EPICURE SELECTIONS® simple summer MAY!AUGUST/2012 CA T A LOGUE epicureselections.com Contents 6 8BZTXJUI/FX5PQQFST 26 4VNNFS3FGSFTINFOUT 8 4FBTPOJOHGPS%JQT 28 #BLJOH 9 'SVJU%JQ.JYFT 3FE1FQQFS+FMMZ 10 1PQDPSO4FBTPOJOHT 4BMTBT 11 4BMBE%SFTTJOHT 7JOFHBST COOKWARE 12 )FSCT4QJDFT 1PUT1BOT 15 $IFFTF#BMM.PSF4FBTPOJOHT Kitchen Tools 16 4QFDJBMUJFT 4BOTFMT #BLJOH5PPMT 17 1BTUB4BVDFT Tea & Coffee 18 1BOUSZ#BTJDT )PNF$PNGPSUT #BLFST 19 .FEJUFSSBOFBO'BWPVSJUFT 4VNNFS4QSFBE 20 What’s for Dinner?.JYFT 40 5 Ways with the Chipster 22 4FB4BMUT1FQQFST 41 /FX$PPLXBSF'BWPVSJUFT 1SFTFSWJOH4VNNFS 42 4VNNFSZ Collections ##2&TTFOUJBMT 44 )PTUB1BSUZ 24 #BSCFDVF3VCT 46 Index new New Items 6 Garlicky Dill Topper 6 4FTBNF$SVODI5PQQFS 6 4NPLZ#BDPO5PQQFS 41 $PMMBQTJCMF4JMJDPOF4USBJOFS 41 *OTVMBUFE5PUF#BH 41 $VQ1SFQ#PXM COLLECTIONS 42 4VNNFS&TTFOUJBMT 42 4VNNFS#FSSZ 6MUJNBUF4VNNFS1JDOJD )PU0GGUIF(SJMM TOP 6 COLLECTION t0OJPO%JQ.JY The perfect introduction to Epicure’s t$IJDLFO#PVJMMPO#BTF incredible products and a great starter t-FNPO%JMMZ%JQ.JY t1PDP1JDBOUF4BMTB.JY kit for students, newlyweds, new t4FBTPOJOHGPS$IFFTF homeowners – just about anyone! $IJWFT#BDPO%JQ BONUS: Includes all the Epicure t4VNNFS#FSSZ'SVJU%JQ.JY products you need to make our famous t'VMMDPMPVS3FDJQF#PPLMFU Extraordinary Cheese Dip™! #4168 $49.99 0VSPromise We promise that Epicure products will turn you into a better cook and that your cooking will get rave reviews from family and friends, or we’ll refund your purchase. Contact your Consultant for full details to exchange or return any item! Kosher refers to $FSUJGJFE,PTIFS1BSFWFCZ#$,PTIFS ,FFQ4VNNFS4JNQMF with Epicure Summertime means blue skies, warmer temperatures, and lots of sunshine. It’s time for us to head outside, bask in the sun, and enjoy the longer days. Our theme is ''simple summer'' and Epicure’s quick solutions (such as Cook Once, Eat Twice tips) can help you do just that. Try our new Toppers – they are the perfect !nishing touch and add fast "avour to your favourite foods! Whether you love the beach, backyard or boat, Epicure has everything you need to spend more time outdoors with family and friends and less time in the kitchen. Summer is precious to Canadians, and time with family even more so. That’s why I started Epicure !fteen years ago. Since then, Epicure Selections® has given many Canadians a little more time around the table by providing them with the tools to make quick, tasty, and nutritious meals. This year we’re celebrating our 15th anniversary at National Conference in Victoria, BC. We’re so proud of our Consultants, our Canadian success story, and o#ering products that enhance your homes and your kitchen tables. So let summer inspire you. Try to grow something new in your garden or discover a local farmer’s market. Whether I’m at my house in France, or back home in Canada, I love to buy fresh, locally grown, seasonal produce to use with Epicure herb and spice blends. After a long winter, there is nothing more pleasurable than feeling the summer sun. Let Epicure help you keep it simple and take you to that wonderful, happy place called summer! Bon appétit! Sylvie Rochette, President & Founder “Rather than corporate greed, I believe