North gress and disclosed pursuant to the Mr. OBEY, from the Committee on Carolina. rules of the House, which shall be de- Appropriations, submitted a privileged The Chair will reduce to 2 minutes batable for 20 minutes; report (Rept. No. 110–238) on the bill the time for any electronic vote after An amendment by Mr. CAMP of (H.R. 3074) making appropriations for the first vote in this series. Michigan regarding the Medicare Ad- the Departments of Transportation, AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. STEARNS vantage program; and Housing and Urban Development, The Acting CHAIRMAN. The unfin- An amendment by Mr. CROWLEY lim- and related agencies for the fiscal year ished business is the demand for a re- iting funds for the North Carolina ending September 30, 2008, and for corded vote on the amendment offered VerDate Aug 31 2005 05:26 Jul 19, 2007 Jkt 059060 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0636 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18JY7.116 H18JYPT1 cnoel on PRODPC60 with HOUSE_CN H8038 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 18, 2007 by the gentleman from Florida (Mr. Berman Hill Pallone AMENDMENT OFFERED BY MR. JINDAL Berry Hinojosa Pascrell TEARNS S ) on which further proceedings Biggert Hirono Pastor The Acting CHAIRMAN. The unfin- were postponed and on which the noes Bishop (GA) Hobson Payne ished business is the demand for a re- prevailed by voice vote. Bishop (NY) Hodes Perlmutter corded vote on the amendment offered The Clerk will redesignate the Blumenauer Holden Peterson (MN) by the gentleman from Louisiana (Mr. Boswell Holt Pickering amendment. Boucher Honda Platts JINDAL) on which further proceedings The text of the amendment is as fol- Boustany Hooley Pomeroy were postponed and on which the noes lows: Boyd (FL) Hoyer Price (NC) prevailed by voice vote. Brady (PA) Inslee Pryce (OH) The Clerk will redesignate the Amendment offered by Mr. STEARNS: Braley (IA) Israel Rahall Page 33, line 25, after the aggregate dollar Brown (SC) Jackson (IL) Rangel amendment. figure insert ‘‘(increased by $12,500,000)’’. Butterfield Jackson-Lee Reyes The text of the amendment is as fol- Page 90, line 7, after the first dollar Capps (TX) Rodriguez lows: amount insert ‘‘(increased by $12,500,000)’’. Capuano Jefferson Roskam Cardoza Johnson (GA) Amendment offered by Mr. JINDAL: Page 97, line 16, after the aggregate dollar Ross Carnahan Johnson, E. B. Rothman Page 33, line 25, after the aggregate dollar amount insert ‘‘(reduced by $25,000,000)’’. Carney Jones (OH) Roybal-Allard amount insert ‘‘(reduced by $37,200,000) (in- RECORDED VOTE Carson Kagen Ruppersberger creased by $37,200,000)’’. Castle Kanjorski The Acting CHAIRMAN. A recorded Rush Castor Kaptur Ryan (OH) RECORDED VOTE vote has been demanded. Chandler Kennedy Salazar The Acting CHAIRMAN. A recorded A recorded vote was ordered. Christensen Kildee Sa´ nchez, Linda vote has been demanded. The vote was taken by electronic de- Clarke Kilpatrick T. Clay Kind Sanchez, Loretta A recorded vote was ordered. vice, and there were—ayes 182, noes 242, Cleaver Kirk Sarbanes The Acting CHAIRMAN. This will be not voting 12, as follows: Clyburn Klein (FL) Schakowsky a 2-minute vote. Cohen Kuhl (NY) [Roll No. 647] Schiff The vote was taken by electronic de- Conyers LaHood Schwartz AYES—182 Cooper Lampson Scott (GA) vice, and there were—ayes 207, noes 217, Costa Langevin Aderholt Foxx Miller, Gary Scott (VA) not voting 12, as follows: Costello Lantos Akin Franks (AZ) Serrano Moran (KS) Courtney Larsen (WA) [Roll No.
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