Linda: Bringing it all together, Again! Winthrop, MA 02152 | 617-846-9900 Check out our website; ~Sold By Linda~ Linda Calla (508) 843-2592 cottagehillrealestate.comEstablished in 1882 3 Seal Harbor #641 hrop’s Pio int ne W er Winthrop Newspaper SUN TRANSCRIPT 50 C E NTS E ST . IN 1882 Published by the Independent Newspaper Group THURSDAY, August 20, 2020 School Committee INDEX Police 2 Editorials 4 shifts to a remote Through The Years 5 Then and Now 5 start for the fall Sports 7 Obituaries 10 By Kate Anslinger that is critical to the open- Business Directory 13 ing plans of the Winthrop Classified 13 At Monday night’s Public Schools,” said How- school committee meeting, ard, who meets with Town two weeks after committee Nurse Meredith Hurley INDEPENDENT members voted to adopt daily to review the current a hybrid learning model, state of Winthrop’s COVID there was a change of plan cases. to a fully remote start, driv- Howard, who has re- en by several important fac- ceived upwards of 150 tors. emails a day since a parent The decision to opt for survey was sent out, has a fully remote start to the been on the receiving end of school year, came due to an array of frequently asked Newspaper Group survey responses and ev- questions. Since then, she’s idence provided by Town made it her mission to sup- Nurse, Meredith Hurley. ply parents with communi- NEWS Briefs Superintendent Howard cation in the form of direct shared the new and critical answers, FAQ’s and even OLDER ADULTS information that has been offered an extended dead- presented since the hybrid line to the survey, which NEED TO TAKE decision was made during presented the question of CAUTION WITH the August 3rd meeting. remote versus hybrid for PROLONGED SUN “Since the hybrid de- parents of students in grade cision was made, we’ve EXPOSURE received new information See REMOTE START Page 3 During these warm sum- mer days, we enjoy being outside more than ever. However, those of us who are sun worshipers put our- Guidelines issued for return selves at risk long before there was much talk about of vote by mail ballots here the connection between sun Winthrop Parks & Recreation summer employees and program participants. exposure and skin cancer. For older adults, much of By Kate Anslinger vote by mail ballot and do the damage to our skin was not return it prior to election done before we were out Massport supports summer The Town Clerk’s office day, may vote in person and of our teens. Thirty and 40 is urging all residents to cast a ballot on election years ago, we used creams follow the proper guide- day. Any voter that has re- to treat painful sunburn, but lines for returning vote by turned a vote by mail ballot we never thought about pre- jobs for Winthrop students mail ballots this election or voted early in person is venting it in the first place. Annual program has the Massachusetts Port Au- through our Community season. Voters will have the not permitted to appear to Unfortunately, those glo- thority’s Community Sum- Summer Jobs Program. option of returning ballots vote in person on election rious days in the sun can given local students mer Jobs Program. Now in Massport is funding sum- by mail or hand delivering day. Mailed ballots include cause serious illness in the its 29th year, Massport’s mer jobs at Winthrop Parks it to the drop box outside of a postage pre-paid return future. opportunities since ‘91 program supported 67 Win- and Recreation Department the town offices. While the ballot envelope that is ad- Prolonged sun exposure throp high school and col- and Community Action for deadline is the close of polls dressed to the Town Clerk’s Special to the Transcript results in a breakdown of lege students in summer Safe Alternatives (CASA). on election day, residents Office. fibers in the skin that ulti- are encouraged to submit Winthrop students were jobs with community orga- Massport’s Community mately can lead to facial their ballots as soon as pos- Precinct locations are able to experience a change nizations. Summer Jobs Program is sagging, mottled pigmen- sible to allow for efficient listed below: of pace and scenery while This summer, 279 area designed to help civic and tation, an increased risk of processing. It is also imper- Precincts 2,5: Arthur T. also gaining some valuable high school and college stu- bruising and tearing, dila- ative that voters track their Cummings School-enter skills this summer through dents will earn a paycheck See MASSPORT Page 2 tion of small blood vessels, own ballots