www.ukrweekly.com INSIDE:• UOC-MP threatens sanctions against Yushchenko— page 3. • Gas, corruption, lack of political will in Ukraine — page 8. • Our communities recall Chornobyl disaster — pages 15-17. Published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association Vol. LXXIV HE KRAINIANNo. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 14, 2006 EEKLY$1/$2 in Ukraine T U RecognitionW of UPA remains Financial Markets Conference a controversial issue in Ukraine in Bostonby Peter T. Woloschuk is bullishThe Ukrainian on Ukrainesession was preceded by Zenon Zawada Party of Ukraine, said Serhii Taran, director Special to The Ukrainian Weekly by a similar session dealing with markets Kyiv Press Bureau of the Institute of Mass Information in Kyiv. in Russia and marked the first time in the The Socialist Party succeeded in the BOSTON – “The investment environ- city that the financial climates in both KYIV – It might be a post-Orange March elections largely because of Mr. ment in Ukraine is still not straightfor- countries were treated to equal evalua- Ukraine, but Ukraine’s newly elected Moroz’s charisma and the party’s left- ward,” said Roger Zulliger co-founder tions. It was notable that more favorable Verkhovna Rada isn’t likely to recognize wing ideology, he said. Supporting UPA and CEO of the Zurich-based financial treatment was afforded opportunities that the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) or recognition would compromise the ideol- Group Accuro and major investor of currently exist in Ukraine. its veterans anytime soon. ogy that enabled its success. institutional monies in Ukraine since The session lasted almost two hours and Although Orange political forces com- Meantime, the Party of the Regions 1996. “It is more like a winding country was moderated by Lyubov Rudyuk, a senior prise the new Parliament’s majority, the won the elections largely because it con- road with many twists, turns and surpris- manager with Ernst and Young in Boston Socialist Party of Ukraine (SPU) has vinced eastern Ukrainian voters that it can es. However, it gets better as it goes, and and founder and president of the Ukrainian made it clear that it won’t support any provide for them materially, Dr. Taran said. it is leading to higher levels.” New England Chamber of Commerce. As a legislative effort to recognize the UPA as “At one point, the Communists were Mr. Zulliger’s remarks came as part of member of Ernst and Young’s banking and a fighting force or grant its veterans gov- most popular in eastern Ukraine, not for a seminar titled “Investing in Ukraine: asset management group, she manages mul- ernment benefits. the ideology of communism but for the Private Equity, IPOs, Public Equity” that tiple audit projects of private equity and SPU leader Oleksander Moroz reject- memory of material security they provid- drew more than 70 representatives of venture capital funds in New England. ed President Viktor Yushchenko’s call for ed,” he said. New England’s leading brokerage hous- Before coming to the Boston office, UPA recognition to be among the condi- In the course of four years, eastern es, international law offices and invest- Ms. Rudyuk spent six years at the Kyiv tions for forming the parliamentary coali- Ukrainians switched their support from ment firms, including Boston-based office, conducting due diligence on proj- tion government. the Communists to their archetypical Fidelity Investments, the nation’s largest ects in the natural resources, chemical, “We don’t need to include an issue enemies, a party representing big busi- portfolio management company. and manufacturing industries. She also that will divide society,” Mr. Moroz said nessmen and bourgeois values. The session was part of the fourth was a manager of Momentum Enterprises, on May 9, Victory Day, after placing “When the Regions came to power and annual Financial Markets Conference, which invested in oil and gas develop- flowers at Kyiv’s Tomb of the Unknown demonstrated the ability to provide materi- which was co-sponsored by the U.S.- ments in Ukraine. A graduate of the Kyiv Soldier in the Park of Eternal Glory. al resources, eastern Ukrainians switched Russia Chamber of Commerce of New State Economics University, Ms. Rudyuk Without the Socialists, votes from the their party allegiance,” Dr. Taran said. England and the Ukrainian New England is a member of the Women’s Association Our Ukraine and Yulia Tymoshenko As long as the Party of the Regions Chamber of Commerce, and held in the of Venture and Equity, a committee mem- blocs aren’t enough for the majority vote continues to provide for the material Wyndham Hotel in the heart of Boston’s necessary to pass legislation that would needs of eastern Ukrainians, who have financial district on Thursday, May 4. (Continued on page 14) grant UPA veterans equal status with Red traditionally been poorer, its leadership Army veterans, both on a historical and may be willing