University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 3-29-1917 Tucumcari News Times, 03-29-1917 The ucT umcari Print. Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news Recommended Citation The ucT umcari Print. Co.. "Tucumcari News Times, 03-29-1917." (1917). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/tucumcari_news/121 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Tucumcari News, 1905-1919 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. I I E r C ft Largest Circulation of Any AdTertlaera Know Where to ft Paper In Quay County Views 9he 9u&Mtari Place Their Ada XltlllL' U ft AND TIMES VOL. XV. TUCUMCARI, QUAY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, MAUCH 29, 1917 NO. 27 CITY COUNCIL MET IN REGU- EXPERT PROMOTER HERE COMMERCIAL CLUB MEMBERS EN- LAR SESSION FRIDAY NIGHT THREE BUSINESS TO SELL OIL STOCK "THE DISTRICT The City Council met in regular ses- n campaign of several weeks night, (.March After JOY BIG DINNER AND SPLENDID sion Friday 23, with the MEN ANNOUNCE we have disposed of a considerable IS following membenl present: Mnyor number of shares in our company, but ATTORNEY" Joseph Isrnel; Councllmcn Wertheim, there still remains a Bmall amount to Taylor, Goodloc George, Frecberg and be raised to assure the landing of the WORDS OF ENCOURAGEMENT Eager. FOR DIRECTORS drilling outfit on the property. COMING APR. 2 Ordinance No. 119 amending Ordi- We now huvo with us Mr. Thomas nance No. 03, was read and unani- P. Ryan of St. Louis, who is calling mously approved. Nenrly one hundred members of the on "Good Ronds" but ho had not seen being solicited, urged on tho citizens of Tucumcarl for the Ordinance No, 120, amending Ordi- After nnd purpose of raising the necessary funds Another ono of those home talent Chnmbcr of Commerce were cntcrtnln-c- d uny in Quay county so ho knew very drafted, Messrs. El- nance No. 13, Sec. 12, wus rend and Wm. Troup, to start the drill to going. plays with tho best artists in Tucum- Inst Thursday night nt u d'nnor little about the subject. If the com- upproved. mer Edwards und W. L. Kirkpntrlck, carl working, will be pulled off next well-know- Mr. Ryan says that this proposition given by the Club at the Voronborg. mittee had said "Had Roads" he could Tho following rules prescribed by three n business men of this Monday the Opera House, hns car-mar- big night nt The meeting wns called to order by talk all night on the subject. He wns city, huve consented to all the of a future. the City Miusbul for regulation of allow their He will stay with us until the when "The District Attorney" a rcul the club president, T. A. Muirhcnd, nnd somewhat broad in his views and al- names placed before tho after houses of prostitution, locnted in block voters next election of officers by the shareholders, comeda drama will bo presented for ho briefly outlined the purpose of the though he is in favor of tho Ozark Tuesdny nt the nnnunl school 4, Rock Island Addition, and inmates election. when he will go to St. Louis to finish your npproval under the utispiccs of er meeting and nnnounced Trails to the tune of $500 worth, ho Neither of these gentlemen di- thereof: seek the financing the proposition so the the Indies of the Christinn church, the program. The three muin sub- plead with the commercial club to do no intoxicuting office of Rchool director, but through that Thut liquors of uny work can be to com- rected by Prof. J. E. Wesson. jects were "What has the Club Done?" some road boosting to the farming patriotism nnd desire to carried on its kind, nor wo per cent or kindred their see the pletion. W. O. Mcdford, Mgr. "What is it doing?" and "What doe communities. Help the farmer to help liquors, sho II be sold, given away, de- public schools continue in progress, CaBt of Characters it intend to do?" himself. The "bumplty" streets of they will give to public livered or exchanged in, upon or about their Jime the DRY FARMING IN N. M. Mr. Wm. Scabury Bill Phillips Sec'y O. L. Williams of Lns Vegas, Tucumenri came in for their share of said premises. without pny for their services. Seabury Floyd Wayne The Agricultural College Richard was the main speaker of the evening sarcastic criticism when Mr. McElroy That minors shnll not lie permitted The office of school director is n State of Bob Kendrick Clinton Whnrton New Mexico will soon publish a bul- nnd he chose for his subject "What Is pointed out the usclessncss of tho reg- upon the premises. thankless job in mnny respects