472 soc TRADES. [NORTHAMPTONSHIRE .. SoCIETIES & AssoCIATlONs-continued. Course Mr.s. Emma Jane, 16 Lady's STOCK & SHARE BROKERS~ United Kingdom Commercial Tra- lane, Northampton See Brokers Stock &; Share. vellers' Association (Northampton Cox Mrs. Elizabeth, Badby, Daventry branch) (Charles F. Mathers, hon. 1 Croft & Nichols, 74 High st. Rushden sec.); head quarters, Peacock &; Day Thomas Hy. Gold st. Kettering STOCKING KNITTER. Midland Railway hotel, Market sq. Farey George, High street, Towcest£>r Harris Miss Emily, 23 Midland road, Northampton Flemons E. &; Son, 195 Kettering rd. Wellingborough Weedon & District Conservative & Northampton Unionist Association (Sir Charles Fox Thomas, Post office, Irchester, STONE & MARBLE MASONS. Knightley bart. p.resident; Leonard Welling borough Hazlewood, hon. sec.), Lower Wee- Garratt Arthur Francis, 258 Welling- See also Monumental Masons. don, Weedon borough road, No:-thampton Adkins Arthur, Staverton, Daventry Weekley, Warkton, Kettering & Dis- Goss Brothers, Thrapston Alien John, !slip, Thrapston trict Association for the Prosecn- Goss W. E. & J. High st. Kettering Berry Robt. Moulton, Northampton tion of Felons (Lamb & Stringer, Griffin Jl'redk. u8 & 120 St. James'll Bodley Daniel, Blakesley, Towcester solicitors), West street, Kettering road, Northampton Bull Thomas, Farthinghoe, Brackley Welford Friendly Humane Society Harriss Clark, 332 Wellingborongh Cakebread Thomas, Sulgrave,Banbury (William Butlin, sec.; Jn. Elliott, road, Northampton Clayson Wm. Gt. Creaton,Northmptn treasurer), Endowed School room, Hewitt Miss E. 35 High st. Rushden Colyer Rd. Rowland, Corby, Kettering Welford, Rugby Hooke E. A. 33 Narrow Bridge st. Copeland William, West street, King's- Wellingborough Brook Farm Allot- Peterborough Clifl'e, Wansford ment Association (Waiter Bayles, Hornsby Joseph, Post office, Green·s Cox W.T. & Co. St.Peter's av.Kettrng sec.), 31 Bed ale rd. Wellingborough N orton, Towcester Crowson George, Ufford, Stamford Wellingborough & District Chamber Hunt Edwin, High street, Towces<ter Crowson William, Barnack, Stamford of Trade (Thomas Crook, sec.), 26 Jefcut Jn. T. Woodford Halse, Byfield Dickens G.R.79 Eastfield rd.Peterbro' Silver street, Wellingborough King Alfred & Son, New street,Oundle Drage Charles, Bozeat, Wellingboro' Wellingborough Society for the Prose- Leeson Miss Annie, Post office, Wel- Goldby Samuel, New Duston stone· cution of Felons (Chas. E. Woolston, ton, Daventry quarries, Northampton. See ad- solicitor), High st. Wellingborough Linnett Joseph, Sheep st. Kettering vertisement page 20 Women's Total Abstinence Union Manning James Andrew, Post office, Harlow A. Ltd. 221 Wellingboro' rd. (Miss Freeman, sec.), I Newland, Croughton, Brackley Northampton; & at Claremont rd. Northampton March Fdk. W. Raunds, Wellingboro' Rugby See advertisement Woodford-cum-Membris Horticultural Markham Herbt. H. Market pl.Oundle page 21 & Agricultural Association (H. May John, Wappenham, Towcester Higgins Thomas Henry, Midland road~ Hawkins esq. pres.; S. Stubbs, Noon William Richard, 77 High st. Wellingboro' & Bath rd. Kettering. hon. sec.), Woodford Halse, Byfield Desborough, Marl;:et Harborough See advertisement page 24- Young Men's Christian Association Pentney William Henry, 21 Narrow Howe & Son, North street. Oundle (Bertram A. Meadows, sec. ),Church Bridge street, Peterborough lreson Charles & George, Thrapston street, Wellingborough Perkins & Co. 33, 34 & 35 Sheep st. Ireson James M. Yarwell, Wansford · Wellingborough Leigh John, Polebrook, Oundle SOCK BINDER & CUTTER. Perkins Henry G. Irthlingborough, Morris & Sons, Wellingborough road.,. d H R d h Wellingborough Rushden; St. Peter's av. Kettering- An rews enry, 3 oe r · Nort amptn Phillipson A.T.P.127 High st.Rushden & 90 Albert road, Wellingborough SODA WATER MANUFACTRS. Pickering William Brigham, 49 Broad Morris Geo. Stanwick, Wellingboro' Bridge