LESBIAN VOICES $1 VOLDME 1 ISSUE 2 INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S YEAR SiSU WOMEN’S WEEK MARCH 1075 is published by Odile 0^ Contents SAPPHA SPEAKS........................................... MY UTOPIA: LESBIAN NATION by Nikki Dark................. 3 LESBIAN-FE3WINIST ALLIANCE OP SANTA CLARA CO. P. 0. Box 783, Campbell, CA 95008 POETRY by Gay Fay, Maureen Kennedy, and Holly........... 7 Phones (it08) 378-7665 THE LITTLE AMAZONS' DILEM^U by Terry................... 10 EPILOGUE TO HAMLET by Katie Nichols.................... 11 Manuscripts, poems, short stories, graphics, letters to INTERNATIONAL WOMEN'S YEAR CENTERFOLD.................. 12 the editor, subscriptions, etc. should be addressed toi SJSU WOMEN’S WEEK: RITA MAE BROWN by Rosalie Nichols.,..14 R. Nichols PETITION FOR SANITY reprinted from MS, Magazine........ 15 P. 0. Box 3122 SEX AS IDEOLOGY (Part II) by Rosalie Nichols........... 17 San Jose, CA 95116 BOOK REVIEWS: Please enclose a steunped envelope if original is to be returned. Also please specify what name you wish to use THE AWAKENING, reviewed by Maureen Kennedy........... 2? for by-line. Contributors will receive five free copies THE FEMALE MAN reviewed by Mog Duff................. 23 of issue in which work appears. Deadline for the next issue is 1st. Subscription Rate: $4.00 per year (four issues) within the United States. If mailed in plain wrapper or outside ¡over drawing by Janice, the United States, $5.00, Discounts to women's bookstores and organizations: 4Q)5 All views expressed in this publication are the ideas and on cash purchase of five or more copies. 25^ on consign­ opinions of the individual contributor and do not neces­ ment. sarily reflect the position of LESBIAN VOICES or SISTERS OF SAPPHA. Advertising Rates: Display — $4,00 for one-eighth page, T $7.50 for one-fourth page, $12.50 for one-half page, $20 LESBIAN VOICES wishes to thank the following publications for full page. Allow for reduction to 75)5 of original in for exchanging subscriptions with us: AMAZON wUARIErLY, preparing copy — or submit rough draft and we will try to DESPERATE LIVING, FEMINIST ART JCUKNAL, HER-SELF, LESBIAN prepare copy for you. Classified — $1.00 per line typed. CONNECTION, PEOPLE'S YELLOW PAGES, UNION W.A.G.E., WOMAN- SPIRIT, WOMEN & FILM, WOMEN’S PRESS, A;4AZ0N, MAJORITY Feminist Publications: LESBIAN VOICES will gladly exchange REPORT, CHOMC-URI, WOMAN BECOMING, and LAVENDER WOMAN. subscriptions and advertising with you. Publications sent Thanks for welcoming your Baby Sister into the S world! us as exchange will become part of the S.O.S. library and available for perusal by our members, LESBIAN VOICES also thanks MS. WlAGAZINE for creating the Petition for Sanity and for allowing us to reprint it. LESBIAN VOICES is published quarterly in March, June, Sept, and December. This is the March 1975 issue. All rights are reserved to the individual contributor, and no part of this magazine may be reproduced without written consent. ■9i ' i f ■ ^ ii' ^ 7 ■ “f "■ V - ' i s. ■ <r* ^ ■ - « S ‘. ■ ^• ■yV ■ ■■ -H % ■ j*/:« ^ I i...- ft > ■ . ? # S i ' CJaSle oj Contents is publlshsd ^ ‘S^J- -. , •■ f*' r'- ^ - - ■ • ■ . ■ , • " ' ■ ■ ' ,. ^ ‘ SAPPHA SPEAKS....................................... .2 ■ * . ; Vi^ - V.Y UTOPIA: LESBIAN NATION by Nikki Dark............ .3 -i POETRY by Gay Fay, Maureen Kennedy, and Holly...... usBiAN-raanisi ALLUaCBa l l u b c b oOB b sS u U n f k U c___ i a r a c o . .. .7 .f- ' P. 0. Box ‘ THE LITTLE A^aZONS' DILEMMA by Terry............. ..10 Phofiei 5% - ’^ : EPILOGUE TO HAMLET by Katie Nichols................ ..11 .t INTERNATIONAL WOMEN’S YEAR CENTERFOLD.............. ..12 i ■>m MaiuiBcrlpts, posms, ^ o r t stories, £r«|diies, IsCtars to ' SJSU WOMEN’S WEEK: RITA MAE BROWN by Rosalie Nichols . .1^ the editor, subscrlptlone, etc. shoald«be sddrsssed toi^* PETITION FOR SANITY reprinted from MS. Magazine.... ..1 5 R. Nichols SEX AS IDEOLOGY (Part II) by Rosalie Nichols....... .17 P. 0. Box 3122 r Sen Jose, CA 9511^ BOOK REVIEWS: THE AWAKENING reviewed by Maureen Kennedy....... .22 ■pleafs 6nclosfl S'li^S'tjuips'd 6nv63,ji>p6 If "to . returned. Al»o pl««iM specify what xm m yiiu wish tW im» THE FEMALE WAN reviewed by Mog Duff............. ..23 for by>line. CwitintUitors w ill reeslve. five fres c^ « b of istu e ijtjmhleh work eppeatsw ^ O exailne fo r the neXt.^ Issue Is MW let. " Subscription Ratei $<t.00 per year (four issites} within Cover drawing by Janice. ^ e United Stetes. If nailed in pt^ n wraK>ti^ or outnifde the Vnlted States, t5*00. .