H5540 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE July 15, 1998 Neumann Roemer Stenholm Deal Kingston Redmond Kilpatrick Miller (CA) Shays Ney Rogan Strickland DeLay Kleczka Regula Kind (WI) Mink Sherman Northup Rogers Stump Diaz-Balart Klink Reyes Klug Moran (VA) Sisisky Norwood Rohrabacher Stupak Dickey Knollenberg Riggs Lampson Morella Skaggs Nussle Ros-Lehtinen Sununu Doolittle Kolbe Riley Lantos Nadler Slaughter Oberstar Roukema Talent Doyle Kucinich Roemer Lee Olver Smith, Adam Obey Royce Tanner Dreier LaFalce Rogan Levin Owens Stabenow Ortiz Ryun Tauzin Duncan LaHood Rogers Lewis (GA) Pallone Stark Oxley Salmon Taylor (MS) Dunn Largent Rohrabacher Lofgren Pastor Stokes Packard Sanford Taylor (NC) Ehlers Latham Ros-Lehtinen Lowey Paul Tauscher Pappas Saxton Thomas Ehrlich LaTourette Roukema Luther Payne Thompson Parker Scarborough Thornberry Emerson Lazio Royce Maloney (CT) Pelosi Thurman Pascrell Schaefer, Dan Thune English Leach Ryun Maloney (NY) Pickett Tierney Paul Schaffer, Bob Tiahrt Ensign Lewis (CA) Salmon Markey Price (NC) Torres Paxon Sensenbrenner Traficant Etheridge Lewis (KY) Sandlin Martinez Rangel Towns Pease Sessions Turner Everett Linder Sanford Matsui Rivers Velazquez Peterson (MN) Shadegg Upton Ewing Lipinski Saxton McCarthy (MO) Rodriguez Visclosky Peterson (PA) Shaw Walsh Fawell Livingston Scarborough McDermott Rothman Waters Petri Shimkus Wamp Foley LoBiondo Schaefer, Dan McGovern Rush Watt (NC) Pickering Shuster Watkins Forbes Lucas Schaffer, Bob McKinney Sabo Waxman Pitts Skeen Watts (OK) Fossella Manton Sensenbrenner Meehan Sanchez Wexler Pombo Skelton Weldon (FL) Fowler Manzullo Sessions Meek (FL) Sanders Wise Portman Smith (MI) Weldon (PA) Fox Mascara Shadegg Meeks (NY) Sawyer Woolsey Poshard Smith (NJ) Weller Franks (NJ) McCarthy (NY) Shaw Menendez Schumer Wynn Pryce (OH) Smith (OR) Weygand Frelinghuysen McCollum Shimkus Millender- Scott Yates Quinn Smith (TX) White Gallegly McCrery Shuster McDonald Serrano Radanovich Smith, Linda Whitfield Ganske McDade Skeen Rahall Snowbarger Wicker Gekas McHale Skelton NOT VOTINGÐ8 Ramstad Snyder Wilson Gibbons McHugh Smith (MI) Dingell McNulty Roybal-Allard Redmond Solomon Wolf Gillmor McInnis Smith (NJ) Gonzalez Petri Tauzin Regula Souder Young (AK) Goode McIntosh Smith (OR) Hill Porter Riggs Spence Young (FL) Goodlatte McIntyre Smith (TX) Riley Stearns Goodling McKeon Smith, Linda b 1636 Gordon Metcalf Snowbarger NOT VOTINGÐ7 Goss Mica Snyder So the bill was passed. Dingell Hill Roybal-Allard Graham Miller (FL) Solomon The result of the vote was announced Gonzalez McNulty Granger Minge Souder as above recorded. Goode Payne Gutknecht Moakley Spence Hall (OH) Mollohan Spratt A motion to reconsider was laid on Hall (TX) Moran (KS) Stearns the table. b 1626 Hamilton Murtha Stenholm f Strickland Messrs. BERRY, METCALF, MOAK- Hansen Myrick Hastert Neal Stump PERSONAL EXPLANATION LEY, Mrs. McCARTHY of New York, Hastings (WA) Nethercutt Stupak and Messrs. COOKSEY, RILEY, Hayworth Neumann Sununu Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, on H.R. 3862, the WEYGAND, McCRERY, CONDIT and Hefley Ney Talent Child Custody Protection Act, Rollcall No 280, Herger Northup Tanner SAM JOHNSON of Texas changed their Hilleary Norwood Taylor (MS) had I been present, I would have voted ``aye.'' vote from ``yea'' to ``nay.'' Hilliard Nussle Taylor (NC) f Mr. DOGGETT changed his vote from Hobson Oberstar Thomas Hoekstra Obey Thornberry PERSONAL EXPLANATION ``nay'' to ``yea.'' Holden Ortiz Thune So the motion to recommit was re- Hostettler Oxley Tiahrt Mr. TAUZIN. Mr. Speaker, on July 15, 1998, jected. Hulshof Packard Traficant I was inadvertently detained, and missed roll- The result of the vote was announced Hunter Pappas Turner Hutchinson Parker Upton call 280, on H.R. 3682, the Child Custody Pro- as above recorded. Hyde Pascrell Vento tection Act. Had I been present, I would have The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. Inglis Paxon Walsh voted ``aye.'' EMERSON). The question is on the pas- Istook Pease Wamp Jefferson Peterson (MN) Watkins f sage of the bill. Jenkins Peterson (PA) Watts (OK) The question was taken; and the John Pickering Weldon (FL) REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Speaker pro tempore announced that Johnson (WI) Pitts Weldon (PA) AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 219 the ayes appeared to have it. Johnson, Sam Pombo Weller Jones Pomeroy Weygand Ms. KILPATRICK. Madam Speaker, I RECORDED VOTE Kanjorski Portman White ask unanimous consent to have my Mr. CANADY of Florida. Madam Kaptur Poshard Whitfield name removed as a cosponsor of H.R. Kasich Pryce (OH) Wicker 219. Speaker, I demand a recorded vote. Kelly Quinn Wilson A recorded vote was ordered. Kildee Radanovich Wolf The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mrs. The SPEAKER pro tempore. This is a Kim Rahall Young (AK) EMERSON). Is there objection to the re- 5-minute vote. King (NY) Ramstad Young (FL) quest of the gentlewoman from Michi- The vote was taken by electronic de- NOESÐ150 gan? vice, and there wereÐayes 276, noes 150, There was no