but P. Homer Sullivan?. ... Juck Pullen n Chamber of Commerce?" During his ulating signs placed at tho edgo of That no music, dancing, boisterous the mnjority of our best citizenship letin on "Dry Farming in Eastern New Billy Reynolds Clnude Mexico," by Fnusnacht extended and enjoyable talk he said tho city, which reod, "Speed-limi- t, 12 or unseemly conduct shall Im permit- will stand by any board that will do written former Supt. J. E. Herbert Brownwcll, und "A chamber of commerce should bo miles un hour, inside city." Ho snid ted on Sunday or Sunday night. Its best when matters of grave im- Mundell, and the present Supt, II. John Crosby E. Wesson Smith. will bo J. J. made up of all classed, representing it was impossible to run that fast on That the inmates shall bo required to portance threatens to destroy tho use- This article of inter- Jimmle Vernon to every in Gnrrett all the religious denominations, men most of the streets. His speech wns submit to physical .examination onco fulness of this worthy body. There est farmer this section of Howard Calvert Robt. Snndusky the and copies bul- of nil commercial calling nnd political terse nnd right to the point. each week. Said examination to be is no community where the board has state extra of the Rector letin may be by Sam Walter faiths. You can't mnke your tnwn A "budget fund" wns started nnd hnd by a regular licensed nnd practic- pleased each individual. The matter obtained writing to Aunt Scabury College, M. Hattic what it should be unless you secure tho officials expect to raise $1000 to ing physician, who shnll furnish cer- of choosing teachers is not n love or the at State College, N. ....Madge Campbell a The bulletin will givo experiments the of your fnrmers. Build be expended ns thought necessary in tificate showing the result of such family affair if tho good of our schools Dorothy Seabury.., Junnita Shaft" the country first nnd will build your the cnmpnign this summer. An exec- to person are taken into consideration. nnd their results dunng the past five it the examined. Merit years. Beverly Cnlvert Arabell DeOlivicru town. Interest the fnrmers in grow- utive commltte wns appointed at the Snid certificate shnll be conspicuously first, beauty is only skin deep. The There will be another bulletin Peggy on feeding - Mnrshnll Vivian Steckmun ing more beans, more grain, more pro- request of the secretary, to have full displayed in the room occupied by work in tho Tucumenri schools requires steer tests at local experi- Polly Whitney Steckmun the ment farm, when the Mnurine duce nnd more stock. Furnish them charge of the expenditure of this fund. person examined. the best teachers available. The first food value of Margaret Mrs. Doyle first-grad- cowpens wns tried out a market for everything you possibly Those nppointcd were M. B. Golden- - Because of additional police super- asset is a e certificate, the in a contest I with cotton seed cake. only can. Establish n creamery and en- berg, C. B. Hamilton nnd T. A. Muir vision required, duo to the establish- next is the holders nbility to explnin Not did Synopsis of Play courage tho farmers to milk more hcnd. ment of n "Restricted District" their knowledge so others mny learn me cow peas accompusn more man the cottonseed cake, Act I cows. Help your secrctnry nnd con- About 9:30 the big feed started nnd sum of $100.00 per each calender nnd nnothcr uut it is a product Drawing Scabury that can easily be grown in this room of the home. sider your pnymcnt of money into the Mr. Vorenberg kept his wnitcrs busy month, said amount to be pnid in expects to give full vnluc for that part Football game. Bob Kendrick, who Chamber of Commerce as nn invest- for about two hours serving course af- and when wnicn sno of the country and can be had much received by the city receives. cheaper. has no purpose in life, nominated for ment instend of n donation. Tnlk ter course to satisfy the hungry guests marshal, he shnll turn snme Two old members, Messrs. Stark It also furnishes the rough- into the ness necessary to good District Attorney. and Quny county nnd your and there wns not a complnint mndo city treasury, and the City Clerk will and Putmnn, hold over nnd with the health. Mr. Smith, the present superintendent, in Act II. Commercial Club everywhere you go. ns to qunlity nnd qunntity. plnce the nmount to tho credit of tho three men selected, or rather drafted, District attorney's ofllcc.
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