New York London Edition Paris Daily German Lesson Daily French Lesson Sprechen Sie deutlicher C'est une occasion! Sprckhen Zee cloytlikher Salt ewn ukaz-yOWN! THE S RS10-Z /TRIPES It's a bargain! Speak more distinctly Daily Newspaper of U.S. Armed Forces 7 in the European Theater of Operations VOL 5 No. 43-1d. THURSDAY, Dec_ 21, 1944 Monsehau Retaken by 1st Army nit Ration Much More to It Than the Jump, Nazi Paratroopers Learn. Nazi Salient or All Sec Blunted by t 5 Packs Doughboys Effective Sunday, the cigarette Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges' 1st ration in Army exchanges for all per- Army troops, many of them sticking sonnel in the ETO will be five packs to their positions until overrun by a week, Com Z Headquarters an- German panzers, were reported last nounced yesterday "in accordance night to have blunted the enemy with a directive issued by Headquarters spearhead near Stavelot, where the Nazis European Theater of Operations." made a 20-mile drive into Belgium, and This makes the cigarette ration uniform recaptured the German town of throughout the ETO. It raises by three Monschau, starting point of this thrust. packs a week the two-pack-a-week ration one of four made along a 60-mile front of Corn Z troops. It cuts by two packs along the Belgian-Luxemburg borders. a week the seven-pack-a-week ration of Dispatches from SHAEF. where the combat and replacement troops and hos- news security ban was lifted enough to pital patients in the U.K. disclose developments on the 1st Army's No explanation accompanied an- long sector up to midday Monday, said nouncement of the new edict, which is the lighting was under way around the three third major order affecting cigarette biggest road centers in eastern Belgium rations within the last month, —at Stavelot, St. Vith, 11 miles south- On Nov. 28 PX sales of cigarettes were caF.t, and ivIalmedy, five miles northeast. banned to all troops except combat and Monschau, 16 miles southeast of replacement troops and hospital patients. Aachen, was retaken by the doughboys On Dec, 4 the ban was lifted in the after they surrounded enemy units inside U.K. and a five-pack-a-week ration was the town. allowed troops who had been receiving Prior to the report of the blunting of none. Corn Z troops on the Continent the enemy drive near Stavelot, other were allowed two packs a week. dispatches said that some American forces No specific explanation ever has been had been pocketed in that region and at St. Vith when German armored columns offered either in London Of Paris for the various orders affecting cigarette rations. U.S. Army Signor Coos Photo carried out a pincers movement, The Federal Trade Commission and the The personal cost to German paratroopers is high in the counter-offensive in An Associated Press correspondent Senate's War Investigating Committee Germany and Belgium. On the left. tin MP leads away an injured German para- with the Yanks at Stavelot said the dough- both arc investigating reasons behind a Warns Greeks trooper. He is 19, and this was his first jump. He is one of three survivors from boys, with anti-tank gun support, had cigatette shortage in the States which has a JU88 shot down by Americans during an attack in the First U.S. Army sector. kJ to bootlegging and black-market con- Right, a bruised and bleeding young German paratrooper, captured by American ditions with which the Office of Price Of Big Assault field artillerymen of the First Army when he made a night jump in Germany. No Briefing by SHAEF; Administration is concerning itself_ ATHENS, Dec. 20 (UP)—Maj. Gen. First Time 'No News' Ronald M. Scobie. British commander in SHAEF, Dec. 20 (Reuter)—In the Greece, issued a flat warning today that GIs Fight Nazi Tanks middle of the biggest German counter- U.S. Command from 9 AM tomorrow "every rebel gun offensive since D-Day, the briefing of firing in the city or suburbs will be imme- allied war correspondents at Supreme diately hit by all means in my power..The HQ was cancelled today because there 'Changes' Seen assault will continue until the guns are Till Ground Into Earth was "no news." It was the first time such a thing SLAIN and Swims US. Oureau dt:stroycd." NEW YORK, Dec. 20—Hanson W. Scobie's declaration came during some By Wes Gallagher had happened since SHAEF began to Baldwin, New York Times military of the fiercest fighting of the undeclared Asrockated Press Corrs%rmndent function. analyst, predicted today that some Greek civil war. SOUTH OF MONSCHAU, Belgium, Dec. 20 (AP)—Doughboys slug- changes in the Army and Navy com- Meanwhile, King George of the ging it out with Nazi tanks until they were ground down in their foxholes, beaten off four strong German attacks mand