businesses of the future – those of Epicure sustained and sustainable success – will be built and will thrive on love.” o4ZMWJF3PDIFUUF President & Founder Gives Back At Epicure we ASPIRE to ENRICH the lives and communities WE TOUCH. We donate 5% of pre-tax profits to charities annually and well over $750,000 has been given to registered charities since PVSJODFQUJPO5ISPVHIUIF&QJDVSF'PVOEBUJPO XFIBWF contributed to initiatives across Canada supporting nutritional programs for newborns and young mothers, community kitchens, community gardens, breakfast programs for school children, BOEGPPECBOLTBDSPTT$BOBEB*O UIF'PVOEBUJPONBEFB EPOBUJPOUP'PPE#BOLT$BOBEB5IF&QJDVSF)PNF5FBN also provides regular cooking classes for our local women’s shelter. Epicure Foundation™ &BDIZFBS &QJDVSF4FMFDUJPOT¥EPOBUFTQSPDFFET from sales of a designated product to the Epicure 'PVOEBUJPO'PS QSPDFFETGSPNFBDIKBSPG Margherita Sauce Mix go to the foundation. Epicure Fundraiser Your recipe for fundraising success! A healthy new twist on fundraising! You can raise GVOETXJUI&QJDVSF4FMFDUJPOT¥Extraordinary Cheese Dip'VOESBJTFSUPQRVBMJUZ&QJDVSFEJQNJYFTGPS dozens of easy, affordable, delicious snacks and mealtime solutions. Together, they make Epicure’s most popular hot dip. The organization you choose LFFQTBQSPmUGPSFBDI'VOESBJTFSLJUTPME 'PSNPSFSFDJQFTPSNPSF&QJDVSFQSPEVDUTGPSRVJDL healthy meals, or to find out how easy it is to raise money for your school activities, community hockey UFBN PSGBWPVSJUFDIBSJUZXJUI&QJDVSFT'VOESBJTFS contact your local Independent Epicure Consultant and visit us online at epicureselections.com Get info online! bit.ly/AyA8dG 4 epicureselections.com Taste the Opportunity! 4IBSFJOUIF&QJDVSF+PVSOFZy $175.00 #F inspired! *UTFBTZUPHFUJOTQJSFECZPVSmOFGPPEQSPEVDUT RVBMJUZ cookware, and simple, healthy, and delicious recipes made with authenticity, integrity, love, and care. You too can be part PG063TVDDFTTTUPSZ -FUTHFUUIF Why Epicure is Party started! so irresistible! Invite your friends, family, neighbours, and even your dentist One taste and you’re hooked! 5. XIZOPU 5IFBWFSBHF5BTUJOH1BSUZJToIPVSTGSPNTUBSUUP t 6OJRVFQSPEVDUT#SPXTFPVS(MPCBM1BOUSZ . You won’t find finish. You’re working and socializing! It doesn’t get much these products anywhere else. better than that. Oh wait… it does! t "õPSEBCMFHPVSNFU'MBWPVSGVM TJNQMF OVUSJUJPVT t 1SPEVDUTTPMEFYDMVTJWFMZUISPVHIPVS&QJDVSF$POTVMUBOUT Connect with a Consultant! Complete the Consultant Agreement BOEZPVMMSFDFJWFZPVS#VTJOFTT4VDDFTT,JU As an Epicure Consultant, you will: You’ll also get education and development support from your t Work for yourself, full-time or part-time 4QPOTPS -FBEFS BOE)PNF0öDF t 4VDDFFEPOZPVSPXOUFSNTBTBOentrepreneur and business owner It’s easy to join and easy to grow! Create your own hours. You can t Experience personal growth and develop leadership skills EPBTNBOZ1BSUJFTBTZPVXBOUBOEXPSLBSPVOEZPVSTDIFEVMF t Cultivate meaningful friendships and have fun .BLFJUZPVSPXO5IFTLZJTUIFMJNJU:PVS&QJDVSFCVTJOFTTDBO be whatever you want it to be. t Enjoy rewards and recognition epicureselections.com 5 XBZTXJUI New Toppers Aim for the top! *OUSPEVDJOHUISFFOFXXBZTUPBEERVJDL FYUSBPSEJOBSZ flavour to vegetables, pasta, or