street, Peterborough Oaldey Jacob, Warmington, Oundle See Mineral Water Manufacturers. Ream Harry, Midgate, Peterborough Osborn E. Kislingbury, Northampton· Reeve Miss M. Guilsborough, Nthmptn Partrick Wm. Raunds, Wellingboro' SOLICITORS. Robinson E. & Son, 56 Montagu st. Patrick George & William, Gedding- See Legal List. Kettering . ton, Kettering Snwyer Mrs. Louisa, 17 Midland rd. Patston Bros. 35 New rd. Peterboro' STATIONERS-WHOLESALE. Wellingborougb Plumb Charles, Deene, Wansford Birdsall & Slon, Wood srt. Northampton S~eppard H.G. n8Bailiff st.Nrth~ptn Robinson Charles ~ Sons, 7 Abington· Harvey & Co. 16 Wellington place, Smfield James Burton, 138 Welling- av. & -224 Kettermg rd.Northamptn Barrack road, Northampton borough road, ~orthampton R?gers J. Moreton Pi~kney, Byfield Jenkinson & Co.64 Sheep st.Nrthmptn Slade W.J.44 Abmgton st.Northmptn Simpson C. R. Cottmgham, Marke\ Pickering C. & Co.King st.Northmptn Smart & Co. Market square, Brackley Harborough Rushton W. J. & Co. Limited, St. Smith J. H. 65a, Westgate,Peterboro' Simpson .John, Cottingham, Market- Mary's street Northampton Stanton & Son, 24 Abington street, Harborough ' Northampton Sneath John, 236 Lincoln rd.PetPrbro•· STATIONERS-RETAIL. Stott D. H. 3 Westgate & Cumber- Stephens Joseph, Eastfield rd. Peter- Adams Caleb, 52 High m. Daventry gate, Peterborough borough. See advertisement· Alien John 6 Colle e street Irthlinoo- Taylor & Downs, 36 Westgate, _Peter- page 23 . borough,' Wellin~orough' "' boroug_h; Thrapston & 49 H1gh st. Streather J. & Son, Corby, Kettermg Baker Edwin Brou hton Ketterin Kettermg Streather .T. T. Up. BenefiPld. Onndle B Edw~rd M~:IJles' B 0 gd Taylor Chas. 75 Westgate, Peterboro' Tebbutt Silas, Polebrook, Oundle a~~:ge street Pete,rbo;ou~t r a Teal Francis Arthur, 41 St. Giles' st. Thomason Jn.Wright,Mount Pleasant,. Bartlett Mrs. F~ Warmington, Oundle Nor~hampton . Towcester . Bell m & Sons s·l er tre t W Tomalm A.135Kettermg rd.Nrthmptn Ward Jas. Lit. Addmgton, ThrapstoJto 21 1 8 1 li!g~ugh ' v e ' e- Trolley H. 13 Vivian rd. Wellingboro' Webb John, Gt. Creaton, Northmptn Billin ham Josiab Starmer Mare- Upston Edward, Post office, West Wootton F. & L. Sulgrave, Banbury fair~ Northampton ' 4 Ha~don, Ru~by . Wootton. James, Croughton, Brackley- Boots Cash Chemists Limited, W~d~mgton R1chd.7 ~Igh st.Kettermg Yates Richard, Culworth, Banbnry 43 Narrow Bridge street. 16 & 18 Wilhams Fredk.C. High st.Towcester Westgate & 8 Market pi. Peterboro' [4!ir Full lists of this trade in STONE & MARBLE MERS. Caster Geo. 0. Market pl. P~erboro' ~nited ~ingdom, e~e Sta· Excelsior Patent Stone Co. Finedon,. Catling E. 44 Overstone rd.Nrthmptn tloners Directory. Price 25s.] Welling-borough Chamberlain Edward, 3 Market pl. Goldby Samuel, New Duston stone- Rothwell, Ketter.illg STAY & CORSET MAKERS. quarries, Northampton. See ad· Chaplin & Orton, Westgate,Peterboro' See Corset Makers. vertisement page 2.0 Chown Harry, 33 Sheaf st. Daventry Harlow A. Ltd. 221 Wellmgboro' rd. Church Miss Elizabeth, 1 Abington STEAM FITTINGS (ASBESTOS Northampton; & at Claremont rd. avenue, Northampton PACKED) MANUFACrURER~. Rugby. See advertisement: Clarke Thos. Earls Barton,Northmptn DP-wrance & Co. 16s Great Dover st. page 21 Clemas George Herbert, Post office, London sE Rig-gins Thomas Henry, Midland road,. High street, Rothwell, Kettering Wellingboro' & Bath rd. Kettering. Coleman Samuel C. William, Moulton, STEAM PLOUGH OWNERS. See advertisement page 24 Northampton See Agricultural Machine Owners. Stephens Joseph, Eastfield rd. Peter- Colas Albert, Lower Weedon. Weedon borough. See advertisement- Cook Thos.H. 24 High st.Wellingboro' STEEL MERCHANTS, page 23 Countie Press (The), 87 St. Michael's Hayward, Hookey & Towell, North st. Wilmott William George, Fitzwilliam. :ro~d, Northampton &; Lincoln road, Peterborough street, Rushden .
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