to ensure they on School Street adjacent wrinkles, and pre-cancer- are received properly. Bal- to the playground cafeteria ous and cancerous skin le- lots cannot be returned to door sions. It’s easy today to see the polling location on elec- Precinct 4: John D. that all the hours spent in tion day. They must be re- O’Connell Hall-9 Golden the sun were detrimental to Faison to Council: turned to the Town Clerk’s Drive our health. Continued expo- Office for processing before Precinct 1, 3, 6: Win- sure continues the risk. they are delivered by staff throp High School-400 When outside in the sun ‘We are not in a good place’ members to the polls to be Main Street, main entrance for a good length of time, By Laura Plummer documented COVID cases Faison drove home the se- cast on election day. individuals are encouraged in Winthrop, with 24 de- verity of Winthrop’s current Voters who receive a See MAIL-IN BALLOTS Page 3 to wear a hat, cover up by The Winthrop Town ceased, 19 in isolation and situation, saying the gover- wearing long sleeve shirts/ Council met remotely on 291 recovered. The ma- nor called him personally to pants, and most important- Aug. 18 for its regularly jority of new cases are in address Winthrop’s climb- ly, apply sunscreen with a scheduled weekly meeting the age range of 21 to 40. ing numbers. SPF of 30 or greater to all where it heard updates on According to Gov. Baker’s “We are not in a good exposed skin, and try to COVID and its impact on new COVID color chart place,” he said. “We ROBIN’S NEST VOTED avoid being in the direct sun the school reopening and of Mass. cities and towns, shouldn’t be looking for BEST OF THE NORTHSHORE the library. Winthrop is currently a Yel- the light at the end of the See NEWS BRIEFS Page 2 low Zone trending toward tunnel. We are in the midst COVID-19 a Red Zone, which is the of it right now. This is very Health Director Mere- most critical. dith Hurley reported 334 Town Manager Austin See COUNCIL Page 3 Price Let’s talk about race: A conversation with subject to change without Town Manager Austin Faision — Part IV notice .59 By Laura Plummer $ Per “Real courage comes not from turning on each other, Gallon but by turning towards one another.” Q. This is our fourth in- • 1001 Gal. Minimum • 24 Hour Service — Pres. Obama, Funeral Speech of John Lewis CALL FOR DAILY LOW PRICE terview. How does your family feel about how pub- she is working on a diversi- licly vocal you’ve been on ty assessment of the school. the topic of race? My father’s response was A. My wife Nneka sup- pretty simple—“Well said.” ported my decision to ad- We have talked about these dress these topics. She is an issues for most of my life CASHIERS WANTED empowered Black woman and he has helped inform and speaks to these same is- my viewpoint. Since I am in AFTERNOON & EVENING HOURS sues at her own workplace. a position where people lis- Her high school outside ten to my voice, I am pass- Robin Gerolamo, owner of Winthrop’s Robin’s Nest Bou- MUST BE AVAILABLE WEEKENDS Philadelphia recently ap- tique has been voted Best Gift Shop on the Northshore for pointed her to its board and 2020 by Boston Magazine. Congratulations Robin! www.winthropmktplace.com • 35 Revere St. Winthrop See RACE Page 3 Read all about it on Page 6. Winthrop Marketplace See Appreciatesour Ad on Page your 7 Continued Support Page 2 The Winthrop Sun Transcript • Thursday, August 20, 2020 Email: [email protected] WINTHROP POLICE BLOTTER MONDAY, AUGUST 3 on Walden St. olation. The officer gave a (CMVI) of a one-way vi- violation (inoperable rear three parking tickets to ve- 0825: An officer re- verbal warning to the oper- olation. The officer gave a lights). The officer gave a hicles on Palmyra St. sponded to a disturbance TUESDAY, AUGUST 4 ator. verbal warning to the oper- verbal warning to the oper- 1148: A dog that had between neighbors. The 0013: A food delivery 1022: An officer re- ator. ator and followed the MV been reported stolen two officer informed the parties driver for a restaurant re- sponded to a report of a 1920: An officer direct- to a nearby repair shop. months ago was reunited that this is a civil matter. ported that he had been disturbance over a delivery ed a person playing music 1806: The Animal Con- with the owner. 0826: An officer stopped given counterfeit bills in person not wearing a mask. loudly in his automobile, a trol Officer (ACO) respond- 1204: The ACO respond- a motor vehicle (MV) on payment for the food.
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