positions—both in Washington and Hellenes still had not replied late tonight rescue in Western thriller fashion of nurses and wounded from a field hos- yesterday inside the town itself. overseas—would be forthcoming shortly.. to a telegram recommending the appoint- pital captured by the Germans, infantrymen trapped behind German lines Meanwhile, the dispatch said, tanks and Hanson said that the five-star ranks ment of Archbishop Damaskinos of tank-destroyers struck at the flank of the approved by Congress recently "may be Athens as regent. The proposal was picking their way back to their outfits—these were only a few orthe tales German salient toward the town. Other followed by promotions farther down supported here by Premier Georges in the First Army's bitter struggle to enemy counter-attacks were repulsed at the line and some shifts." Papandreou's government, the British smash the West Front German counter- several points along this line, it was re- authorities and liberal leaders not officially offensive. Pay Boost for Medics ported. WASHINGTON, Dec. 20—The Senate members of the Greek cabinet. It was not all a story of acts of bravery. Who Hold Medals Likely Correspondents and broadcasters War Investigating Committee charged It was announced today that RAF There were American formations which ranged up and down the scale, some say- yesterday that the War Department was headquarters at Kafissia, ten miles north- cracked under the Nazi onslaught. It was Stan and Stripes U.S. Bureau ing there were indications that the tide "ruthlessly" stripping industry of "irre- west of Athens, fell to ELAS (resistance) a front of wild confusion as officers and NEW YORK, Dec. 20—A bill which had turned for the Americans' favor and placeable trained personnel" and then forces yesterday. men, trapped for several days behind would provide $10 more pay monthly others asserting that the situation had not tailing "to use their manpower to best German lines, smashed through into the for those combat medics who hold the improved. On the basis of latest reports, advantage after induction." First Army side with titanic tales, only corps' valor badge has an excellent it seemed that the front had been stabil- The allegation came 24 hours after the to be greeted with calm disapproval by ized at some points, though it remained prospect of passing the new Congress Army had asked Selective Service to up Jap Leyte HQ tough doughboy veterans who now have "fluid" at others. the monthly draftee totals next January succeeded in plugging the holes and which convenes next month, Rep. Weather still was with the Germans, and February from 60,000 to 80,000. stabilizing the front in this sector. Frances P. Bolton (R.-Ohio), the restricting Allied air sorties because of a Falls to Yanks The German infantry now is suffering measure's sponsor, told The Stars and low ceiling. The capture of Valencia—Jap head- heavy losses, but American losses, too, Stripes today, A United Press report from 9th Army HQ—where the flying-bomb raids were Superforts Hit quarters on Leyte Island—by the 77th have been heavy, as the crowded aid The badge would be awarded under said to have assumed proportions Division was announced yesterday by stations testify. regulations set up by the War Depart- ment, Rep. Bolton said, and anyone reminiscent of London's summer blitz— Gen. MacArthur soon after undamaged Had Just Helped Wounded spoke of a major penetration into the Tokyo Again Valencia airfield had been taken. Enemy Sgt. Ronald Johnson, of Creekside. Pa., entitled to the badge would receive the extra compensation. American lines' west of the Luxemburg Saipan-based Superforts roamed over planes continued to hit at invaded Min- stood in a station. He had just helped border at Consdorf, near Echternacht, door Island, 70 miles south of Manila. two wounded GIs over the mountain blacked-out Tokyo shortly before dawn (Continued on page 4) yesterday. Many fires were started, re- In two days 13 Jap planes were shot from behind German lines. turning crewmen reported. down. "When the attack started, artillery hit 15th AF Strikes A Reuter Chungking dispatch said Meanwhile, at Pearl Harbor, Adm. our company command post, killing Russians Converge Monday's B29 raid on Hankow, in cen- Chester Nimitz conferred with Adm. Sir everyone but myself and another fellow," In Three Countries tral China, had destroyed 42 Jap planes Bruce Fraser, commander of the British he said wearily. aloft and on the ground. It was dis- Pacific Fleet. Fraser will co-operate with ROME, Dec. 20 (AP)—For the sixth On Slovakia Town Nimitz or MacArthur as operations re- "The Germans came in and took us closed that Maj.
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