objection. Abercrombie Clyburn Furse not voting 8, as follows: Ackerman Conyers Gejdenson f [Roll No. 280] Allen Coyne Gephardt Andrews Cummings Gilchrest PERSONAL EXPLANATION AYESÐ276 Baldacci Davis (IL) Gilman Aderholt Boehner Chenoweth Barrett (WI) DeFazio Green Mr. HILLEARY. Madam Speaker, due Archer Bonilla Christensen Bass DeGette Greenwood to a set of tragic events in my district Armey Bonior Clement Becerra Delahunt Gutierrez last night and yesterday, I was unable Bachus Bono Coble Bentsen DeLauro Harman to be present for a series of votes last Baesler Borski Coburn Berman Deutsch Hastings (FL) Baker Boswell Collins Blagojevich Dicks Hefner night, including the Doolittle amend- Ballenger Boyd Combest Blumenauer Dixon Hinchey ment and the Fossella amendment to Barcia Brady (TX) Condit Boehlert Doggett Hinojosa the Shays-Meehan substitute to H.R. Barr Bryant Cook Boucher Dooley Hooley Barrett (NE) Bunning Cooksey Brady (PA) Edwards Horn 2183. If I had been present, I would have Bartlett Burr Costello Brown (CA) Engel Houghton voted aye on roll call 275 and aye on Barton Burton Cox Brown (FL) Eshoo Hoyer roll call 276. Bateman Buyer Cramer Brown (OH) Evans Jackson (IL) Bereuter Callahan Crane Campbell Farr Jackson-Lee f Berry Calvert Crapo Capps Fattah (TX) Bilbray Camp Cubin Cardin Fazio Johnson (CT) SONNY BONO MEMORIAL SALTON Bilirakis Canady Cunningham Carson Filner Johnson, E. B. SEA RECLAMATION ACT Bishop Cannon Danner Castle Ford Kennedy (MA) Bliley Chabot Davis (FL) Clay Frank (MA) Kennedy (RI) Mr. DREIER. Madam Speaker, by di- Blunt Chambliss Davis (VA) Clayton Frost Kennelly rection of the Committee on Rules, I July 15, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H5541 call up House Resolution 500 and ask consideration of a plan to stop the on- named. For these reasons, Madam for its immediate consideration. going environmental damage to the Speaker, I urge adoption of both the The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- Salton Sea and to restore its health. rule and the bill. lows: Because the environmental problems Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- H. RES. 500 facing the wildlife refuge and reservoir ance of my time. Resolved, That upon the adoption of this are worsening so quickly, it is impor- Mr. HALL of Ohio. Madam Speaker, I resolution it shall be in order without inter- tant that Congress pass legislation thank my colleague from California vention of any point of order to consider in that allows it to be addressed as quick- (Mr. DREIER) for yielding me this time. the House the bill (H.R. 3267) to direct the ly as possible. This rule, Madam Speak- This resolution puts forth a modified, Secretary of the Interior, acting through the er, also ensures, as I said, that a minor- closed rule. It provides for consider- Bureau of Reclamation, to conduct a fea- ity alternative will be fully debated. ation of H.R. 3267, which is the Sonny sibility study and construct a project to re- I would like to commend the mem- Bono Memorial Salton Sea Reclama- claim the Salton Sea. The bill shall be con- bers of the bipartisan Salton Sea Task tion Act. sidered as read for amendment. In lieu of the amendment recommended by the Committee Force. The leaders of that have been This is a bill to reduce and stabilize on Resources now printed in the bill, the our California colleagues, Mrs. BONO, the salt content of the Salton Sea near amendment in the nature of a substitute Mr. HUNTER, Mr. CALVERT, Mr. BROWN, Palm Springs, California. As my col- printed in the report of the Committee on Mr. LEWIS, and Mr. DOOLITTLE of the league from California has described, Rules accompanying this resolution shall be Subcommittee on Water and Power. this rule provides for 1 hour of debate considered as adopted. The previous question They have done a tremendous job, and to be equally divided between the shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as they have worked long and hard in chairman and ranking minority mem- amended, and on any further amendment reaching a consensus that will allow ber of the Committee on Resources. thereto to final passage without intervening motion except: (1) one hour of debate on the this legislation to move forward. Only one amendment may be offered. bill, as amended, equally divided and con- Madam Speaker, H.R. 3267 is critical Madam Speaker, there is agreement trolled by the chairman and ranking minor- to the health of both the environment on both sides of the aisle that Congress ity member of the Committee on Resources; and the economy in both Imperial and needs to protect the worsening envi- (2) a further amendment printed in the Con- Riverside Counties. The Salton Sea is ronmental conditions at Salton Sea, gressional Record pursuant to clause 6 of an integral part of the Pacific Flyway, and there is a consensus that our late rule XXIII, if offered by Representative Mil- providing food and a major rest stop colleague, Sonny Bono, is deserving of ler of California or his designee, which may for hundreds of thousands of waterfowl a fitting tribute.
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