^,1 All views expressed in this publication are the ideas and Discounts.to wosien's booka;|oref| and orseniaatisiuti > opinions of the individual contributor and do not neces­ on c4sn p^chase o< five or no K copias. ttti coneiea- ' '■ sarily reflect the position of LESBIAN VOICES or SISTERS mentt ; OF SAPPHA. , ^ , u . - Advertising Ratest Display -*! $t,00 for one>ei«hth^pi«e,- LESBIAN VOICES wishes to thank the following publications $7.50 for <me-fourth page, $12.SP for one-half page, ^0 ' for exchanging subscriptions with usi AMAZON QUARTERLY, for full page. Allow for reduction to. ?5ji of original in preparing copy — ;pr suhnit ro^gh draft and We will try,<^o ' DESPERATE LIVING, FET/IINIST ART JOURNAL, HER-SELF, LESBIAN prepare copy for yibu. Classified $^.00 peri'line typad* CONNECTION, PEOPLE’S YELLOW PAGES, UNION W.A.G.E., AlOMAN- , ■“ .. ' ■ v> SPIRIT, WOMEN 4 FILM, WOMEN’S PRESS, AMAZON, MAJORITY Psalnist Publicetionei LRSBIAN VO^BS will giedty exchaliige REPORT, CHOMO-URI, WOMAN BECOMING, and LAVENDER WOMAN. -subscriptions and adWsrtising with you. Publleations sdkit Thanks for welcoming your Baby Sister into the 9 world! us ea exchange will beCoae part of t)ae 4S.O.S. library and available for petuSal, by our aembere. < . LESBIAN VOICES also thanks MS. WlAGAZINE for creating the Petition for Sanity and for allowing us to reprint it. XS^IAM VOICBS is published auartarly in March, June, Septt and Oeceaber. this If the March 1975 issue. All rights ■ > are reserved to the individual contirllMitor.-and'no part of this Bagasine,,esy be reproducfd without written consent. ,-V. .. ,---C wr LI. i-3 tf V ''ft/.. M y Utopia: jOesèian Nation iSAPPHA SPEAKS By NIKKI DARK Lesbian Nation! • vvhat an exciting idea! And how grateful I am to Jill You may forget but Johnston for suggesting it! Let me tell you Lesbian Nation! ii(omen living, working, loving, rejoicing — freed from this I someone in the shackles of male-dominated, heterosexist society! some future time will think of us Lesbian Nation! .Vomen of all shapes and sizes, all races from all places - moody women, happy women, musical women, tall women, quiet women, sociable women, short women, common women, tender women, tough women — — Sappha extraordinary women! Lesbian Nation! Do I dare? Do I dare to believe in it? Do I dare to work for it? Do I dare to invest my hope in it? Gan it come true? rfill I be there when it does? Will it be what I want it to be? AtthisI I have seen a vision of a time to come — a great Nation will be born. Imagine, a place where every woman is free to be herself! No. Oh! Atthis, my joy is overwhelming, for free to become herself. free to become her besT~self. free to this place I saw is called Lesbian Nation, become the self that she always has been in her wildest, highest dreams. Some of our sisters there remember me — free to rediscover and to pursue her own sense of destiny ! they call themselves Sisters of Sappha — they are strong - proud and ambitious for Imagine, a place where every woman's dignity, worth, and individuality their nation — working - living - loving are respected absolutely! Yes — where the unfolding and expression of women, dedicated to their culture. her personal uniqueness are actually encouraged and appreciated and rewarded ! There is much I cannot understand, for their environment greatly differs from ours — but From this respect for the individual naturally derive non-sacrificial, that is where I wish to be. non-exploitative, non-oppressive relationships — but that sounds so negative! -- what I mean, of course, is that in Lesbian Nation, relation­ If one can truly be reborn at some distant ships are joyous and cooperative. time and place — then I have envisioned a time and place for me. In Lesbian Nation, each woman's individual rights are respected — because how can she live in freedom and dignity without human rights? Come, Atthis - here at ray side. With each woman secure in her rights and freedom, she is free to develop share this vision, dream with me. and use her abilities, talents, and energies in whatever pursuits she deems to be valuable and interesting. She is more productive and feels better, because she is not wasting her life feeling oppressed, depressed, frustrated, and futile. Women are discovering for the first time just how much energy they really do have! Women's interests naturally vary, and this leads to a division of labor based on individual differences rather than on sex, race, class, or any other irrelevant factors. Women recognize that all productive work is valuable, and workers are appreciated and respected at any level of ability. In Lesbian Nation, there is no City Hall and there is no Union Hall. So women are free to go into any business or occupation they choose. without paying for a license or a union card and without having to get anyone's permission or pay kickbacks from their earnings in the form of and wisdom are the means of making life more comfortable and enjoyable. taxes, tithes, or dues. <vhat they earn is theirs to keep — every cent Every piece of knowledge opens up new possibilities, and thus, life of it.
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