seafood – to name a few. new new new Garlicky Dill 4FTBNF$SVODI 4NPLZ#BDPO Topper Topper Topper Toasted garlic, onion, and Add instant Asian flair to Creamy soups, sauces, a hint of dill makes the noodles, rice, and steamed potato salads, and perfect seasoning for fresh seafood with a colourful scrambled eggs – this and cooked veg, from blend of bell peppers, blend of 100% vegetarian cucumbers to beets. Try carrots, and sesame seeds smoky bacon and crispy topping your favourite fish, that will have everyone onion adds fast flavour and seafood, and creamy pasta asking for seconds. Kosher crunch to the dishes we dishes, too. Kosher #5021 $9.99 love. Kosher #5022 $9.99 #5020 $9.99 Garlic Bread Asian Noodle Salad Smoky Bacon Corn 4UJSHFOFSPVTTQPPOGVMTJOUPNFMUFECVUUFS UIFOCSVTI Generously shake over your favourite take-out 4UJSHFOFSPVTQJODIFTJOUPSPPNUFNQFSBUVSFCVUUFS UIFO over baguette toasts and broil. noodle salad. brush over hot corn-on-the-cob. Pasta Sesame Shrimp Smoky Bacon Baked Potatoes Generously shake over your favourite pasta dish. Generously sprinkle over pan-fried or barbecued shrimp. Generously shake over sour cream-topped baked potatoes. Asparagus Sesame Slaw Smoky Bacon Tomatoes 4UJSHFOFSPVTQJODIFTJOUPPMJWFPJM UIFOUPTTXJUI Generously shake over prepared coleslaw. (FOFSPVTMZTIBLFPWFSTMJDFEUPNBUPFT4UBDLUPNBUPFT cooked asparagus. with mixed salad greens. 6 epicureselections.com $PPL0ODF Eat Often Grill extra for dinner so you can cook once and eat throughout the week. Warm & Serve No-Heat Eat Grill & Eat Beef Fajitas in a Flash Smokin' Steak & Green Salad Grilled Steak & Veggie Pizza 5PSUJMMBT MFGUPWFSHSJMMFECFFG 4BMTB 4BMBEHSFFOT #BMTBNJD7JOBJHSFUUF%SFTTJOH 5IJODSVTUQJ[[BTIFMM QSFQBSFE4UFBL Guacamole 4NPLZ#BDPO5PQQFS MFGUPWFSHSJMMFETUFBL 4BVDF MFGUPWFSHSJMMFETUFBL MFGUPWFS grilled veggies + cheese epicureselections.com 7 4FBTPOJOH .JY0ODF Match with Many! for Dips Make enough Cheese & Jalapeño Dip to ... Our versatile dips can be dressed up for a cocktail party, or down for a t%JQDIJDLFOXJOHTBOEPOJPOSJOHT casual backyard get-together. Use dry mixes to season meats or spice up t4QSFBEPOTBOEXJDIFT t1BJSXJUIöTIBTBEFMJDJPVTDPOEJNFOU potatoes and veggies for your family’s dinner. t.BLFHSFBUUPQQJOHTfor burgers BLUE CHEESE DIP HERB & GARLIC DIP ROASTED RED PEPPER DIP (SFBUGPSHBNFOJHIU4NPPUIBOEDSFBNZXJUI Infuse savoury notes into pasta and mashed Enjoy the sweet, mellow flavour of roasted red a hint of blue cheese – the perfect partner to our potatoes, or add to butter for easy garlic bread. peppers without the fuss of roasting! Gives a boost #VõBMP$IJDLFO8JOHT Kosher to tomato sauces, omelettes, and chicken dishes. #1104 110 g 3.9 oz $7.99 #1030 79 g 2.8 oz $7.99 Kosher/No Sodium #1060 50 g 1.8 oz $7.99 CHEESE, CHIVES & BACON DIP HUMMUS DIP Kids love it! A popular blend of cheese, herbs, and .BLFUIJTQPQVMBSHBSMJDLZCFBOEJQFBTJMZBUIPNF SUNDRIED TOMATO & HERB DIP smoky vegetarian bacon. Top baked potatoes or burgers. 'MBWPVSFWFSZUIJOHGSPNMFOUJMTUPMBNCKosher $BQUVSFUIF0ME8PSMEUSBEJUJPOPGTVOESJFE WJOF #1010 79 g 2.8 oz $7.99 #1037 90 g 3.2 oz $7.99 SJQFOFEUPNBUPFT"EEUPRVJDIFT DSFBNDIFFTF PS dressings. Kosher
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