to compromise on ideo- financial basis. logical issues such as UPA recognition, Party of the Regions leader Viktor which are more important to western Yanukovych also voiced his opposition Ukrainian voters. All-Ukrainian music station to Mr. Yushchenko’s proposal, though he Ideological battles like the official sta- didn’t rule out the possibility of UPA tus of the Russian language or UPA Molode Radio marks milestone recognition altogether, calling the matter recognition are of secondary importance by Zenon Zawada outfit, Radio Lyuks, that’s guilty of a “very painful issue.” for eastern Ukrainians, he said. Kyiv Press Bureau playing mostly Russian and Western The Party of the Regions is more likely to pop music. support UPA recognition than the Socialist (Continued on page 23) KYIV – Upon arriving in Kyiv to Not only did Radio Lyuks give study, Stanislav Shumlianskyi noticed Molode Radio its Ukrainian pop music Ukrainian radio was anything but that. collection of 200 to 300 MP3 songs, “It was quite strange that Ukraine’s but it also allowed use of its radio fre- capital didn’t have a single radio sta- quency, 69.68 FM, for which it owns tion that played Ukrainian music the license. exclusively,” he said. Once the station got up and rolling, The one radio station that excluded finding more Ukrainian pop music Russian music from its playlist, Radio wasn’t hard at all. Artists and their Kyiv on 98.0 FM, was spinning agents began sending Molode Radio Western and American tunes. their MP3s in hopes of getting their With a grant from the U.S. Embassy songs heard in Ukraine’s capital – an in Kyiv, Mr. Shumlianskyi, along with unattainable goal for most Ukrainian his classmates, launched Molode Radio musicians. and began operating out of a dingy basement on the campus of the 1,200 songs, 70 hours National University of Kyiv Mohyla Molode Radio’s current library Academy. includes 1,200 Ukrainian pop songs Molode Radio celebrated its first capable of filling more than 70 hours, anniversary on April 28, marking a Mr. Shumlianskyi said. year of playing the music of such Since it’s not a commercial radio Ukrainian stars as Tartak and Okean station, Molode Radio doesn’t limit Elzy, but also giving exposure to those itself to playing the hottest songs, largely ignored by Ukraine’s commer- repeating them over and over. cial radio stations, such as Haydamaky, Its DJs can reach back as far as the Maria Burmaka, Neon and Plach 1980s, playing long-forgotten bands Cutty Sark Co. Yeremiyi. such as Braty Hadyukiny and even Also instrumental in launching the Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko and First Lady of Ukraine Kateryna radio station was a Kyiv commercial (Continued on page 3) Yushchenko lead the Victory Day commemoration at the National Museum of the History of the Great Patriotic War. 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MAY 14, 2006 No. 20 ANALYSIS Izvestia prints murky revelations NEWSBRIEFSNEWSBRIEFS Ukraine on U.N. Human Rights Council governing coalition should be built on four principles: a “maximally harmonized about RosUkrEnergo company KYIV – Ukraine has been elected to the nationwide concept of values”; an opera- United Nations Human Rights Council. tional legislature; a stable parliamentary by Roman Kupchinsky The article was signed by what The General Assembly elected 47 nations majority; and the presidential foreign- and RFE/RL Belarus, Ukraine and Moldova Report appears to be a non-existent Russian out of 63 in the running for council mem- domestic-policy programs as the basis for journalist named “Vladimir Berezhnoi.” bership. Each candidate had to receive not the coalition’s actions. (RFE/RL Newsline) On April 26 the Russian newspaper According to a report in the April 27 edi- less than 96 votes. In addition to Ukraine, Izvestia, owned by Gazprom Media, pub- tion of The Moscow Times, the article the Czech Republic, Poland, Romania, ...questions remain on its composition lished an article naming two hidden ben- was written by an Izvestia staff member Russia and Azerbaijan have been included KYIV – Yulia Tymoshenko told jour- eficiaries of RosUkrEnergo. under a pseudonym “after a Gazprom in the Eastern Europe Group of the council. nalists after her meeting with President The Swiss-registered company, which representative showed him the PwC According to Human Rights Watch, such Viktor Yushchenko on May 5 that her bloc, is half-owned by the Russian gas monop- [PricewaterhouseCoopers] audit” that nations as Cuba, China, Saudi Arabia, jointly with Our Ukraine and the Socialist oly Gazprom, has been at the center of a named the previously undisclosed bene- Pakistan and Russia should not have been Party, will present a draft coalition agree- storm of controversy in Ukraine over gas ficiaries of RosUkrEnergo. “Vladimir elected to the council, as these countries deliveries from Russia and violate human rights.
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